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高一英语Warming Up教案.docx

1、高一英语Warming Up教案高一英语Warming Up教案 Unit Nelsn andela-a dern heraring Up, Pre-reading and Reading一、Teahing Ais 教学目标Teahing ntains Fr page 33-3 1Target language语言目标a 重点词汇和短语perid, advisen, ntinue, fee, fare, gld, be rried abut, ut f r, stage, vte, psitin, aept, vilene, as a atter f fat, bl up, put in pr

2、isn, equal, ae + + ad, iagine, in ne a, blanets, degree, all sb t d, guard, stp fr, eduated, e t per, beg fr, terrr, fear, ruelt, reard, rights, be prud t db 重点句子It as in 192 and he had pened a bla la fir t advise pr bla peple n their prbles P34After tring hard, I gt a b in a gld ine P34He tld e h t

3、 get the rret papers s I uld in hannesburg P342Abilit gals 能力目标Tal abut great pepleExpress ur pints f vieUse the Attributive lause ith prep r the Relative Adverbs: here, hen, and hLearn t rite a passage abut a great persn3Learning abilit gals 学能目标Iprve the Ss abilities f listening and speaingEnable

4、the Ss t understand the iprtant events pletelEnable the Ss t get a gd aster f se rds and expressinsEnable the Ss t learn abut the expressins f se faus peple Enable the students t learn h t tal abut the faus great peple二、 Teahing iprtant pints 教学重点Understand the real eaning f the her / herine h is ur

5、 her / herine ?h d u lie hi / her s uh ?三、Teahing diffiult pints 教学难点The Attributive lause ( 2 ) - here, hen, hUse the Attributive lause ith prep r the Relative Adverbs: here, hen, and hLearn t rite a passage abut a great persn四、Teahing ethds 教学方法Fast reading and areful reading Asing and ansering at

6、ivit t he the students understanding f the textIndividual, pair r grup r t finish eah ther Disussin五、Teahing aids 教具准备Slide pretr, Tape-rerder, puter六、Teahing predures and as 教学过程 Step 1 Revisin G ver hat has been learned in the last peridh d u adire greatl? a ing Luxun NetnStep 2 Bagrund abut se ha

7、raters illia Tndaleillia Tndale ( 1484-136 ) as a 16th entur priest and shlar h translated the Bible int an earl fr f dern English Althugh nuerus partial and plete English translatins had been ade fr the 7th entur nard, Tndales as the first t tae advantage f the ne ediu f print, hih alled fr its ide

8、 distributin Beside translating the Bible, he als held and published vies hih ere nsidered heretial, first b the athli hurh, and later b the hurh f England hih as established b Henr VIII Beause his Bible translatin als inlude ntes and entar prting these vies His translatin as banned b the authrities

9、, and he hiself as burned at the stae in 136, at the instigatin f agents f Henr VIII and the Anglian hurh Gandhi Gandhi ( t,2 1869- an, 30, 1948 ) as ne f the funding fathers f the dern Indian state and an influential advate f paifis as a eans f revlutin He helped bring abut Indias independene fr Br

10、itish rule, inspiring ther lnial peples t r fr their n independene and ultiatel disantle the British Epire and replae it ith the nealth His priniple f satagraha , ften rughl translated as “ a f truth ”, has inspired generatins f derati anti-raist ativities inluding artin Luther ing , r and Nelsn and

11、ela He ften stated his values ere siple: truth and nn vileneNeil Alden Arstrng Neil Alden Arstrng ( Aug, 1930 ) is an Aerian pilt , astrnaut, and the first persn t al n the n He as brn in apaneta , hi and served in the rean ar as a et fighter pilt fr the US Nav He attended Purdue Universit, here he

12、as a eber f a fraternit, Phi Delta Theta , and reeived a Bahelr f Siene degree in 19 The he beae a ivilian test pilt fr NASA and pilted the 4000 i/h X-1 ret plane Fr 1960 t 1962 he as a pilt invlved in the anelled US During the atual issin, he t anual ntrl f the Lunar dule Eagle and pilted it aa fr

13、a r area t a safe landing Several hurs later he libed ut f the L and beae the first persn t flub line n the n, ith the rds “Thats ne sall step fr a an, ne giant leap fr anind” Abraha LinlnPresident Abraha Linln, the sixteenth president f the United States (1861- 186 )Albert Einstein Albert Einstein

14、is ne f the greatest sientists f the entur in the rld He as brn in Geran His ther in phsis helped the rld t n re abut the universe S he as given the Nble Prize in 1921 Hever , in 1930s , beause f Hitlers rule, he as fred t leave his heland and g t the USA He lived the rest f his life there and died

15、in 19, at the age f 76 arie urie arie urie ( 1867- 1934 ) , Plish sientist , s brn in arsa , n Nv 7th , 1867 , and died in Frane, n 4th ul 1934 She graduated in atheatis and Phsial Siene and gt arried in 189 ith the Frenh phsiist , Pierre urie During her r , the urie uple disvered a ne radiative ele

16、ent naed plniu in hnr t aries heland Tgether ith Bequerel, she btained the Nble Prize fr Phsis in 1903 She funded the Radiu Institute f Paris , and as the ain respnsible until her death In 1911 she as aarded the Nble Prize fr heistrSun aten Sun aten ( Sun ixian , Sun Zhngshan , Sunen 1866- 192 ) is

17、nsidered the funding father f dern hina Brn in a peasant fail He as arded the appellant f “ pineer f the revlutin ” Qian XuesenHe is idel nsidered as the “ father f the hinese spae prgra ” As ne f the leading ret engineers at the alifrnia Institute f Tehnlg In the 1990s , he , h had red n tp-seret p

18、rets all his life, bee ne f the st ell nn intelletuals Step 3 Reading Get the students t prehend the passage quil and auratel, andeanhile help the Ss t fr a gd habit f reading Read the passage n P34 tget the ansers t Part 1 and Part 2 f prehendingSilent reading Read the text thrugh in 3 ins, and the

19、n tr t find the ain idea f the text:It tells us sth that happened befre Read the passage n Page 34 t get the ansers t Part 1 and Part 2 f prehending ( ins ) Understanding ideas 1 h did Elias supprt Nelsn andela?2 hat prbles did Elias have?3 h did he supprt vilene hen he did nt agree ith it?4 hat uld

20、 u have dne if u ere Elias?Disussin f ideas Here are se pssible questins students uld tal abut:1 h did the hite peple nt treat bla peple fairl in Suth Afria?2 H d u thin the hite peple stpped the bla peple fr being treated fairl?3 Is it right fr se peple in ne untr t treat ther peple in the sae untr

21、 differentl? Give a reasn Read the text again and suarize the ain idea f eah part (r in grup f fur) As the Ss t pa attentin t the first sentene f eah paragraphH an parts an this text be divided int? (2 parts )Give the ain idea f eah paragraphPart 1: (Para 1-2 ) The life f Elias life befre he et Nels

22、n andela Part 2: ( Para 3 and ) The hange f Elias life after he et Nelsn andela and hat andela did D Exerises 1, 2 and 3areful studRead the text again arefull, after that, anser the flling questinsStep 4 Extensive Reading Get the Ss t learn re abut Nelsn andela fr P38 Finish the related exeriseh d u

23、 thin is a great persn?hat d u thin I shuld d then?hih fd d u thin is health and hih is unhealth?hse the anser hih u thin is rret in the fllingAre u illing t d publi servie r ithut pa?Step Speaing ≈ talingTal abut ur her/herineDisuss in pairs t tal abut the qualities great peple haveSa: In pinin,

24、 a great persn is sene h shuld be hardring, deterined, unselfish and generus If he/she rs hard, n atter h great the diffiult he/she eets, he/she ill tr t deal ith it If he/she is unselfish and generus, he/she ill help thers ithut pa and get respet fr thers If he/she is deterined /she ill never lse h

25、eart hen he/she is in trubleSb: As far as I n, a great persn is sene h shuld be ind, brave, deterined and nfident As a great persn, he first shuld be ind-hearted nl hen he is indhearted, he an help thers hen the are in truble Send, he shuld be brave hen he is faing danger, fear r terrr, he uld n be

26、afraid And he shuld be deterined and nfident hen he has nfidene he ill never lse heart in frnt f failureT: I thin bth f u said are ver gd, than uStep 6 Language pints1 be illing t d sthbe illing fr sb t d sth ill n 意志, 意愿 ish n 心愿, 愿望I illing t help uI quite illing fr ur brther t in ushere there is

27、a ill, there is a aIts best ish t u !2 D u easil lse heart hen u are in truble?lse heart ( 不可数 ) 灰心, 泄气lse nes heart t 爱上, 喜欢Please dnt lse heart, u still have re hanesShe lst her heart t hi as sn as she sa the handse sldierat heart 从内心说 heart and sul 全心全意 brea nes heart 心碎put nes heart int 把全部心思放在

28、learn / n b heart记熟3 in truble as fr truble 自寻麻烦ae truble 制造麻烦tae truble t d sth 费心做某事 get int truble 遇到麻烦have truble (in) ding sth 做某事有困难save / spare truble 省事1) He never ae exept hen he is _ ( 有麻烦 )2) Dnt iagine that ure the nl persn _ ( 不幸 ) 3) The b _ ( 出事了 ) hen he left he t live in Lndn 4) Tha

29、ts nne f ur business Please dnt _ (自寻麻烦)es:1 in truble 2 in truble 3 gt int truble 4 as fr truble4 he fught against the Geran Nazis and apanese invaders during rld ar fight +n 与- 作战 / 打架fight fr 为了- 而战fight against 与-作战 / 斗争fight ith 与-作战 / 并肩作战fight ba 还击, 忍住fight a battle 战斗fight nes a ba ( ut ) 费

30、很大劲恢复, 打回去The tld the rers t fight fr their rightse ill have t fight against diffiultiesIf the ene es, ell fight ba He gave up a rih life fr his ideas and fught fr his untr t be free fr the U in a peaeful agive up 放弃give in 让步She has given up her life t nursing the siDnt give up halfau ant in the ga

31、e, s u a as ell give in6 He fught fr the bla peple and as in prisn fr thirt earsbe in prisn 在狱中g t prisn 入狱put - in prisn send - t prisnthr - int prisn 把 - 投入监狱be taen t prisn 被关进监狱The bre int prisn and set free the sldiers h had been iprisnedHe has thrn in prisn fr five ears and u a see hi at he nest ear 注意: 以上短语prisn前不带冠词,若表示在监狱工作或去办事,就要加冠词7nl then did e deide t anser vilene ith vilene 当修饰状语位于句首时, 句子采用部分倒装的结构,而修饰主语时句子不用 nl b pratiing a fe hurs ever da ill u be be able t aster English nl hen the ar as ver as he able t return he nl

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