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1、宁波市初中学业水平考试英语试题参考答案与评分参考 宁波市2020年初中学业水平考试英语试题姓名 准考证号 考生须知:1.全卷分试题卷I、试题卷II和答题卷。试题卷共8页,有6个大题,71个小题。满分为 120分,考试时间为100分钟。2.请将姓名、准考证号分别填写在试题卷和答题卷的规定位置上。3.答题时,把试题卷I的答案在答题卷I上对应的选项位置用2B铅笔涂黑、涂满。将试题 卷II答案用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔书写,答案必须按照题号顺序在答题卷II各题目规定区域 内作答,做在试题卷上或超出答题区域书写的答案无效。试题卷I一、完形填空(本题有20小题,每小题1分,共计20分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,

2、然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。One day, while I was walking in the park, I noticed a little girl. Barefoot (赤脚的)and , she was silent and did not say a word. She was 2 all the people going by. Everybody just passed by and did not pay any attention to 3 .The next day I went back to that park to see if the girl

3、 was 4 there. To my surprise, she was right there, sadly looking around. I began to 5 her, as at that time a park full of 6 was not a good place fbr small kids to play alone.I went towards the girl and 7 noticed that something was wrong with her back. A thought crossed my mind that maybe this was th

4、e reason why everyone was 8 her and did not try to help. I got closer and smiled to let her know that I was there to talk, to 9 . I started with Hello and then sat down 10 her. The girl was very surprised, 11 , after a long look into my eyes, she replied, Hi. We talked and talked, so many hours pass

5、ed by and 12 came. The park became silent and13 . Then I carefully asked the little girl 14 she was so sad and lonely.“I am different, thafs why., was her 15 . I agreed with her and smiled. Yes, you are!, andthen I 16 , But you remind me of a sweet angel (天使),full of love.,She slowly 17 up, smiled a

6、nd said, Really? She nodded her head and 18 her wings, adding, I am an angel. I was so 19 that I couldnt say a word. Think of someone else besides yourself 一 that was the 20 of my job here., With these words, she disappeared into the sky.1. A. richB. dirtyC. happyD.cool2. A. watchingB. leavingC. hea

7、ringD. feeling3. A. itB. themC. herD. me4. A. alwaysB. stillC. everD. once5. A. laugh atB. play withC. talk toD. worry about6. A. policemenB. childrenC. strangersD. cleaners7. A. hardlyB. carefullyC. luckilyD. suddenly8. A. askingB. avoidingC. missingD. loving9. A. helpB. playC. answerD. stay10. A.

8、behindB. overC. besideD. around11. A. soB. tillC. unlessD. however12. A. rainB. snowC. darknessD. warmth13. A. crowdedB. emptyC. tinyD. special14. A. whyB. whenC. whereD. whether15. A. adviceB. replyC. praiseD. excuse16. A. continuedB. criedC. wavedD. sang17. A. wokeB. stoodC. gaveD. put18. A. sprea

9、dB. pushedC. beatD. folded19. A. boredB. relaxedC. amazedD. interested20. A. resolutionB. difficultyC. dreamD. purpose二、阅读理解(本题有20小题,每小题2分,共计40分) 阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(A)T-shirt (mens)Short-sleeved shirt.Washable.Made of cotton.Sizes: S (35/37), M (38/40),L (41/43), XL (44/46).Order numbe

10、r:England T-shirt KQ 8149 dark blueScotland T-shirt KQ 8151 dark greenWales T-shirt KQ 8279 dark red$10.八 z ;、八7瞰n/ 八 广、:、! 、GV Three-quarter length jacket (womens) Made of fashionable leather (皮革).Fully lined. Length 34 ins.Do not hand clean.Sizes: 10, 12, 14, 16, 18Order number:CQ 8200 dark blueCQ

11、 8201 dark brown$100 (buy three get one free)INSURE YOUR LEATHER JACKETagainst being stolen and accidental damage. For details see Page 1143.Happy Time!Swimsuit ( womens) Soft and comfortable. Made of:80% silk 20% nylon.Sizes: 10, 12, 14, 16Order number:GQ 9292 dark brownGQ 9963 dark blue $1521.What

12、 you have just read is a/an for clothes B. movie review C. news report D. food order22.From the passage above, we can know that .A.the swimsuit is made of silk and cottonB.there are five sizes available for the T-shirtsC.the order number of the dark bluejacket is CQ 8200D.both the T-shirt and

13、the jacket can be washed by hand23.How much do you need to pay if you get four jackets?A.$200. B. $300. C. $400. D. $500.(B)Monday, January 21stIm a virus (病毒)for the common cold. It has been a long time since I infected(感染)humans last time. Today I tried to infect a boy in a primary school all day.

14、 His name is Sam. I waited on his desktop, and when he touched the desk I jumped on his finger. Unluckily, Sam didnt touch his eyes, mouth or nose. Then, right after class, he washed his hands. Now Im full of soap and sitting in a sink!Tuesday, January 22ndThis morning I jumped into the nose of Sams

15、 best friend, Bill. Unluckily, the mucus (粘液)in his nose caught me. I thought it was over for me, when suddenly Bill sneezed while he was talking to Sam. I knew that would send me right into Sams face! However, Sam quickly gave Bill a tissue, and Bill sneezed into that instead! Infecting people is h

16、arder than I imagined.Wednesday, January 23rdIm feeling very unhappy today. Some scientists caught my friend Harry and put him under a microscope. Harry is a flu virus and hes a dangerous little guy. Besides, Sam ate all his vegetables today. Hes exercising, and hes getting eight hours of sleep ever

17、y night. His body is too strong for me! Thursday, January 24thI tried to infect Sam again today, but he washed his hands five times and never touched his face! He also gave tissues to every student in his class who was sneezing. Its impossible to give him a cold! So I have to give up and Im moving t

18、o another school.24.According to the passage, life of the virus for the common cold could be A.D. difficultD. Bills friend5sD. Letter of a Viruseasy B. lucky C. dangerous25.The underlined word his in the passage refers to .A.Sams B. BilFs C. Harrys26.The writer is trying to tell us that .A.viruses f

19、eel happy, sad and angry just as people doB.we should be friendly when other people around you are sickC.its important to protect your own body against virusesD.many viruses around us like to infect boys in primary schools27.The best title for the passage above might be A. Danger of a Virus B. Habit

20、 of a Virus C. Diary of a Virus(C)Home News Business Sports Entertainment Health Blog A&E/LivingRobots Are Now Teaching English!Get ready. Robots are about to invade our classroom. From Korea to Japan to the United States, schools are putting English-speaking robots in front of their students. In Ko

21、rea, robots are the new teaching assistants in a number of preschools and kindeigartens. The young students say that the robots are fun, but are these children really learning anything?I dont think a computer will ever be able to do what a teacher does. A teacher has to be able to respond to student

22、s as individuals (个体). , and a teacher has to changehis or her teaching style to fit the needs of the student. I seriously doubt that a computer will ever be able to do this even though the big data (数据)is widely used in the world.4 Comments on*Robots Are Now Teaching English!Sara says:In my opinion

23、, schools should spend money training human teachers rather than buying robots. Research shows that children learn more from real speakers than from recorded conversations.Keiko says:I dont think you can learn a language without real human interaction. After all, robots cannot think as humans do.Has

24、san says:Robots might be able to help people learn a language, but I dont think they should replace teachers because robots are just machines without human feelings.Nancy says:I think robots might be very helpful in the classroom. A child might be less afraid to make a mistake in front of a robot th

25、an in front of a real person.Add a comment28.The underlined word invade in Para. 1 probably means .A. enter B. leave C. accept D. fight29.Which of the following can be best put in A in. Para. 2?A. Each teacher is different B. Each student is differentC. All teachers are helpful D. All students are f

26、un30.Of the 4 comments, thinks that robots could give lots of help to learners in class.A. Sara B. Keiko C. Hassan D. Nancy31.Whafs the writers attitude (态度)towards robots, teaching English?A. Uncaring. B. Supportive. C. Doubtful. D. Agreeable.(D)In the future, people may travel to Mars (火星)by water

27、-powered spaceship! Todays spaceships are fine for getting things into space, but they are not so good at travelling long distances. These spaceships burn chemical fuels (燃料),and they are very expensive. Scientists say that a water-powered spaceship could make the trip to Mars much cheaper. The idea

28、 is just in the planning stages now, but scientists think such a spaceship could be developed soon.The key to the water-powered spaceship is the engine (发动机).Regular engines push spaceships by burning fuel. The water engine will use steam, created by solar panels (太阳能板)that heat water to a high temp

29、erature. Of course, the spaceship will have to carry a lot of water for the long trip to Mars. Todays spaceships could not carry that much water. But scientists think that a snaceshii) blown ud like a balloon will be able to.One US company has already developed a spaceship like this. These spaceship

30、s are made of a strong material. Two of them have already been sent up into space, using rockets and then later filled with air. Balloon spaceships could be very large and carry enough water for a long trip. With the Balloon” spaceships, enough water could be carried to power the engines and grow fo

31、od during the trip. And the people on the spaceship might even get to take a hot bath!Scientists say the biggest advantage of such a spaceship would be cost. The Balloon spaceship uses water to push it through space and costs about one thirtieth of a normal spaceship. Such savings naturally encourage continued research into balloon spaceships and water engines. If these scientists are correct, we may soon be on our way to Mars in a spaceship powered by water.32.Which sentence best describes t

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