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1、affluent, wealthy : impoverishedunsullied: spoiledparasitic: independent pastoral, rustic : urbaninevitable: avoidable Brutal: humane3. Definition guise: an outer appearance 伪装重点掌握:1. Meaning of words in contextSo Jim Binns generation has a formidable(frightening) job on its hands. formidable: fearf

2、ul, terrifying, dreadful, threatening, menacing, terrific, alarming 可怕的,令人生畏的2. Explanation1) This strategy also has ancient antecedents. (Para. 5) 2) except for the polar regions, the frontiers are gone. (Para. 6)KEY1) Except for the poplar regions, very few areas on earth remain unsettled.2) But i

3、n general farmers are moving in large numbers to the cities.Lesson 2 Rock Superstars:What Do They Tell Us About Ourselves and Our Society?1. Synonyms radical: extremeramble: wanderreverence: respect piety: devotion, loyalty adulation: flattery reverence: disrespect pilgrim: person who travels (espa

4、long way) to a holy place as an act of religious love and respect朝拜圣地者;香客pilgrimage :a journey to some sacred place to show respect to God bequeath: hand down, give or pass to others after deathHow do you feel about all this adulation (praise) and hero worship? the giving of too much praise or respe

5、ct, esp. to win favor; praise more than necessary or deserved (to win favor) 谄媚;奉承2. The figures of speechHorowita sees the rock music arena as a sort of debating forum, a place where ideas clash and crash onomatopoeia/ alliteration3. Explanation1) By a mans heroes ye shall know him. (Epigraph 2)2)

6、The rock music arena is a place where ideas clash and crash. (Para. 3)3) These rock musicians mirror feelings and beliefs.1) Youll find out what kind of person someone is if you know who his or her heroes are.2) The rock music arena is a place where different ideas come into violent conflict.3) Thes

7、e rock musicians reflect the kind of emotions and outlook thatLesson 3 A Most Forgiving Ape (part one)1.Synonymsintrepid: insistent reprisal: revengeelusive: puzzling Belligerence: friendlinessverify: di sproveIntrepid, dauntless: cowardlyhostile: friendlystereotyped: typed, categorized, fixed, esta

8、blished in form; used and repeated without change 定型的;反复使用而不便的;固定的safari: trip through wild country (in east and central Africa); people, vehicles and animals of such a trip; the people, vehicles, animals, etc. making such a trip (尤指在东非和中非的)It is this “human-ness” of the gorrila which is so beguilin

9、g(enchanting ). beguiling: deceiving, cheating, leading astray; charming; amusing 欺骗的;吸引人的;有意思的1) He is the stereotyped monster of horror films2) is no more than shadow boxing as a general rule. (L3)4) The gorilla always appears in horror films and adventure books as a monster in fixed form _ half-m

10、an, half-gorilla. 5) The gorilla is merely acting out gestures of aggressiveness to warn the enemy away. All this is simply a showLesson 4 A Most Forgiving Ape (Part Two)1. Synonymsbewilderment: puzzlement sweltering : hot lurk: hidepalpable: obviousgratify: satisfy enunciate: articulate, pronounced

11、ilemma: quandaryamnesia: forgetfulnessscramble: climbbizarre: strange, peculiar,alternative :option groggily: steadily impenetrable: passable uncompromising: flexibleoutlandish: normal3. Definition accelerate: speed up, pick up speed, quicken , space up 加速fatigue: great tiredness forgetfulness; loss

12、 of memory, either in part or completely prophet: a religious person who claims to be able to explain Gods will and tell hide, lie concealed, lie in ambush, sneak, prowl 潜伏;埋伏blister: small bag-like swelling under the skin, filled with liquid (caused by rubbing, burning, etc.) 泡,水泡1) That there is p

13、rejudice against women is an idea that still strikes nearly all men as bizarre(strange). bizarre: strange, peculiar, odd, as if having terrible dream 奇异的2) I rose groggily (unsteadily) to my feet and faced the impossible once more. groggily: unsteadily; weakly, likely to collapse or fall 支持不住地;软弱地Le

14、sson 5 A Lesson in Living (Part One)1. Synonyms:swirl: whirl wiry: thinbenign: benevolent, kind-heartefamiliarity: intimacy Inedible: eatableExplanation 1) She didnt encourage familiarity. (Para. 3)2) and according to the Good Book, it goeth before a fall.” 1) She didnt encourage others to be on too

15、 intimate terms with her.2) Pride goes before a fall. ( One is bound to fail if he gets too conceited).Lesson 6 A Lesson in Living (Part Two)couch: expressaura: atmosphere2. Definitionsophistication: various experience of the yearsubsidize: to support with money1. The figures of speechI wanted to go

16、bble up the room entire and take it to Bailey, who would help me analyze and enjoy it hyperbole 1) She said that I must always be intolerant of ignorance but understanding of illiteracy. (Para. 16)2) I have tried often to search behind the sophistication of years for the enchantment I so easily foun

17、d in those gifts. (Para. 23)3) The essence escapes but its aura remains. (Para. 23)1) Ignorance is something to be ashamed of and one must never slacken ones efforts in seeking knowledge, yet one should by no means have any contempt for those who are unable to read and write.2) After I grew up, I ha

18、ve become more mature, and have a better and more complex understanding of the world, still I tried to seek the reasonwhy I enjoyed reading the books Mrs. Flowers offered me.3) The essential points of the poems content escape me, but the beautiful reading (or the deep impression) remains in my memor

19、y (or its impact on my life can still be felt).Lesson 7 Id Rather Be Black Than Femaleprejudice: biaseliminate: discardhandicap: obstacle strange, peculiarSkeptical: credulous eliminate : addhostility: amitymasculine: feminine credulous, trustingIncredulous: gullible Suspicious, skeptical: credulous

20、invariably: changeablyunrewarding: worthyempathy: the power to enter into the feelings or spirit of others boycott: to join with others in refusing to have any dealings with (some other individual or group) 联合抵制(某个人或团体)stereotype: fixed pattern or type of things or persons 定型;定型模式 the power and stat

21、e of imagining oneself to be another person, and so of sharing his ideas and feelings 移情作用hardware: machinery used in war; armaments 1. Explanation1) Women have not even reached the level of tokenism that blacks are reaching. (Para. 11)(Women have not achieved even the minimal, symbolic equality bei

22、ng achieved by blacks.)Lesson 8 The Trouble With Televisioncommand: order stimulus: activatornovelty: originality, newness, uniqueness;Stimulation: excitementcultivate: develop divert: distractcasual: seriousaptly: unlikelywholesale: retail perpetual: temporaryDivert: distract, amuse, entertain; tur

23、n from serious thought, draw off to a different subject.kaleidoscopic:(of scenes, colours or patterns)changing quicklynarcotic: taking away pain and causing sleep; painkiller,tolerance: Willingness to accept behavior and beliefs that are different from your own great tirednessIn short, a lot of tele

24、vision usurps(encroaches) one of the most precious of all human gifts, the ability to focus your attention yourself, rather than just passively surrender it. Usurp: seize illegally, take unlawfully, steal, grab, encroach upon, infringe upon? Give up; surrender, yield, relinquish,1) Televisions varie

25、ty becomes a narcotic, not a stimulus.( The various entertainment offered by television drugs viewers rather than providing them with food for thought.)2) I think this society is being force-fed with trivial fare. (This society is being forced to accept things of little worth.)Lesson 9 On Getting Of

26、f to Sleeppervade: spread , imbuedefy: challengesycophantic: flattering callous: hardened, heartless, indifferentstupendous: remarkableeventful: unimportant vexation: a feeling of distress, trouble, worriness, torment, harassnesinsomnia: a state of being unable to sleep surprisingly great, remarkabl

27、elegion: great in number, very many flattering, of or like parasite, flatterer, puppet 拍马的;谄媚的1).The artificial ways of inducing sleep are legion( numerous), and are only alike in their ineffectuality.2). To me, there is something inhuman, something callous(Indifferent) and almost bovine, in the pra

28、ctice. hardened, heartless, indifferent; uncaring 麻木的;无情的 when it is time to close the five ports of knowledge, (Para. 3) (when it is time to fall asleep)Lesson 10 Why I Write?bias: prejudicepicturesquely: vividundervalued: overvaluedegoism: altruismdominant: recessivemeticulous: careful about small things or about minute details, often to extremesaesthetics: the

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