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1、四年级英语教学进度计划四年级英语教学进度计划Week DATE UNITEROD 1 EP1-P 4Uni 1Ourirhay8 2 SEP7SEP 1 3 SEP-SEP 1 SEP21-EP 25UntOurholidas8 5 E 27-EP0 CT 9 16Unit3Sports Da8 8 CT19-OC 3 OCT 26-OCT 30Unit 4 sholouting 10 OV 2-N6 11 OV 9-NOV 3ni 5evsin8 1 NOV 16-NOV 0Uit 6t hmall8 13 NO3-NO 7 14 NV3-DE 4 Eati out 1 DEC7- DEC

2、1 16 EC14DEC 8Ui opping for od 17 DC 1-EC 25 8 DE28- JA 1i 9Chnes e e8 19 AN 3JAN 8 20 1-JAN Unit 10Rvisioneisio84 21 JN19-课 程 表 星期 一 星 期 二 星 期 三 星 期 四 星 期 五 四()四(3)四(5)四()四()四(4)四(6)四()四(6)四()四()四(6)四()四(5)四(5)四(4)四(3)20920学年度第一学期英语科教学计划任课教师伍翔所教年级四年级本年段课程标准(参见学校网站“课程标准”或去图书室借阅)(一)面向全体学生,注重素质教育(二)整体


4、完成学习任务;(3)乐于了解外国文化习俗。单元教学计划(根据单元自行添加表格)Unituonsaae FocusTsksAidsnOur birhdysUsiordianal nubers2.Askingand answei YsNo questis3Usin the prepositionson ad n to indicate mWhn yorbitdy:s n August.Iurbtdy on Ma17?Yes, itis.No, it isnto a group urve make a irhay a Lsen to and sig ong bout brthdsCads ndIAt

5、 O olia1.kingWhuestions2.Uin be gong to to takabout anWhens TachrD?Is onSetber10h。Wat areyouig t d?m eregoing toMke an f fvori holidyLisenand chant to practise talk aot dateards nCIAUnit3porsDay1.Askig Whqestions2。Askinand ansringYs/No queston3.sng be ng tlkabout plansWhats hehgng to do?He/Shes goin

6、 tI heshe gg to?e,he/she is No, hheisntPlepay and mae a sulefo spots DayLisen and cttoracs talkingaboufture acivitisCas an n4A chl outng1。 skig and answerg Yesoestons2。uing prn thei.Ung posssiv adciveWseis i/re thse?Its y/his/he/ur/hirIthisAre tseyur his er ortheiYs,i is/No, iisntPlay mmor ge wih eo

7、l bectLitn nd ht to practise talking aouprnal posessionsrd and CIAUnitAt t mal1AskiinW-qestons。sing rnal ubrs totkabout plae3Usg the rep on aboe blow bede ad bewnWhe s te/here ae he?It o teround/firt/scondoor It above/below/ese/betwn teanCompeaa ofth shops in he alListen n hant to practialkngaboulat

8、nsardandCInitatinout1.Using th vr d lie o requet o.Usi e ing tototk abouplnsWhat wld yolie? Ilike a habgerand a acket of fries。I gig to he bwl of nodlesMak aenuand roelay a trpt a restauranistto nd chantrctisdr fooCrds n CIAUnt8Soppg for fo1.skng Whquestions2.Usg he ieinte pnons soe anany3.Uing h cn

9、unctons n ad4.Uigountabl an nouablno we hav ayes, whave some No, w dnthaean。Is ther an eat rriceTees some rice but thes o mea.Are he anyvegetabes r eggs? s, here are sme vegeabsand gs。Rle-ply wtha parter ad wit a shopping itLite d cantopactse talki au shopigCrs and IAUnit9ChieeNew Year1.Asig h-quest

10、is2.Using e oing t o albutplansWhat re o g oin todot Cinese ew Yar Im oing oMakea postrof ctivities orCinese NeYaLien o nd i ong o apracti taln bot ctivitis forChise NewYearCard d ITeachng Pan Perod 1Title of heuitUt1 Ou birthdas Teahinaim。Asig h-uestios2Learing theames of he oths3sng theprpositos “

11、on”and “o nate im AnaysiselesonFcuwevemonthDfficultisHwto ste repostios “o” ad“in indcttmeTeachng asFas cards, a clendr,CElecronicaidsCmptearadioTeachinprocedesStep 1 FretalkWat ay i oday? Wt the weather like today?Wats the tetoay? Howman sudets re there in you class?Homanyay ae thre a wek? W athe?H

12、 anyonths artheena yar?t are hy? Wen our rthday? Itsn Spembr.It ptembr 8tStep .Lernthenewwors and expreons1。 Sh the pupsth wll caenda。 Poin to eachmoth. Tell heppilshis is o ohShowt upis ndre loud th aes ofhe dysof the week fromMonday toSundy。 Cont e dayin ne month。 s he pupilsHow may mnths are ther

13、e? aan.2。 sk the pupils tsay aftrme the nae o the onths, iode, usin calendar if neessary.3.Sh flascrs。 Playupis Book Cstte a poit the pech buble。 Asth pus o rpeatafer h casstte.tp3. Practic1.Poit oth calndar Pa isholdin andthecloseu o t at t otom oftheae. athe onrsation between aadKoko Ask he pupste

14、pet thenvetin afr me. Let them inis rectin the amesote monhs bytemselve.2.As t pupls:Wich montis?Whtthe date toay?RemarkBarsgUnit1 Our rthdaysWht dy istday? Is_。 hat tedte a?Its _.Howmany das/onts re there?Theyre _。hensyour irtday? tsin/on_。Teachnginthe oin re mre in ts unt. S ths period e pupis onl

15、y can larn oeortwo point.Hoework。 List to the tae.cie 1 monhs.Wite nmers 10,40100Teching PlanPeriod 2Title f te nnit1 urbirtdy eching am1。Usng ordina nbers2 skng W-estionsUsin the posito “on” and “in” oindicate tie nalyiofthe lessonFocusOdinal nbersad wh-quetionsificiOrdna numberseacin iFlsh cads, a

16、 cend, CDlctrnicidComputeraradiTeachngrocedrstep 。 Free talWhat day is td? hat the ether lie today?Wts the te tdy? How may studets ae there i your class?Hwmanyays ae threin aweek?Wh e the?How m monhs are therein a yea? What are they? hns yourbirtay? sin Sepember。 Is on Seteber 8th。Step 2。 Psentaton1

17、. Make aquiz o thepupils。 Wit the nameof hemonhs usin te leters i the wrong der。As mix up heorder oftemnths. el e pisto nscramle the letters.ewho cn b firstofni. A hich month ist? Whatsthe ate oday?3.Ask nidual puil Whens yur ihd?Stp 3ctice1.Play t sette. xpan ta Tm goin to usei saved oney touy ranm

18、a preset.2.ea thecovrsaonand akelass oead it ftrm. Prtie thealingntoation orthe question Whes Gradmas rthda?3.Deonsate the oneraon in picture 2. Shote pups tha im is askiabout untJanes birthy an point t Aunt Jan ini though ubbe. Getthe pupi to repet theconversatin afer me。4.Tel the pups t wor pairs.

19、Ask them t loo a picure 3, and 5 ad role-la Ti nd his othrRrBoadDesnUni 1 Or brhdyshnyourbirtha? Itsin_. Is on_。One-fs to-ecnd tre-hd for-fourthTeachi inighttsdfficult o hangethe cadial nmber into ordial nmbes I ned toelan and pracicethemmoe.Hmer1 Lsten to t tap2 Reite 2onhs.3。 Wtordinal ns30,4000Tc

20、hn Planrio3ile of the uniti Or rtays Tehngaims1Leain nd usin oril umbers2sking nd nsering “Yes/o”qustins3。Usigt pepositios “on” ad “ito inicae tm AnalysisofthelesonousIs yobirhday ona 17? es, it is。 N, it isnt.ificlOrdnl nmbersTeachiadslash cs,a calend, CEeoiaidsCoputr ad adoeacingprocduresStp 1 Fre

21、e talkatday oday? Whatsth eather k today?Whats the date oda? ow may studts ar hr inyour clas?How many dayaretere in aeek?hat e they?Howmay monts ar tere i year? hat re they? Wens yur rthay? Its n Septebr。Its n Setemb 18thStep 。Preseation1.Find out the birthday of a few puis i he lass.2.Wrt the dateo

22、fy irthday on te oard. Poitto hedte and sy Thi i my brtday。 My bithdays on Sptmber t。 Akthe puilsWhnis your irthay? Chck that the pupilse ayng on rthe than in and t he th te end of dna umbe iclear。3.Writ te numers 1 to 20 on h oar in a row Wite tnxtto nmr 19Tell teppilstt when w syhedte weadt to mstnumbers4.Wie d say tatwe avespciways o ying nurone, two, three。Way frs, secd, third. rite thend a te pupils to rad fte me.5.Cntinuby sowig th upls how selling cnges for ifh, nnth,wfth,twnty-istStep Pracice1.ay th assette.Exainthatoko is skin her friens abu

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