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1、典题型例典题型例一. 单向选择1. It _ him to fail us at the last minute. A. looks like B. is likely C. feels like D. is like 此题的正确答案是D(is like), Its (just) like sb. to do sth. 的意思是某人(恰恰)就是这个样子(做某事),表示赞扬或不满,否定式则表示怀疑。选项A中looks like, 意为看上去像,主语是某人(某物),后面不接动词不定式;选项B中is likely意为某人可能做某事,选项C中feels like意为觉得想做某事,都不符合题意。如:It

2、s just like Bill to want to do something different from everybody else比尔就是这个样子,喜欢做标新立异的事情。It isnt like her to have said anything like that她可不是说那种话的人。2. When I was training in the gym, I had my leg _.A. to hurt B. hurt C. hurting D. being hurt此题的正确答案是B(hurt),have sth+过去分词可表示遭遇到某种(不幸的)情况。选项A中to hurt是动

3、词不定式,不符合动词搭配关系,可用have sbdodoing sth(要某人做某事);选项C中hurting是动词一ing形式,但宾语leg是物(sth)而不是人(sb.),也不合题意;选项D中being hurt是动词一ing形式被动式,have后没有这种搭配。如:She had his watch stolen last week. 她上周手表被偷。King Charles had his head cut off国王查尔斯被砍头。3. By this time next year George _ his university degree.A. has takenB. had tak

4、enC. has been takingD. will have taken此题的正确答案是D(will have taken),will + have + 过去分词表示在将来某个时候完成的动作,是将来完成时,句中状语by this time next year用在将来完成时句子中。选项A中has taken是现在完成时态,B中 had taken是过去完成时态, C中has been asking是现在完成进行时态,都不符合题意。如:When they arrive tomorrow, I will have already left他们明天到达时,我将已经离开了。The railway w

5、ill have been completed by the end of next month. 这条铁路将于下月底前竣工。4. The boys ran off _ they saw the owner of the orchard.A. the timeB. the hourC. the momentD. at once此题的正确答案是C(the moment),the moment,the minute,the second等可作连词用,后接that引出时间状语从句,that可省略,意思相当于as soon as,表示“就”。选项 A中the time不合题意,但可用 every ti

6、me(that)表示“每当”;选项B中 the hour是错误用法;选项D中at once 也不正确,但英国人可用immediately表示“就”的意思。如:The moment that he had said it he knew what a mistake he had made他一说出去,就知道自己犯了一个什么样的错误。I recognized Linda the minute she entered the room琳达一进门,我就认出来了。二. 单句改错:1. Last week she had the house broken in by thieves此题中应将in改为int

7、o,break into some place意为破门而入,介词in to后接宾语,词组break in中in是副词,也作“破门而入”解。如:One of the neighbours broke into the house and found the old lady dead in her chair.一位邻 居破门而入,发现老太太坐在椅子里死了。Thieves broke in while the family was away举家外出时,窃贼破门而入。2. He looked ahead over his shoulder to find if he was being follow

8、ed此题中应去掉副词ahead,词组lookglance over ones shoulder意为越过自己肩膀看过去,即回头朝后看。look ahead指往前看,词组 lookglance ahead over sb.s shoulder(s)指越过前面某人的肩膀看过去,朝前看,显然与句意不符。如:He glanced over his shoulder before continuing down the street他回头看了一眼,沿街继续走去。Will you be able to glance over my report before I send it to the confere

9、nce?你可否测览下我的报告,然后我再把它提交会议?单向选择1. We had to break _ the house as we had lost the key. A. off B. away C. intoD. down 2. Jim was in the middle of a funny story when he broke _ to answer the telephone. A. off B. out C. down D. away 3. In order to be heard, the teacher speaks in a _ voice. A. aloudB. lou

10、dlyC. loud D. louder 4. The train was held _ for an hour by the accident. A. in B. upC. on D. out 5. I was expecting him at ten, but he didnt _. A. hold out B. pick up C. turn upD. go away 6. You just have to call and he is here _. A. in flash B. in a flashC. a flash D. flash7. Did you blame him for

11、 his mistakes?Yes, but I _ it. A. shouldnt have done B. shouldnt t do C. should have doneD. should do8. The street are all dry. It _ during the night. A. cant have rained B. mustnt have rained C. couldnt rain D. shouldnt have rained 9. There was plenty of time. He _. A. mustnt have hurriedB. may not

12、 have hurriedC. ought not to hurry D. neednt have hurried 10. Which is wrong?A. The teacher told the children light traveled faster than sound. B. He said that the train for Shanghai leaves at one. C. The policeman asked him if Tangshan was hit by a big earthquake in 1976.D. He asked how much I thou

13、ght it would cost.答案:1.C 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.A 9.D 10.A阅读理解(1)Voices and fingers usually prevent us from reading fast. Young children and even old people learning to read move their fingers along the line of the piece being read, pointing to each word, sometimes even each letter one after anot

14、her, and saying them to themselves in a low voice. Sometimes the reader makes no sound at all, but keeps moving the inside part of his mouth to pronounce silently. However, no matter how the reader moves his mouth while reading, seen or unseen, visible or invisible, it will be impossible for him to

15、reach a speed of more than about 280 w.p.m.Reading must be done by seeing instead of with any sort of sound-producing. The reader must be able to read more than one word at a time. When looking straight or directly at only one word in a line of reading, one can clearly see at least two other words o

16、n both sides in the same line. In other words, the reader can read three words at one glance. Thus looking straight at one word one can at least take in a whole phrase or even a complete short sentence on one line. Very often less than three eye movements will cover a whole line.1. Pointing to the l

17、ines of a reading piece _ reading.A. slows down B. speeds up C. improves D. helps2. _a slow way of reading. A. Reading aloud is B. Moving fingers along the lines is C. Neither A nor B is D. Both A and B are3. Taking in _ at a glance is required in order to read fast.A. two words B. two phrases C. th

18、ree words D. three phrases4. Reading at a speed of about _ words a minute is still regarded as slow.A 255 B.285 C. 355 D. 3855. Fast reading at an average speed probably requires _ eye movements for a whole line.A. one B. two C. three D. four(2)A higher reading speed, with no loss of understanding,

19、will help you in many subjects, especially English. It is generally helpful in any language learning. Of course you will not read every book at the same speed. For example, you would expect to read a newspaper more rapidly than a physics textbook, but you can raise your average reading speed over th

20、e; whole material you wish to cover so that the percentage gain, a certain of knowledge, will be the same whatever kind of reading you are busy with. No other passages are more suitable for an average reader than an about-500-word one. A reader, neither too slow nor too quick,will find a piece of ge

21、neral interest does not require too much special knowledge. That sort of material is to be found in textbooks, the newspaper or light media. Read them with understanding at 400 words per minute and you might skim through a newspaper at perhaps 650-700 while with a difficult textbook you might drop t

22、o 200 or 250.1. A higher reading speed will help in other subjects as well as English _.A. if there is no loss of understanding B. only if we memorize well C. but not in any other language D. though it is not generally accepted as the best way 2. You would expect to read a book about physics_.A. as

23、fast as you read a newspaperB. more quickly than you read a newspaper C. more slowly than you read a newspaperD. only very rarely3. You can expect to read an article without special knowledge _ .A. more quickly than you read a math or medicine textbook B. more quickly than you read a newspaperC. mor

24、e slowly than you read your chemistry textbook D. faster than any other kind of materials4. “Average reading speed”means“_ reading speed.”A. low B. highC. too high or too low D. Neither too high nor too low5. To read a book of general interest needs _ special knowledge. A. no B. little C. only a lit

25、tle D. a lot of(3)We were late as usual. My husband had insisted on watering the flowers in the garden by himself, and when he discovered that he couldnt manage he had to ask me for help at the last moment. So now we had an hour to get to the airport. Luckily, there were not many cars or buses on th

26、e road and we were able to get there just in time. We checked in and went straight to a big hall to wait for flight to be called. We waited and waited but no announcement was made. We asked for information and the girl there told us that the plane hadnt even arrived yet. In the end there was another

27、 announcement telling us that passengers waiting for Flight LJ 108 could get a free meal voucher (card) and that the plane hadnt left Spain for technical problems. We thought that meant that it wasnt safe for the plane to fly. We waited again for a long time until late evening when we were asked to

28、report again. This time we were given free vouchers to spend the night in a nearby hotel. The next morning after a bad night because of all the planes taking off and landing we reported back to the airport. Guess what had happened while we were asleep! Our plane had arrived and taken off again. All

29、the other passengers had been forgotten. You can imagine how we felt.1. The plane the writer and her husband would take _. A. came from SpainB. passed by SpainC. was not to leave till next morningD. was waiting for the passengers2. The plane was delayed _. A. by the bad weatherB. by the passengersC.

30、 because of many cars on the roadD. because something was wrong with the machine3. They were in a big hall, waiting for _. A. the girl to give them informationB. their flight to be announcedC. the free meal voucherD. other passengers to arrive4. The passengers were given a free meal because_. A. they arrived at the airport earlyB. they hadnt had a meal yetC. they had no money with thenD. the plane was delayed5. It cost them _ to spend the night in a hotel. A. plenty of moneyB. a little moneyC. little moneyD. no

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