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1、高中英语高三一轮复习课教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思教学设计必修5 Unit 1 Great scientists 复习目标 :(1)复习本单元的词汇,短语和句式(2)掌握一些重点词的变形及重点词,短语和句式的考点归纳复习难点:重点词的变形,短语和句式的灵活应用复习重点:巩固重点词汇,短语和句式 【自主检测】I. Key words Dictation 【直击高考】 课堂达标练习(基础巩固) 语法填空 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Instead of introducing _(science) theories , he tells a story , within which he tr

2、ies to make his points , perhaps in order to keep the readers attention .(2015 湖北)2.In_(conclude),I like being praised , but I know sometimes its not always good .(2015 湖南)3. The failure was a big blow to him , but he wasnt discouraged and soon as _(enthusiasm) as ever .(2015 福建) 4. A weak ray of li

3、ght came in through a small hole in the wall and he was _(absorb) in his reading . (2015 福建)5.In spite of the large scale _(construct) of roads and highways , there is still much room for improvement . (2015 江苏)6. Now that Chicagos waste water was draining efficiently into the Chicago River , the ci

4、tys next step was to clean the _(pollute) river .(2015 湖南)7. As our society grows old , we need the _(contribute) of our older citizens .(2015 广东)8. Joe is proud and stubborn , never admitting he is wrong and always looking for someone else to _ (blame) (2014 浙江)9. The more birds are _(expose) to li

5、ght , the more active they are at night . (2015 四川)10. I can jump on it anytime -waking up my parents if I am scared or I have an important _(announce) that cant wait until the morning .(2013 四川)【自主检测】II. Key phrases 1. 提出 6.apart from _2. 使暴露 7.contribute to _3. 讲得通 strict with 4. 应受责备 9.cure

6、sb.of sth 5. 调查 10. draw a conclusion _【高考新题型-短文改错】 课堂达标练习 Throughout history ,Scientists have made great contribution to the world . in my opinion , scientists are those who are strict in themselves and are always absorbing in everything they do . Scientists keep it in mind that the theory makes se

7、nse if it cant help the world which is exposing to unexpected dangers . Scientists contribute themselves for their research so that they can put forward to a theory . Every time they have a new discovery , they must find evidences to support it . III. 重点句型So many thousands of terrified people died e

8、very time there was an outbreak .【合作探究】Every time 是 作 ,引导 从句,相当于whenever , 意为“ ”类似用法的还有:each time , any time , next time , last time , the first time , the moment , the minute , the instant 等。【达标专练】 (1)完成句子_ _ light moves into a material with a new speed , it bends and scatters.每次光以一种新的速度进入一种物质时,它会折

9、射.(2015 北京高考卷)(2) 单句改错Every time when I was in trouble , he would come to help me out . They rushed out on the moment they heard the shout for help. (3)句子翻译 每次屠呦呦遇到困难时,她从不屈服让步. 【合作探究】 综合提升 微写作A woman scientist Tu youyou黑体部分用本单元所复习的内容表达1.屠呦呦出生于浙江,1951年在北京读大学。 ( who, attend college ) 2.她热爱医学,自从毕业以来,她一

10、直专注于中国传统医学的研究 ( enthusiastic, be absorbed in ) 3.每次遇到挑战性的问题时, 她总是严格要求自己并且最终战胜它们。 ( every time , challenging , be strict with , defeat ) 4.在1972,她宣布她成功地发现了青蒿素 ,一种能治愈病人疟疾(malaria)的药物. (announce, cure sb of sth ) 5.屠呦呦为科学研究做了巨大的贡献,2015 年她获得了诺贝尔。 ( scientific , make great contributions to )_Rewrite a sh

11、ort passage with the 5 sentences :【自主测试】 综合应用 (巩固升华) 成绩 _ I 语境应用 用所给词的适当形式填空 (每小题2分,共20分)1. The workers are _ the bridge damaged by the flood , and the bridge under _ connects the road with the town .(construct)2.The teacher _ from the evidence that she was wrong . And his _ proved to be right .(con

12、clude )3.The _ teacher gave Tom a _and told him never to do it again.(cautious)4.The doctor _ the patient to take medicine by the _(instruct)5. The headmaster _ to a newspaper to praise the ladys generous _ To the school . (contribute)6.The _ made an _ that all the details should be _ on the Interne

13、t in time . (announce)7. Children , when _ to an English speaking atmosphere ,will pick up the language much more easily .(expose)8. When he came back three hours later , they were still sitting on the sofa , _ in conversation . (absorb)9.This river is so _ that its unsafe for swimming and fishing (

14、pollute)10.Dudok alone shaped most of 20th century Hilversum and approximately 75 buildings still bear his unique _ (character) (2015 湖北高考)II. 短语填空 (每小题2分,共20分)make sense , put forward , apart from , contribute to , be absorbed in , be to blame forbe exposed to be strict with , look into draw a conc

15、lusion 1. _ painting , John didnt notice evening approaching . ( 2015天津 )2. Our appetite for new products also _ the problem.( 2015安徽 )3. That mixture , according to Bernard , sets the elevator ride _ just about every other situation we find ourselves as we go about our lives .(2014 湖北 )4. It may no

16、t be a great suggestion , But before a better one _ , we will make do with it .( 2013 新课标全国II )5. See, your computer has broken down again . It doesnt _ to buy the cheapest brand of computer just to save a few dollars .( 2015天津 )6. The spokesman said that the poor safety standards _ for last Sundays

17、 accident .7.The more one _ the English-speaking environment, the better he or she will learn the language .8. I wrote a letter of complaint , and the manager has promised to _ the matter. 9.We must _ our students while we should give them love and care .10.We will have a further discussion before w

18、e_.III. 单句改错 (每小题2分,共20分)1.He became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposing to cholera.2. Blamed to the breakdown of the school computer network, Alice was in low spirits. .3.The second suggested that people absorb this disease into their bodies with their meals .4.It is obv

19、ious that lung cancer linked to heavy smoking .5.First he marked on a map the exact places that all the dead people had lived .6. John Snow looked into the source of the water for this two streets .7. Yesterday I missed attend the meeting in Room 101 .8.How conclusion can you draw from the discussio

20、n ?9.Every time I will meet with difficulties in study , I solve it by myself .10.All the people present accepted the suggestion was put forward by the chairman .V. 高考话题写作 (每小题10分,共40分)根据要求运用本单元所学知识完成下面微型作文1 居里夫人(Marie Curie)出生于波兰华沙,年轻时来到巴黎读大学,在这里遇到了她的的丈夫皮埃尔 居里(Pierre Curie)。( where , attend college

21、 ) 2. 他们共同全神贯注于放射性物质的研究,最终发现了镭(radium)和钋(polonium),1903年,他们获得了诺贝尔物理学奖。(be absorbed in , which ) 3.在丈夫去世之后,她继续工作,于1911年获得了诺贝尔化学奖。(go on) 4.居里夫人为科学的发展做出了杰出的贡献,但金钱和名声对她来说毫无意义。 (make contributions to , make no sense学生分析教学的对象是高三的学生,他们的认知能力有了进一步的发展。逐渐形成了英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力。因此我需要特别注重提高他们用英语进行思维和表达的能力。

22、他们有自己的学习技能和策略,会把语言学习和兴趣联系起来。通过任务型课堂学习,学生的自主性得到加强,不再认为英语的学习很枯燥,会主动参与到活动中去,成为课堂的主体。但是对于高三的学生来说,可能不会于高一高二的学生一样,他们这个时候会更加沉稳一些,课堂氛围不如高一,高二的课那样有激情。效果分析 教学效果及评价通过这节课的学习,学生又进一步巩固了本单元的词,短语,句式的掌握。并且加以强化运用。6人一小组围坐在一起上课,边学习边讨论,把课堂交给了学生,大大提高了学生学习的自主性,充分体现了以学生为主体的教学思路。本节课通过这种形式的学习,也进一步证明了发挥学生主动性,自主性的重要性,锻炼了学生英语口语

23、交际能力,增强了学生学习英语的兴趣和信心。同时也达到了预期的复习效果, 教材分析 词汇部分词语辨析1. character / characteristic 2. examine / check / test 3. cure / treat 4. blame / scold 5. reject / refuse词形变化1. scientific adj.科学的science n.科学scientist n.科学家2. valuable adj.有价值的value n. 价值value v. 估价, 评价3. instruct v. 教导, 命令instruction n. 指示,用法说明ins

24、tructive adj.有益的,教育性的4. enthusiastic adj.热心的,热情的enthusiasm n.狂热,热心enthusiast n.热心家,狂热者重点单词1.conclude v. 断定, 得出结论; 结束(正式);2.attend v. vt. 出席, 参加, 照顾, 护理, 注意 vi.专心, 留意3.expose vt. 使暴露, 受到, 使曝光 v揭露4.absorb vt. 吸收;使(精神)贯注;吞并5.blame n过失, 责备 vt.责备, 谴责6.instruct vt .教, 教导, 命令, 指示, 通知7.contribute vi& vt捐助,捐

25、献,贡献;投稿重点词组put forward 提出:提议以供考虑 in addition/ apart from 除之外;另外make sense 有意义重点句子1. So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak.2. Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.3. He placed a fixed sun at the centre of the

26、solar system with the planets going round it .重点语法过去分词做表语和定语 (见语法专题)本节课是一节高三复习课,根据一轮复习的要求我根据教材分析,制定一下复习环节本节课的复习目标 :(1)复习本单元的词汇,短语和句式(2)掌握一些重点词的变形及重点词,短语和句式的考点归纳复习难点:重点词的变形,短语和句式的灵活应用复习重点:巩固重点词汇,短语和句式所以根据以上的教材分析,我设计了本节课的复习学案。评测练习 【自主测试】 综合应用 (巩固升华) 成绩 _ I 语境应用 用所给词的适当形式填空 (每小题2分,共20分)1. The workers a

27、re _ the bridge damaged by the flood , and the bridge under _ connects the road with the town .(construct)2.The teacher _ from the evidence that she was wrong . And his _ proved to be right .(conclude )3.The _ teacher gave Tom a _and told him never to do it again.(cautious)4.The doctor _ the patient

28、 to take medicine by the _(instruct)5. The headmaster _ to a newspaper to praise the ladys generous _ To the school . (contribute)6.The _ made an _ that all the details should be _ on the Internet in time . (announce)7. Children , when _ to an English speaking atmosphere ,will pick up the language m

29、uch more easily .(expose)8. When he came back three hours later , they were still sitting on the sofa , _ in conversation . (absorb)9.This river is so _ that its unsafe for swimming and fishing (pollute)10.Dudok alone shaped most of 20th century Hilversum and approximately 75 buildings still bear his unique _ (character) (2015 湖北高考)II. 短语填空 (每小题2分,共20分)make sense , put forward , apart from , contribute to , be absorbed in , be to blame forbe exposed to be strict with , look into draw a conclusion 1. _ painting , John didnt notice evening approac

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