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滨海县通榆初级中学 初三英语 导学案 编号 9A 0201.docx

1、滨海县通榆初级中学 初三英语 导学案 编号 9A 0201滨海县通榆初级中学 初三英语 导学案 编号 9A 0201 课题 Welcome to the unit 主备人 朱祥 审核人签名 朱祥 班级 姓名 学号 日期 学习目标:1. 认识不同颜色的名称。 2. 认识彩虹的颜色以及用英语说出它们的顺序。学习重点:词汇:pink, rainbow 短语:would rather, in the sky, something wrong 句子:Id rather wear blue than pink. Theres nothing wrong with pink. Blue looks good

2、 on you.学习难点:认识彩虹的颜色以及用英语说出它们的顺序。自主备课(学习)课前导学一、预习课本P24-25,跟读录音,读熟P24对话及P25生词。二、回忆并查找已经学过有关颜色的词汇,写在下列横线上。 三、根据句意及中文提示完成单词。1. We live in a world _(充满)of colours.2. A beautiful r_ appears in the sky after the heavy rain.3. Millie is wearing a _(粉红色的)blouse today.4. There is something w_ with my bike. I

3、ts broken.5. Kitty always wears a _(紫罗兰色的)sweater and _(靛蓝的)jeans.课堂活动Step 1 Warming-upAsk students what colours they like, then let them talk about their partners favourite colours.Step 2 Presentation1.Ask students what colour Eddie likes, then let them listen to the tape and find out the answer to

4、 this question.Check answers as a class.2. Students read the dialogue between Eddie and Hobo, then the teacher explain some key points. Step 3 Practice Students Practise reading the dialogue in pairs and ask some pairs toact it out.Step 4 Presentation1. Ask students to guess the teachers favourite c

5、olour, then tell them that the teacher likes the colours of the rainbow.2. Teach them the seven colours of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.3. Practice the seven colours, using the dialogue in PartB.Step5 A gameAsk students to use colours to describe the things in the cl

6、assroom and the clothes they wear. The one who describes the most will be the winner.课堂反馈一 单项选择。( )1. Which colour is not in the rainbow?A. White B. Indigo C. Orange D. Blue( )2. Hobo thinks blue looks good _ Eddie. A. on B. in C. at D. for( )3. Eddie would rather wear blue _ pink. A. then B. to C.

7、than D. with( ) 4. There is something wrong _ Eddies coat. A. in B. on C. with D. for( ) 5. I would rather_ the cheaper CD player. A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. bought 二完成句子。 1. 我宁愿穿蓝色而不穿粉红色。粉红是女孩的颜色。 I _blue .Its a _ colour. 2. 蓝色穿在你身上很好看。 Blue you. 3. 紫罗兰色没有什么问题。 Theres .4. 你知道彩虹有多少种颜色吗? Do you kn

8、ow ?5. 我们生活在一个充满了色彩的世界。 We live in a world . 教师评价 教学反思 滨海县通榆初级中学 初三英语 导学案 编号 9A 0202 课题 Reading (I) 主备人 朱祥 审核人签名 朱祥 班级 姓名 学号 日期 学习目标:1. 了解颜色所代表的含义。2. 认识并理解有关情感的词汇。学习重点:词汇:四会 sleepy, relaxed, sadness, calm, satisfied, heat, difficulty, decision, deep, worried 三会 mood, represent, wedding, climate, rem

9、ind,wisdom, growth, envy, jealous, physical, mental, strength学习难点:理解颜色和情感的关系并记忆有关生词。自主备课(学习)课前导学一、跟读录音,熟读课本P26-27生词和课文。二、根据句意、首字母及中文提示完成单词。1. We _ (宁愿)to watch TV on this rainy day.2. White can _ (代表) peace. Its also the colour of _(纯洁). 3. Whats the _ (气候) in your country?4. This photo _ (help reme

10、mber) me of my grandfather. 5. I am so s_ that I want to go to bed right now. 6. Instead of p_ activities, Daniel likes playing online games on the computer. 7. His experience and _(智慧) will lead him to the great success.8. The discussion lasted a long time, and it was difficult for them to make a d

11、_. 课堂活动Step 1 Lead in Lead in the topic and get the students to read the article fast and answer:How many kinds of colours are talked? What are they? Step 2 Reading 1. Get Ss to listen carefully and try to find out what colours belong to calm colours, warm colours, energetic colours and strong colou

12、rs. 2. Get the students to read the text quickly and do T or F questions.3. Get the students to read the text carefully and complete the table:ColoursMoodsCalm coloursWarm coloursEnergetic coloursStrong coloursStep 3 Practice1. Practise reading the whole text.2. Underline some difficult phrases and

13、sentences.课堂反馈一、单项选择。( ) 1. I am having difficulty _ which colour to wear. A. to decide B. decide C. deciding D. decided( ) 2. Why not _ this green T-shirt? It looks nice _ you. A. try; on B. trying; in C. try; in D. trying; with( ) 3. A big smiling face on the paper _ you _ a happy feeling. A. remi

14、nd; of B. remember; to C. reminds; of D. remember; of( ) 4. He is not feeling happy. Lets go and cheer _. A. up him B. him up C. on him D. him on( ) 5. -To finish all the work in a week? Its impossible! -So all of us feel very _. A. excited B. stressed C. energetic D. sleepy二、完成句子。1. Did you know th

15、at colours can _(改变我们的情绪)?2. Colours can make people _(感到无精打采).3. You should wear white if you are _(感到有压力).4. Orange can _(使你打起精神来) when you are feeling sad.5. Yellow can _(使你想起) a warm, sunny day.6. Red can help when you are _(很难做出决定).7. If you are somebody who needs _ (体能力量), you should wear red

16、clothes.8.Wearing red _ (使更容易) for you _(采取行动). 教师评价 教学反思 滨海县通榆初级中学 初三英语 导学案 编号 9A 0203课题 Reading (II) 主备人 朱祥 审核人签名 朱祥 班级 姓名 学号 日期 学习目标:1. 把颜色和性格搭配起来。2. 能用有关情感的词汇描述身边人物的性格。学习重点:短语:affect our moods, change our moods, make us feelhappy or sad, be good for our mind and body, on their wedding day, peopl

17、e living in cold climates,cheer you up, study for exams, have difficulty making a decision, in a deep sleep 句子:So you may say Im feeling blue when you are feeling sad. Yellow is the colour of the sun, so it can remind you of a warm, sunny day. Wearing red can also make it easier for you to take acti

18、on.学习难点:对部分知识点的掌握已经灵活运用。自主备课(学习)课前导学一、读熟文章,查找你认为难于理解的知识点。二、翻译词组。影响我们的情绪 使我们感到开心或难过 对我们的身体和大脑有好处 使你振奋 _营造一种和谐感 生活在寒冷气候的人们 _带给你成功 给你幸福满足感_被涂成蓝色 困难地做决定_课堂活动Step1 Revision: Revise the words relate to colours and moods.:1. Which group does this colour belong to, calm colours, warm colours, energetic colo

19、urs or strong colours?2. What does this colour represent?3. Whats your favourite colour? Why?Step 2 Practice1. T: Mille is thinking about her friends. She is trying to figure out which colours match their characteristics best. Help her decide which are the best colours for her friends. Complete Part

20、 C1 and check the answers in pairs.2. Compltete PartC2 on P29. First try to answer the questions.Whats your favourite colour? What does this colour represent? Why do you like this colour? Step 3 Activity: Write an article about your partner.课堂反馈一、单项选择。( ) 1. We all think _ was kind _ you to give you

21、r seat to a young lady with a baby in her arms yesterday. A. that; for B. it; for C. it; of D. that; of( ) 2. -Hey, how lovely you look _yellow. -Thank you. A. on B. in C. over D. for( ) 3. I am afraid theres _ with the computer. Can you come? A. wrong anything B. anything wrong C. wrong something D

22、. something wrong( ) 4. What does Lucy usually _ when she is working in her office? A. dress B. wear C. put on D. in( ) 5. -What about playing football this afternoon, Sam? -I would rather _ at home than _ football. Its too hot outside. A. stay; playing B. stay; play C. to stay; to play D. to stay;

23、playing二、句型转换。1. He would rather go to the party.(否定句) He _ _ _ go to the party.2. I like wearing blue better than pink. (同义句)I _ _ wear blue _ pink.I _ wearing blue _ wearing pink.3. Nothing is wrong with the computer. (同义句)_ _ nothing wrong with the computer.There _ wrong with the computer.4. You

24、look good in blue. (同义句) Blue _ _ you.5. Its good for the mind and body to wear blue clothes. (同义句)_ blue clothes _ good for the mind and body.三完成句子。1. Our teacher _ _ _(对满意) our exams.2. He was _ _ _ _(心情不好) today.3. He _ _(看上去很担心).4. He finished the work _ _ _(没有任何困难) 教师评价 教学反思 滨海县通榆初级中学 初三英语 导学案

25、编号 9A 0204课题 Vocabulary 主备人 朱祥 审核人签名 朱祥 班级 姓名 学号 日期 学习目标:1. 理解什么是同义词。 2. 学习和记忆有关同义词。学习重点:词汇:influence, require, unhappiness学习难点:认识理解同义词的概念,学会使用同义词。自主备课(学习)课前导学一、预习Vocabulary部分,查找同义词的概念,熟读生词。二、 写出下列词的近义词。1. wrong _ 2. large _ 3. affect _4. fast _ 5. clever _ 6. afraid _7. joy _ 8. difficult _ 9. room

26、 _ 10. dear _ 11. know _ 12. sad _ 13. wish _ 14. calm _ 15. small _课堂活动Step 1 PresentationChange the sentences according to the request.e. g. He is very kind to us all. (同义句)He is very _ to us all. Tell the Ss that “kind /good /friendly” are synonyms. Synonyms are words that mean the same or nearly

27、 the same thing.Step 2 A game Ask some Ss to supply some words, let their partners give the synonyms of these words, let us see which pair works fastest and the most correctly.Step 3 Practice 1. Explain Millie has a word game about synonyms. Tell students to complete Part A.2. Ask a student at a tim

28、e to read an answer. Check for mistakes and mispronunciation.3. Explain that each word on the wheel in Part B has a synonym. Students should find the correct synonym in the box and write it opposite the corresponding word. Complete Part B.4. List more synonyms. More able students can also add more pairs of synonyms to the list. Encourage Ss to list synonyms as many as possi

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