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1、英语俚语对导游语言的影响昌吉学院 论文(设计)分类号:本科毕业论文(设计) 密 级:The Impact of English Slang on Guides Language英语俚语对导游语言的影响 系 院 昌吉学院 学科门类 外 语 系 专 业 英 语 学 号 0825804023 姓 名 屈 静 指导教师 王 超 教师职称 讲 师 二一二年三月一日毕业论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果或作品。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。作者签名: 年

2、月 日毕业论文版权使用授权书本毕业论文作者完全了解学院有关保存、使用毕业论文的规定,同意学院保留并向有关毕业论文管理部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权本学院及以上级别优秀毕业毕业论文评选机构将本毕业论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库以资检索,可以采用复印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本毕业论文。声明人签名: 导师签名: 年 月 日 年 月 日 摘 要 英语俚语是从现实生活中产生的最鲜活的口语,作为一种为众多公众所理解和使用,带有一些社会集团和亚文化群色彩的非正式口语,是导游在与各行各业、不同身份的游客接触、交谈中经常使用的语言现象,俚语是英语的重要组成部分,也

3、是一种特殊的语言形式。它的主要特征是幽默和生动。俚语的存在是一种客观的语言现象。导游在同游客的日常会话交谈中经常听到俚语。在当代旅游业中英语导游不仅扮演了观光领队的角色,还要为游客做翻译。在导游工作中,如果能根据场合与环境适时的使用俚语,对丰富导游语言,增强感染力是有帮助的。本文选题主要介绍了英语俚语及其在导游语言中的应用之间的关系,也提出了俚语对导游语言的影响。试图从俚语是客观存在的语言现象,俚语的词性与特征,对使用俚语的不通观念等角度,阐述俚语对导游语言的影响以及如何在导游时间中正确的对对待俚语。关键词:英语俚语;导游语言;使用群体 The Impact of English Slang

4、on Guides LanguageAbstractEnglish slang was the freshest oral English that came from real life. It was informal spoken English with some social group and subculture properties, understood and used for many people. It was a kind of language that used by tour guide in his life an work .Slang was an im

5、portant part of English language and a kind of special language form. Its main characteristic was humorous and vivid. The existence of the slang was a kind of objective language phenomenon. Tour guide in daily conversation with tourists often hear slang. In contemporary tourism, English guide not on

6、ly play the role of leader sightseeing, but also for tourists do translation. In the tour guide work, if tour guide use slang according to the circumstance and environment, it will help guide to make their language rich and enhance appeal. This paper mainly introduces the subject of English slang an

7、d guide the application in the relationship between languages, but also put forward to the impact of English slang on guides language. It want to explain that the existence of the slang was a kind of objective language phenomenon and the characteristics of slang and how to guide the correct time to

8、treat slang.Key Words:English slang;Guides language;Using group目 录摘 要 IThe Impact of English Slang on Guides Language IIAbstract IIIntroduction 1IntroductionSlang which is a special kind of language for a long time, there is no consolidated merits for its delimiting. Slangs definition fromThe Americ

9、an Heritage Dictionary: slang is a type of language which is in unofficial, gamepads utterance, mainly composed of derivation and rhetoric, they were willfully supplant the classic terms to achieve lively, humorous or another effects; slangs paraphrase fromShorter Oxford Dictionary: particular vocab

10、ulary which is used for every group from lower levels community: elementary and vulgar language; definite class or definite period parlance; a kind of colloquialism which is lower level than literacy people often used, including new words with particular sense or frequently-used statement; slangs pa

11、raphrase fromOxford modern Chinese senior English Chinese dictionary ; usually use between friends or work together, but it isnt propitious to good pen craft or official occasion speech; refer in particular to some stratum personages locution, according to army slang, jail slang. There from people h

12、ave two kinds of quite other manner for slang, some people think slang is vulgar, consider funny, indeed its contaminate in language, ought to totally repudiate; another people think, slang is lively, visual, humorous, compact language form, should win Highly affirmed. It is unilateral to have utter

13、 negate or utter approve attitude, thus this article quote delimiting for slang fromEnglish Chinese lexica course , statement which is height anglicize and extreme inconformity norm language, which is made of new word, new meaning or some figures of speech, seek novelty ,vivid images, essence rest w

14、ith using everywhere refuse out of recognized language rules.Cicerone interpreting is a kind of oral literature. Ciceroni render also strive for apropos、exquisite、veracious conveying the process, appropriately use some humor slang which could bear warm and cozy. But not only couldnt show your Englis

15、h level, it was at cross purposes. People find it that you were short of civilization ill mannered.There are two features should be considered on both sides in the English. Slang at dragoman language is occasion and object. At the ceremonial situation, you should caution in slang or do not use. At i

16、nformal occasion, you could say some slang. Use it appropriately could help you to brisk the atmosphere also could forehand the range between you and your company. But there is something should be pointed out, on account of English are not our mother tongue and our language surroundings. It is limit

17、ed to our English horizontal, thus it is very difficult to grasp using slang by rule.English speaking guide usually refers to the use of English for travelers (including tours) arrange travel and tour guide, explain matter, language translation and travel service. English translation of tour guide l

18、anguage, also called the English tour guide language, is a kind of occupation characteristic industry language (referred to as jargon). In daily life we also mention the literary language, the language of stage, teaching language, language and other counter. Guide to work as a kind of social industr

19、y, in the long-term work in practice has formed its own occupation characteristic “translation guide. Language namely translation guides for tourists to provide guide services such as the use of the rich expressive power, vivid image of a spoken language. Translation guides cannot do write in ornate

20、 style, but in work similarly to do language correct and clear, vividly, humorous and yet dignified; in the form of attention to speak in measured tones, the proper form of question and answer, make guest participation, avoid long time of your own speaking.Chapter1. The definition and characteristic

21、s of English slang.1.1 The definition of English slang.1.1.1 The original of English slang. Begin talking about slang, we can not ignore the origin of slang. For the record, word “slang” was derived from some argots which the initial is “s” in English or cacography in “sling” and “slanguage”. “Slang

22、” was belonged in dictionary as a new term in the early 19s. Initial period, slang was used by criminals and fugitives. They used slang in order to cover up the true meaning of what were they talk about. Now it is known as code word. For example prisoner said “grass” which the truly meaning is “info

23、rmer”, as well as “shooting” is “gallery” to drug addict. Also slang is a word or phrase which used by some people who have same work, same profession, or same life-style; in addition to this, slang is the fabricate word which have some meaning besides tradition and standard usage. Along with some w

24、ords which get new meaning because of expand and transformation of former meaning. It follows that, slang is a kind of colloquialism which is differ from irregular grammar wording or dialects in the country. From then on, slang become a kind of high wide range language form. Slang which is a special

25、 kind of language for a long time, there is no consolidated merits for its delimiting. Slangs definition fromThe American Heritage Dictionary: slang is a type of language which is in unofficial, gameplaide utterance, mainly composed of derivation and rhetoric, they were willfully supplant the classi

26、c terms to achieve lively, humorous or another effects; slangs paraphrase fromShorter Oxford Dictionary: particular vocabulary which is used for every group from lower levels community: elementary and vulgar language; definite class or definite period parlance; a kind of colloquialism which is lower

27、 level than literacy people often used, including new words with particular sense or frequently-used statement; slangs paraphrase fromOxford modern Chinese senior English Chinese dictionary ; usually use between friends or work together, but it isnt propitious to good pen craft or official occasion

28、speech; refer in particular to some stratum personages locution, according to army slang, jail slang. There from people have two kinds of quite other manner for slang, some people think slang is vulgar, consider funny, indeed its contaminate in language, ought to totally repudiate; another people th

29、ink, slang is lively, visual, humorous, compact language form, should win Highly affirmed. It is unilateral to have utter negate or utter approve attitude, thus this article quote delimiting for slang fromEnglish Chinese lexica course , statement which is height anglicize and extreme inconformity no

30、rm language, which is made of new word, new meaning or some figures of speech, seek novelty ,vivid images, essence rest with using everywhere refuse out of recognized language rules. Similarly, slang is the indispensible part of English. It reflect a planted agent of the affect of culture to languag

31、e, it has its unique style that other vocabularies dont have or incomplete have, is also a word and phrases with so much civilization sense, is a special supporter of foreign culture. It has unique language expressive force and long history. In the 19th century, “American Westward Movement” made sla

32、ng extensive. In the 20th century, slang was developed swift and violent in this period. From the source see, subculture to mainstream culture and push forward from socialites and emerge in large numbers of vast new things and new concept. So it produced a mass of slang. English formed its own color gradually which in the development process of English slang. Such as humorous and witty, vivid and lively, more easily to express emotion, renew and more quickly and so on. For the sake of accommodate progress of ag

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