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1、中美校园欺凌的比较研究英语A Comparative Study of Chinese and American Campus BullyingAbstractHuman beings have existed on this planet for a long time and gone through a long development. It has been more than 4000 years since the birth of the first statute law in human history, and we have formulated various law

2、s and regulations to prevent crime. However, in todays society, cases of campus bullying still occur from time to time. Some are minor, such as campus injuries, and some are serious, causing the victim to lose their valuable lives. In terms of campus bullying, the situation in the United States is a

3、s common and severe as that in China. The reason to conduct this research is to find out what are the differences and similarities of the campus bullying between China and American. At the same time, previous experiences are expected to be learnt. By doing so, ways to reduce or prevent campus bullyi

4、ng or even eliminate it are hoped to be found out. The ways and methods to conduct this research is to look for facts, look into used methods and make conclusion about them.In this paper, different methods of campus bullying classification will be mentioned, reasons of adolescent campus bullying wil

5、l also be analyzed. Whats more, the current situations of campus bullying in the United States and China will be studied. Then, the characteristics as well as similarities and differences of campus bullying in the United States and China will be analyzed. Finally, according to the current situation

6、and characteristics of campus bullying in China, combined with the methods of avoiding campus bullying in the United States, appropriate suggestions will be given.Keywords: campus bullying, comparative study between China and America 中美校园欺凌的比较研究摘 要人类经过了漫长的发展,从第一部成文法诞生以来到现在,已经过去了4000多年,人类已经制定了各种各样的法律


8、当谈及完现状之后,本文会分析美国和中国的校园欺凌有什么特点以及异同。最后,根据现在中国校园欺凌的状况以及特点,再结合美国治理校园欺凌的手段,给出合适的建议。关键词:校园欺凌;中美比较ContentsIntroductionIn the past, people in China are living a life that dont have enough food and warm clothes. But with the continuous development of China, peoples lives are gradually secured. We dont have t

9、o worry about how to get well fed. Hence, the moral culture is gradually developing and the legal system is gradually improving. Besides, people are now paying more attention on human rights and the right to life is the most essential human right. But unfortunately, the children in school werent ful

10、ly protected. Nowadays, some children are just suffering from campus bullying. The youth has always been considered as the hope of a nation, so whether the youth is having a suitable environment to study can easily catch peoples attention. As a matter of fact, campus bullying is getting more and mor

11、e attention from the society. In October, 2019, a middle school student was found out of consciousness at the school bathroom. A first aid treatment was given immediately but unfortunately, he was gone. After that, an anonymous call was given to the police, saying that this young teenager was dead b

12、ecause of violence. After forensic analysis, the cause of death is brain injury due to hit by blunt object. This is an example of campus bullying. If we search the internet with key word “campus bullying”, we can easily found out campus bullying is continuously happening. At a press conference held

13、by the supreme peoples procuratorate at the end of 2019, a spokesman said 6962 minors had been prosecuted for crimes of school violence from 2018 to October, 2019.But this case is just the tip of the iceberg. Countless cases are happening throughout this country. From kindergarten to university, one

14、 will have to spend at least 15 years in campus. Its not hard to find that having a stable and peaceful campus is of great importance. As an old saying goes, teenagers are the future of a country, and the hope of a nation. Places for them to study should be absolute safe and dynamic. Campus bullying

15、 will not only cause physical injury to the victim but also psychological injury, causing great harm to the teenager. At the same time, with the development of information and network, harmful information such as violence and erotic information can spread through the internet much easier than before

16、. It greatly increases the chances for the teenagers to come across with this harmful information. Whats more, the transform of how people think about the attitude toward sex have great impact to teenager. In this context, the problem of campus bullying is getting worse. But unfortunately, Chinas la

17、ws and regulations are still in the stage of development. We dont have the perfect laws and regulations to prevent campus bullying from happening. In addition, we dont have the same methods to protect our youth as developed countries. For example, in the United States, they have relatively prefect l

18、aws to protect youth. Secondly, students are encouraged to report campus bulling on the internet, which is still in vacancy in China. Whats more, they have set up a systematic intervention mechanism of campus bullying in each campus. If students bully, you can report to teachers; if the campus staff

19、s bully, you can report to the principal; if the principal bullies, you can report to the social workers in campus. Those methods are what we can learn about. This article can be divided into four parts: the definition and different types of campus bullying, the reason of campus bullying, the curren

20、t situation in China and United States and methods to avoid campus bullying. In the first part, definition of campus bullying is given and six types of campus bullying are mentioned. The second part is three aspects of to cause campus bullying. The third part is the current situation in China and Un

21、ited States. Then cross comparison will be used to identify the differences and similarities of campus bullying in both countries. The last part is learning from the United States to put forward useful methods to avoid campus bullying in China. In conclusion, to reduce or even eliminate campus bully

22、ing has become one of the most important matter in contemporary education.1 About Campus Bullying1.1 The Definition of Campus BullyingCampus bullying means one party (individual or group) intentionally or deliberately bully or insult the other party (individual or group) by not only physical contact

23、, oral language or through internet but also other harmful ways for a single time or several times, causing physical or psychological injury or property loss. There is something need to be clear that if one bullies another after campus, or should we say out of the campus, it still counts on campus b

24、ullying.1.2 Different Types of Campus Bullying From the perspective of the way how the abuser bullies the victim, we can categorize this into 2 forms: direct and indirect. From the perspective of ways of bullying, we can categorize this into 3 forms: verbal, physical and psychological. So all in all

25、, 6 types of campus bullying can be implemented. To indicate better, here is the matrix.DirectIndirectVerbalDirect VerbalIndirect VerbalPhysical Direct PhysicalIndirect PhysicalPsychologicalDirect PsychologicalIndirect Psychological1.2.1 Direct Verbal Direct verbal means the abuser says something di

26、sgraceful to insult the victim. Such as Tom shouted at Jack, saying he is a nigger. This type is the most common form of campus bullying. What needs to be paid more attention to is making aggressive nickname to others in order to insult him is also one form of campus bullying, such as calling a disa

27、bled man who lost his legs “legless man”. 1.2.2 Indirect Verbal Indirect verbal is also a verbal form but in an indirect way. For example, James is scared of Tom, so he has to do whatever Tom asks him to do. Then Tom asks James to shout at Jack, to call Jack nigger. This is indirect verbal. This is

28、also a common type of campus bullying, only in an indirect way.1.2.3 Direct Physical Direct physical means the abuser hits the victim by any form to implement physical damage to him. From minor ways such as hitting and snapping to severe ways such as using tools to hit or even kill the victim. For e

29、xample, Tom snaps Jack after school.1.2.4 Indirect Physical Just like indirect verbal, indirect physical is the indirect way to physically bully the victim. For example, Tom is the leader of a bully group, so he asks James to hit Jack on his way home. In this case, James can be regarded as an abuser

30、.1.2.5 Direct Psychological Direct Psychological means the abuser uses a direct way to psychologically bully the victim. It may be hard to understand. From my own perspective, this is a type between verbal and physical. For example, Tom told Jack if he makes friends with others, Tom will hit him bad

31、ly. What Tom did is to isolate Jack, making Jack feel alone. This is a psychological way to bully others. Whats more, cyberbullying is getting more and more severe because of the development of internet technology. Cyberbullying is also a form of psychological bullying. 1.2.6 Indirect Psychological

32、Indirect psychological means the abuser use an indirect way to psychologically bully the victim. For example, Tom spreads rumors in the internet that Jack has some kind of diseases. This can make others to stay away from Jack, making Jack feel isolated. 2 The Reason of Campus Bullying2.1 From Individual Perspective Primary and secondary school students are all minors. They are at the peak time of the growth. At this time, their psychological development is rapid but unstable.Biologically speaking, following “the law of the jungle is the natural of animals. Humans are

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