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1、英语语言学导论Course Name:Introduction to LinguisticsSept. 2012, for Grade 2010 Classes 1-6English Undergraduate ProgramDepartment of EnglishSchool of Foreign Language StudiesNanchang University (NCU)Course Instructor: Prof./Dr. JIANGSyllabusCourse Description:This course aims at providing undergraduate ju

2、niors of English major with a fundamental and systematic account of the basic knowledge of the studies of linguistics at the modern time with explanations, illustrations, and necessary examples from the course book and also from present English and Chinese language uses, to help develop the students

3、 interest in this study, to facilitate their understanding of the linguistic terms and theories, and to build a systematic knowledge of the said study.Major Books Used for this Course:1) Hu, Zhuanglin 2006. Linguistics. A Course Book (Third Edition). Beijing University Press, used as students course

4、 book.2) Robins, R. H. 1967/1997. A Short History of Linguistics (4th edn). London, New York: Longman.4) Yule, George. 2000. The Study of Language. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.5) Keith Brown et al. (eds.) 2006. Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (2nd edn), Oxford: Els

5、evier.6) Collinge, N. E. (ed.) 2005. An Encyclopaedia of Language. London, New York: Routledge.7) Strazny, Philipp (ed.) 2005. An Encyclopedia of Linguistics. New York, Oxon: Fitzroy Dearborn. 8) Wikipedia. http:/ Encyclopaedia Britannica. 2007. the electronic edition can be acce

6、ssible on the internet. Course Requirements:1) Attentive listening, active participation, quick note-taking and understanding, nice presentation in class and all the related activities2) Complete preview, in-class and after-class assignments3) Pass the final examinationCourse Schedule: 1) General In

7、troduction2) Chapter 1Design features, origin, and functions of language3) Chapter 1 Main branches, macro-linguistics, and important distinctions in linguistics4) Chapter 2Phonetic studies5) Chapter 2Phonological studies6) Chapter 3Word and Formation7) Chapter 3Word/lexical changes8) Chapter 4Syntac

8、tic relation, construction, and function9) Chapter 4Grammatical categories, phrasing and beyond10) Chapter 5Meaning and sense relation11) Chapter 5Meaning analyses12) Chapter 8Pragmatics (1)13) Chapter 8Pragmatics (2) -Post-Gricean developments14) Chapter 11Linguistics and foreign language teaching1

9、5) SummaryLecture 1General Introduction:Modern Linguistics and Earlier Linguistic Studies In this lecture, we shall make a general introduction to the development of modern linguistics and the linguistic studies before that. The students will get a general view/picture of the developments, the main

10、linguistic schools, and their studies through attending this lecture.1. Leading in: What does your mind do most of the time? Or what do you do most of the time in your life including the dreaming time when you sleep? What is your major? What is English? Language is what you use most of the time in y

11、our life and is also your major. Since you are language majors, very likely you will use it for your future work. Why not learn about it then? What is language? What does it cover? These are the questions for linguistics.2. The beginning of MODERN linguistics: 1916(Q1. When did modern linguistics be

12、gin?)1) The first modern linguistic approacha. The “father of modern linguistics”- Ferdinand de Saussure索绪尔 (1857-1913) (Q2. Who was the father of modern linguistics?) b. The first modern linguistic book “A Course on General Linguistics” (1916).普通语言学教程Saussures two students pieced their notes taken

13、from attending their teachers lectures and got it published in 1916/English version in 1959.(Q3. What was the first modern linguistic book?)(Q4. Who published it?)2) Why is it “modern”? Because of the scientific views and the research methods introduced in this book. Eg. Language is a system of sign

14、s. Language has a sound system and a meaning system. Language has associative relation and paradigmatic relation.(Q5. In what sense is it called a “modern” linguistic book?)3. What happened before Saussure?Some traditional approaches to languagethere are three successive phases before Saussures time

15、(Q6. Who were the earliest scholars of language? What did they study?)1) The Greek researchers and their studies-“Traditional Grammar” was instituted;Based on logic;Aiming solely at providing rules;Distinguishing correct from incorrect forms;Classic study, philosophical, logical, meaning.(Q7. What w

16、ere studied about language during the Middle Ages?)2) The researches during the Middle Ages-PhilosophyAlexandria, the “philosophical” school, religious, literary, linguistic;Linguistic structure is not the central concern, but meaning is;Seeking primarily to establish, interpret and comment upon tex

17、ts;Applying the method of criticism;Comparison of texts of different periods and of different writers; Datawritten language, exclusively Greek & Roman antiquityPrescriptive grammar;Paved the way for historical linguistics. (Q8. What were the two establishments in the 19th century?)3) Linguistic rese

18、arches during 1800-1900-“Comparative grammar”a. The establishment of linguistic family treesThe Indo-European Family Tree印欧语系The Sino-Tibetan Family Tree 汉藏语系, etc*In 1816, “The Sanskrit Conjugation(动词变位) System” by Franz Bopp was a study of the connections between Sanskrit(梵文), Germanic, Greek, Lat

19、in, and other European languages. The primitive elements that Sanskrit maintained are vital for the purposes of reconstruction of Indo-European language family. b. The establishment of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) 国际音标and the publication in 1888, based on French teachers practice of tea

20、ching Latin and some other related languages.Later representativesMax Mller, G. Curtius, A. Schleicher;Historical and comparative, etymological (语源学的);Comparativist school was the dominating study of the time. 3. What does modern linguistics cover?1) Saussure and his study: the first structuralist a

21、pproach2) Prague School布拉格学派The leading figureV. Mathesius马泰休斯(1882-1946);Flourished during 1920s-30s;Mainstream structuralism; synchronic;Approach language structurally and functionally form-functional approach;Followed both Polish B. de Courtenay (库尔特内) and Swiss F. de Saussure;First functionalist

22、;Founded the International Functional Linguistic Association 1976;Distinguished contributions:a) Established the theory of phonology; distinguished between phonetics and phonology; developed phonology as an independent study in 1939; b) Mathesius functional analysis of sentence componentsvery close

23、to the present division of given/new or theme/rheme, functional syntactic analysis.3) American Structuralism/ Also called descriptive linguistics 美国结构主义/美国描写语言学Developed independently from the anthropological studies by American scholars such as Boas, Sapir, etc.;The representative figureLeonard Blo

24、omfield布龙菲尔德 (1887-1946), his Language 语言论(1933);Flourished during 1930s-1950s;Structural and behavioral;Major focussyntactic analysis;ContributionIC analysis (immediate constituent analysis)4) The Chomskian approachThe leading figureNoam Chomsky乔姆斯基 (1928-);Influential during 1960s-1980s;Formal app

25、roach, deep structure/surface structure; NP VP;Psychological; we were born with LAD (language acquisition device); Innateness;Major focussyntax;Contributions a. Phrase Structure Theory; b. Transformational-Generative Grammar.5) London School 伦敦学派Leading figures: a. Malinowsky马林诺夫斯基 (1884-1942) anthr

26、opologist;b. Firth 弗斯(1890-1960) the 1st professor of General Linguistics in Great Britain;c. M. A. K. Halliday韩礼德 (1925- ) Systemic-Functional Grammar;Influential from the 1980s;Functional approach and anthropological;Major focusmeaning in society and functional grammar;Contribution functional anal

27、ysis6) Cognitive Linguistics: a new perspective on how language is used; how we view the world and express it in language; how language tells different cognition of the same world in which human beings live.Leading figures: R. Langacker兰盖克; G. Lakoff 拉可夫;M. A. K. Halliday (partly); N. Chomsky (partl

28、y)7) Computational Linguistics: a branch of linguistics about how to teach computer to receive, comprehend, produce and translate natural languages. It reflects human ambition.4. Homework: 1) Go over the questions discussed.2) Preview 1.1-1.5 of Chapter 1.3) What is language defined by different peo

29、ple? What is linguistics? How does a sound come to have meaning?Lecture 2Design Features, Origin and Functions of LanguageIn this section, we shall mainly discuss some important features and functions of language. As widely discussed, there are four features and seven main functions.(Q9. What is lin

30、guistics? p14.What is language? p3.)1. Check students homework orally in class; ask them to give some presentation; offer them some different definitions (cf. Essentials of Linguistics pp.1 & 14); underline the key words in the definitions; explain them one by one with examples from English and Chin

31、ese to facilitate their understanding and memorizing.1) “Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. - It is a system since linguistic elements are arranged systematically rather than randomly. It is arbitrary in the sense that there is no intrinsic connection betwe

32、en a word and the object it refers to. It is symbolic because words are associated with objects, actions, ideas, etc. by convention. It is vocal because sound or speech is the primary medium for a human language. It is human in that no other animals possess such language.”2) “Modern linguistics is the scientific study of language. -It studies the rul

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