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1、高中英语必修二知识点人教版讲解学习高中英语必修二知识点(人教版)Part 11. rare adj. 罕见的,稀有的- adv. rarely2. survive vi. 幸免,幸存- n. survival3. design n.设计,图案 vt. 设计,计划- n. 设计师 designer4. worth prep. 值得,相当于的价值 n. 价值,作用adj. 值钱的- adj 无价的 worthless- adj. 有价值的,值得的 worthy- adj. 值得花时间或精力的 worthwhile5. valuable adj. 贵重的,有价值的 -n. value- adj 没用

2、的,没价值的 valueless- adj. 无价的 invaluable6. amaze vt. 使吃惊- adj. 感到吃惊的 amazed - adj. 令人吃惊的 amazing - n. amazement7. decorate v. 装修,装饰- n. decoration8. jewel n. 珠宝,宝石-总称) jewelry9. doubt n. 怀疑vt. 怀疑- adj. doubtful 10. evidence n. 证据,根据- adj.明显的 evident11. explode vi. 爆炸- n. explosion12. entrance n.

3、入口- n. 出口 exit- v.进入 enter13. informal adj. 非正式的-(反义)adj. formal14. 1. volunteer n. 志愿者 adj. 志愿的,义务的,vt.&vi. 自愿 15. charge vt.&vi. 收费,控诉, n. 费用,主管 16. bargain vi. 讨价还价, n. 便宜货 pete vi. 比赛,竞赛-adj. 竞争的competitive- n. 参赛者 competitor-n.比赛,竞赛 competition 18. admit vt.&vi. 容许,承认- n. admission 19. deserve

4、vi.&vt. 应受,值得- adj. deserved 20. slave n.奴隶- n. 奴隶制度 slavery 21. regular adj.规则的,定期的- adj. 不规则的,不定期的 irregular- n. regulation 9.basis n. 基础,根据-复数 bases -vt. base -adj. basic 22. athlete n. 运动员 -adj.健壮的,擅长运动的 athletic 23. responsibility n. 责任,职责- adj. responsible24. replace vt. 取代,替换 -n. replacement2

5、5. advertise vt.&vi. 做广告,登广告- n. advertisement -n. 广告人 advertiser26. hopeless adj.没有希望的,绝望的- n. &v. hope -adj. hopeful 27. anyhow adv. -同义词 anyway 28. arise vi. 出现,发生-过去式 arose - 过去分词 arisen29. solve vt. 解决,解答- n. solution 30. calculate vt. 计算- n. calculation - n. 计算器 calculator 31. universal adj. 普

6、遍的,通用的,宇宙的-n. 宇宙 universe 32. simplify vt 简化- adj. simple - adv. simply 33. explore vt. & vi. 探索,探测- n. explorer - n. exploration34. technology n. 工艺,科技- adj. technological 35. intelligence n 智力,聪明- adj. intelligent - adv. intelligently 36. reality n.真实,事实- adj. real - n. realism 37. personal adj. 私

7、人的,个人的- adv. personally - n. personality 38. application n. 应用,申请 - vt. apply - n. 申请人applicant 39. affect vt. 影响-n. effect- n. 喜爱,钟爱affection 40. appreciate vt.欣赏,感激- n. appreciation 41. succeed vi. 成功vt. 接替- n. success - adj. successful- adv. successfully 42. harm n.& vt. 损害,危害- adj. harmful - adv

8、. harmfully 43. employ vt. 雇佣,利用- n.员工 employee - n. 雇主employer 44. mercy n. 仁慈,宽恕- adj. merciful -adj. (反义) merciless 45. protect v. - n. protection46. loss n.损失,遗失- vt. lose - n. 失败者loser - adj. 迷路的,迷失的lost 47. respond vi 回答,响应 - n. response 48. distant adj.远的- adv. distantly - n. distance 49. att

9、ention n. 注意,关注- v. attend50. secure adj. 安全的,可靠的- 51. bite vt.& vi. 叮咬-过去式bit - 过去分词bitten52. inspect vt. 检查,视察-n. inspection - n. inspector 53. perform vi.&表演,执行- n. performance- n. performer54. passer-by过路人,行人- 复数形式passers-by55. humorous adj.幽默的- n. humor56. attractive adj. 有吸引力的- vt.

10、attract- n. attraction57. confident adj. 自信的 -n. confidence58. brief adj. 简短的,简要的,n. 摘要,大纲- adv. briefly59. sensitive adj. 敏感的- adv. sensitively- n.感受 sense60. painful adj. 痛苦的- adv. painfully - n. pain61. devotion n. 投入,热爱- vt. devote- adj. devoted62. invite v. 邀请- n. invitationPart 21 .survive sth

11、._survive the war/an earthquake_survive on_A survive B(by)_survivor n._survival n._名师点津:survive表示幸免于时,是不及物动词,因而不加介词 in, from等2. by design=on purposedesign sb./ sth. to do sb./ sth. designed for/to do designed as3. removefromremove fromtoremove sb. from schoolremove ones doub

12、t/trouble区分remove 着重于离开或脱离原来的位置,处所,职位等多是有意识地移动remove作搬家时无被动语态move 主要指改变位置或姿势,用于搬家时move比remove常用4. There is (some) doubt whetherhave(no)doubt thatThere is no doubt about sth./thatwithout doubtI dont doubt that=Im sure/certain thatI doubt it /whether=Im not sure/certain if/whether5. be worth wor

13、th doingbe worth itbe worthy of worthy of being donebe worthy to be doneIts worthwhile doing to do6. evidenceThere is some evidence thatin evidenceIts evident that7. fancyto befancyasfancy sb. doing sth.have a fancy for sth.catch/take sb. fancytake a fancy to sb./sth.8. remain +adj.sth. remain

14、s to be doneremain behindremain in=stay inremain up=stay upthe remaining money9. wonder at sth.wonder to do sth.wonder about sth.I wonder if /whetherno wonderIts a wonder thatwork wonders10. consider sb. to have done sth.consider it+n./adj. for sb. to do sth.consider doing sth.consider+疑问词+to do sth

15、.considering thattake into considerationunder considerationall things considered11. pretend to do sth.pretend to be doing sth.pretend to have done sth.pretend that12. besidesprep.除之外还,相当于as well as,including to.,in addition to,apart fromadv.而且,还有 再说 相当于in addition. Also13. debate sth. with sb.debate

16、 with sb. about/on sth.beyond debateunder debate14. in search ofin ones search forsearch sth./ for=look forsearchfor15. in returnin return forin returnby turns16. belong to表示是的财产,是的组成部分,是的成员不用于被动语态和进行时态,作后置定语时常用现在分词形式belong 还可用于除to以外的其他介词或副词前面如in on under with等 表示某人某物处在适当的位置,在这个地方正合适/有用17.

17、 take aparttell/know apartstand apartapart from18. think highly ofthink highly/well/much ofthink ill/poorly/badly/little ofthink nothing of19. at warat peaceat workat schoolat tableat playat sea20. compete in compete with/against sb. compete for sth. compete to do21. admit n./doing/having done/that-

18、clause admit sb./sth. to be/as. admit that. It is admitted that. admit sb. to/into. be admitted to/into.22. charge sb. for sth. charge sb. with sth./doing sth. in charge of in the charge of take charge of free of charge23. bargain with sb. about/over/for sth. make a bargain(with sb.) a good/bad barg

19、ain That is a bargain.24. deserve consideration/attention deserve to do deserve doing/to be done25. on a regular basis have no regular education a regular customer keep regular hours be regularly invited to do sth.26. replace sth. by/with. replace sth. replace sb. as. take the place of/take ones pla

20、ce in place of27. be related to relate to in relation to have relations with sb. have relation to sth.28. promise sb. sth.=promise sth. to sb. promise to do sth. promise sb. to do sth. promise + that-clause 29. 表动作:marry=get married marry sb.=get married to sb.表状态:be married be marri

21、ed to sb.30. stand for stand sth./doing sth. stand by stand out stand on ones own feet31. as well as well as作连词 as well as作well的同级比较结构 may/might as well do sth.32. take part in take an active part in participate in play a part in辨析take part in, join, join in, join sb. in doing sth., ou

22、t work on work off34. used to do sthbe/get used to doinguse to do 35. every four years every two days=every second day=every other day every few years every four metres36. one by one one another=each other one after the other37. signal (to)sb to do sth signal (sb) thatgive singals/a signal (to do)a

23、danger/warning/traffic signal易混辨析symbolsignalsignmark38.arise from/out of原形词形变化过去式过去分词现在分词ariseriseraisearouse39. remindsb.ofsb./ do sth40. the total population ofa total failurein totaltotally41. in commoncommon sensecommon interestshave nothing incommonhave little incommonhave somet

24、hing incommonincommonwith42. havetheadvantageofhave/gain/win an advantageovertakeadvantageoftoonesadvantage=tothe advantage of sbweigh advantagesand disadvantagesdisadvantage 43. with sthprovideforthe futureprovided/ providing thatprovidesth.forsb=providesb. withsthsupplysb. withsth=suppl

25、y sth to sboffer sb sth=offer sth to sb44. face realitybecome a realityin reality=in factcome into reality45. as a resultas a result ofresult fromresult in46. in a wayby way ofby the wayin this wayin the /sb wayin no wayon ones way toall the way47. deal withIts a deal48.with the help ofhelp sb outca

26、nt help to do sthcant help but do sthbe of help=be helpful 49. watch overwatch outbe on the Watch forkeep Watchkeep a watch on50. after allat allnot at allin allabove allall in allfirst of all51. have an effect on/uponaffection n.52. appreciate +n. /pron. /v-ingI would appreciate it if/whenappreciat

27、ion53. succeed in(doing) sthsucceed to sthsuccessful .adjsuccessfully advbe successful in(doing) sth.success n.54.employ sb to do sth be employed in doing sth=employ oneself in(doing) sth.employment n.out of employmentemployer n.employee n.55. in reliefto ones reliefrelieve vt.56. contain vt.contain

28、er n.including为介词,放在所包括的事物之前,included为形容词,放在被修饰名词之后。57. show mercy to have mercy on sb at the mercy of sb lts mercy that without mercy be merciful to towards sb 58. reserve sth for sb/sthreserve ones opinionwith/without reservein reserve59. do sb harmdo harm to sthdo more harm than goodharmful adjha

29、rmless adj.60. apply to sb for sthapplytoapply for sth apply oneself to (doing) sth=be applied to (doing) sth62. suggest doing sth lts suggested that sb (should)do sthsuggest that sb. (should) do sth make a suggestionsuggestion的同位语从句,和suggest (建议)引导的宾语从句样,要求谓语动词使用(should)do形式名师点津:suggest that 中的that从句并非总用虚拟语气;表示”建议做某事“表示”暗示,表明“,则不用虚拟语气。63. in response tomake a response toresponse to64. make a loss suffer a lossat a loss make up the losslose face

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