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1、PMP模拟题项目管理师上海套题PMP 考前模拟测试声明:以下试题与 PMP 考试的类型相同。本试题仅为检验复习效果。1. Effective stakeholder management includes all of the following project elements except:A. Clear requirements definitionB. Scope change controlC. Timely status informationD. Frequent cost reports有效的项目干系人管理包括下列所有的项目元素,除了:A. 清晰的需求定义B. 范围变更控制C

2、. 及时的状态信息D. 经常的成本报告2. A project is:A.A process of considerable scope that implements a planB.A group of ideas managed in a coordinated way to obtain a desired outcomeC.A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or serviceD.A series of tasks or functions that must be completed by a ce

3、rtain date项目是:A.一个实施一个计划的相应范围的过程B.一组以协作方式管理、获得一个期望的结果的主意C.创立独特的产品或服务所承担的临时努力D.一系列必须在一个确定日期完成的任务或功能3. Which of the following is not a characteristic of project phaseA. MilestonesB. ObjectivesC. EstimatesD. Deliverables下列哪一项不是项目阶段的一个特性?A.里程碑B.目标C.估计D.项目可交付成果4. In which type of organization, the projec

4、t managers role most likely part-timeA. FunctionalB. ProjectizedC. Weak MatrixD. Strong Matrix在哪一种类型的组织中,项目经理的角色更像是兼职的?A.职能型B.项目型C.弱矩阵型D.强矩阵型5. The greatest degree of uncertainty is encountered during which phase of the project life cycleA. ConceptB. PlanningC. ImplementationD. Closeout在项目生命周期的哪一阶段会

5、遇到最大程度的不确定性?A.概念B.计划C.实施D.收尾6. The disorientation experienced by people who suddenly find themselves living and working in a different environment is known as:A. Culture shockB. Socio-centrismC. Temporal shockD. Ethno-centrism突然发现自己生活工作在一个不同环境中的人所经历的不知所措的感觉被称为:A. 文化冲击B. 社会优越感C. 暂时的冲击D. 种族优越感7. What

6、is the MOST effective process to ensure that cultural and ethical differences do ot impede success of your multi-national projectA. Co-locatingB. TrainingC. FormingD. Teaming确保文化和伦理的差别不会防碍你的跨国项目成功的最有效的过程是什么?A. 同地集结B. 培训C. 形成D. 结队8. In which project phase do you have the GREATEST influence on project

7、 riskA. ConceptualB. DesignC. ExecutionD. Implementation在下列哪个项目阶段你拥有对项目风险最大的影响力?A.概念阶段B.设计阶段C.执行阶段D.实施阶段9. Leadership and management are both necessary on projects. One definition of managing is that is involves producing key results expected by stakeholders, whereas leadership involves:A. Establish

8、ing direction, aligning people, and motivating and inspiring othersB. Getting things done through other peopleC. Using charismatic Power to motivate others to be productiveD. Using all types of power, as appropriate, as motivational tools领导和管理在项目上都是必需的。管理的一个定义是产生项目干系人预期的主要结果,而领导包括:A. 建立方向,安排员,激励和鼓励其

9、他人B. 通过其他人使事情做完C. 使用个人魅力来鼓励其他人的生产效率D. 视情况而定,使用所有类型的权力作为激励工具10. Rolling wave planning provides information on the work to be done:A. Throughout all phases of the projectB. For successful completion of the current phase of the projectC. For successful completion of the current phase and subsequent pha

10、ses of the projectD. In the next phase of the project滚动计划 提供关于要做的工作的信息。A. 在项目的所有阶段B. 为项目的当前阶段的成功结束C. 为项目的当前阶段的成功结束和后续的阶段D. 在项目的下一阶段中11. The greatest advantage of matrix organization is that:A. It improves the resource access for project mangerB. There are more than one boss for team memberC. It make

11、s communication easierD. It makes reporting simpler矩阵组织的最大优点是:A. 改进了项目经理对资源的控制B. 项目团队成员有一个以上的老板C. 沟通更加容易D. 报告更加简单12. Complex projects, involving cross-disciplinary efforts, are MOST effectively managed by:A. Multiple lead project managersB. A functional organizationC. A strong matrix organizationD.

12、A strong traditional manager包括跨专业的工作的复杂项目,能最有效地被 管理。A. 多重领导项目经理B. 一个职能组织C. 一个强矩阵式组织D. 一个强劲的传统经理13. A project managers company operates in a high-technology area requiring the integration and sharing of several functional specialties. The project manager is considering the appropriate organizational

13、structure for a new project. The likely choice would be:A. MatrixB. Tight matrixC. FunctionalD. Projectized项目经理所在的公司在高技术领域运作,需要几个职能部门之间的交流合作。项目经理正在为一个新的项目考虑合适的组织结构。可能的选择方案是:A. 矩阵型B. 紧密矩阵型C. 职能型D. 项目型14. Assumptions generally involve:A. A degree of riskB. Financial controlsC. Historical informationD.

14、 Lessons learned假定通常包括:A. 一定程度的风险B. 财务控制C. 历史信息D. 经验教训15. You are building a water treatment facility. Routine tests reveal that there are contaminants in the water but that they have an extremely low risk for causing any sickness. As the project manager, you should:A. Inform the public that a detai

15、led examination has been ordered to determine the extent to which the problem existsB. Do nothing because there is extremely low risk for sickness except for some effects on small children and the elderlyC. Tell the public there is no problem, except for small children and the elderly who need to bo

16、il the water before drinkingD. Educate the public about the advances on water treatment technology and the industry efficiency and safety record你正在建筑一个水处理设施。例行测试显示水中有污染,但这些污染物引起任何疾病的风险极低。作为项目经理,你应该:A. 通知公众已经安排了一个详细的检查,以确定问题存在的程度B. 什么也不做,因为除了对小孩和老年人有一点影响外,生病的风险极低C. 告诉公众没有问题,除了对小孩和老年人,他们需要在喝水前先煮沸D. 向公

17、众提供有关水处理技术、工业效率和安全记录的教育16. Change requests occur in all the following forms except:A. Oral or writtenB. Legally mandated or optionalC. Formal or informalD. Externally or internally initiated变更请求可按下列所有形式发生,除了:A. 口头的或书面的B. 法律要求的或可选择的C. 正式的或非正式的D. 外部或内部启动的17. Configuration management system is a techni

18、que for:A. Integrated change controlB. Project plan executionC. Scope planningD. Procurement planning配置管理系统是用来进行 的技术。A. 综合变更控制B. 项目计划执行C. 范围规划D. 采购规划18. Which of the following is an example of a constraint in project plan developmentA. Records of past performanceB. Financial reports from similar pro

19、jectsC. A predefined budgetD. Lessons learned from previous projects下列哪一项是项目计划开发中的一个约束的例子?A. 过去绩效的记录B. 来自类似项目的财务报告C. 一个预先定义的预算D. 以前项目的经验教训19. Integrated change control is primarily concerned with:A. Influencing factors that cause change, determining that change has occurred, and managing factors cha

20、nges as they occurB. Maintaining integrity of baselines, integrating product and project scope and coordinating change across knowledge areasC. Integrating deliverables from different functional specialties on the projectD. Establishing a change control board that oversees the overall changes on the

21、 project整体变更控制主要关注于:A. 引起变更的影响因素以及当这些影响因素发生时,确定变更已经发生并管理实际的变更B. 维持基准计划的完整性,集成产品和项目范围并跨知识领域协调变更C. 整合来自项目上的不同职能专业的项目交付成果D. 建立一个变更控制委员会来审查项目的整体变更20. is a collection of formal, documented procedures that defines the steps by which official projects may be changed.A. Lessons learnedB. Change control syst

22、emC. Project charterD. Configuration management是一组正式的、文档化的程序,用来正式地定义项目可以变更的步骤。A. 经验教训B. 变更控制系统C. 项目章程D. 配置管理21. Typically, change control systems include automatic approval of certain types of changes. An example of such a change is one that is:A. Suggested by the project sponsorB. The result of an

23、emergencyC. Suggested by the customerD. Made mandatory by a new regulation典型地,变更控制系统包括某些变更类型的自动批准。这样的变更的一个例子是:A. 由项目发起人提议的B. 紧急情况的结果C. 由客户提议的D. 由一条新的规定强制要求的22. Which of the following techniques is used to control the project scheduleA. Pareto diagramB. Performance measurementC. Parametric modelingD.

24、 Statistical sampling下列各项技术中的哪一项是用以控制项目进度的?A. 帕累托图B. 绩效测量C. 参量建模D. 统计抽样23. Lessons learned from projects are significant because they:A. Must be collected to meet requirements of organizational policies and proceduresB. Show the causes of variances and the reasons certain corrective actions were sel

25、ectedC. Show why certain projects were selected by the organization over othersD. Show why certain people were selected as project manager and team members over others从项目中得到的经验教训是很重要的,因为它们:A. 必须被收集来满足组织政策和程序的要求B. 展现偏差原因和选择某种纠正措施的理由C. 显示为何组织选择某些项目而不选择另外一些项目D. 显示何有些人被选择为项目经理和团队成员24. Elements of changi

26、ng a project schedule included all of the following except:A. Obtain the appropriate levels of approvalB. Submit the appropriate change requestsC. Evaluate the impact of a change to the scheduleD. Adjust the project end date to the schedule variance变更一个项目进度的元素包括下列所有的各项,除了:A. 获得适当级别的批准B. 提交相应的变更请求C.

27、评估变更对进度的影响D. 将项目结束日期调整到进度偏差25. Scope definition is to:A. Develop a plan from major stakeholdersB. Develop a written scope statement as the basis for future project decisionsC. Formalize acceptance of the project scopeD. Make project milestones范围定义是:A. 为主要的项目干系人开发一个计划B. 开发一个书面的范围说明书,以作为将来项目决策的基础C. 正式

28、接受项目范围D. 制定项目程碑26. A change control system should include all the following except:A. Procedures for automatic approval of defined categories of changeB. Paperwork, tracking systems, and approval levels necessary for authorizing changesC. A description of the powers and responsibilities of the chang

29、e control boardD. Procedures for conducting a mid-project control system review一个变更控制系统应该包括下列所有各项,除了:A. 某些规定的变更种类的自动批准程序B. 授权变更所必需的书面工作、跟踪系统和批准级别C. 变更控制委员会权力与责任的描述D. 项目进行期间控制系统评审的程序27. Which of the following Project Scope Management processes involves subdividing the major project deliverables into

30、smaller, more manageable componentsA. Scope PlanningB. Create WBSC. Scope Change ControlD. Scope Definition下列哪一个项目范围管理过程包括将主要的项目可交付成果细分为更小、更容易管理的部件?A. 范围规划B. 创建WBSC. 范围变更控制D. 范围定义28. Status review meetings are:A. Held to notify stakeholders of critical informationB. Regularly scheduled meetings held

31、 to exchange information about the projectC. Held to update departmental staff on project statusD. Held only when there is an identified problem状态评审会议:A. 为通知项目干系人关键的信息而举行B. 有规律地安排会议以便交换关于项目的信息C. 为按项目状态更新部门员工而举行D. 只有当识别出问题时才举行29. A Work Breakdown Structure numbering system should allow project staff to:A. Identify the level at which individual WBS elements are foundB. Identify configuration management milestonesC. Estim

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