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1、全国各地中考英语复习备考阅读理解专项汇编含答案解析2019年全国各地中考英语复习备考试题阅读理解专项汇编(含答案解析)1根据短文内容,判断正误正确的填T,错误的填F To me, life would be boring without music I realize that it is not true for everybody Many people get along quite well without going to the concerts, and listening to the CDs But music plays an important part in every

2、ones life, whether he realizes it or not Try to imagine, for example, what films or TV plays would be like without music Would the feeling, the moving story, and the greatest interests, be so exciting? Im not sure about it Now, we have been speaking of music in its more common meaning the kind of mu

3、sic we hear in the concert hall But if we look at some parts of music more closely, we discover them in our everyday life, tooin the sound of the sea, the singing of a bird in the woods and so on So music surely has meaning for everyone And, of course, it has special meaning for those who have spent

4、 all their lives working on playing or writing music It is well side, Through music a child enters into a world of beauty, expresses himself from his heart, feels the joy of doing things alone, learns to take care of others, develops his mind and makes his body strong(1)Music is very important in my

5、 life (2)Some people dont realize the importance of music (3)Music cant be found everywhere in everyday life (4)Music has meaning, especially for musicians (5)The writer talked mainly about the development of music 2One night, four naughty(顽皮的)boy students stayed out of school having a late party at

6、 a night club and having a great time They were partying so happily that they forgot they were going to take an exam the next day The next morning, they got up too late to take their exam In order not to be punished, they thought of a plan which they believed was perfect They made their clothes dirt

7、y and went to the teachers office Mr Johnson, we went to a friends house last night in another town On the way back, our car got a flat tire(爆胎), so we had to push the car all the way back to school Thats why we didnt make it for the exam The teacher listened to their story, and told them in a kind

8、voice, It doesnt matter I am going to give you another chance to take the test three days later The four students thanked him and left happily The test day arrived in the end The teacher asked them, I am going to put each one of you in a different room for the test Are you OK with that? OK, the stud

9、ents were fine with that because they had all studied hard Then they got the test paper It had only two questionsTest Paper(100 points)Your name:_(1 point)Which tire burst(轮胎爆裂)?_(99 points)AFront left B Back leftCFront right D Back right(1)Why didnt the students take the exam? ABecause their car ha

10、d a flat tireBBecause they stayed up too late the night beforeCBecause the teacher didnt want them toDBecause their clothes were too dirty(2)What did the teacher do after listening to their story? AHe believed them by giving them a second chanceBHe didnt do anything about itCHe used a different way

11、to tell if they were lyingDHe was very angry(3)Which of the following statements is TRUE? AThey remembered the exam the next dayBTheir car was broken on the way back to schoolCThey has a great time taking the examDThey took the second test seriously(4)According to the passage, we can learn that Athe

12、 teacher had no doubt about what the students saidBthe students were very cleverCthe students told a terrible lieDthe students didnt tell a lie(5)What do you think of the teacher? AWiseB StupidC HardworkingD Unhealthy3(1)What does the underlined word NOTICEBOARD mean? A警告B 公告栏C失物招领D社团招聘(2)Volunteers

13、 are welcome to to make the city more beautiful at Foxdale ParkAplant a treeB ride public bikesC save waterD clean up the park(3)The book lovers will talk about this monthAAron RalstonB JK RowlingC Charles DickensD Hemingway(4)Bill plans to have four jazz lessons, and he has to pay A 28B 51C 54D 68(

14、5)Mr Li can take his son to Sunnyside Public Library at to listen to storiesA 15:00, 23 rd JuneB 16:00, 24 th JuneC 16:00, 23 rd JulyD 15:00, 24 th June4 Sometimes, little things can bring big changes Justice and Nathaniel are learning this with music A cello and a violin brought big changes to thei

15、r lives Justice and Nathaniel are in sixth grade They go to a middle school named Northwest School of the Arts They used to go to Winterfield Elementary School Winterfield has a program with the Charlotte Symphony Orchestra (CSO) The CSO program teaches kids how to play musical instruments Justice l

16、earned to play the violin Nathaniel learned to play the violin and the cello They are the first students from the program to go to Northwest For the past six years, the CSO has given afterschool music classes at Winterfield Most of the kids in the school come from poor homes Its difficult for their

17、parents to afford music lessons The CSO wants the kids to learn about music, and it also wants them to stay out of trouble and get better grades The program was started to teach kids about music It wants to help kids in other ways, too Kids are allowed to take smaller instruments home to practice Th

18、is teaches them to take responsibility for something valuable The program also encourages cooperation(合作) Students must spend time with children they might know outside of the program And also, the program teaches practice habits When students get better after practice, they learn that practice is g

19、ood Students use the first year to explore and find a forever instrument Justice tried out the clarinet and cello before picking a violinNathaniel liked the trumpet but decided on the cello and violin When I started, it actually looked easy, but I knew it would get tougher, says Nathaniel Practicing

20、 is a pleasure Im always trying to get a song perfect, so Im playing 152025 minutes a day Thanks to music, Justice and Nathaniel got into a good middle school Justices mom said she is very glad that he does well in class and that he likes it It makes a big difference, Nathaniels dad said(1)The word

21、cello in the passage is most probably A a musical instrumentB an expert in musicC a famous musicianD a music program(2)From Paragraph 2 , we can learn that Justice and Nathaniel A are sixyearold school boysB are learning art in a primary schoolC are middle school studentsD worked for a school music

22、program(3)Which of the following is true about the CSO program? A It trains music teachers for a schoolB It gives kids afterschool music classesC It teaches each kid to play the violinD It tries to raise money to help poor kids(4)Paragraph 4 mainly talks about A how to become a responsible personB t

23、he importance of cooperationC how to take part in the music programD the goals of the music program(5)From the last paragraph, we know that Justices mom and Nathaniels dad A are both music teachers in the programB are happy about the programC have different opinions about the programD dont think the

24、 program useful5After Donald Trump became the 45 th American president,a new video of his granddaughter Arabella went popular once again on the Internet In this video, the little girl wore a qipao,a kind of traditional Chinese dress She stood in front of a table to recite(背诵)ancient Chinese poemsThe

25、se poems are familiar(熟悉的)to most Chinese people and they are often recited by Chinese kidsArabella made the video to remember Chinese Monkey Year, which ended on January 27 th, 2017 Arabellas family are interested in Chinese culture They can even make Chinese dumplings and sing Chinese songs Arabel

26、la began to study Chinese when she was 18 months old Now she can speak very good Chinese Early in February, 2016 , 4 yearold Arabella, recited a Tang Dynasty poem in Chinese Her mother sent her video online and won lots of likes from all over the world On Sonia Weibo, many users thought Arabella was

27、 a wonderful and surprising girl Im glad to see the little angel (天使) loves Chinese culture Wrote a user called orange At least his video shows that Trump is serious about education and never closes the door to foreign culture, said another user named stAU79(1)What did Arabella wear in the new video

28、? A A coatB A TshirtC A qipaoD A skirt(2)When did Arabella begin to learn Chinese? A When she was 18 years oldB When she was 4 years oldC When she was 6 years oldD When she was 18 months old(3)How old is Arabella now? A She is 18 months oldB She is 6 years oldC She is 4 years oldD She is 18 years ol

29、d(4)The underlined word they refer to A CHInese kidsB ancient Chinese poemsC Arabellas familyD Chinese dumplings(5)Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A Donald Trump became the 45 th American presidentB Arabellas family are interested in Chinese cultureC Donald Trump began t

30、o study Chinese when she was 18 months oldD Arabella can speak good Chinese now6Paula was seven that year One day, she saw Mom making clothes When Paula asked who the clothes were for, Mom said they were for the poor people On Christmas morning, Paula opened her presents and saw those beautiful clot

31、hes she had seen Mom making I thought the clothes were forThe poor people, said Paula Mom smiled and said, They are for the poor people Were poor When Paula was nine, her greatest wish was to own a pogo stick(弹簧单高跷) When Christmas season came again, she told Mom all she wanted was a pogo stick Mom told her they couldnt afford o

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