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B 81上一案三单.docx

1、B 81上一案三单校长寄语:有效教学要注重形与神的有机统一,有形无神的课堂是无效的甚至是负效的!问题生成解决评价单学科组:English主编:Cheng Haihong时间班级:姓名:组别:内 容Unit 1 Section B学习目标1. Knowledge Objects: Key words and key sentences.2. Ability Objects: Let Ss learn talk about how often you do things.3. Moral Objects: Ask Ss to understand adverbs of frequency.学习重点

2、Talk about how to use adverbs of frequency.自主预习获得的知识向小组提交的问题自我评价我读了_遍文本,我觉得我应当得_分。合作交流解决的问题向班级提交的问题小 组评 价本次活动中表现优良差小组评语:得分呈现问题1. 频率副词的使用方法?2. 如何对你顾虑副词进行提问?内化训练Exercise bookU1-1 Self Check个人评价:我认为本节内容掌握的 _基本可以_ _ 小组评价:训练得分_ 教师评价:训练得分_学习反思校长寄语:有效教学要注重形与神的有机统一,有形无神的课堂是无效的甚至是负效的!问题拓展评价单学科组:English 主编:Ch

3、eng Haihong时间班级:姓名:组别:内容Unit 1 section B基础知识翻译词组 1. 很少/几乎不曾_ 2. 大部分学生_ 3. 一周两次_ 4. 照顾_ 5. 六到八次_能力提高用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。 1. My _(eat)habits are pretty good. 2. You must eat more vegetables and keep _(health). 3. There are many _(different)between the two books. 4. This movie is very _(interest) 5. My mom

4、wants me _(drink)milk every day.拓展延伸根据对话内容,选择最佳答案。 Joe:What do you do on weekends? David:Well, I usually have to study on Saturdays. Joe:And how about Sundays? David:Well, we have lunch together. You know, all of the members of my family, then after lunch, I go to the park and meet my friends. Joe:O

5、h? What do you do there? David:We play football. After that I usually go to see a film outside the city. Joe:Do you often go out of the city? David:About once a month. My uncle has a small farm. Joe:Its nice. Do you go alone? David:No, my mum, my two sisters and some of my friends go there, too. Joe

6、:But why do you go there? David:Many things: green trees, clean air, and there are few people. 1. What does David do on Saturdays? A. Study. B. Go to the park. C. Play football. D. Go out of the city. 2. Who has lunch with David on Sundays? A. No one. B. The whole family. C. His friends. D. His uncl

7、e. 3. Where do they play football? A. At school B. In the park. C. Out of the city. D. In a farm. 4. Who does not go to Davids Uncles farm? A. Davids mother B. Davids father. C. Davids sisters. D. Davids friends. 5. Why do they go to the farm? A. Green trees. B. Clean air. C. Few people. D. A, B and

8、 C拓展评价自我评价:本节课我上课的表现:好_中_差_得分_小组评价:小组合作中个人表现:好_中_差_得分_教师评价:展示中表现:好_中_差_得分_校长寄语:有效教学要注重形与神的有机统一,有形无神的课堂是无效的甚至是负效的!问题检测评价单学科组:English主编:Cheng Haihong时间班级:姓名:组别:内容Unit 1 Section B检测试题选择填空 1.-How often does he exercise? -_. A. He is twelve B. He exercises by bus C. Twice a week D. About one hour. 2. My

9、father wants me _ vegetables every day. A. to eat B. eating C. eat D. eats 3. 80% students like the watch. What does80%mean? _. A. None of the students B. All the students C. Some of the students D. Most of the students 4. Have you ever been to Hai Nan? No, _. A. ever B. never C. some times D. usual

10、ly 5. Mike is a _ boy. He does exercise every day. A. health B. unhealthy C. healthy D. healthily 6. Is your book _ as mine? A. same B. some C. a same D. the same 7. Drinking milk and eating vegetables _ our health. A. are good for B. are good at C. is good for D. is good at 8. Mary tries _ a lot of

11、 vegetables. A. eat B. to eat C. eats D. drink 9. Katrina reads English books three _ four times a week. A. at B. in C. to D. of 10. Do you like to go _? A. skateboard B. to skateboarding C. a skateboarding D. skateboarding阅读理解John is a paper boy. He delivers(投递), newspapers to different houses in h

12、is street every day, He has about 80 customers(客户). Half of his customers only take the newspapers on weekdays, and about half take the newspapers on weekends and on Sundays. Two of Johns customers only take the newspapers on Sundays. John has to get up at 4:30 every morning to deliver his newspaper

13、s. It takes longer to deliver the newspapers on Sundays. The Sunday newspapers are twice as heavy as those on weekdays. John is saving his money to buy a new bicycle. He is also saving money for college(大学). He has already saved 500 dollars. 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。 1. John _ every day. A. reads books B. sells

14、 newspapers C. borrows books D. delivers newspapers 2. How many customers does he have? A. About 40. B. About 120. C. About 80. D. About 20. 3. _ of his customers only take the newspapers on Sundays. A. Two B. Eighty C. Forty D. Twenty 4. What time does he have to get up every morning? A. 3:30 B. 4:

15、30 C. 5:30 D. 6:30 5. John is saving his money to buy _. A. a newspaper B. a new bag C. a house D. a new bicycle检测评价小组评价:得分_教师评价:得分_校长寄语:有效教学要注重形与神的有机统一,有形无神的课堂是无效的甚至是负效的!教 学 设 计学校名称:Yuebi No.3 Middle School学科名称:English内容主题:Unit 1教师姓名:Cheng Haihong 温馨寄语:实现真正的教育回归,还课堂给学生,让他们尽情展示会学!乐学!教学设计课题Unit 1课型问题

16、拓展评价课时 2上课时间 教材分析The topic of this chapter is about free time activities. Talking about how often do you do things is the function. In this unit, Ss should focus their attention on adverbs of frequency, especially, all/most/some/none.学情分析学生的特点因年级、生活环境的不同而不同,在进行教学设计时,要对学生的兴趣、知识基础、认识特点和智力水平等背景材料进行综合分析

17、,作为安排学生学习活动和选择教学策略的依据。设计理念一案三单要求充分发挥学生学习的主体作用,因此在教学过程中教师要充分引导学生运用自主、合作、探究的方式去学习,教师要充分发挥学科长和学术助理的作用,通过他们来调动学生学习的主动性,激发小组的竞争意识。教学要求Teacher: looking up the reference book for preparing a lesson. Students: reading the context again and again. Looking up the dictionary to help themselves. getting ready t

18、o have class with their own team(in group)教学目标1. Knowledge Objects: Key words and key sentences.2. Ability Objects: Let Ss learn talk about how often you do things.3. Moral Objects: Ask Ss to understand adverbs of frequency.教学重难点Importance points: Talking about free time activities and how often you

19、 do things.Difficulty points: Let Ss learn to how often question and adverbs of frequency.关键问题What do you usually do on weekends?I sometimes go to the beach.How often do you eat vegetables?Every day.教学方法Discussing in group using context transforming information教学准备tape, one additional model of liste

20、ning material, large monthly calendar showing the days of the week 温馨寄语:实现真正的教育回归,还课堂给孩子,让他们尽情展示会学!乐学!教学过程设计(第一课时)程序(要素)时间创设情景教师行为期望的学生行为创设情境呈现目标1分钟创设语言及资料情境1.Greetings2. -What do you usually do on weekends?-I sometimes go to the beach.1. Ss are interested in the text.2. Ss read the context(1a-2c) w

21、ith the questions自主学习结构预习20分钟创设阅读与思考情境1. Let Ss read the context. And write the knowledge with they know and they dont know. 2. Students will hand in the questions and the leader collect the questions in group3. Students will read the passage by themselves and try to find the answers to the last thr

22、ee questions (difficult). Three students or more will be asked to answer.Through the listen and answer practice, they will read and understand the passage by themselves. Filling in the blanks will help them consolidate both the content and the key words and expressions.预习评价合作讨论5分钟创设讨论和评价情境In this pa

23、rt, students will be interested in learning. They discuss and solve the problems in groups. It will provide them with more chances to communicate with each other and also learn by themselves.Impress the students again by present another monolog of hobby.Practice making a complete monolog.归纳共性生成问题3分钟

24、创设思考和合作情境1. 本部分的主要句型有哪些?2. 辨析:always usually often sometimes hardly never3. 辨析:all most some noInput the vocabulary of collections with pictures and lead the students to talk about “adverbs of frequency” 尝试练习小组评价16分钟创设独立完成练习和小组评价的情境1. Do the exercise in group2. Check the answer in group3. Choose the

25、 group that wins.1. Do the exercise by themselves2. Check the answer教学反思听力真的是学生的难点.我对听力做了相应的调节.我惊喜的发现学生跳一跳就能够的着了. 学生动了.他们有了成功的体验。 温馨寄语:实现真正的教育回归,还课堂给孩子,让他们尽情展示会学!乐学!第二课时程序(要素)时间创设情景教师行为期望的学生行为创设情境呈现问题1分钟创设语言情境Look at the picture and think:How often do you exercise?Ss are interested in the reading合作探

26、究达成共识8分钟创设思考讨论和评价情境Next , Lets bring the questions to read the passage and discuss the questions1、Ss collect the questions2、Teacher takes part in the discussing and give some advice about these questions3、Pay attention to Ss that they dont know and help them solve the questions1、学科长发挥作用,关注组员学习。2、学科长

27、组织将答案要点用双色笔写在问题解决评价单上的呈现问题一栏内。展示交流规范指导23分钟创设展示、交流、质疑情境Another time, Lets show your answers loudly. And other group can add some answers.1、Teacher encourage Ss to show their answers.2、Let Ss talk about the questions3、教师评价。1、学生以小组为单位展示。2、在同学展示过程中,其他学生要认真倾听。3、学科长组织组员做好记录。内化提升问题训练10分钟创设内化训练情境1、 教师巡回指导各小

28、组兵教兵的情况。2、 教师巡回指导小组完成训练,并做评价。1、 学科长组织小组成员进行兵教兵,内化知识,提升能力。2、 小组完成训练并做评价。归纳概括小结深化3分钟创设总结情境 This class, Let Ss learn the key structure “wh- questions” and learn to give some answers.学生认真倾听并畅谈学习感受,表现出积极的情感体验。板式设计Unit 1 How often do you exercise?SkateboardingAlways usually often every dayShopping100% 80% 30%-50%

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