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新目标七年级下册第七单元全单元教案sectionAsectionBunit7its raining.docx

1、新目标七年级下册第七单元全单元教案sectionAsectionBunit7its rainingUnit7 Its raining Section A 1a-1c 一、教学时间:二、课时安排:三、学习目标:单词和句型的练习( 2 )四、教学重点:读背下列单词:sunny,raining,cloudy,windy,五、教学难点:3.重点句型: -Hows the weather in ? - Its .六、教学方法:一五二教学模式七、学习过程:( 30 )一、出示学习目标:1. 学习常用天气词汇;2. 学会如何描述天气。 -Hows the weather in ? - Its .二、创设情境

2、,课堂导入:( 6)三、学习过程:( 35 )-Hows the weather in ? Maybe you have many different answers, Now check() the answers, you use in 1a.师生活动一:合作学习 (16 ) 认读并书写本课单词1,个人自读,记忆单词,小组互相检查读写情况 2. 默写下列单词并展示。1. 正在下雨_ 2. 正在下雪_3. 多云的_ 4. 晴朗的 _ 5. 刮风的_ 6. 天气_7. 下雨;雨/下雪;雪_ 8. Boston _ 9. Moscow _ 10. Toronto_ 3.小组内核对答案4.完成1a

3、 将单词与图画匹配师生活动二:自学 (自主探究 6)学会谈论如何表达天气? 1.听录音并且写出1b中城市名字。 2.理解并复述听力对话并和你的伙伴编新对话。 3.完成1c, 练习下面的对话: -Hows the weather in ? - Its .师生活动三:交流(合作探究 10)Group work: 分析总结如何描述天气,并练习造句。 Notes:_师生活动四:课堂引深(10) 形容词后缀-y- snowy 有雪的 rain - rainy 有雨的cloud cloudy 多云的 storm stormy 暴风雨的wind windy 刮风的 sun sunny 晴朗的四、 当堂训练

4、(10 ) 【自主检测】:、看图写词II、完美呈现1. Its a _(阴天的) day today.2. Its _(下雨) today, so I cant go to the zoo.3. -How is the weather in your city today?-Its _(晴朗的).4. Its _(有风的) today. I want to take a bus to school.5. It is _(下雪) in our city. The kids are very happy because they can make snowmen(雪人).、对号入座请用Hows或W

5、hats填空。1. _ the weather today? 2、_ the weather like today?五、课堂小结( 1 )八、布置作业:( 1 )Make conversations about how you study for a test like 1c九、板书设计:Unit7 Its raining- snowy 有雪的 rain - rainy 有雨的cloud cloudy 多云的 storm stormy 暴风雨的wind windy 刮风的 sun sunny 晴朗的十:教学反思:Unit7 Its raining Section A 2a-2d一、教学时间:二

6、、课时安排:三、学习目标:单词和句型的练习( 2 )四、教学重点:1. 了解现在进行时结构:be + v.-ing.2. 学会描述某人正在做什么。-What is/are doing? -is/are doing. 五、教学难点:-What are you doing ? Im cooking Hows it going ? - Great/ Not bad /Terrible六、教学方法:一二五教学模式七、学习过程:( 30 )一、出示学习目标:运用前面所学的知识编写对话。(3)eg: - Hows the weather ? Its cloudy / sunny ./ Its rainin

7、g . -What are you doing ? Im cooking 二、创设情境,课堂导入:( 3)1.听录音,在2a标出序号。2.再听一遍录音,自己核实答案。3.小组相互核对答案,检查所听结果。4.小组为单位,描述某人正在做什么。eg: A:What is he/she doing? B:He /She is.5.小组展示。三、学习过程:( 35 )师生活动一:合作学习 (16 ) 现在进行时表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作,也可表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。是由助动词be(am,is,are)+v-ing形式构成的。-What are you doing?

8、- Im doing homework. - What is he/she doing? - He/She is drawing.师生活动二: 完成2d部分。1.要求学生边读对话边翻译。 2.学生质疑,师生共同解惑。3.教师领读或听录音带跟读课文。 4. 学生大声朗读并背诵课文。四、当堂训练 (10 )I、完美呈现1. Where is his sister? -She is _(学习) at home.2. Is your aunt _(煮) dinner? -Yes, she is.3. Hows your school trip? -Its _(很糟的).4. We can use e-

9、mail to send _(信息).II、你来我往A:Hello, Tom speaking.B:Hi, Tom. Its Bob. 1. _?A:Not bad, thank you. 2. _?B:Im playing soccer with some friends at the park.A: 3._.B:Yeah. Is your brother at home?A:Oh, hes not here. Hes studying at his friends home. 4. _?B:Yes. Could you just tell him to call me back?A:5._

10、.五、课堂小结( 1 ) 打电话用语 Hello/Hi! 你好!This is/Its . 我是. Whos that? 你是谁呀?Is at home? 在家吗? This is speaking. 我是. Hows it going? 最近怎么样? Oh, he/she is not here. 哦,他/她不在家。 Can I take a message for you? 我能给你捎个口信吗? Could you tell him/her to call me back? 你能让他/她给我回电话吗?八、布置作业:( 1 )Make conversations using the info

11、rmation in 2a and 2b.九、板书设计:Unit7 Its rainingThis is speaking. 我是. Hows it going? 最近怎么样? Oh, he/she is not here. 哦,他/她不在家。 Can I take a message for you? 我能给你捎个口信吗? Could you tell him/her to call me back? 你能让他/她给我回电话十:教学反思:Unit7 Its rainingSection A 3a-3c一、教学时间:二、课时安排:三、学习目标:单词和句型的练习( 2 )四、教学重点:1. 总结

12、归纳Section A部分知识重点;2. 学会运用Section A部分所学知识。五、教学难点:1. 总结归纳Section A部分知识重点;2. 学会运用Section A部分所学知识。六、教学方法:一二五教学模式七、学习过程:( 30 )一、出示学习目标:运用前面所学的知识编写对话。(3)eg: - Hows the weather ? Its cloudy / sunny ./ Its raining . -What are you doing ? Im cooking - Hows it going ? - Great/ Not bad /Terrible二、创设情境,课堂导入:( 6

13、) 完成Grammar Focus1. 学生自学。2. 分组朗读句子。3. 学生质疑,师生共同解惑。三、学习过程:( 30 )师生活动一 :Group work:总结归纳Section A部分知识重点。1.描述天气的词汇: _2.描述天气的句子: _3.描述某人正在做什么的句子: _ _师生活动二:(5) 完成3a,3b部分1. 学生仿照例句完成其他练习。2. 小组相互核对答案。3. 分组朗读句子。四、当堂训练 ( 5 )、完美呈现be rain go snow study1. Hows it _? -Great!2. Its _ now. Its very cold.3. How _ the

14、 weather in Shanghai today? -Its fine.4. What is Tom doing? -He is _ math.5. Its _ outside now. You need to take an umbrella(雨伞).、最佳搭档( ) 1. Hows the weather? A. No, it isnt.( ) 2. Hows it going? B. This is Ben.( ) 3. Whos that speaking? C. Im watching TV.( ) 4. What are you doing? D. Snowy.( ) 5. I

15、s it rainy in Boston? E. Great!五、课堂小结( 1 ) 八、布置作业:( 1 )九、板书设计:Unit7 Its raining- Hows the weather ? Its cloudy / sunny ./ Its raining . -What are you doing ? Im cooking - Hows it going ? - Great/ Not bad /Terrible十:教学反思: Unit7 Its raining Section B 1a-1e一、教学时间:二、课时安排:三、学习目标:单词和句型的练习( 2 )四、教学重点:1.读背下

16、列单词: dry,cool,hot,cold,warm五、教学难点:3.重点句型:-Hows the weather in ? - Its .-What are you doing? -Im doing.六、教学方法:一五二教学模式七、教学过程:一、出示学习目标:( 2 )1. 继续学习常用天气词汇;2. 学会谈论天气。-Hows the weather in ? - Its .3. 学会谈论某人正在做什么。 -What are you doing? -Im doing.二、 课堂导入:读单词、提问导入。三、学习过程:师生活动一: 认读并书写本课单词 (3)1.个人自读,记忆单词2.小组互相检

17、查读、写情况3 .写出下列单词并展示干燥的_凉爽的_寒冷的_ 温暖的_ 热的_ 4.在小组内核对答案.5.完成1a 将单词与图画匹配.6. 听录音,完成1c.师生活动二: 自学(自主探究 6)学会询问他人关于天气,人们的心情以及他们在干什么的句型 .-Hows the weather in ? - Its .-What are you doing? -Im doing.Hows it going? Great/ pretty good.1.两人一组,练习对话2.利用1a中的表达天气的单词,做替换练习, 完成1d。 3.小组竞争,展示成果师生活动三:交流(合作探究 10) Group work:

18、 总结归纳有关天气的词汇。Hows the weather: _Hows it going?_师生活动四:总结(引深探究 15)师生活动五:练评(包含“考点链接” 应用探究 6)四:当堂训练 【自主检测】:I、完美呈现1. In winter(冬季), its_(寒冷的).2. I like spring(春季) because its _(温暖的) and I can see lots of beautiful flowers. 3. The weather here is _(热的) and _(干燥的).4. Its _(凉爽的) in autumn(秋季).、对号入座A: Hi, Ci

19、ndy. Wheres your brother now?B: 1._A: In the park? 2._B: No, it isnt. Its sunny. 3._A: Its terrible. Its raining.B: 4._A: Im reading a book but its boring. 5._B: All right.A. Well, what are you doing now?B. Hes playing soccer in the park.C. Oh, tell your brother to call me when he gets back.D. Is it

20、 raining there now?E. Whats the weather like in your city? _【快乐链接】 天气状况(1)Clear 晴朗Cloudy 多云Cloudy / Wind 阴时有风AM Showers 上午阵雨AM Snow Showers 上午阵雪AM T-Storms 上午雷暴雨AM Clouds / PM Sun 上午有云/下午后晴Clouds Early / Clearing Late 早多云/晚转晴五、课堂小结( 1 )八、布置作业:( 1 )九、板书设计:Unit7 Its rainingHows the weather in ? - Its

21、.-What are you doing? -Im doing.Hows it going? Great/ pretty good.十:教学反思:Unit7 Its raining Section B 2a-3b一、教学时间:二、课时安排:三、学习目标:单词和句型的练习( 2 )四、教学重点:1.读背下列单词: visit,on vacation五、教学难点:reading六、教学方法:一五二教学模式七、教学过程:一、出示学习目标:( 2 )1、继续学习谈论天气;2、继续学习谈论某人正在做什么;3. 阅读短文,摘录关键信息,提高阅读能力。II、翻译官1. Canada_2.Europe _ 3

22、. 暑假_ 4. 橙汁_ 5. 努力学习_6. 玩得开心_7. 温暖而晴朗_8. 凉爽且多云_9. 拜访朋友_ 10. 写信给你_二、课堂导入:读单词、提问导入。三、学习过程:师生活动一: 自学(自主探究 6)学习2a部分1.自读短文, 理解意思并划出天气的词语和人们在做什么事情。2. 小组内能够简单描述图片内容。师生活动二: 导入(启发探究 3)学习2b部分1.自读短文, 理解意思。2.小组合作, 翻译短文。3.学生质疑,师生共同解惑。4.尝试背诵短文。师生活动三: 交流(合作探究 10) 学习2c部分 结合2a,2b的内容,把2C表格内容填写完成。师生活动四:总结(引深探究 15) 合作交

23、流Group work:分析总结阅读技巧,并尝试根据2c中的表格复述文章。Notes: _四、课堂反馈:练评(包含“考点链接” 应用探究 6) 【快乐阅读】: Weather We often talk about the weather. If we want to know about the weather,We can turn on the radio and listen to the weather report. We can also turn on the TVand watch Weather Forecast. And we can ask other people i

24、n two different ways:” Whats the weather like today?” or “Hows the weather today?” Sometimes we can call at 121 for the weather. When its cold, we shiver and need to wear warm clothes and scarves. When its hot, we need a cool place and want a cold drink.()1.You can watch Weather Forecast _. A. by ra

25、dio B.on TV 121()2. You can ask other people”_” to know about the weather. A.What does the weather like?B.Whats the weather?C.Hows the weather?()3. The telephone number 121 is for _. A. the address B.the fire C.the weather()4.The underlined word “shiver” means “_” in Chinese. A.颤抖 B.出汗 C.避暑 ()5.We want a cold drink when its _.A.cold B.warm _【快乐链接】 天气状况(2)Fog 雾 Fair 晴

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