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Unit 1 The summer holidays.docx

1、Unit 1 The summer holidaysUnit 1 The summer holidays一、 教学目标与要求 通过本单元教学,使学生运用所学语言,流畅地表达自己对别人的问候,并对别人的问候予以正确应答。能较为熟练地以书信形式描写自己暑期生活的片段;能运用特殊疑问句就自己感兴趣的内容,与同学进行对话。能针对第三课的练习,整理出相关的疑问句,并将答案以书面形式组织成一篇字词左右的短文。二、教学重点与难点重点词汇introduce ;Practice; go on doing; result; as a result; in ones opinion; general idea; e

2、mploy; regards重要句型 1)so+be/have 助动词/情态动词+主语 2)sometimes we go on working after dark by the lights of our tractors.3) Im quite good/not good at. 4) I enjoy. 5) I语法复习特殊疑问句:1) Who is that boy over there? 2) What do you know about Bob White? 3) Which school did he go to last year? 4) Which wa

3、s he doing at this time last year? 7) How many Chinese words has he learnt?日常交际用语问候和道别(Greetings and farewells):1) Hello/Hi. 2) Nice to meet you. /Nice meeting you. 3) Ill introduce you. 4) I must go/be off/be leaving now. 5) Give ones regards/best wishes/love to.三、课型(一)对话课教具录音机、投影仪课堂教学设计教师可通过以下开场白导

4、入正课:Hello, everyone! Im very happy to be with you this school year.Let me introduce myself first, I am your new English teacher. My name is.Ive been teaching English for.years and I enjoy teaching very much. I believe that everybody wants to learn English well. Now I am going to show you three Engli

5、sh proverbs: 1) Where there is a will, there is a way.2) Practice makes perfect.3) No pains, no gains. All these proverbs tell you that if you really want to learn English well and keep trying very hard every day, you will make much progress day by day. Now somebody stands up and introduce yourself

6、to the whole of the class. Anyone?教师请一两位同学用英语作自我介绍。如:姓名、来自哪所学校、个人爱好等。准备放对话录音,用投影仪打出听前提问:(注)Which school was Harry in last year?放录音一至两遍,请一位同学回答上述问题(注)Key: Harry was at Centre School last year.学生两人一组,练习对话至分钟。教师请几组同学到前面表演。组织学生两人一组,练习Oral practice所提供的问答练习。教师可请几组同学进行问答表演。教师指导学生归纳在本课中所出现的有关打招呼和告别的常用语句。(见日

7、常交际用语部分)教师提供如下情景(注),组织学生编演新的对话:两个同学在教室门口见面,一个来自本市五中,另一个来自十五中,相互介绍个人爱好及暑假活动等。Two students happen to meet at the classroom door. One is from No.5 Middle school and the other is from No.15 Middle school. Make a dialogue between the two to introduce each other and exchange personal interests as well as

8、activities during the summer vacation.提示词语:(注)1)enjoy reading, watching TV and so on;2)like playing sports, such as basketball, football, go swimming and so on;3)have a wonderful time during the summer vacation;4)go to Mount Tai in Shandong; 5)stay at home, reading books三至五分钟后,请两组同学到前面表演。(注)布置作业)预习第


10、困难,可要求学生在开始阶段(一个月左右)借助课本将对话表演下来。以后可根据情况逐步提高要求。(二)阅读理解课 1 教具 录音机,投影仪。2 课堂教学设计1 检查生词及短语(注)。2 教师给出读前提问:1) What do they grow in the south of the States? 2) How many different time areas in the United States?教师给学生数分钟,要求学生快速阅读课文(默读),之后请同学回答上述问题。Key: 1) they grow rice in the south of the States. 2) There a

11、re five different time areas in the States.3 放课文录音,学生跟度一两遍,教师就课文提问,检查学生的理解程度。1) What is Charles doing on the farm? 2) How long does he work every day? Why? 3) How many helpers does his father have? 4) How many people does his father employ for the harvest? 5) Charlie is the only son in the family, i

12、snt he? 6) What do they usually do on Saturday evenings? 7) According to Charlie, should Americans eat more meat or less meat? 8) If it is 8:00a.m. In Beijing, whats the time in USA?Key: 1) Charlie is helping his Dad on the farm. 2) Every he has to work from dawn until dark, because it is time of ye

13、ar for the rice harvest.3) His father usually has two helpers. 4) The letter does not say exactly how many people. But his employs men for the harvest. 5)No, Charlieh has got a brother.6)They would have a party on Saturday evenings. 7) In Charlies opinion, the Americans eat too much meat. So they sh

14、ould eat the meat. 8) Since they are fourteen hours behind Beijing time in Charlies state, its 10p.m. in the USA.4 教师知道学生从Charlie信中的描写找出和中国学生的暑假生活的不同,并要求学生以对比的形式口头描述。Help the students find out the things that are different in their part of China. FOREXAMPLE:1) In Charlies letter, he says that he is

15、helping his father on the farm. But I spent a lot of time reading during my summer vacation. I did not do any farm work.2) Charlie says that they grow rice in the south of the States, but in the north where it is colder they grow wheat. In my part of China, we do grow rice in the south, but we also

16、grow rice in the north. And we grow wheat in the north too.3) Charlie says that it doesnt often rain in the summer there. But in the place where I live, we have plenty of rain during this period.5 教师指导学生根据 的这封信,分别描写你所了解的Charlie; Charlies father; life on the farm 。将学生分成几个大组,每组围绕一个题目准备,数分钟后,请同学口头表演。例如

17、:1) Charlie is an American student. During the summer vacation he helped his father on the farm. He worked very hard because it was harvest time. He and his brother did a lot of work. For example, they pumped water from a well to water the vegetable garden.2) Charlies father has got a farm. Usually

18、he has two helpers. But when harvest time comes, he would employ more people. He has two sons, who often help him during the summer vacation.3) Life on the farm is interesting. Though it is harvest time, they still have a party every Saturday evening. People cook meat on an open fire outside. They d

19、rink beer and have a lot of fun.6 布置作业 1)复述课文 2)完成练习册中所安排的练习。注 在进行阅读课前,如何处理生词和短语,是值得我们探讨的。不少教师主张由学生预习,这是要坚持的,但学生的预习效果是不同的,需要教师在课上检查,如学生发音是否正确,是否明确词义,哪些单词的发音或拼写形式需要特别注意,以及是否可根据学生的情况对词语进行补充和扩展,如:同义词、进义词、反义词、词性转换等,并对困难学生提供必要的帮助。因此,这一教学步骤需要教师依所教学生的实际情况灵活设计。(三) 语言训练课1 教具 投影仪2 课堂教学设计1)教师检查课文复述2)教师从本单元词语中选

20、择部分常见词语配以例句介绍给学生。要求学生反复练习这些例句,并视学生情况,请同学造句,教师予以订正(注1)。词语:at the beginning of ;in the beginning ; be off/be leaving ;introduce somebody to.; in ones opinion; find out; from dawn until dark; go on doing sth.; go on to sth.;go on with sth.; employ; as a result; give ones regards(best wishes, love)to.;例

21、句:1)At the beginning of the class, the teacher gave the students a dictation.2)Sure, youll find it difficult in the beginning. If you work hark at it, you will be good at it.3) Its going to rain. must be off now.5) Now let me introduce our foreign teacher, Mr. Smith to you.6) in my opinion you shoul

22、d go and see the headmaster and adk for some advice. 7) Will you please find out what time the train leaves? 8) In some Asian countries, children a 10-pound note re made to from dawn until dark.9) though it was very late, he went on to read English aloud in the classroom. 12) Charlie was employed in

23、 the bank.13) He was late as a result of the heavy traffic. 14) Please give my best wishes to your parents. 15) Please give my kind regards to your uncle.3 书面表达练习(注2)中文提示(用投影片打出):1)姐姐暑假当家庭教师tutor,2)教一个男孩英语;3)男孩淘气不认真;4)一次上课,他什么也记不住,又喊叫,又做鬼脸;5)姐姐生气。英文提示(用投影片打出):Summer vacation; have somebody do someth

24、ing go on doing something; as a result; in ones opinion.将首句给出:My sister was employed as a tutor (family teacher) during the summer vacation.七八分钟后,请几位同学朗读自己的短文,教师予以讲评。Model: My sister was employed as a tutor (family teacher) during the summer vacation. She had her boy student reading English and writ

25、ing compositions. Yet the boy was very naughty and never did anything carefully.One day my sister spent hours teaching him some words and then went on teaching him the text. But the boy couldnt remember a single word and he couldnt read the text either. Instead he kept on shouting and made strange n

26、oises. As a result, my sister was very disappointed. She said to the boy,” In my opinion, you should have a policeman instead of a tutor.4.布置作业 1)预习第二单元;2)完成练习册中的练习。(注1)由于各单元的难句一在“难句分析”中有详细讲解,故在这个教学步骤中,只处理一些常见词语和固定搭配(其中部分与“教学重点与难点”中的“重点词汇”相吻合),目的是为学生提供更多的语言实践机会,接触到一些地道的英语短句。并通过练习,逐步掌握这些句子。展现例句的方法,教师

27、可考虑用投影仪,也可以用板书的形式。在请同学造句时,可酌情为他们提供一些中文提示。(注2)关于书面表达能力训练和培养,建议从高仪起始阶段抓起。在起始阶段,可为学生准备教为详尽的提示词语、以及主要内容的大意。提示词语可考虑从该单元课文或对话中提取,进行有针对性的书面练习。并将短文首句给出。最后,可用投影片为同学打出范文,供学生参考、比较和修改自己的短文。四、难句分析1. So was my friend Bob White. 我的朋友鲍勃.怀特也是(去年在中心学校学习)。so+助动词/情态动词+主语”这一结构中的so 代替上句中的助动词/情态动词相同。如上句中的谓语动词是行为动词,则so 后面助

28、动词的do 采用适当形式。例如:1) I will have a swim this afternoon. So will my classmates.今天下午我要去游泳,我的同学也去。2) A.I has lost my dictionary. 我的字典丢了。B So have I. 我的字典也丢了。2. I must be off now. 我现在得走了。be off 意为“走掉”、“动身”。例如 1)I am off tomorrow morning. 我明天一早动身。2) The next day I was off to Washington in a train.第二天,我动身坐火

29、车去华盛顿。3. Come on. I will introduce you. 来,我来给你做个介绍。come on 这个习惯用语常用来催促或鼓励别人。意思为:“快、赶快、来吧、加油”等。例如:1) Come on, Jim I will show you some pictures.吉姆,过来!我来给你看看这几张照片。2) Sing a song for us, Jane. Come on. 来吧,简,给我们唱支歌。3) Come on, Bruce! You are falling behind. “加油啊!布鲁思,你已经落后了!”introduce 在句中的意思是“介绍(相识)”。常用于

30、以下结构:Introduce sb. 其中to sb.可以省略。例如:1) I want to introduce our headmaster to you.我想把我们的校长介绍给大家。2) Id like to introduce you to my friendlily.我来把你介绍给我的朋友,李磊。4. What was the nicest part of your holiday in your opinion?在你看来,你的假期哪段时间过得最好?in ones opinion 意思是:“依.看、在。看来”,用来表示个人的看反和意见,并使自己的看法和意见听起来不那么武断

31、。例如:1) In my opinion, autumns thee best season in Beijing.在我看来,秋天是北京最好的季节。2) In Charlies opinion, Americans should eat less meat.查理认为,美国人应该少吃些肉。3) In the l opinion of most people, there will be a good harvest this autumn.大多数人认为,今年应该有个好收成。5. Here is part of his letter to Lixiaojun about his summer va

32、cation. 这是他写给李晓军有关他假期生活的一封信的一部分。part为名词,意思是:部分、局部。常用做单数,并且不用不定冠词。例如:1)Im sorry to do this, butt its part of my duty.很抱歉我得这么做,这是我的职责。2) There is but one China, and Taiwan is the part of China.只有一个中国,台湾是中国的一部分。part还可以用在以下的短语中:take part in 参加 play.part in.起. 的作用for the most part 大部分;在大多数的情况下 in part 部分的;有些部分6.Sometimes we go on working after dark by the lights of our tractors.

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