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1、牛津上海版六年级上册U1教案学科教师辅导教案讲义编号: 组长审核:学员编号: 年级:六年级 课时数:学员姓名: 辅导科目:英语 学科教师:授课主题第一单元教学目的1.掌握单词2.掌握课堂知识点3.掌握语法名词教学重点名词授课日期及时段 教学内容十二个月份的英文一月January 二月February 三月March 四月April 五月May 六月June七月July 八月August 九月September 十月October 十一月November 十二月December十二个月份英文的缩写Jan. 一月 Feb. 二月 Mar. 三月 Apr. 四月 May 五月 Jun. 六月Jul.

2、 七月 Aug. 八月 Sep. 九月 Oct. 十月 Nov. 十一月 Dec. 十二月单词:1. Relativen.亲戚;亲属 relationship n.亲戚关系2. niece侄女 Nephew 侄子 husband n.丈夫 3 family tree 复合名词4 Play the piano(弹钢琴) play badminton(打羽毛球)5 Go shoppingGo swimmingGo fishingGo cyclingn.名词 V.动词 Adj. 形容词 adv副词 Modalv 情态动词 (prep)介词Pron 代词 conj 连词 6. Alice has go

3、t a lot of presents.Alice hasnt got many presents.Has Alice got many presents?a lot of = lots of用于否/疑改成many可数 / much 不可数7.decidedecision n. 决心decide to do sth=make up ones mind to do sth =have a decision to do sth决定做8.get sth.from. 从.得到某物9.make sth for sb 某人做某事 of+复数其中之一 语法: 名词(noun),缩写为n. 是人和

4、事物的名称,如pen(钢笔),English(英语),life(生活)。1、名词的分类名词可以分为专有名词(Proper Nouns)和普通名词 (Common Nouns),专有名词是某个(些)人,地方,机构等专有的名称,如Beijing,China等。普通名词是一类人或东西或是一个抽象概念的名词,如:book,sadness等。普通名词又可分为下面四类: 1)个体名词(Individual Nouns):表示某类人或东西中的个体,如:gun。 2)集体名词(Collective Nouns):表示若干个个体组成的集合体,如:family。 3)物质名词(Material Nouns):表示

5、无法分为个体的实物,如:air。 4)抽象名词(Abstract Nouns):表示动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象概念,如:work。个体名词和集体名词可以用数目来计算,称为可数名词(Countable Nouns),物质名词和抽象名词一般无法用数目计算,称为不可数名词(Uncountable Nouns)。归纳一下,名词的分类可以下图表示:名词专有名词(Tom,Shanghai,USA, UN)举例普通名词可数名词个体名词person,desk,集体名词audience,crew不可数名词物质名词stone,iron抽象名词glory,quality2、名词复数的规则变化名词单数的特征复数构成


7、atoesecho-echoes以字母0结尾的外来词或者新产生的词,直接加-spiano-pianossolo-soloszero-zeros以f或者fe结尾的名词多数情况下,变f或fe 为-veshalf-halveswife-wivesknife-knives life-livesleaf-leaves wolf-wolvesthief-thieves;有些,直接加-sbelief-beliefsroof-roofssafe-safes gulf-gulfs;3、名词复数的不规则变化1)child-childrenfoot-feettooth-teethmouse-miceman-men

8、woman-women 注意:与 man 和 woman构成的合成词,其复数形式也是 -men 和-women。如: an Englishman,two Englishmen. 但German不是合成词,故复数形式为Germans;Bowman是姓,其复数是the Bowmans。2)单复同形如:deer,sheep,fish,Chinese,Japanese li,jin,yuan,two li,three mu,four jin但除人民币元、角、分外,美元、英镑、法郎等都有复数形式。如:a dollar, two dollars; a meter, two meters 3)集体名词 只在

9、动词使用时区分,如果将名词所表示的集体是为一个整体,则位于动词用单数; 如果将名词表示的集体是为分散的个体,位于动词则用复数。如: The class is small. 这是小班。 The whole class are working very hard at English. 这个班上的学生学习英语很刻苦。 4)以s结尾,仍为单数的名词,如: a. maths,politics,physics等学科名词,为不可数名词,是单数。 b. news 是不可数名词。 c. the United States,the United Nations 应视为单数。The United Nations

10、was organized in 1945. 联合国是1945年组建起来的。 d. 以复数形式出现的书名,剧名,报纸,杂志名,也可视为单数。The Arabian Nights is a very interesting story-book. 是一本非常有趣的故事书。5) 表示由两部分构成的东西,永远以复数形式出现如:glasses (眼镜)trousers,clothes 若表达具体数目,要借助数量词 pair(对,双);suit(套); a pair of glasses; two pairs of trousers6) 另外还有一些名词,其复数形式有时可表示特别意思,且只能在表示不同种

11、类时采用复数,如:goods货物,waters水域,fishes(各种)鱼4、不可数名词量的表示1)物质名词a. 当物质名词转化为个体名词时。 比较:Cake is a kind of food.蛋糕是一种食物。 (不可数)These cakes are sweet.这些蛋糕很好吃。 (可数)b. 当物质名词表示该物质的种类时,名词可数。This factory produces steel.(不可数)We need various steels.(可数)2) 抽象名词有时也可数。four freedoms 四大自由 the four modernizations四个现代化物质名词和抽象名词可

12、以借助单位词表一定的数量。如:a glass of water 一杯水a piece of advice一条建议5、名词所有格 名词所有格(possessive case)表示人或物的所属关系。主要有三种形式:s形式, of +名词形式 和双重所有格形式1) s形式 所有格即:表示有生命的东西的名词的所有格表示有生命的东西的名词(人或动物)的末尾,加上s,即构成所有格,可放在另一名词之前,作定语用。如:Johns friend约翰的朋友Xiao Wangs notebook小王的笔记本childrens books儿童读物my fathers room我父亲的房间 注意形式1) 单数名词词尾加

13、s,复数名词词尾没有s,也要加s,如the boys bag 男孩的书包,mens room 男厕所, childrens book 儿童读物。 2) 若名词已有复数词尾-s ,只加,如:the workers struggle工人的斗争。2) of +名词形式常用于没有生命的事物:the title of the song 歌的名字3) 双重所有格形式 即结合上述两种形式 of+名词所有格 ,表示部分观念或感情色彩。如(1)表示部分观念:a friend of my sisters (= one of my sisters friends)我妹妹的一个朋友;a picture of Mr.

14、Wus吴先生(具有的照片中)的一张照片(比较:a picture of Mr. Wu吴先生本人的照片,即照片上是吴先生的像)。(2)表示感情色彩:this lovely child of your aunts你婶母的这个可爱的孩子 名词所有格所修饰的词的省略名词所有格所修饰的词,如果前面已经提到,往往可以省略,以免重复。如:The dictionary is not mine, but Xiao Wangs.这本词典不是我的,是小王的。名词所有格后面指地点等的名词,有的习惯上可省去不用。如:I met him at the Johnsons (shop).我在约翰逊商店遇见了他。I went

15、to my uncles (house) yesterday.我昨天到我叔叔家去 作文 My familyEveryone has a family. We live in it and feel very warm. There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and me. We live together happily.My father is a businessman. My mother is a housewife. I am a student. My father is tall an

16、d clever. He usually does exercises with me. He likes watching news and playing computer games. My mother is very beautiful and good at cooking. She cooks for my family everyday. She always helps me with my homework. I am helpful. I always help my mother do some housework. I like reading books at ho

17、me. Sometimes I watch TV with my parents.This is my family. My family is very happy everyday. I love my family. 记忆时间,自己写一写: 书写作文 梳理知识点 用所给单词的适当形式填空)1. (this) are my family photos, can you find me?2. I usually go (swim) in summer.3. How many (classmate) are there in your class?4. By the way, what els

18、e do you do with (they)?5. This is (Tom) classmate.(选择适当的单词或短语完成句子)going shopping, always, how many, cousin, presents, play games 1. I go to school at 7:30.2. How about with me this afternoon?3. Amy has got a lot of on her birthday party.4. people are there in your family?5. Tom is my uncles son, he

19、 is my .6. I often on Saturdays and Sundays.选择适当的单词或短语填空)1. I often (go swimming; going swimming) with my best friends on Sundays.2. I am hungry now, so I want to have some food in a (hospital; restaurant).3. What (else; elses) can I do now?4. I (usually; sometimes) go to schoolboy school bus, becau

20、se my house is far from my school.5. Does Alice (have; has) a brother or a sister?6. Please look at my family (trees; tree) 7. My brother draws better than (my, me)8. Would you like me to show you (about, around) Green Island tomorrow?9. Will you give me (some, any) food?10. We use water to wash clo

21、thes, we (both, also) use water to cook food and make drinks.11. Sam is Alices uncle. So Alice is Sams (nephew, niece).12. (These, This) are my cousins.IV. Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案)( )1. I have got a lot of birthday cards my family and relatives. A. at B. for C. in D. from( )2. Mr. and Mrs.

22、 Wang are my parents. I am their . A. sister B. doctor C. cousin D. daughter( )3. Happy birthday to you! - . A. Thank you B. How are you C. Thats all right D. Fine, thank you( )4. Tom sometimes with his best friend, Peter. A. to play badminton B. plays badminton C. playing badminton D. play badminto

23、ns( )5. They are my grandparents. I am grandson. A. their B. them C. theirs D. they( )6. pairs, talk about each others family members. A. For B. In C. With D. From( )7. Uncle Li tells us the old days he spent in the USA. A. around B. about C. to D. of( )8. Today is my grandparents birthday. A. sixty

24、 B. sixtieth C. the sixty D. the sixtieth( )9. Jenny likes to puzzles with Mike. A. make B. do C. have D. take( )10. I want to buy some crisps and fruit. What will you buy? A. other B. others C. the others D. else( )11. We should help each other. A. with B. / C. in D. of( )12. I bought a present my

25、grandmother yesterday. A. to B. from C. of D. for( )13. She has two sisters. One is a doctor and is a teacher. A. other B. another C. the other D. others( )14. a very cold morning, the boy was born in a poor family. A. In B. On C. At D. Under( )15. My grandfather is in my family. A. older B. oldest

26、C. old D. the oldest( )16. This is a friend of . A. they B. them C. theirs D. their( )17. wonderful picture! I like it very much. A. What a B. What C. How D. How a( )18. I have one cousin. She has one cousin, . A. also B. too C. both D. either( )19. Maria often goes shopping her mother. A. for B. wi

27、th C. from D. of( )20. What do you usually do on Sunday? A. else B. others C. another D. the other( )21. I always with my father after dinner. A. play the badminton B. playing badminton C. to play badminton D. play badminton( )22. The Double Ninth Festival is coming. Lets make some cards our grandpa

28、rents. A. for B. with C. from D. of( )23. Mum, my classmate, Jane. A. she is B. that is C. this is D. it is( )24. How many brothers Lily ? A. has; got B. is; there C. have; got D. are; there( )25. We can have meals at . A. hospital B. cinema C. park D. restaurant( )26. We visit our grandparents twic

29、e a week. We go to see them. A. often B. always C. usually D. sometimes( )27. - uncles do you have, Andy? I have only one. A. How much B. How many C. How often D. How old( )28. Tom is brother and I love very much. A. I; he B. my; him C. I; him D. my; he( )29. Peter always lunch at school. But tomorrow he at home. A. has; is going to have B. have; was going to have

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