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1、八年级英语上册阅读理解单元练习题含答案2020-2021年 八年级英语上册阅读理解单元练习题(含答案)一、八年级英语上册阅读理解专项练习(含答案解析)1阅读理解 A poor man worked for a rich man. The rich man made the poor man work all day, but didnt give him enough food. So the poor man often felt hungry. One day, when the poor man was having breakfast, the rich man came in and

2、 said to the poor man, Its very troublesome to come back for the other meals. So I want you to have your breakfast, lunch and dinner together now before you go to the fields. How can I eat three meals at breakfast time? the poor man thought but he said, All right. He finished his meals and went out.

3、 Two hours later, the rich man went out for a walk, he saw the poor man sleeping under a tree. He was very angry and said, Why dont you work in the fields? The poor man sat up and said with a smile, Ive already had my dinner and you know very well that after dinner it is time to go to sleep.(1)Why d

4、id the poor man often feel hungry? A.The rich man didnt give him enough food.B.His parents didnt give him enough food.C.He ate only one meal a day.D.He was poor and lazy.(2)Whats the English meaning of the underlined word troublesome? A.niceB.easyC.annoyingD.wonderful(3)The rich man asked the poor m

5、an to _. A.have breakfast with himB.have a rest after breakfastC.lie under a three meals at a time(4)From the story, we can learn that _. A.the rich man had only one meal a dayB.the poor man ate too muchC.the poor man was cleverD.the rich man was kind to the poor man【答案】 (1)A(2)C(3)D(4)C 【

6、解析】【分析】文章大意:本文叙述一位富人让穷人整天于活却不愿意给他足够的食物吃,因此穷人吃不饱。那位穷人更聪明,以穿还牙,既然你不让我吃饱,我也不给你干活。 (1)细节理解题。由根据短文中的句子“The rich man made the poor man works all day, but didn t sive, him enough food. So the poor man often felt hungry. 可知,富人让那位穷人整天干活却不愿意给他足够的食物吃,因此穷人常常感到饥饿。故选A。 (2)词义猜测题。由根据下文中的句子“So I want you to have you

7、r breakfast、lunch and dinner together now before you go to the fields.”可知,富人想让穷人把早餐当作三餐,而故意说回来吃午饭,晚饭很麻烦。故选C。 (3)细节理解题。由 So I want you to have your breakfast, lunch and dinner together now before you go to the fields. 可知富人想要穷人一次吃完三餐,故选D。 (4)细节理解题。由根据短文最后的句子“I have already had my dinner and you know v

8、ery. wellthat after dimner it is. time. to go to sleep. ”可知,那位穷人更聪明,以牙还牙,既然你不让我吃饱,我也不给你干活。故选C。 【点评】考查阅读理解,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案。推理判断也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确的答案。2阅读理解 This weekend my sister and I want to see a new movie named the BFG(圆梦巨人). Its story is from a book by British writer

9、Roald Dahl. I think it must be fun!Tony Im looking forward to visiting my grandparents farm, Im happy that next weekend my father is going to take my sister Gina and me there. There are many kinds of animals, such as cows, ducks and sheep, Im going to milk the cows. Gina plans to take some photos wi

10、th the animals.Kate I dont like to stay at home all the weekend. So I plan to go hiking with my friends tomorrow. We are going hiking in the countryside for 15 km. Were going to visit some places of interest along the way. Paul Australia is my favorite country. This summer Im going to Sydney with my

11、 parents. We are going to visit the Sydney Opera House, take a walk on the beach and eat good food there.Rosa(1)Tony thinks that seeing the new movie is going to be . A.boringB.interestingC.busyD.difficult(2)Kate is going to next weekend. A.a farmB.a parkC.a theaterD.Sydney(3)Paul is going to during

12、 the weekend. A.milk good foodC.go hikingD.take photos(4) spends the most time on the way to the destination. A.TonyB.KateC.GinaD.Rosa(5)From the passage we can see that all of them . A.dont like staying at homeB.will go to the beachC.will visit the countrysideD.go out with their parents【答

13、案】 (1)B(2)A(3)C(4)D(5)A 【解析】【分析】主要讲了四个人计划去做什么。 (1)细节题。根据第一个表格I think it must be fun!可知Tony认为新电影是有趣的,fun=interesting,有趣的,故选B。 (2)细节题。根据第二个表格Im looking forward to visiting my grandparents farm, Im happy that next weekend my father is going to take my sister Gina and me there.可知Kate期望下周末去爷爷奶奶的农场,故选A。 (

14、3)细节题。根据第三个表格So I plan to go hiking with my friends tomorrow.可知Paul计划明天和朋友去远足,故选C。 (4)细节题。根据第四个表格Australia is my favorite country. This summer Im going to Sydney with my parents.可知Rosa最喜欢澳大利亚,今年夏天打算和父母去悉尼,而Tony去看电影、Kate去爷爷奶奶家农场、Paul去远足,所以Rosa花费最多时间在去目的地的路上,故选D。 (5)细节题。根据全文可知Rosa最喜欢澳大利亚,今年夏天打算和父母去悉尼,

15、而Tony去看电影、Kate去爷爷奶奶家农场、Paul去远足,所以他们都不喜欢待在家里,故选A。 【点评】考查阅读理解,主要考查细节题,注意从文中仔细寻找答案。3阅读理解 Women are just as good at engineering as men are. If you dont think so, come to the programIntroducing a Girl to Engineering Day. Some successful women engineers invited middle school girls in South Carolina, US to

16、 take part in the program every year in May. On the program, they talk to the girls and give them fun activities to try out. These help them learn about the fun side of engineering. This year, the girls learns to make paper boats, and they used their breath(呼吸) to make the boats move. Laura Kate, an

17、 eighth-grader told the Aiken Standard newspaper that she was not sure to take up engineering as her job yet, but she found the program was a lot of fun. In many countries the number of women engineers is small. The main reason is that women lose interest in engineering at a young age. We want to le

18、t the girls know there is a way for them, said Monica Philips, one of the engineers. (1)How often do people hold the program? A.Once a week.B.Once a month.C.Once a year.D.Only this year.(2)What did they learn this year on the program? A.How to go boating.B.How to make paper boats then make them move

19、.C.What to do with paper.D.How to get interested in boats.(3)Why dont many women choose to be engineers? A.Because they didnt find engineering fun when they were young.B.Because they dont know women can be engineers.C.Because it is a hard job and it is not good for women.D.Because they are not inter

20、ested in engineering by the time they have grown up.(4)Which is the best title for the passage? A.How to be a scientist.B.Leading the way for women.C.Leading the way for men.D.How to be an engineer.【答案】 (1)C(2)B(3)A(4)B 【解析】【分析】主要讲了一个电视节目建议女孩学习工程师。 (1)细节题。根据Some successful women engineers invited mi

21、ddle school girls in South Carolina, US to take part in the program every year in May.可知是每年五月一次,故选C。 (2)细节题。根据This year, the girls learns to make paper boats, and they used their breath(呼吸) to make the boats move.可知学习怎样制作纸船及怎样用呼吸让船移动,故选B。 (3)细节题。根据The main reason is that women lose interest in engin

22、eering at a young age. 可知女士对工程师不感兴趣,故选A。 (4)主旨题。根据全文可知主要讲了建议女士学习工程师,故选B。 【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细节题和主旨题常考题型,细节题要注意从文中寻找答案;主旨题需要通读全文,了解大意之后找出中心思想。4阅读理解 Do you like eating ice-cream? Do you know how ice-cream spread in the world? The earliest ice was eaten in China many years ago. People put fruit juice into

23、ice. Later, this idea spread to Italy. Nero, the emperor of Rome between 54 AD and 68 AD, liked to eat ice between violin lessons. He ordered runners to run to the mountain, get snow and quickly run back to the palace. The snow was mixed with fruit juice and honey. Around 1660, coffee shops serving

24、ice-ream were very popular in Paris. Most of the coffee shops were owned by Italians. The first successful one was opened by a man from Italy named Francesco Procopio. Ice-cream was probably to America in the early 1700s, and it quickly became the favorite of American presidents. George Washington h

25、ad ice-cream machine in his kitchen. Dolly Madison, the wife of President Madison, was the first one to serve her guests ice-cream in the White House. Before ice-cream was sold in stores, it was made and frozen(冷冻)at home. It took lots of work to mix cream, eggs, fruit, ice and salt, and then to fre

26、eze it. Nancy Johnson, an American woman made the hand-turned ice-cream freezer in 1846. Five years later, Jacob Flusell opened first ice-cream freezer in 1846. Five years later, Jacob Flusell opened first ice-cream business in Baltimore, Maryland. His business quickly spread to other states. (1)Peo

27、ple in China and Italy ate ice with many years ago. A.creamB.coffeeC.fruit juiceD.eggs and salt(2)From the passage we know that Francesco Procopio . A.was a FrenchmanB.made an ice-cream machineC.opened the first ice-cream shop in ParisD.opened the first successful coffee shop serving ice-cream in Pa

28、ris(3)We can learn from the passage that Dolly Madison . A.brought ice-cream to AmericaB.was once the president of AmericaC.opened the first ice-cream business in BaltimoreD.was the first one to serve the guests ice-cream in the White House(4)How did ice-cream spread in the world? A.ChinaItalyFranceAmerica.B.ChinaFranceAmericaItaly.C.ItalyChinaFranceAmerica.D.AmericaFranceItalyChina.(5)The passage mainly talks about . to make ice-creamB.the history of ice-creamC.why people like eating ice-cream

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