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八年级英语上册 Unit 6 Im going to study computer science导学案新版人教新目标版.docx

1、八年级英语上册 Unit 6 Im going to study computer science导学案新版人教新目标版Im going to study computer scienceUnit 6 Im going to study computer science Section A 41学习目标与任务:听力与对话,了解be going to 结构学习重点与难点:讨论职业及实现方法过程:检查预习:例举你知道的职业导入 讨论:what do you want to be ?做动作,猜职业1.看图识记:看图30秒,说出图中呈现的是什么职业。2.对课本中的12中职业排序,比较每个人不同的排序3

2、.看老师口型,猜职业,回答:How are you going to do that?4.练习图中的对话5.听前:预测听到的职业6.听中:填空并连线7.听后:选择其中一组对话操练8.出示其他职业的单词卡片:模仿1c操练句型反馈与检测:选择:1.-Whats your brother going to_when he_up? -A soldier.A. do; grow B have ; grows C. be ; grows D . play ; grow2. Her father is an _in a big factory.A. star B. engineer C. worker D.

3、 player3. - are you going to be a pianist in the future ?-Im going to practice playing the piano every day.A. What B .When C. How D. Why4. There an art exhibition this Sunday.A. have B. is going to have C. is going to be D. is going to hold5 He is going to to New York with his parents. A. take B. mo

4、ve C. bring D. stay 1.询问长大后干什么的句型及其答语A:_?B:_.2.询问何时开始奋斗的句型及其答语A:_?B:_.3.其他说明将来意向的句型_4.用本节学的句型编对话.A:What_B:_A: How_B:_课外作业:问同伴喜欢的职业与实现办法课堂记录:(存在的疑问或精彩的点评)Unit 6 Im going to study computer science Section A 42学习目标与任务:听力与对话,讨论职业与实现方法学习重点与难点: 掌握本节课重点词语过程:检查预习:问同伴想要的职业导入 游戏:心有灵犀,我喜爱的职业1.听前:预测What does Ch

5、en Han want to be?2.听中:回答what where how when3.听后:跟读:表演对话4.用自己的话讨论 Chen Han 的计划5.读前:how are you going to become a writer?6.分角色读对话。7.狼来了游戏:回答对话中的问题,回答慢的被抓或淘汰8.学习重点句子反馈与检测:句型转换1. He is going to take guitar lessons every day(改为一般疑问句) he going to guitar lessons every day ?2. Mom is going to do some shopp

6、ing this afternoon(对划线部分提问) is Mom going to this afternoon?3. I want to be a pilot when I grow up.(改为同义句)I a pilot when I grow up4. They going to move a new city called Donghai.(改为否定句)They to move a new city called Donghai.5 .My sister is going to be an actress when she grows up . (对划线部分提问)- is your

7、 sister going to when she grows up? 汉译英1.你打算如何做到那样?_2.他打算学习另外一门外语。_3.她将努力学习,取得好成绩。_4.我想成为一名教师_5.听起来很有趣,我想多参加体育锻炼_课外作业:what,where,when,how引导的疑问句课堂记录:(存在的疑问或精彩的点评)Unit 6 Im going to study computer science Section A 43学习目标与任务:语法复习,仿照课文编写对话学习重点与难点:用be going to 结构描绘人生理想过程:检查预习:what,where,when,how引导的疑问句导入

8、 对话导入1.语法复习:给表格中的句子标上序号(1-10),老师手上有句子的序号。学生随意给出两个序号,配对的答案很搞笑,直到配对成功,配对后操练.2.不看书:预测各种职业的实现方法,回答what are they going to do ?3.分为两组,一组回答 what do they want to be ? 另一组回答 what are they going to do? 两组人配对练习4.补全对话,核对答案,示范后操练对话5.完成填表,注意where when 如何插入对话6.看图问答:根据表格内容回答反馈与检测:.1.He_(寄)alettertohispenfriendyeste

9、rday.2.Hetakesthe_(药)threetimesaday.3.Look!Theyare_(上表演课).4.Iamgoingtostudy_(教育).5.他长大后打算做什么?Whatishegoingtobewhenhe_?6.你打算成为一名飞行员吗?Areyougoingto_?7.你打算怎样成为一名作家?How_a_?8.我对这个消息不确定。Iamnot_thenews.9.确保你们明天不要迟到。_youarentlatetomorrow.课外作业:制定计划课堂记录:(存在的疑问或精彩的点评)Unit 6 Im going to study computer science S

10、ection B 44学习目标与任务:制定新年计划,掌握本节课词汇,听力训练学习重点与难点: 制定新年计划: what are you going to do?过程:检查预习:我的新年计划导入 比较每人不同的计划1.看图识记: 看图片一分钟,说一说图片中有哪些活动2.制作单词卡片,老师出示卡片,大家读,然后与图片配对3.讨论新年计划4.听前:预测新年计划5.听中:圈出听到的计划,说说如何实现计划6.听后:分角色扮演对话7.小组讨论:模仿1e其他新年计划反馈与检测:一)写出你的新年计划.1.Imgoingto_ _ 2._ 3._4._5_二)句型转换(1)Theyregoingtovisitt

11、heWestLake.(改为否定句)They_visittheWestLake.(2)TommovedtoAmericalastmonth.(用nextmonth改写句子)Tom_toAmericanextmonth.(3)Hesgoingtotakepianolessons(改为一般疑问句)_he_takepianolessons?(4)WearegoingtoplayfootballnextSaturday.(对画线部分提问)_yougoingto_nextSaturday?三)单项选择 1.What do they want to do to_so much money? -They w

12、ant to travel around the world.A. give B. save C. cost D. cut2.-Where are you going for vacation ? - _. I dont like cold weather.A. Somewhere warm B.Something warm C. Somewhere cold D.Something cold3.-What are you going to do this evening ?-Im not sure _. Maybe watch TV or go to the movies.A. Just B

13、. ever C. yet D. never四)完成句子。 1. 你长大后想成为什么? What do you _ _ be when you _ _?2. 李明善于写故事。 Li Ming is _ _ _ _ stories.3. 我打算坚持写作。 Im going to _ _ writing stories.4. 我父母想让我成为一名演员。My parents _ me _ be an actor.5. 我打算尽我的最大努力帮助他。Im going to _ _ _ _ help him.课外作业:与搭档讨论自己的计划课堂记录:(存在的疑问或精彩的点评)Unit 6 Im going

14、to study computer science Section B 45学习目标与任务:阅读理解,掌握本节课的生词与词组,讨论新年计划学习重点与难点: 掌握本节课的生词与词组,培养阅读策略,进行信息转化过程:检查预习:与搭档讨论新年计划导入 说说有多少人实现了计划1.读前:discuss the question with your partner: Did you make any resolutions last year? What is your resolutions?2.快熟浏览:分段阅读,找出每段主题句3.根据上下文猜生词词义,理解重点词语用法4.讨论不能实现计划的原因反馈与


16、ndthey_something_(有共同之处)课外作业:抄写单词,制定详细计划课堂记录:(存在的疑问或精彩的点评)Unit 6 Im going to study computer science Section B 46学习目标与任务:继续阅读,回答问题,树立正确的学习观学习重点与难点:掌握 重点词语过程:检查预习:制定的详细计划导入 听音猜人:朗读课文中的一句话1.完形填空:把句子填入课文,是短文意思完整2.小组竞赛:阅读短文,理解大意,回答问题3.从文中找出重点短语,用重点短语造句4.recap,重现课文重点句5.复述课文内容反馈与检测:单项选择1. I want to learn E

17、nglish well to communicate foreigners A . to B. with C. for D. on2. We are you going to a big bigger bridge in five years.A. do B. make C. build D .be3. We do running every morning .A .be healthy B. to fit C. to keep fit D. to be health 4.You must keep your eyes when you do eye .A. close ;exercise B

18、.close ;exercises C. closed ;exercise D.closed ;exercises5. I find a job a babysitter in my last summer vacation.A like B. as C. for D. with用括号中所给单词或短语作时间状语改写下列句子。 1. We left the farm last week. (next week)_ 2. My sister often sends e-mail to her pen pal. (this evening)_ 3. They play for the nationa

19、l basketball team. (next year)_ 4. I joined an English club last month. (next month)_ 5. There is a football match now. (next Friday)_课外作业:从3方面制定计划:锻炼,处理关系,如何学习。课堂记录:(存在的疑问或精彩的点评)Unit 6 Im going to study computer science Section B 47学习目标与任务:根据提示写出计划,完形填空学习重点与难点: 学会制定新年计划过程:检查预习:陈述个人计划导入 比较每个人的不同之处1.

20、出示词语卡片,造句2.选词填空。朗读短文3.师生合作recap:老师念前半句,学生读出剩余的部分4.老师出示新年计划卡片,大家讨论实施办法5.完成3b6.根据3b提供的短语,选择自己的实施方法反馈与检测:阅读理解Li Ning from China: I want to be a movie director like Zhang Yimou. And I want to make some exciting movies. Maybe you can see my movies many years later.Vic from Singapore: I want to be an acto

21、r because I love acting. I enjoy it, and I always perform with the DVD on. I take acting lessons three times a week.Eliza from the United States:When I grow up, I want to be a dentist because I am very interested in it. But I need to save enough money to get the education.Rebecca from the United Kin

22、gdom:I am going to be a professional programmer. I like working on the computer and surfing the Internet, and I know the job can help me make a lot of money for my family. We are going to live in a big house with my pets a cat and a dog.( ) 1. _ wants to make some exciting movies. A. Li Ning B. Eliz

23、a C. Rebecca D. Vic( ) 2. The underlined word “perform” means _ in Chinese. A. 演奏 B. 完成 C. 表演 D. 执行 ( ) 3. When Eliza grows up, shes going to be a(n) _. A. director B. actress C. dentist D. programmer( ) 4. Rebecca comes from _. A. America B. England C. Singapore D. Australia( ) 5. Which of the foll

24、owing is NOT true? A. Vic often takes acting lessons. B. Eliza needs to save money to get the education. C. Rebecca wants to make a lot of money for her family. D. If you have a toothache, maybe you can ask Li Ning for help.课外作业:你的短期与长期规划,如何让城市更环保,更干净,课堂记录:(存在的疑问或精彩的点评)Unit 6 Im going to study compu

25、ter science Section B 48学习目标与任务:讨论职业,编写自己的计划学习重点与难点: 如何让城市更干净更环保过程:检查预习:展示你的计划导入 你认为的环保措施有哪些,出示图片,帮助理解1.老师可以出示图片,帮助学生理解如何让城市更干净,讨论更多办法2.配对:职业与所学的学科配对3.补全对话,read and look up:对话时不能看书4.写下每天 每周 每月每年的计划,分步骤完成5.与同伴交流不同计划反馈与检测:1)JimandMike(work)onafarmtomorrow.2)- you (study)Frenchnextyear?-Yes,weare.3)There (be)anEnglishfilmtomorrow.4)I(read)abooknow.I (help)him

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