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1、自考英语二00015历年真题及答案汇总2014 年 4 月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试英语(二)标准试题(课程代码: 00015)第一部分:阅读判断题(每题 1 分,共10 分)下面的短文后列出了10 个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,选择A; 如果该句提供的是错误信息,选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,选择 C。Running: Sport or Way of Life?You go throughthe channels several times and findthatonce again theres nothing onTV thatint

2、erests you. Nota problem!Justputon some running shoes and comfortableclothesand go fora run.One of the best thingsabout thesportofrunningis that you dont need expensiveequipment. Allyouneed isa good pair ofrunning shoes and a safe environment. But dontbe fooled intothinkingthe sport of running is ea

3、sy Itrequires discipline and concentration.Runningisgoodforyoubothphysicallyand mentally. Itstrengthens your heart lungs andmuscles? Itmakes youmore aware of your body. Runningalso improves your body so thatyou dont getsick as easily. It can even help you to staymore focused in school becauseexercis

4、e helps youto thinkmoreclearly.Howdoyou get engaged in the sportifyou dont knowmuch about it? Most schoolsoffer running programs. A simpleinternetsearch can helpsome in your findarea. Thenprograms show youhow runningcanoffercompetitionorjust be forfun. They also teachrunners toset practicalgoals and

5、 take care oftheir bodies.Runners have great respect foreach other because theyknow howdifficultthe sport canbe. If yougoto a race youll see people cheering forallthe runners. Running isnt alwaysabout howfast youare or how far youre going. Its about getting out there and doing it.Participationis mor

6、eimportantthan competition andeffort is recognized over talent.If yourelookingformore than just asportrunningmaybe the perfect choice for you1. You may find it interesting in go for A run.A. True B. False C. Not Given2. The sport of running is easy.A True B. False C. Not Given3. It is hard to End n

7、safe environment for running.A. True B. False C. Not Given4. Running in good in people S body and mind.A. True B. False C. Not Given5. A long-distance run is good in many ways.A. True B. False C. Not Given6. You can find running programs online.7. Running programs set goals for you.A. True B. False

8、C. Not Given8. You should go for a run even day.A. True B. False C. Not Given9. Runners respect one another as they love the sport.A. True B. False C. Not Given10. Running means more than a sport. A. True B. False C. Not Given第二部分:阅读选择 (第 1115 题,每题2 分,共10 分)阅读下面短文,请从短文后所给各题的4 个选项 (A 、B、C、D)中选出1 个最佳选

9、项。Kingof StrangersATthestore whereI workedI noticed a youngboyof about ten shopping alonewithhisschoollist.He placed everything in his basket and went to the checkout.The young shop assistant toldhim the total price$37.60. Theboywas instantlydisappointed and said he had only been given$20.He took ou

10、tone thing at a timeuntil hegotdownto his$20. Witheyes fulloftears he asked ifhe could phone his mum to pickhim up. When he got through itappeared that even this was inconvenient for his mother.Hebit hard on his liptostop the tears andwalked outside towaiton the bench in frontofthe shop. Thiswas all

11、too muchforthe youngassistant who hadserved himand shesaid“IwishI couldaffordto payforthe rest ofhisthings . ”One of the other girls saidshe had a fewdollars. Thentwoothers said they couldhelp as well.These four young girl pooled their moneyand foundthat they had more than enoughmoney forthe boys ex

12、tra purchases. So theyupgraded his pens and pencils to top-qualityones then took the bag out to the boyon the seat. Hisyoung face changed fromsadness tothe most beautifulsmile. Hismotherarrivedmuchlaterto pickhimup. Insteadofrunningtothe carhe ranback intothe storeand called out “ Thankyou! ”I was s

13、o proud of my team thatday. They didsomething wonderfulfor that boyandalso foundthepleasure ofgivingwas as great as receiving.11. The boy went to the store to_.A. buya basketB. ask forhelpC. shop forschoolD. makea phone call12. At the checkout the boy found that he_.A. did not have enough moneyB. di

14、d not have his money on himC. forgot to ask his mum for money13. The boy walked out of the store to_. A. B.C. D.14. The shop assistants were_.A. curious B. wealthy15. The boy ran back into the store to_. A. do extra shopping B. express his thanks第三部分:概括段落大意和补全句子 (第 1625 题,每题 1 分,共 10 分 ) 阅读下面短文,请完成短

15、文后的 2 项测试任务:(1)从第 1620 题后所给的 6 个选项中为第段每段选择 1 个正确的小标题 ; (2)从第 2125 题后所给的 6 个选项中选择 5 个正确选项,分别完成每个句子。Our Muscles When we think of muscles we might often picture a bodybuilder with big arm and leg muscles. Butour muscles do not have to look like that to work well. As a matter of fact every time we write

16、 our name we use the 20 different muscles in our hand. Every time our heart beats we use the our cardiac muscle(心肌 ). When eat ourfood we use our tonguemuscles. We even use muscle when we open and close our eye. In fact every time we move we use some of the muscles in our body. A muscle is made of t

17、iny fibers are packed together to make a single muscle .We all have the same number of muscles-about 700 or so .Men and women with big muscles simply have thicker bundles of fibers. There are three different types of muscles in our body .Smooth muscles are the ones that we cannot control .They work

18、quietly to keep our body running .Also they are the oneself that help us to absorb our food .The cardiac muscle makes the heart pump blood inand out .Skeletal muscles are the ones that we can control .These are the muscles that we use to raise our handset or ride our bicycles. Even our face often us

19、es muscles .But if we want to save our energy try smiling instead of frowning .Remember that it Takeshi 17 muscles in our face to smile but 43 muscles to frown!Task 116.ParagraphA. What a muscle consists of17.ParagraphB. When we use our muscles18.ParagraphC. How people think of muscles19.ParagraphD.

20、 What kind of muscles we have20.ParagraphE. Why we have different musclesF. Whywe should smile rather than frownTask 221. Muscles dont have to be very big .22. Our muscles are working .23. A single muscle contains .24. Smooth muscles help us .25. Smiling uses less energy than .A. frowningB. a lot of

21、 fibersC. to digest foodD. to function properlyE. whenever we are happyF. whenever we do something第四部分:填句补文 (第 2630 题,每题 2 分,共 10 分 )下面的短文有 5 处空白,短文后有 6 个句子,其中 5 个取自短文,请根据短文内容将其分别放回原有位置,以恢复文章原貌。Biological ClockWhen the sun rises on a warm and sunny day you can see some flowers open up. Whenthey clos

22、e late in the afternoon other flowers open.Biological rhythms( 生物节律 ) like the opening and closing of flowers happen all overnature. But not all of them are daily rhythms. Some like the beating of our heart happenevery second. _26_ Scientists use the term biological clock to describe the timing that

23、controls biological rhythms. _27_ In some animals it is probably controlled by the brain.In plants and other living things that have no brain it must be something else.The migration of animals happens when a signal is sent out. For example when daysbecome shorter birds leave the northern parts of th

24、e world and fly south where it is warm._28_Humans also have biological clocks that control their daily rhythms. When people travelby plane from one continent to another they often cross many time zones. Their internalclocks dontseem to work correctly. We call this jet lag(时差 ). _29_ People who workn

25、ight shifts also have problems with their biological clocks. They may not be as active aspeople who work during the daytime.Biological clocks control many rhythms of life. _30_ Doctors are looking for newwayside to make traveling more comfortable and medical treatment more effective .A. But where ca

26、n you find it?B. This makes them feel tired.C. In the summer they fly back to have babies.D. We are learning more and more about them.E. Biological clocks can be adjusted.F. Other rhythms are baxxxxsed on months seasons or years.第五部分:填词补文 (第 3140 题,每题 1.5 分,共 15 分 )下面的短文有 10 处空白,短文后列出 12 个词,其中 10 个取

27、自短文,请根据短文内容将其分别放回原有位置,以恢复文章原貌。Life Is DifficultWhat makes life difficult is that the process of facing and solving problems is a painfulone. Problems cause _31_ anger fear or despair. These are _32_ feelings often aspainful as any kind of physical pain. And since life _33_ an endless series of probl

28、emsit is _34_ difficult and is full of pain as well as joy.Yes it is in this process of _35_ and solving problem that life has its meaning.Problem call forth our_36_ and our wisdom. It is only because of problem that wegrow _37_ and spiritually. When we want to encourage the _38_ of the humanspirit

29、we encourage the human capacity to solve problems just as in school we deliberately_39_ problems for our children to solve. It is through the pain of confronting andresolving that we learn. It is for this reason that40 people learn not to fear but actually towelcome problems and actually to welcome the pain of problems.A. meeting E. wise I. p

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