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1、银翼杀手完整中英文对照剧本复♥制♥人是泰瑞公♥司♥研制的合成人 被用于外星殖民地它们力量过人 是理想的劳动力因为一系列暴♥乱♥ 复♥制♥人的生产遭禁 泰瑞公♥司♥破产21世纪20年代中叶 生态系统崩溃 企业家尼安德华♥莱♥士♥发明了人造农业 避免了饥荒发生 他由此发迹华♥莱♥士♥收♥购♥了泰瑞公♥司♥的残部 研发出顺服

2、的新一批复♥制♥人许多寿命无限的旧型号♥复♥制♥人连锁8型幸存下来他们被追捕 被退休追捕他们的人依然叫做复♥制♥人银翼杀手加利福尼亚州 2049年洛杉矶警局自动驾驶模式希望你不介意我擅自进来了I hope you dont mind me taking the liberty.我很小心 没带进来灰尘I was careful not to drag in any dirt.我不介意灰尘I dont mind the dirt.但我很介意I do mind.不速之客unannounced visit

3、s.你是警♥察♥吗You police?你是萨珀莫尔顿吗 公民号♥NK68514Are you Sapper Morton? Civic number NK68514?-我是个农民 -我看出来了- Im a farmer. - I saw that.你种什么What do you farm?这是个蛋白质农场Its a protein farm.由华♥莱♥士♥设计Wallace design.我闻到的是这个吗Is that what I smell?是我种的留着自己吃的Grow that just for me.

4、大蒜Garlic.大蒜Garlic.你可以尝尝Go on, try some.不用了 谢谢你No, thank you.我比较喜欢空着肚子I prefer to keep an empty stomach去处理一天里难熬的部分until the hard part of the day is done.你来这儿多久了How long you been here?从2020年开始Since 2020.你并非一直都是个农民 是吗But you havent always been a farmer, have you?你的包Your bag.那是殖民地医疗用包Its colonial medica

5、l use.由军队发放Military issue.你以前驻在哪 卡兰星吗Where were you? Calantha?那场景想必很凶残Must have been brutal.你是想逮捕我吗Plan on taking me in?让他们把我解剖了看看Let them take a look inside?莫尔顿先生Mr. Morton.如果能逮捕你if taking you in is an option.那我很是乐意I would much prefer that to the alternative.你肯定知道早晚会有人找上门的Im sure you knew it would

6、be someone in time.很遗憾 那个人是我Im sorry it had to be me.都一样Good as any.如果你不介意Now, if you dont mind.能否请你往左上看if you could just look up and to the left, please.请不要站起来Please dont get up.杀死你的同类是什么感受Hows it feel killing your own kind?我不用退休同类 因为我们不会逃I dont retire my own kind because we dont run.只有旧型号♥才

7、逃Only older models do.你们这些新型号♥乐意干这种脏活And you new models are happy scraping the shit.是因为你们从未见过奇迹because youve never seen a miracle.全部拍照取证Just photograph everything.呼叫长官Madam, please.洛杉矶警局来电Incoming L.A.P.D. Re-codec hash.洛杉矶警局你受伤了 我可不付你医疗费Youre hurt. Im not paying for that.-我粘一下就好 -汇报- Ill glu

8、e it. - And?残存的几个连锁8型之一One of the tail-end Nexus 8s.他好像对你下手不轻He looks like he could take your head off.是啊He tried.他去了卡兰星之后擅自离队He went AWOL after Calantha.同行的还有几个 也要处理掉with a few more in his outfit I wouldnt mind closing out.-就他一个人吗 -就他一个人- Just him? - Just him.回来测基线Come on home for your baseline.稍等

9、长官One moment, madam.地下30米最大深度扫描Thirty meters to maximum depth.洛杉矶警局证物那是什么What is that?我派个挖掘小队过去Ill send a dig team.风暴前回来Come on home before the storm.洛杉矶警局KD6-3.7警官Officer KD6 - 3.7.-开始吧 准备好了吗 -好了 长官- Lets begin. Ready? - Yes, sir.背诵你的基线Recite your baseline.血黑色的虚无开始编织And blood-black nothingness bega

10、n to spin.一个网络 细胞之间相连A system of cells interlinked within cells.再相连 与那主干再相连interlinked within cells interlinked within one stem.滚开 劣种Fuck off, skin-job.于是在那黑暗衬托下And dreadfully distinct against the dark,显现一座喷泉向上高喷的白水柱a tall white fountain played.-细胞 -细胞- Cells. - Cells.-你进过孤儿院吗 细胞 -细胞- Have you ever

11、been in an institution? Cells. - Cells.创伤后基线测试 警官KD6 - 3.7 2049年6月30号♥-他们把你关在监狱里吗 细胞 -细胞- Do they keep you in a cell? Cells. - Cells.如果你没有尽责When youre not performing your duties,-他们会把你关进小房♥间吗 细胞 -细胞- do they keep you in a little box? Cells. - Cells.-相连 -相连- Interlinked. - Interlinked.牵

12、着你所爱之人的手是什么感觉 相连Whats it like to hold the hand of someone you love? Interlinked.相连Interlinked.他们有教过你指尖相对的感觉吗 相连Did they teach you how to feel finger to finger? Interlinked.相连Interlinked.你渴望你的心与人相连吗 相连Do you long for having your heart interlinked? Interlinked.相连Interlinked.-你梦想过与谁相连吗 -相连- Do you drea

13、m about being interlinked? - Interlinked.怀抱你的孩子是什么感受 相连Whats it like to hold your child in your arms? Interlinked.相连Interlinked.你是否觉得自己有一部分缺少了Do you feel that theres a part of you thats missing?-相连 -相连- Interlinked. - Interlinked.-细胞之间相连 -细胞之间相连- Within cells interlinked. - Within cells interlinked.

14、说三遍Why dont you say that three times?细胞之间相连Within cells interlinked.细胞之间相连Within cells interlinked.细胞之间相连 细胞之间相连Within cells interlinked. Within cells interlinked.好了Were done.很稳定 KConstant K.你可以去领奖金了You can pick up your bonus.谢谢你 长官Thank you, sir.注意 不要靠近Caution, keep clear.注意 不要靠近Caution, keep clear

15、.注意 不要靠近Caution, keep clear.随时随地联♥系♥外星殖民地Connect to Off-world any time, any place.20分钟后开始Packages start at 20 minutes.提供多种选择Many options available.乔伊会去任何你想让她去的地方Joi goes anywhere you want her to go.随时随地联♥系♥外星殖民地Connect to Off-world any time, any place.20分钟后开始Packages star

16、t at 20 minutes.帅气的铁皮兵你怎么了你现在回来了 笨蛋谁他妈会在这儿等你我要把你这个混♥蛋♥赶出去滚 劣种K 我没听见你 你回来早了K? I didnt hear you. Youre early.你不想让我回家吗You want me to come back?-快去洗洗吧 -遵命 长官- Just go scrub. - Yes, maam.你的会开得怎样How was your meeting?就平时那样The usual.你今天过得如何How was your day?我都快得幽闭恐惧症了Im getting cabin fever.99.9

17、%消毒水99.9 percent detoxified water.工作时出了点意外I had an accident at work.衬衣大概是毁了I think I ruined my shirt.我确信我能补好它 拿给我看看Im sure I can fix that for you. Let me take a look at it.我得喝一杯I need a drink.-你想先喝一杯吗 -给我倒一杯吧- Do you want a drink first? - Pour me one, will you?我在尝试新菜谱Im trying a new recipe.再多练练就能成了I

18、 just need a bit more practice.别忙活了Dont fuss.我应该腌久一点的 希望不会干I should have marinated it longer. I hope it isnt dry.你知道这首歌♥是1966年由重显唱片公♥司♥发行的吗Did you know this song was released in 1966 on Reprise Records?当时是榜单上第一名It was number one on the charts.很快就好了 最后再收个尾It wont be much longer.

19、Just putting on the finishing touches.好啦 准备好了 希望你喜欢Okay, its ready. I hope youre gonna like it.我说了不用忙活的I told you not to fuss.但我仍然.And yet.好啦 用餐愉快Voil! Bon apptit.我想你了 宝贝甜心I missed you, baby sweet.亲爱的 这太美了Honey, its beautiful.把腿翘起来Just put your feet up.放轻松Relax.今天可够呛了吧Was a day?是很够呛It was a day.你读给我

20、听好吗Would you read to me?弗拉基米尔纳博科夫 微暗的火能让你好受一些Itll make you feel better.-你讨厌那本书 -我也不想读- You hate that book. - I dont wanna read either.我们跳舞吧Lets dance.你想跳舞 还是想拆礼物Do you wanna dance, or do you wanna open your present?什么礼物What present?-这个 -今天是什么日子- This one. - Whats the occasion?就当做是.Lets just say.-我们的

21、纪念日吧 -是吗- its our anniversary. - Is it?不是 但我们就当做是吧No, but lets just say that it is.好吗Okay?纪念日快乐Happy anniversary.投射仪An emanator.乔伊检测到投射仪 正在连接华♥莱♥士♥谢谢Thank you.亲爱的 现在你想去哪里都可以了Honey, you can go anywhere you want in the world now.你想先去哪Where do you wanna go first?和你在一起时我很开心Im so hap

22、py when Im with you.你不必这么说You dont have to say that.语♥音♥信息语♥音♥信息正在播放挖掘完成了 我们发现了一条新线索The digs come through. We have a new lead.马上过来Get down here.碳读数 14.6GPHCarbon read: 14.6 GPH.这箱子是个士兵个人用品箱Your box is a military footlocker,属于萨珀莫尔顿issued to Sapper Morton.被当成了棺材 有创意creative

23、ly repurposed as an ossuary:里面装了一箱尸骨a box of bones.除了骨头 就只有头发Nothing else in it but hair.土壤样本检测显示她已经入土30年了The soil samples indicate that shes been buried for 30 years.骨头全部被拆开洗干净Bones all dismantled, fully cleaned,然后仔细安放好了meticulously laid to rest.她She?死因是什么 珂珂Cause of death, Coco?没有裂痕 没有外伤的迹象 但是.No

24、breaks, no sign of trauma, except.髂骨骨裂了a fracture through the ilium.产道狭窄 胎儿一定是被卡住了Its a narrow birth canal. Baby must have got stuck.她当时怀孕了吗She was pregnant?所以她不是被他杀了So he didnt kill her?她死于难产She died in childbirth.那是什么Whats that?往回Go back.放大Closer.再放大Closer.那是什么Whats that?骼脊上的切口Notching in the ilia

25、c crest.尖端很细 像是把手术刀Its fine-point, like a scalpel.看着像是u200c紧急剖腹产That looks like an emergency C-section.切口很规则 没有挣扎的痕迹The cuts are clean. No sign of a struggle.他曾经是军医He was a combat medic.也许他想救她 但没成功Maybe he tried to save her, and he just couldnt.他看着可不像是会救人的那种He didnt seem like the saving type.他不辞劳苦埋了

26、她He went to the trouble of burying her.一个多愁善感的劣种A sentimental skin-job.抱歉Sorry.那孩子在哪So wheres the kid?你扫描了整片区域吗You scan the whole field?只有泥土和虫子 没有其他尸体了Just dirt and worms. No other bodies.也许被他吃了Maybe he ate it.不可能Thats not possible.她是个复♥制♥人She was a Replicant.怀孕了Pregnant.这个世界 界限分明The w

27、orld is built on a wall.把人和复♥制♥人区分开It separates kind.不管哪一边知道这个界限消失了Tell either side theres no wall,都会引发战争you bought a war.或是屠♥杀♥Or a slaughter.所以你刚刚.So what you saw.什么都没有看见didnt happen.遵命 长官Yes, madam.我的职责就是维护秩序It is my job to keep order.这就是我们的职责 我们维护秩序Thats what we do he

28、re. We keep order.您想这件事消失吗You want it gone?抹除一切Erase everything.-孩子也不放过吗 -一切痕迹- Even the child? - All trace.你还有话要说吗You have anything more to say?我从没退休过自然出生的东西Ive never retired something that was born before.有什么区别Whats the difference?自然出生意味着有灵魂 我猜To be born is to have a soul, I guess.你是要抗命吗Are you te

29、lling me no?我都不知道有违抗命令这一说 长官I wasnt aware that was an option, madam.好样的Attaboy.你没有那东西也挺好的Youve been getting on fine without one.什么东西 长官Whats that, madam?灵魂A soul.你们这些新型号♥乐意干脏活And you new models are happy scraping the shit.是因为你们从未见过奇迹because youve never seen a miracle.华♥莱♥士♥公♥司♥地球总部我来查一个以前的序列号♥Just checking in on an old serial number.有DNA吗Confirmation DNA?有头发I got hair.样本 45-27第A5-869号♥抽屉旧型号♥An old one.大断电之前的Pre-Blackout.那就有点难找了Thats gonna be to

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