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优品课件之Unit 1 Colours and places.docx

1、优品课件之Unit 1 Colours and placesUnit 1 Colours and placesUnit 1 Colours and places Contents Look and read Total: 4 No: 1Aims Basic aims To learn the new words: afternoon, evening Using preposition to indicate time and position. e.g. in spring, in the afternoon, on a rock Developing aims Using adjectiv

2、e to describe colour. e.g. It is red in the evening. Education aims 培养学生热爱大自然,热爱我们生存的地球。 Language focus To learn the new words: afternoon, evening Using preposition to indicate time and position. Teaching aids Cassette, media Procedure Step Teachers activity Students activities Purpose Pre-task prep

3、aration 1. Sing a song with S. 2. Ask questions e.g. How many seasons? What season is it? Which season do you like best? 3. Review the words of colours. Ask S to describe the pictures. Sing a song. Answer questions. S: There are four. It is spring. I like .Red, blue, yellow Describe the pictures. 通过

4、师生之间的交流,很自然的引出教学内容。 While-task procedure 1. Show media. (same tree at the different time) Learn Picture 1&2 Ask: What is this? What colour are the leaves? T: As you know, there are four seasons in a year. The leaves have different colours when the season changes. Show two sentences.S: Its a tree. S:

5、 Theyre green./ brown/ yellow.S: The leaves are green in spring. They are brown and yellow in autumn. Read two sentences.利用学生熟知的内容,引导学生学习。 2. Learn Picture 3&4 Learn: afternoon, evening Ask S to think of some animals that can change colours. Discuss with S why they change their colour. e.g. Some ani

6、mals want to protect themselves.) Ask S what else things in the natural world can change their colour.Ss discuss.培养学生的思维能力,让学生学会思考。 Post-task activity1. Play the cassette. 2. Do grammar Practice book 4B P28. 3. Do an experiment for the students: Listen to the tape and read after it. Do exercises.Ss

7、do it self.让学生动手操作,在做的过程中学习。 Assignment1. Listen to the tape and read the text for several times. 2. Copy the new words and the sentences. 3. Do the experiment with the parents.书设计 Look and read afternoon evening spring summer autumn winter in spring in the afternoon on the rock教学反思Module 3 Unit 1 C

8、olours and places Contents Look and read P33 Total: 4 No: 2Aims Basic aims 1.To learn the new words: beach, collect, sail 2. Using the present continuous tense to describe an action taking place at the beach of speaking. 3. Asking Wh questions to find out various kinds of specific information about

9、event. e.g. What are the boys doing? Developing aims Education aims 培养学生热爱祖国的大好河山。 Language focus 1.To learn the new words: beach, collect, sail 2. Using the present continuous tense to describe an action taking place at the beach of speaking. Teaching aids Cassette, pictures. Procedure Step Teacher

10、s activity Students activities Purpose Pre-task preparation 1. Say a chant with S. 2. Ask S work in pairs. 3. Review the words of actions. e.g. swim 3. Ask S describe the pictures. Say a chant. S1: Where are you? S2: I am .Swimming Describe the pictures. 朗朗上口的儿歌让学生快速进入学习的状态。 While-task procedure 1.

11、Show the picture of Tans family. Ask: Where are they? What season is it? Whats the weather like? What cay you see? Who is at the beach? What are they doing? Teach: collect, sail Teach the phrases: collect shells, sail his boat, play football2. Play the cassette. Answer questions. They are Read the w

12、ords. Read the phrases. S listen to the tape. Read the text individual. Work in pairs 问答的方式,引入学习的内容。对课文中关键词组的学习,放手让学生自己学习。 Step Teachers activity Students activity Purpose Post-task activity1. Ask S to take out their family photographs and talk about their own photographs.2. Do exercises. 3. Learn t

13、he sounds. -st /st/ The postman is eating some toast in the post office. Learn the new word: Toast, post office Play the cassette. Talk about their own photograph.Do exercises. Listen to the tape. Repeat. 从课堂到生活中,让学生学会灵活运用所学内容。 AssignmentListen to the tape and read the text for several times. Copy t

14、he new words and the sentences.板书设计 Look and read. The Tan family at the beach. beach collect sail collect shells sail his boat on the beach at the beach教学随笔Module 3 Unit 1 Colours and places Contents Look and read. P34 Total: 4 No: 3Aims Basic aims 1.To learn the new words: above, top, near, betwee

15、n, temple, bench 2. Using prepositions to indicate positions. e.g. Using “Wh” questions to find out various kinds of specific information about an event. e.g. Wheres the aeroplane? What colour is it? Developing aims Education aims 能用英语准确的说出事物所在的位置。 Language focus Using prepositions to indicate posit

16、ions Asking Wh questions to find out various kinds of specific information about an event. Teaching aids Cassette, pictures Procedure Step Teachers activity Students activities Purpose Pre-task preparation 1. Say a chant with S. 2. Ask S work in pairs. 3. Review the preposition words. 4.Show the pic

17、ture and ask S describe the picture. Say a chant. S1: Where is your book? S2: Its on /in /under Describe the picture. 复习旧知,为新授做铺垫。 While-task procedure 1. Show the picture of P34. Ask: What is this ? Elicit: temple, bench Ask: Where is the aeroplane? Elicit: above Compare the two words: on, above 2.

18、 Ask: Where is the tree? Elicit: near 3. Ask: Where is the bench? Elicit: between Compare the two words: near, between 4. Ask: Is the temple on the mountain? Elicit: at the top ofS read the words.Read the words. Work in pairs.Read the words. Work in pairs.Read the words.利用图片的不同位置,区分on, above的不同。Step

19、 Teachers activity Students activities PurposeCompare two words: at the top of, on5. Play the cassette.6. Ask S work in pairs.Listen and repeat.S1: Where is the bench? S2: Its between . Post-task activityWorkbook page 19 1. Ask S to look at the picture and read the incomplete sentences. 2. Complete

20、Read, look, write and colour. 练习巩固知识。 AssignmentListen to the tape and read the text for the several times. Copy the new words and the sentences.板书设计 Look and read temple bench mountain on near between at the top of under 教学反思 Module 3 Unit 1 Colours and places Contents Module 3 Unit 1 Read a story.

21、 The bird, the cat and the dog.AimsBasic aims 1. To learn a new story. 2. Using prepositions to indicate position. 3. Using the present continuous tense to describe an action taking place at the time of speaking. 4. Asking Wh- questions to find out various kinds of specific information about an even

22、t. 5. Asking Wh- questions to find out the place. Developing aims With imagination to say sth. about the story. Education aims Protect the birds. Language focus Using prepositions to indicate position. Using the present continuous tense to describe an action taking place at the time of speaking. Tea

23、ching aids Media Procedure Step Teachers activity Students activities Purpose Pre-task preparation 1. Read a chant with S.2. Ask S watch movie and ask questions.Read a chant.S watch movie and answer questions. 通过节奏感强的儿歌,建立良好的师生关系并创设和谐的英语学习氛围。 精彩的VCD,复习巩固旧知。突破本课的重点,激发学生学习的兴趣。 While-task procedure 1.

24、Ask S watch and listen to the story. 2. T asks questions. e.g. T: What can you see? Where is the cage? Elicit picture 1. 3. Ask S listen. T: Who is coming? Where is the cat? What is behind the cat? Ask S imagine. Ss watch and listen to the story. Ss answer questions.Ss read the sentences. Ss read th

25、e sentences.Ss listen and answer questions. 让学生整体感知故事。 师生问答,引出新授内容。让学生发挥想象,扩充语言材料,提高口语表达能力。4. T: Whats the cat doing? 5. Ask S imagine, what will be happen?6. Ask S say sth. about the picture.7. Give S some questions and ask S say sth. about the picture.8. Ask S imagine, “Where is the bird?” S: The

26、cat is jumping. S: The bird S: The cat The dog S: The bird The cat The dog S: The bird 发挥学生的想象,让学生自由的说。通过学生之间的讨论,培养学生的探究能力。 让学生主动去发现问题、研究问题、探寻知识,培养学生的思维能力。激发学生的创新思维,寻求不同的结尾。 Post-task activity 1. Ask S listen and repeat. 2. Ask S imagine and say sth. about the story with own words. 3. Ask S look at

27、the pictures and fill in the missing words. Ss listen and repeat. Ss say sth. about the story.Ss write.加强学生的听说读写能力。 用自己的语言编故事,增加语言输入,调动学生的积极性,提高口语表达能力。板书设计 Module 3 Unit 1 Read a story The bird, the cat and the dog cage at the top of fall教学反思By Gu Feina from Gongshang Primary SchoolModule 3 Unit 2 L

28、isten! The First Period 1. Contents: Sing a song &say and act 2. Aims: Using imperatives to give instructions Using phrases to indicate time Using the impersonal it to express time Asking Wh-questions” to find out the position Asking Wh-questions” to find out the position 随班生会跟着唱Tick-tock会说整点的时间。 3.

29、 Teaching main points: Using the impersonal it to express time 4. Materials: photocopiable page 32 workbook 4B pages 23 and 24 Alarm clock Bring pairs of scissors and two Cleg pins and felt pens or crayons 5. Teaching Procedure: Procedure Teachers activity Students activities Purpose Pre-task prepar

30、ationWhile-task procedurePost-task activityConsolidationIntroduce an alarm clock: I have got a thing. It has a round face .It has two hands. One is long , the other is short. It can tell us the time. What is it?Learn the songExplain the sentences of song.1. What time is it? Its Whats this? What can

31、the clock do? Turn the pointer of the clock and ask and answer about the time.Write: half past a quarter past past.(five past one ) What time is it?Play the recording.Invite a group to say and act the story in the class.What time is it? half past a quarter past past.Guess: Its a clock.First listen t

32、o the tape .Sing after the tape.Listen and repeat.Its a clock. It can tell us the time.Learn time. one oclock half past three a quarter past fourFirst listen to tape Then answer the question according to the picture. Students listen and repeat it. Say and act the story. Complete the speech bubblesAct out the dialogueWorkbook page 23/24. Grammar book page 33Know time运用谜语形式容易激发学生的兴趣。指着钟请学生回答,形象易懂。培养学生的语言运用能力。The Second Period Conte

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