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1、成教学位英语阅读理解译文30成教学位英语-阅读理解译文30通道1An unemployed man is desperate to support his family . He applies for a job as a janitor at a large firm and easily passes a test . The human resources manager tells him , (1) “ You will be hired at a minimum wage of $ 5.15 an hour ,Let me have your e-mail address so

2、that we can get you in the loop . Our system will automatically e-mail you all the forms and advise you when to start and where to report on your first day . ”一个失业的人不顾一切地为自己的家庭提供支持。他申请一份工作作为一个在大型公司的门卫,很容易通过测试。人力资源经理告诉他,(1)“你将以5.15美元一小时的最低工资,让我有你的电子邮件地址,这样我们可以让你在循环中。我们的系统将自动发电子邮件给你所有的表格,并建议你何时开始和哪里报告

3、你的第一天。“Taken aback , the man protests that he is poor and has neither a computer nor an e-mail address .To this the manager replies , “ Without an e-mail address you can hardly expect to be employed by a high-tech firm .Good day . ”吃了一惊,他抗议说他很穷,没有电脑和电子邮件地址。这个经理回答说,“没有一个电子邮件地址,你不能指望受雇于一家高科技公司的好日子。“As

4、tonished , the man leaves . Not knowing where to turn and having $10 in his wallet , he walks past a farmers market and sees a stand selling beautiful red tomatoes .He buys a crate of the tomatoes , carries it to a busy corner and displays the tomatoes . In less than two hours he sells all the tomat

5、oes and makes a 100% profit . Repeating the process several times more that day , he ends up with almost $100 and arrives home that night with several bags of groceries for his family .惊讶,那人离开。他不知道在哪儿能把10美元的钱包翻到钱包里,他走过一个农民的市场,看到一个卖着漂亮的红色番茄的人,他买了一箱西红柿,把它带到了一个角落,并展示了西红柿。在不到2个小时的时间里,他卖了所有的番茄,赚了100%的利润。

6、他每天重复这一过程,最终达到100美元,并在那天晚上回家,给家人带了几袋食品杂货。During the night he decides to repeat the tomato business the next day . He gets up early every day and woks into the night . He multiplies his profits quickly .在晚上,他决定在第二天重复第二天的番茄生意。他起床很早,每天工作到深夜。他将他的利润迅速。By the end of the second year he has a dozen very nic

7、e used trucks and employs fifteen previously unemployed people , all selling tomatoes . He continues to work hard . Time passes and at the end of the fifth year he owns a fleet of nice trucks and a warehouse , plus two tomato farms .到了二年,他有一打很好用的卡车,雇了十五名以前的人,都是番茄。他继续努力工作。在第五年的时间里,他拥有一支漂亮的卡车和一个仓库,外加2

8、个番茄农场。Planning for the future , he decides to buy some life insurance . Consulting with an insurance adviser , he picks an insurance plan to fit his new circumstances . Then the adviser asks him for his e-mail address in order to send the final documents electronically .未来的规划,他决定买一些人寿保险。咨询一位保险顾问,他选择

9、一项保险计划以适应他的新情况。然后,顾问要求他为他的电子邮件地址,以电子方式发送最终文件。When the man replies that he doesnt have time to mess with a computer and has no e-mail address , the insurance man is astonished , “What , you dont have e-mail ? No computer ? No Internet ? Just think where you would be today if youd had all of that five

10、 years ago ! ”当那个人回答说,他没有时间去搞电脑,没有电子邮件地址,保险人惊讶地说:“什么,你没有电子邮件?没有电脑?没有互联网?想想如果你在五年前有了所有的一切,你会在哪里!“(2) “ Ha ! ”snorts the man . “ If Id had e-mail five years ago I would be sweeping floors at Microsoft and making $5.15 an hour . ”(2)“哈!不屑的人。“如果我五年前就发过电子邮件,我将在微软扫地,每小时赚5.15美元。“通道2(1) “Congratulations , M

11、r. Jones , its a girl . ”(1)“祝贺,琼斯先生,这是一个女孩。“Fatherhood is going to have a different meaning and bring forth a different response from every man who hears these words . Some feel pride when they receive the news , while others worry , wondering whether they will be good fathers . Although there are

12、some men who like children and may have had considerable experience with them , others do not particularly care for children and spend little time with them . Many fathers and mothers have been planning and looking forward to children for some time . For other couples , pregnancy was an accident tha

13、t both husband and wife have accepted willingly or unwillingly .父亲要有不同的含义,产生不同的反应每个人听到这句话。有些人会感到骄傲,当他们得到这个消息,而其他人担心,想知道他们是否会成为好父亲。虽然有一些人喜欢孩子,可能有相当的经验,但也有一些人不特别照顾孩子,花点时间与他们。许多父亲和母亲一直在计划和期待着一段时间的孩子。对于其他夫妻来说,怀孕是一个意外,丈夫和妻子都情愿或不情愿地接受。(2) Whatever the response to the birth of a child , it is clear that th

14、e change from the role of husband to that of father is a difficult task . Yet , unluckily , few attempts have been made to educate fathers in this process . Although numerous books have been written about American mothers , only recently has literature focused on the role of a father .(2)无论对一个孩子的出生有

15、什么反应,很明显,从丈夫的角色转变为父亲的转变是一项艰巨的任务。然而,不幸的是,很少有人试图在这个过程中,父亲的教育。虽然许多书都是关于美国母亲的,但最近才有文学关注的是父亲的角色。It is argued by some writers that the change to the fathers role , although difficult , is not nearly as great as the change the wife must make to the mothers role . The mothers role seems to require a complet

16、e change in daily routine and adjustment , and the fathers role is less demanding and immediate . However , ever though we mentioned the fact that growing numbers of women are working outside the home , the father is still thought by many as the breadwinner in the household .有些作家认为,改变父亲的角色,虽然困难,是不是几

17、乎一样伟大的变化,妻子必须作出的母亲的角色。母亲的角色似乎需要一个完全的改变,在日常和调整,和父亲的角色是不那么苛刻和直接。然而,即使我们提到越来越多的妇女外出工作,父亲仍被许多人视为养家糊口的人。通道3(1) Telephone , television , radio , and the Internet help people communicate with each other . Because of these devices , ideas and news of events spread quickly all over the word . For example , w

18、ithin seconds , people can know the results of an election in another country . An international football match comes into the homes of everyone with a television set . News of a disaster , such as a flood , can bring help from distant countries . Within hours , help is on the way . This is because

19、with modern technology information travels fast .(1)电话、电视、广播和互联网帮助人们互相交流。由于这些设备,思想和新闻事件迅速蔓延,所有的字。例如,在几秒钟内,人们可以知道另一个国家的选举结果。一场国际足球比赛是每个人的家里有一台电视机。灾难的消息,如洪水,可以从遥远的国家带来帮助。在几个小时内,帮助在路上。这是因为随着现代科技信息的快速传播。How has this speed of communication changed the world ? To many people , the world has become smaller

20、 . Of course , this does not mean that the world is actually smaller . It means that the world seems smaller . (2)Two hundred years ago , communication between the continents took a long time . All news was carried on ships that took weeks or even months to cross the oceans . In the seventeenth and

21、eighteenth centuries , it took six weeks for news from Europe to reach the Americas . This time difference influenced peoples actions . For example , a few battles in the War of 1812 between England and the United States could have been avoided . A peace agreement had already been signed . Peace was

22、 made in England , but the news of peace took six weeks to reach America . During these six weeks , the large and serious Battle of New Orleans was fought . Many people lost their lives after a peace treaty had been signed . They would not have died if news had come in time . In the past , communica

23、tion took much more time than it does now . There was a good reason why the world seemed so much larger than it does today .这个交流的速度怎样改变了世界?对许多人来说,世界变得越来越小。当然,这并不意味着世界实际上是较小的。这意味着世界似乎变小了。(2)二百年前,各洲间的交流时间很长。所有的新闻都是在几周甚至几个月的时间里进行的,甚至是数周甚至数月的时间穿越海洋。在第十七和第十八个世纪,它花了六个星期的时间从欧洲到美洲的新闻。这一时期的差异影响了人们的行为。举例来说,在英

24、国和美国之间的战争中,有几场战争是可以避免的。已签署了一项和平协议。和平是在英国制造的,但是和平的消息花了六个星期才能到达美国。在这六个星期里,新奥尔良的大而严重的战役战斗了。和平条约签署后,许多人失去了生命。如果消息及时到来,他们不会死的。在过去,通信花的时间比现在的时间要大得多。有一个很好的理由,为什么世界似乎比现在大得多。通道4(1)Do you ever feel like nobody likes you ? I feel that way sometimes , too . I think its natural to want people to like you . I mea

25、n , who doesnt want friends ? But I struggle with wanting everyone to like me . And when they dont , its easy for me to feel bad about myself .(1)你有没有觉得没有人喜欢你?我有时也会有这样的感觉。我想让人们喜欢你是很自然的。我是说,谁不想要朋友?但我努力奋斗着,希望每个人都喜欢我。当他们不,这很容易让我觉得自己不好。I have this big group of friends , and in that group , theres one gi

26、rl who hangs out mostly with the guys . Now I was raised with brothers , and I usually feel more comfortable hanging around with guys than with girls . And most of time , guys feel comfortable hanging out with me , too . So I was starting to feel kind of hurt that the guys were hanging out with this

27、 other girl and not with me .我有这个大的一群朋友,在那个群体里,有一个女孩,大部分和男人在一起。现在我和兄弟们一起长大,我通常都会觉得比女孩更舒服。大部分的时间,和我一起的人感到舒服。所以我开始感到有点伤害,这些家伙和这个女孩在一起,而不是和我在一起。One day , it really started to bother me . I crawled in my bed and just started crying . I was like , “ Whats wrong with me ? Why doesnt everyone want to be ar

28、ound me ? Am I just not sweet enough ? Am I just not likable ? “ I came up with all reasons why people wouldnt want to hang out with me . For instance , I have a strong personality , and I can be very intense . I am also very honest , and Ill say whats on my mind . Thats not always the best thing .

29、Honesty is good , but sometimes Id be better off keeping my mouth shut . I figured if I changed my personality , people might like me better .有一天,它真的开始打扰我了。我爬在我的床上,只是开始哭泣。我就想,“我怎么了?”为什么不是每个人都想在我身边?我只是不够甜吗?我只是不讨人喜欢吗?“我提出了所有的理由,为什么人们不愿意和我一起出去玩。例如,我有很强的个性,我可以非常强烈。我也很诚实,我会说我的想法是什么。这并不总是最好的事情。诚实是好的,但有时我会

30、更好地保持我的嘴关闭。我想如果我改变了我的性格,人们可能会更喜欢我。The day after my crying session , I decided I would try to be sweet and quiet , to be the girl everyone would love . But that just wasnt me . And I thought this is dumb . It finally came to me that this whole thing wasnt about me . People want to be with who they wa

31、nt to be with . Those guy friends of mine werent choosing to not be around me . (2) They didnt hate me . They were just hanging out with another person . Thats the way life works .在我哭泣的那一天之后,我决定试着做一次甜美的安静,做每个人都喜欢的女孩。但那只是不是我。我认为这是愚蠢的。它终于来到我,这整个事情不是关于我。人们希望与他们想成为的人。我的那些人的朋友没有选择不在我身边。(2)他们不恨我。他们只是和另一个人

32、在一起。这就是生活的方式。I guess what Ive learned is that not everyone is going to love me . Not everyone is going to want to be around me all the time . It doesnt mean theres anything wrong with me . And it doesnt mean theres anything wrong with them . People are just different . Sure , there are things about me that I need to work on . But I dont have to try to be everyone s best friend . I only need to be the person God made me to be .我想我学到的是,不是每个人都会爱我。不是每个人都会想要在我身边的所有时间。这并不意味着我有什么错误。这并不意味着他们有什么错误。人们只是不同。当然,我需要在我的工作上做一些事情。但我不必试图成为每个人的最好的朋友。我只需要是上帝让我成为的人。通道5More and more ca

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