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老友记 六人行 第五季第二十集经典笔记.docx

1、老友记 六人行 第五季第二十集经典笔记The One With The Ride AlongWritten by: Shana Goldberg-Meehan & Seth KurlandTranscribed by: Eric Aasen520 一起去巡逻 罗斯、乔伊和钱德一起坐在盖瑞的警车上去巡逻;汽车排气管异常爆响,大家以为遭枪击。乔伊迅速跳车并护住罗斯。钱德埋怨乔伊胳膊肘往外拐其实乔伊是在保护三明治。瑞秋到罗斯家拿材料调鸡尾酒,听到翌日就要再婚的艾米丽的电话留言“我们的分手是否是个错误?”莫妮卡和瑞秋因为该不该通知罗斯而争吵,瑞秋意外将留言删除了。她留下来等待罗斯返家,并打算亲口转告他

2、。 5.20 The One With The Ride-AlongRoss, Joey, and Chandler go on a ride-along with Gary; Thinking a car back-fire is actually a gunshot, Joey dives and protects Ross from harm. Chandler is upset that Joey chose to protect Ross. until he learns that Joey was really trying to protect his sandwich. Whi

3、le getting Margarita fixings(n.配料 配菜) as Ross apartment, Rachel overhears Emily-who is getting married the next day-leaving a message, wondering if their break-up was a mistake. Monica and Rachel debate about what to do, and Rachel accidentally erases the message. She stays and waits for Ross to ret

4、urn so she can tell him. Scene: Central Perk, Chandler, Rachel, Joey, and Monica are sitting on the couch as Ross is up getting some coffee.Monica: Okay, guys, listen, dont forget that tomorrow is the day that Emily gets married again, so whatever we do, just try to really keep Rosss mind off of it.

5、Joey: Oh, yeah, good idea.(Ross returns.)Chandler: Hey man, whats up?Ross: (sits down at the table) Oh, eh, just thinking about Emily getting married tomorrow. (Joey panics.) Joey: Ooh, Ross, look! Look! (Points behind Ross.)Ross: (turning and looking) What? Where?Joey: Right over there! Right there

6、! Look-look-look!Ross: What am I looking at?Joey: (to the rest of the gang) Somebody help me out here!Phoebe: (entering, with Gary) Hey!Gary: Hello!Monica: Hey!Gary: How are you?Phoebe: Monica, Im sorry I didnt come by last night. I was out with Gary; he let me ride around with him in his cop car. W

7、e saw and prevented crimes.Joey: You got to go on a ride-along?!ride-along n.(开车)兜风 巡逻Phoebe: Uh-huh!Joey: I want to go on a ride along!Ross: Me too!Gary: Okay!Chandler: Yeah, yeah! Me too!Gary: Really?! You?Chandler: Yeah.Gary: Well, its kinda dangerous.Chandler: Well, I like danger.Gary: Okay, you

8、 guys free tonight?Joey and Ross: Yeah!Chandler: Tonight? You-you didnt say it was going to be at nighttime.nighttime n.夜间Opening CreditsScene: Monica and Rachels, Monica is kneeling at the coffee table and has a bunch of pictures laid out in front of her as Rachel enters.kneel vi.跪下Rachel: Hey!Moni

9、ca: Hey! Oh, Im so glad youre home, I thought tonight we could finally organize these photos!Rachel: Ohh, thank God! Finally!Monica: Okay, Ive broken them down into categories. Okay, we have uh, we got holidays, birthdays, candids, yknow And then what Ive done is Ive cross-referenced them by subject

10、. Right? So if youre looking up, oh lets say birthdays and dogs, you get Photo 152. See? (Hands her the photo.)candid n.(照片)乘人不备时拍的(Unposed Photo) 偷拍的(照片)/ cross reference v.互相参看 对照 参照Rachel: Ohh, its me and La Poo! Wow! I miss that dog.Monica: You can also find him under umm, dog and dead.Rachel: G

11、reat! Thanks!Monica: All right, hand me that other box of photos; thats the very last one.Rachel: Okay. (She picks up the box and the bottom falls out, spilling all of the pictures onto Monicas neat little piles.)spill vt.溢出 使散落Rachel: Oops. Sorry! Well, good thing you number all of them, huh?Oops i

12、nt.表示惊讶 狼狈时所发的喊声Monica: I hadnt! Photo 152 was a prototype.prototype n. 原型 标准 模范Rachel: Ohhhh. Honey, honey, honey, its okay, its okay honey. Im gonna fix you a drink, huh? Maybe a margarita?fix vt.准备(饭菜) 安排 供给(eg:Let me fix you a drink.)/ The Margarita is the most common of tequila-based cocktails,

13、 made with Triple Sec(香槟酒)含糖量为3-5的 or Cointreaun.(原产于法国的)(一杯)橘味白酒 or other orange-flavored liqueurs, and lime or lemon juice, often served with salt on the glass rim. Silver or blanco tequilas are preferred for margaritas, though some will use reposados or gold tequilas. (由墨西哥龙舌兰酒、酸橙或柠檬汁以及橙味酒混合调制而成的

14、)玛格丽塔酒Monica: Ross has the blender! Ugh, everythings just falling apart!blender:a common kitchen appliance for chopping or liquefying food n.搅拌机/fall apart v.崩溃 土崩瓦解Rachel: No honey, its okay! Listen, Ill got to Rosss and get the blender, you get all the margarita stuff ready.Monica: All right, his

15、keys are in the drawer. Yknow what? I also need some cash.Rachel: Okay, you want me to stop at the ATM?ATM abbr.Automatic Teller Machine 自动取款(出纳)机Monica: Nah, while youre at Rosss if you see any lying aroundRachel: What?!Monica: What?! I-I-I dont, I dont do that! (Rachel slowly leaves the apartment.

16、)Scene: Garys cop car, Ross is in the front seat with Gary of course. Chandler is in the back seat.Ross: (to Gary) That was so cool man, the way you leaned on that guy.lean 逼问 讯问Chandler: It is starting to get dark out there.Ross: (to Gary) He told you everything! I mean you totally cracked him!crac

17、k 打垮 击垮Gary: Yeah well, being that he was the victim, theyre usually pretty talkative.being that conj.因为/talkative adj.爱说话的Chandler: (laughing) Okay. (Deadpan) But it is officially nighttime.(Gary reaches up to grab that little light that cops have for unmarked cop cars.)unmarked a. 无记号的 未被注意到的Ross:

18、 Oh hey, Gary, want me to grab the berry for ya?berry n. 莓果 (葡萄 番茄等)浆果Gary: Its called the cherry.cherry n.樱桃 处女膜 处女Ross: Its theChandler!(Chandler starts laughing at his joke.)Joey: (returning from a deli) Okay, I got it! This place makes the best sandwich in the world!deli n. 熟食店Gary: Hey Joe does

19、 it have meatballs on it?meatball n.肉丸子 肉球Joey: Oh-ho, yeah!Gary: Does it have melted cheese and marinara sauce?melted cheesemarinara n.(意大利烹饪用的含西红柿、大蒜、洋葱等调制成的)海员式沙司Joey: Yep!Gary: Yeah, you cant eat that in my car.Joey: (dejected) Yeah okay. (To Chandler) Even though my tax dollars paid for this ca

20、r.Chandler: Your tax dollars?Joey: Yeah, okay.Time lapse, theyre still on the ride along and Joey is just sniffing his sandwich.sniff v.用力吸 嗅Chandler: (leans in and takes a sniff of Joeys sandwich) Wow! That sandwich really does smell good.Joey: Did I say you could smell it?!Chandler: I cant smell y

21、our sandwich?Joey: Half the taste is in the smell! You-youre sucking up all the tastiness!suck up v.吸收Chandler: Okay, Ill give them back. (Exhales strongly through his nose and Joey just glares at him.) Look! What is so great about that sandwich?exhale v.呼气Joey: Okay, imagine the best sex youve ever

22、 had.Chandler: Okay.Joey: Are you thinking about Monica?Chandler: Yeah.Joey: Yeah, whats that like?Scene: Rosss apartment, Rachel is just entering. She takes off her coat and heads for the kitchen. As she does, she knocks something off of a bookcase next to the kitchen door with her coat and it brea

23、ks.Rachel: Ohh please dont be from a real dinosaur! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! (She picks up the 2 pieces and looks at the stand.) Made in Mexico! Yes! Ugh, who would buy this?! (Looks for a place to hide it and finds a wall sconce and drops the pieces into it an

24、d heads into the kitchen as the phone rings.)stand n.架子 座 讲台/sconce n.壁突式烛台sconceMonica: (on the answering machine) Rach! Its me! Pick up!(Rachel runs over and answers the phone with the blender in hand.)Rachel: Hey! Whats up?!Monica: I need a few more things to make the margaritas. Uhh, I need some

25、 salt, some margarita mix, and tequila.tequila n.蒸馏酒 龙舌兰酒Rachel: So all we have is ice?Monica: See if he has ice.Rachel: Okay.(She hangs up the phone and starts to head back to the kitchen and notices some money lying out, stops, reaches down to pick it up, the phone rings causing her to drop it, sh

26、e quickly puts it back, and heads for the kitchen.)Emily: (on answering machine) Hello Ross? Its Emily. (Rachel runs back into the room with the tequila.) I know this is out of the blue but uh, Im getting married tomorrow. Well, maybe I am. I keep thinking about you and Im wondering if-if we made a

27、mistake giving up so fast. Are you thinking about me? Of course youre not, but if you are, call me tonight. Okay, bye.out of the blue adv.突然地 唐突地Rachel: Oh. Oh! (Takes a slug of tequila.)slug (酒等的)一大口 一小杯 eg:Ken took a long slug of scotchScene: The ride along.Ross: So where are we going next?Gary: T

28、his witness wont return my calls so were gonna see if we can surprise him coming home.Chandler: Sur-surprise him? Were not, were not gonna make anybody mad are we?Joey: Come on man! (To Gary) Listen so uh, are you gonna squeeze the perps shoes a little bit before his lawyers up?perpperpetrator(n.犯罪者

29、 作案者), one who a police officer suspects of a crime/squeeze sbshoes a little bit 问讯某人从他身上得到更多的信息(或好处)Gary: Its a witness not a perp. And no one talks like that!Ross: Yeah, no one talks like that!Joey: Oh what? Like your Mr. Cop!Ross: Hey, Im more cop than you two!Chandler: How do you figure that?Ros

30、s: Hello! Im in the front seat, okay? Im Garys partner!Chandler: Yknow, when you say partner it doesnt sound cop. It, it sounds gay.Ross: Umm, jealous! (He drops the cherry and it turns on.)Gary: Hey, do you mind? Were under cover here.under cover adv.隐藏着 秘密行动Ross: Yeah, no problem. (Tries to turn i

31、t off.)Gary: Ross!Ross: Sorry! Sorry! Oh, (He sticks it under his shirt) there! (Its just there flashing through his shirt) Hey Gary, who am I? Phone home!stick it v.忍耐(Gary just glares at him.)Time lapse, Ross has been demoted to the back seat with Joey and Chandler. Hes not too happy about it.demote vt.使降级 使降职Chandler: Look at Officer Ross riding back here with the visitors.Joey: Yeah, whats up with that Serpico?Serpico:乔伊、钱德勒和罗斯跟着菲比的警察男友加利一起去巡逻,罗斯一开始坐前座假扮警官,但后来被赶到了后座。钱德勒就冷嘲热讽地说:“看哪,罗斯警

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