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1、大学学术英语视听说教程下册听力原文大学学术英语视听说教程下册听力原文Lesson1、1-1-4Lecturer:Today, I am going to talk to you about one of the most im portant historical figures in European history-Napoleon Bonaparte Lets start by talking about his early life. Napoleon was born in 1769 on the island of Corsica. When he was only 10 year

2、s old, his father sent him to military school in France. Napoleon was not a very good student in most of his classes, but he excelled in mathematics and in military science When Napoleon was 16 years old, he joined the french army In that year, 1785, he began the military career that would bring him

3、 fame, power, riches, and finally, defeat. After eight years in the army, Napoleon became a general. He was only 24.Napoleon had many victories on the battlefield but he also became involved in French law and politics. And in 1804 at the age of 35, he became the first emperor of france.Napoleon had

4、many victories on the battlefield, but he also became involved in French law and politics. And in 1804 at the age of 35, he became the first emperor of france Napoleon was many things. He was, first of all, a brilliant military leader. his soldiers were ready to die for him. as a result, Napoleon wo

5、n many military victories. At one time he controlled most of Europe, but some countries, including England, Russia, and Austria, fought fiercely against Napoleon His defeathis end- came when he decided to attack russia In this military campaign against Russia, he lost most of his army .The great Fre

6、nch conqueror died alone, deserted by his famil and his friends. The year was 1821, and Napoleon was only 51Lesson2、1-2-4Lecturer:The lecture for th is class is a b out the city of pom peii and the natural disaster that occurred there almost 2,000 years ago .Today many rich people w ho live in large

7、 m etropolitan areas such as beijing, Paris, and new york leave the city in the summer. They go to the m ountains or to the seashore to escape the city noise and heat. two thousand years ago, wealthy Rom ans did the sa me thing. They left the city of rom e in the summer. many of these wealthy rom an

8、s spent their sum mers in the city of Pom peii, a beautiful city located on the bay of Naples, on the mediterranean Sea. In the sum mer of the year 79 Ce, a young rom an boy w ho later became a very fa m ous rom an historian w as visitin g h is uncle in Pompeii. The boys name was pliny the younger.O

9、ne day pliny w as loo king up at the sky. He saw a frightening sight. It w as a very large dark cloud. This b lack cloud rose hig h into the sky. What Pliny saw was the eruption of the volcano called Mount vesuvius. Rock and ash flew through the air. the city of Pom peii was at the foot of mount ves

10、uvius When the volcano first erupted, many people were a ble to get out of the city and escape death. In fact, 18,000 people escaped the terrible disaster. U nfortunately, there was not enough time for everyone to escape. More than 2,000 people died. These unlucky people were buried alive under the

11、volcanicash. The eruption lasted for about three days. When the eruption w as over, Pom peii w as buried under 20 feet of volcanic rock and ash. the city of Pom peii w as forgotten for alm ost 1,700 years.In the year 1748 an Italia n farmer was digging on his farm. As he was digging, he uncovered a

12、part of a wall of the an cient city of Pompeii. Soon, archaeologists began to dig in the area. as time went by, much of the a ncient city of Pompeii w as uncovered. today tourists come from all over the world to see the ruins of the fa m ous city of pompeii.Lesson3、1-3-4Lecturer:Id like to talk to y

13、ou today about Steve Jobs. Jobs was someone who changed the world, because he changed the way people act every single day. Jobs was born in 1955. He grew up in California, in an area that later became known as the Silicon valley. When he was about 14 years old, he became friends with Stephen Wozniak

14、 Wozniak was what people in those days called an electronics whiz kid. He liked to design and build his own electronic equipment.In 1975, Wozniak started designing a personal computer. This at a time when nobody owned personal computers in their homes. Jobs was young. He was only 20. But even then h

15、e had a sharp business brain. Jobs convinced Wozniak that they could build these personal computers in his garage and sell them. a year later, Jobs and wozniak founded the apple computer Company, and started building and selling personal computers. When their apple ii computer went on the market in

16、1977, it became a huge success Suddenly there was a mass market for a computer that people could buy at a store and use sitting in their own homes The apple ll became the worlds first mass produced personal computer, and by the age of 25, Steve Job was a millionaire.Jobs was brilliant in many ways,

17、but he was not always very good at working with other people. He needed everything to be perfect, and this caused problems at Apple. In 1985, then, Jobs left Apple and started a new computer company and soon after he also went into business with a company called Pixar Pixar was a company trying to d

18、evelop a system for using CGI-computer-generated imagery to be used in animated films And Jobs was just the person to help them.In 1995. Pixar released the movie tov story It was the first full-length, computer-generated, animated film. It was a big hit and Pixar became a very, very profita ble comp

19、any and steve Jobs became a very, very rich man a billionaire in fact.In the 10 years after leaving apple jobs learned a lot about working with people and running a company. So when he returned to apple in 1995. he made many changes.Without Jobs, Apple was not doing so well. But Jobs had a also want

20、ed them to be beautiful objects that people would e vision. He didn t only want personal computers to be useful, h enjoy looking at and using. In 1998, Apple introduced the imac a new desktop computer and the next year, the iBook, a new laptop computer. People thought both were very attractive and t

21、hey immediately became very popular, and apple became profitable company again.But Steve Jobs wasnt finished. He had an even bigger vision He believed that personal computers would become the center the hub, of peoples digital lives. So in 2001 Jobs introduced Applesdigital hubstrategy He told the w

22、orld that the computer would become the hub of all their electronic equipment. You could connect your camera, your music player and your video recorder to the computer and manage all your videos, photos, and music using iTunes, iMovie, iPhoto, and other apple programs, orapps Over the next 10 years,

23、 apple created products that made jobs vision a reality. In 2001, the company introduced the iPod, which quickly became the most popular digital music player. In January 2007, Jobs introduced the iPhone and suddenly your phone became like a mini computer. It was like having an iPod, a camera, and a

24、phone all in one device that you could hold in your hand. Then three years later he released the iPad onto the market. This really was a small, light computer that you could hold in your hand.And to use it all you had to do was touch the screen.Jobsfinal vision before he died in Octo ber 2011 was Ap

25、ple iCloud This is a system that allows apple users to store and manage their data and applications, not in their computer, but over the internet.Jobs may be gone, but there is no question that his vision lives on Jobs was someone who changed the world, not just for our own time, but maybe, who know

26、s, for all time.Lesson4、1-4-4Lecturer:Lets talk a little today a out how roller coasters work and thephysics in volved in a ride on aroller coaster. Im sure many of you have taken a ride on a roller coaster Person ally, I dont ever want to ride on one again. When i was young, my sister took me on a

27、roller coaster, and I never forgot that frigh te n in g experience.A simple roller coaster consists o f a frame with a track on it .The track is very much like a train track. Th is track goes over a serie s of hills and around curves following a path that ends at the sam e p lace it started, a train

28、 of cars travels around on th is track, very fast. the cars have two sets of w heels. 0 ne set of w heels rolls on top of the track and the other set of w heels rolls below the track the w heels below the track are there to keep the fa stm oving cars fro m co m in g o ff th e track.Roller- coaster c

29、ars, as you prob ably know, d ont have any m otors or es In stead, a ch ain pulls the cars up the first, tallest and steepest, h ill. A nd th isis how the ride begin s then at the top of the hill, the ch ain com es off th e cars, and gra v ity takes over. Gravity pushes the cars dow n the other sid

30、e of th e h ill. T he taller a nd steeper the first h ill is, the fa ste r th e rid e willbe, and the farther the cars willtrave l.As the cars roll downhill, they gain speed. When they reach the botto m of the first h ill, the cars have enough speed a d e nergy to send the m up the next hill. A s th

31、 e cars n ear the top of the second hill, they begin to slow down. but then, th e cars reach the top of th at hill and start down the other sid e, a n d gravity again pushes them tow ard the ground. T his process repeats on each hill.OK, so lets go over th is process a g ain. First, the cars are u l

32、ed b y a ch ain up th e first, h ig h est h ill. Then they go d ow n a very steep slope At th is point, there is enough energy to pull the cars up and over the next hill. a gain, w hen they reach the bottom of that hill, there is enough energy to clim b the next h ill. T he roller-coaster cars lose

33、energy as the rid e contin ues so the hills have to be sm aller toward the end of the track F in ally, we roll to a stop on ground level, rig ht w here we began.Tom orrow we will talk about the forces that press on our bod ies and keep us in our seats w hen the cars of a roller coaster travel in a loop th at puts

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