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1、ofby4.You will find a map of great _ in helping you to get round London.pricecostvalueusefulness5.It is the young man _ looked for _ caught the murderer.that, whothat, theythey, thatthey, which6.Do you know the singer and dancer who _at the gate?is standingare standingis standstanding7.The boy _ whe

2、n he said that he_ the eggs _ by the hen in the closet before he _ down to have a rest.was lying, had laid, laid, layhad laid, lay, laid, was lyinglay, was lying, lain, laylaid, lay, lain, lies8.I_ you a happy birthday.hopewantexpectedwish9.European football is played in 80 countries, _ it the most

3、popular sport in the world.makingmakesmadebuy 买 bought boughtD.wear 穿着 wore wornto makesmell 发出气味 smelt smeltspeak 说 spoke spoken10.lend 借贷 lent lent_? Im suffering from a stomachache.spend 花费 spent spentA.Are you feeling betterspoil 破坏 spoilt / spoiled spoilt / spoiledB.Whats trouble with youbuy 买

4、bought boughtC.Is there wrong with youWhats the matter with youbuild 建造 built builtdig 挖 dug dug11.The reason he has been such a success _ he never gives whatis thatis becauseis12.You had one of your teeth pulled out yesterday, _?had youhadnt youdid youdidnt you13.His health is poor as, i

5、f not poorer than, his sistersas poor, if not poorer than , his sister poor as his sisters if not pooreras poor, if not poorer than, his sisters14.I was really anxious about you. You _ home without a word.mustnt leaveshouldnt have leftcouldnt have leftneednt leave15.Wait till you are more _.Its bett

6、er to be sure than sorry.inspiredsatisfiedcalmcertain第二节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) The measure of a mans character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out. Thomas MacaulaySome thirty years ago, I was studying in a public school in New York. One day, Mrs Nanette ONeil gave an arith

7、metic_ 16 _to our class. When the papers were_ 17 _she discovered that twelve boys had made the same mistakes throughout the test. There is really nothing new about_18_in the exams. Perhaps that was why Mrs ONeill_19_even say a word about it. She only asked the twelve boys to_20_after class. I was o

8、ne of the twelve. Mrs ONeill asked_21_questions, and she didnt_22_us either. Macaulay, she wrote on the blackboard the_23_words by Thomas Macaulay. She then ordered us to_24_these words into our exercise-books one hundred times. I dont_25_about the other eleven boys. Speaking for myself Ican say: it

9、 was the most important single_26_of my life. Thirty years after being introduced to Macaulays words, they_27_seem to me the best yard-stick(准绳), because they give us a_28_to measure ourselves rather than others. _29_of us are asked to make_30_decisions about nations going to war or armies going to

10、battle. But all of us are called_31_daily to make a great many personal decisions._32_the wallet, found in the street, be put into a pocket or turned over to the policeman? Should the_33_change received at the store be forgotten or_34_? Nobody will know except _35_. But you have to live with yoursel

11、f, and it is always better to live with someone you respect. eleaveremainapologize21.nocertainmanymore22.excuserejecthelpscold23.abovecommonfollowingunusual 24.repeatgetputcopy25.worryknowheartalk 26.chanceincidentlessonmemory27.evenstillalwaysalmost28.waysentencechoicereason29.AllFewSomeNone30.quic

12、kwisegreatpersonal31.outupupon32.ShouldMustWouldNeed33.extrasmallsomenecessary34.paidrememberedsharedreturned35.meyouusthen短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上划一个勾();如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:该行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线(/)划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。该行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。该行

13、错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。注意:原行没有错的不要改。Sandy is seventeen year old. And she is very busy. She never36 has enough time for that she wants to do. Like many other girls37 about her age, she spends hours on the telephone, talks to her38 friends. She often goes out on the weekends, and she looks aft

14、er39 children for other families to get some money. But, of course,40 during the school years she herself has a lot homework to do.41 During the football season, Sandy is more busier than usual. She42 and other pretty girls are cheer leaders. They jump up and down43 together, cheering when the team

15、have played well. When the team44 is not playing so well, the girls try their best encourage the players.45. The cheers are usually not long. But it takes a long time to practise shouting them together.阅读部分阅读理解(共25小题,每小题2分,满分50分) Passage OneBullying and ChildrenWhat you son is describing is bullying

16、, plain and simple. Although it is late in the school year, you should take action by reassuring your son that he did nothing to bring this on and that you will help him. Many parents, unfortunately, think that bullying and being bullied are rites of passage, something all kids endure at some point

17、in their lives just like suffering through boring assemblies and bad cafeteria food. But bullying is not, and should not be, considered a normal part of growing up.Studies done in Norway show that bullying is most common in the younger age groups but is still present even in the mid teens. The perce

18、nt of children who are bullied ranges from 17% in the second grade to about 5% in the ninth grade. A recent survey in the United States shows that 10% of children reported being bullied, 13% reported being a bully, and 6% reported being both bullied and being the bully. This survey was limited to si

19、xth through tenth graders.What is bullying?Bullying involves intentional and repeated actions and words designed to intimidate or hurt another person. There is usually an imbalance of power, either physical or psychological, between the perpetrator and his or her victim. Occasional name calling and

20、shoving are not considered bullying because they are usually not repetitive events. On the other hand, if a child is on the receiving end of aunts and name calling by any persons regularly, then that is considered bullying. Physical aggression, social alienation, verbal aggression, and intimidation

21、are the four main categories of bullying.Many parents are shocked when they find out their child has been the victim of a bully, and a few parents are shocked to find out that their child has been a bully .Victims tend to be more passive, anxious, and insecure than non-victims and to have more negat

22、ive views of themselves. A small percentage of victims are termed“provocative”because they are both anxious and aggressive, often seeking the attention of the perpetrator.The bullies, by comparison, tend to be aggressive children and frequently lack empathy for others. Bullies usually have a positiv

23、e self-image and a desire to be in control. The bully cherishes power. The cherished myth of the bully as a loner with a poor self-image seeking to bolster his own self-worth by attacking others didnt hold up to scrutiny of scientific study. Of course, there will always be victims and perpetrators w

24、ho do not fit these profiles! Any child can be a bully, and any child can be bullied if the circumstances are right.Although bullying is common, studies report that only half the children report what is happening to a parent, and even fewer to a teacher. Few adults witness the acts of the bully beca

25、use most aggression occurs at school and places where there is little oversight by an adult. The playground, cafeteria, and rest rooms are common locations for the perpetrator to act.Children who are victims may develop a variety of vague health complaints to avoid going to school or wherever the bu

26、llying is taking place. Sometimes this kind of school avoidance behavior can be a red flag for parents, so ask your child if he or she is being picked on and bullied.What go do about bullying?If your child reveals to you that he or she is being bullied, take action. Parents can help the child by teaching him how t

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