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1、Unit 1Growing up,What is your opinion or definition about growing up?,To increase in size and develop physically To develop and reach maturity,Growing up means keeping on growing,even when the body cannot grow anymore,but the mind and spirit still can.This means always being open to new ideas and st

2、retching the limits of your mind and intelligence,no matter how old you are.,Do you feel youve grown up?If yes,when?And How?,Can you share some unforgettable growing-up experiences?,Global Reading,02,Before Reading,01,01,After Reading,04,Detailed Reading,03,Text A Writing for Myself,Before Reading,0

3、1,Q1:Who is the author?Do you know anything about the author?,Russell Baker:American Pulitzer prize-winning writer and journalist.,Russell Baker,Q2:What is the authors dream during his course of growing up?,Q3:Is the way smooth for him to become a writer?,Q4:What is the turning point?,Global Reading

4、,02,Thinking,Look at the title of Text A and find out in which paragraph a similar phrase appears.Explain in your own words what the author means by“write for myself”.,Main Story?,A student faced with what at first sight seems a dull,routine piece of coursework.However,it leads him to discover a hid

5、den talent and what he wants to become in life.,General Idea?,The essence of writing is to write what one enjoys writing.,Scanning,Scan text A and find out all the time words,phrases and clauses.,since my childhood in Belleville(Para.1)until my third year in high school(Para.1)until then(Para.1)when

6、 our class was assigned to Mr.Fleagle for third-year English(Para.2)late in the year(Para.3)until the night before the essay was due(Para.3)when I finished(Para.6)next morning(Para.6)two days passed(Para.6)when I saw him lift my paper from his desk.(Para.6)when Mr.Fleagle finished(Para.9),G R _ Scan

7、ning2,Structure,Chronological sequenceNarration/Narrative WritingOrganization?,Part I(Para.1-2),Baker was bored by everything associated with English courses,including his new English teacher.,Part II(Para.3-5),Baker found himself attracted by one particular topic and wrote about it for his own enjo

8、yment.,Part III(Para.6-9),The experience of writing the essay helped Baker discover his talent for writing and realize what he wished to do in life.,Detailed Reading,03,Part.1,Para.1 The idea of becoming a writer had come to me off and on since my childhood in Belleville,but it wasnt until my third

9、year in high school that the possibility took hold.,What is the possibility?,Turning point,Possibility,before,after,No!,Yes!,Why“No”?,Does he like English?,Para.1 Bakers feeling about English courses.,Para.2 Bakers impression of his new English teacher.,Does he like his English teacher?,Para.1Id bee

10、n bored by anything associated with English courses.grammar dull,difficultassignments turn out to be lifeless,agony,D R _ word _ turn out 1,turn out:,come out or gather as for a meeting,public event,etc.,1),prove to be,2),shut off,3),produce;make,4),Match the above definitions with the sentences bel

11、ow.,A large group of protesters have turned out.,The school has turned out some great scholars.,Turn out the light before you go to bed.,The plan turned out a failure.,Para.2When our class was assigned to Mr.Fleagle for third year English.I anticipated another cheerless year in that most tedious of

12、subjects.,What did Baker hear about Fleagle?had a reputation for dullness inability to inspireformalrigidout of date,What was Bakers own impression of his new English teacher?looked to be sixty or seventyexcessively prim,In what way he was prim?severe glasseswavy hairsuits necktiespointed jawstraigh

13、t nosemanner of speaking,Selecting details,Para.2 To me he looked sixty or seventy and excessively prim.He wore primly severe eyeglasses,his wavy hair was primly cut and primly combed.He wore prim suits with neckties set primly against the collar buttons of his white shirts.He had a primly pointed j

14、aw,a primly straight nose,and a prim manner of speaking that was so correct,so gentlemanly,that he seemed a comic antique.,Why so many prims and primlys?,repetition,Useful Expressions-Part I,断断续续地;有时生根确立因而厌烦和有关编写,制造分配,分派预期,期望激励,鼓舞,Useful Expressions-Part I,以而出名据说某人(怎样)拘谨、刻板、跟不上时代尖下巴直鼻梁穿套装戴眼镜说话的方式,Pa

15、rt II,Para.3 I prepared for an unfruitful year with Mr.Fleagle and for a long time was not disappointed.I expected that things wouldnt improve with Mr.Fleagle as our English teacher,and for a long time I was right in my expectations.,Irony,Turning point,distribute a homework sheet with a choice of t

16、opics for writing,took it home and did nothing until the night before the essay was due,finally face up to it and my eye stopped on,Why did he put off the writing assignment till the last minute?,Not simple-mindedDullUnwelcome task,Finally a topic attracted his attention,what was the topic?Why?,The

17、Art of Eating SpaghettiBecause the topic brought back vivid memories of a night in Belleville when he and his family members learned how to eat spaghetti.produced an extraordinary sequence of mental images.,Any supporting details?,Spaghetti is the Italian-style thin noodle,cooked by boiling and serv

18、ed with sauce.Unlike some Chinese noodles,it is not served in soup and will never taste pulpy(软乎乎、没有嚼劲的).,Spaghetti,the Art of Eating Spaghetti,Will you eat in these ways?,Is there really an art of eating spaghetti?,YES!,Para.4 Vivid memories came flooding back of a night in Belleville when all of u

19、s were seated around the supper tablefor supper.Vivid memories of a night in Bellevillefor supper came flooding back.,Did the author and his relatives have enough skill in eating spaghetti?,Para.5 Why did the author want to write on the topic of“The Art of Eating Spaghetti”?warmth and good feelingfo

20、r my own joyrecapturerelive the pleasure,Para.5 Suddenly I wanted to write about that,about the warmth and good feeling of it,but I wanted to put it down simply for my own joy,not for Mr.Fleagle.It was a moment I wanted to recapture and hold for myself.I wanted to relive the pleasure of that evening

21、.,What did the author think Mr.Fleagle will do if he were to write the essay the way he wanted?Why?,repetition,Useful Expressions-Part 2,一无所获处理、应付发下一张家庭作业纸论文要交了勇敢面对不同寻常的画面围坐在晚餐桌旁重现在我脑海中重温、回味诙谐有趣的场景,Useful Expressions-Part 2,写下自得其乐违反法则不及格分创作一篇循规蹈矩、像模像样的文章别无选择只好做命令、指令挨训敲敲桌子让大家注意听半夜时分,Part III,Para.6Di

22、d he write for a new one for the teacher?Why?no time left to compose a proper,respectable essay for Mr.Fleague.,When Baker has no choice but to turn in the tale he had wrote for himself,and when he found all his papers were given back except his,what did he prepared for?preparing myself for a comman

23、d to report for discipline.,waiting for punishment,Para.7-8Whats the result?reading my words listening attentivelyhold back a small prim smile,Para.9What was Bakers feeling?avoid showing pleasurepure delight,In the eleventh grade,at the eleventh hour as it were,I had discovered a calling.In my eleve

24、nth grade,and one might say at the last possible moment,I had found something I wished to take up as a career.,Why is the eleventh grade compared to the eleventh hour,or to the last moment?,B R _ The U.S.Grade School System,The American Educational System,In the United States,education is the respon

25、sibility of individual states,not of the federal government,so requirements may vary from one state to another.The following is a generalization:,B R _ Grade School System _ pic,kindergarten:under 5 years old,B R _ Grade School System _ pic,elementary/primary school(grades 16):611 years old,B R _ Gr

26、ade School System _ pic,junior high/middle school(grades 78):1213 years old,B R _ Grade School System _ pic,senior/high school(grades 912):1417 years old,B R _ Grade School System _ pic,college,institute,academy(学院),university,What is the calling Baker discovered at the last moment?to become a write

27、rHow?to write for oneself,Its of the very essence of the essayWhat is the essence of the essay?,To write what one enjoys writing.,Useful Expressions-Part 3,大声念、大声读专注地听轻蔑嘲弄开怀大笑抑制一丝拘谨的微笑不漏出得意神情心花怒放在最后的时刻小品文的精髓,A R _ Synonyms 1,Synonyms,Find out the synonymous words and phrases from Text A for the word

28、s and phrases below.,dull(Para.1):,lifeless(Para.1),cheerless,tedious(Para.2),_,turn out(Para.1):,write(Para.1),put down(Para.5),compose(Para.6),_,anticipate(Para.2):,prepare for(Para.3),formal(Para.2):,rigid,prim,correct(Para.2),proper,respectable(Para.6),_,_,A R _ Synonyms 2,vivid memories of e fl

29、ooding back to sb.(Para.4):,sth.reawakes in sbs mind;sb.recalls sth.(Para.4),_,recapture(Para.5):,relive(Para.5),_,pleasure(Para.9):,delight,happiness(Para.9),_,contempt(Para.8):,ridicule(Para.8),_,topic(Para.3):,title(Para.4),_,After Reading,04,After reading this article,what can you reflect?,Makin

30、g sentences using the new words and phrases in Unit 1.Review Unit 1 and Preview Unit 2.,Pre-reading,General idea of Text A.Structure of Text A in Unit 2.Main idea of Each Part.,When do you know you have reached maturity?,How to define maturity?Maturity is a term used in psychology to indicate that a

31、 person responds to the circumstances or environment in an appropriate manner.,1.Facing the truth honestly.2.Looking beyond personal comfort and gratification满意,to the greater good.3.Dealing with change without falling apart 崩溃.,4.Working hard and completing a job,whether supervised or not.5.Keeping

32、 the stresses and worries of life from taking control.6.Doing the right thing regardless of what others say and do.,7.Finding more joy in giving than receiving.8.Relating to others in a consistently positive and helpful manner.9.Being a person of your word.10.Demonstrating respect.,11.Showing love i

33、n both word and deed.12.Learning to be content based upon internal attitudes rather than external circumstances.13.It is the ability to base a judgment on the big picture.,What is maturity?Maturity is the ability to controlanger and settle differenceswithout violence or destruction.,Maturity is patience.It is the willingness to pass up拒绝 immediate pleasure in favor of the long-term gain.,Maturity

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