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1、女性求职时常犯六种错误 女性求职时常犯六种错误 在女性的观念里,她们往往很容易地认为她们的成就和技术不如男人,她们常常没有足够的信心来相信和认知自己的能力,她们也认为在信用方面远不如男人。如果你是女性,你在求职时是否也犯了以下这些常见的错误? 不相信自己是优秀的 女人容易过高地(有时是不合情理地过高)要求自己。甚至那些很优秀的女人也有可能过低地评价自己。举例来说,我认识的一个专门做房子清洁服务的女士,她用自己的劳动养活了自己以及她的家庭。但是,当我问她,她是否认为自己是一个职业妇女的时候,她说,她没有那样想,因为她的主要工作只是清洁房子,她不是“真正的”职业妇女。 没有强化自身的经验、技能 我

2、看过一些履历表,其中不少女性在她们的履历表中只是列出了她们曾经的工作情况,而没有对她们的自身优良技术以及从工作中得到的技能加以详细的说明。与此相对比,许多男人却都会毫无疑问地将他们自己的长处表现出来如果他们以前做过的话,甚至只是很简短的时间,他们也会将这些列出来当成他们自己的技术。有一种说法,一个人往往说的事情比他实际上做的要多得多,人们往往对自己的实际能力轻描淡写。重读你的履历表,问一问你自己,是否你真的在你的履历表里着重描述了你的能力,没有的话,那就加上吧。 对掌握新知识能力轻描淡写 女性很容易对自己能够快速掌握新知识的能力只是作轻描淡写的描述。但是,如果是一个男人工作,他会从来不告诉潜在

3、的客户,说他还没有做过某项类型的计划。他也从不说谎。他会告诉任何一个向他询问有关工作情况的人说,“我们能做那件事”。其实,这个“能做”实际上是比真实的经验更重要。因为他说,他几乎可以做任何事情。而事情的结果往往是他总是会学到新的东西! 不谈薪水、利益和工作条件 明显的,考官有一个清楚的预算额度:他们能用多少钱来支付你的薪水。一般来说,对于薪水的上限和下限通常有一个可谈判的空间。通常情形下,很少听到说因为一个女人在谈判中试图争取更高的薪水而被拒绝继续谈判的。可能发生的情况是,你要求更高的薪水,而他们却没法满足你的要求,之后你决定不接受这个职位。但是,如果你想要更高的薪水,你又不想失去这份工作的话

4、,可以向对方提出别的要求。如果你不能得到更多的薪水,你应该试着去商议和争取别的优待,例如,更多的假期、旅行费用、继续教育或者一种弹性的工作时间表。记住,如果你得到了这份工作,谈判的砝码就落在你的手上了。 为什么没有被雇用? 有时候你和考官在面谈之后,他们就不再与你联系了,因此你没有办法知道你没有被雇用的原因。因此,在面谈之后给对方打一个电话或要求一个反馈意见是非常明智的做法。无论任何时候,只要你去参加了面谈,你都应该在对方做出决定之前跟进此事。你对自己不被雇用的理由知道得越多,你以后就越能改变和提高你的面谈技术。 重复自己犯过的错误 女人喜欢重复每一件事情。有多少次你去参加工作面谈是重复你出现

5、过的错误呢?而这一次又一次的重复就像播放一盘vcd一样没完没了。你是否已经将面试过程的详细情况进行了一一分析,并且对于你说过的话感到懊悔?你是否担心你说过的事情被误会呢?如果是这样的话,你就是犯了大多数女人犯的错误,与女性相比,大多数男人是不会这么想的。如果你已经犯了一个明显的错误,那就从错误中吸取教训吧。但是不要一次又一次地重复错误。承认并面对自己所犯的错误,告诉你自己,你已经尽力了。这样,在下一次面谈中你便不会再犯同样的错误! “你能否描述一下你离开以前所供职单位的原因?”这类问题在面试时经常会被问及,招聘单位能从中获得很多关于你的信息。因此,在回答这个问题时应该集中精力。像“大锅饭”阻碍



8、于高强度的工作生存状态下,有的单位在招聘启事上干脆直言相告,要求应聘者能在压力下完成工作,这是越来越明显的趋向。 1. tell me about yourselfcover four areas in your life: your early years, education, work experience, and your current situation. keep your complete answer to about 2 minutes; dont ramble or elaborate. this is your 2-minute self-introduction a

9、nd you will be very accomplished at giving it by the time you are in job interviews. because this question usually comes early in the interview, you will gain confidence by knowing you can answer it well. 2. what can you offer us that other candidates cant?if this question is asked early in the inte

10、rview, you might respond by discussing generally how your skills and experience would benefit the company. to get more specific, you will need to know something about the job situation they have in mind and that subject is not usually discussed until the end of the interview. resist the temptation t

11、o frame an answer based on your assumptions about the position. if the question is asked after the interviewer has described the position, only then can you relate any of your accomplishments to the problems of your prospective employer. this is an opportune time to discuss your problem-solving abil

12、ities. 3. what are your strengths?you should be able to list 3 or 4 of your key strengths that are relevant to their needs, based on the research and other data you have gathered about their company. 4. how successful have you been so far?be prepared to define success for yourself and then respond.

13、try to choose accomplishments that relate to the companys needs and values. 5. what are your limitations?respond with a strength which, if overdone, can be a detriment and become a weakness. for example, you might. say, “my desire to get the job done sometimes causes me to be overzealous and demandi

14、ng of my organization. but i am aware of this problem and believe that i have it under control.” or deal with your need for further training in some aspect of your profession. do not claim to be faultless, but limit your answer to one specific issue. 6. how much are you worth?try to delay answering

15、this until you have learned more about the job and can estimate, based on previous research, the salary range this company endorses for similar positions. if you feel obliged to answer, you might reply in this way. “you are aware of what i have been earning at ajax, and i would hope that coming to a

16、cme would be a progressive step. perhaps, we can go into this question in more depth when have a better idea of what the job responsibilities and scope would be.” 7. what are your ambitions for the future? indicate your desire to concentrate on doing the immediate job well - and your confidence that

17、 the future will then be promising. you do not want to convey that you have no desire to progress, but you need to avoid statements that are unrealistic, or that might threaten present incumbents. 8. what do you know about our company?youve done your homework, and have studied all that is publicly a

18、vailable about acme and are thus aware of many published facts. however, you might state that you would like to know more; then be prepared to ask intelligent questions. avoid a recitation of the facts, incorporate personal remarks and specific questions to facilitate a lively exchange of informatio

19、n.9. why are you seeking a position with our company?indicate that from your study of the company, many of the activities and problems are the sort that would give you a chance to contribute to the company through your experience and skills. if you honestly can, express your admiration for the compa

20、ny and what it is that appeals to you. 10. what qualifications do you have that you feel would make you successful here? if this question is asked after you have sufficient information about the position, talk about two or three of your major skills (supported by accomplishments) which you believe w

21、ill be useful in the position. if the question is asked earlier talk about two or three of your major skills and relate them to the extent that you can to the company. gauge the amount of detail for this and other answers by the time frame set by the interviewer for your meeting and by his or her si

22、gnals as to how much information is enough. 11. what things are most important to you in a job?use information developed in your knowledge of the company and relate it to the position, if you know the details of the position. if not, use a corporate” answer: “to be challenged,” “part of the team,” e

23、tc. 12. how would you describe your personality? mention only 2 or 3 of your most useful traits. remember that the interviewer is trying to determine your “fit” in the company. your ability to accurately identify their corporate values will enable you to frame your response appropriately 13. how lon

24、g would it take you to make a meaningful contribution to our firm?be realistic and speak in terms of 6 months to a year. again, the timing of the question is important. do you know enough about the specific position to give a cogent response? (if its a new, undefined job, even 6 months to a year may

25、 be overly optimistic.) 14. dont you feel you might be over-qualified or too experienced for the position we have in mind?most of the time this question really means: i am afraid you are willing to take this job because you need a job and you will leave as soon as you get a better job offer. your an

26、swer must address this concern. example: “you could be right, but having taken a voluntary early retirement from xyz company, i am in the fortunate position of being able to do what gives me the greatest satisfaction; and what i enjoy doing most is - (describe the contents of the job). the additiona

27、l advantage to you if you hire me is that extra qualification and experience will be available for you to use when necessary.”15. what is your management style?no doubt you defined your management style as part of your assessment and have talked about it with your consultant. you might want to talk

28、about how you set goals and then get your people involved in them. also, describe the techniques that you like to use to bring out the best in people, using the most appropriate style to fit the situation. your research may have given you a sense of whether the company believes in a highly participa

29、tive style, or is more authoritarian in its approach. if you dont know the companys style, keep your answer “soft” and situational.16. describe a situation in which you had a difficult management problem and how you solved it.relate one of your accomplishments, which had to do with this kind of situ

30、ation. depending on the organizations culture and needs, highlight conflict management, team building, or staffing. 17. as a manager, what do you look for when you hire people? their skills, initiative, adaptability - whether their chemistry fits with that of the organization.” responding in this wa

31、y mirrors the interviewers need to determine what you can do, will do, and how you fit into their organization. 18. as a manager, have you ever had to fire anyone? if so, what were the circumstances and how did you handle it? if you have, answer in brief that you have indeed had experience with this

32、 problem and that it worked out to the benefit of both the individual and the organization. you followed the companys disciplinary procedures carefully before proceeding to termination. (the company may be concerned about discrimination and legal issues.) dont go into the details unless the interviewer asks for more information. if you have never fired anyone, say so, but talk about how you would utilize progressive discipline before resorting to termination to protect the companys best interests. 19. what do you see as the

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