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1、高考英语语法10 徐磊英语语法课程几个特点:有规定,但没有特殊规定尽量给任何一个现象找一个相对合理的解释语法是可以推的语法学习先学句子还是先学词?答:应该是先学句子后学词句子的核心是动词,一个句子只有一个动词总结:v. 的作用:句子的核心,有且只有一个n. 的作用:发出或承受动作adj. 的作用:修饰名词adv.的作用:修饰动词,形容词,复词问题:v. 词性:只有动词n. 词性: =n. (名词,代词,数词)其他词性变 n.the + adj.=n. (the old 老年人)v.变 n.(-ing, to do)句子变 n.adj.词性:=adj.其他词性变 adj.n.变 adj. (介+

2、名=adj./名s)v.变 adj. (doing/-ed/to do)句子变 adj.(定从)adv.词性:=adv.其他词性变 adv.n. 变 adv. (介+名=adj.)adj. 变 adv.(加 ly)v. 变 adv. (-ing/-ed/to do)句子变 adv.(状从)语序问题:修饰成分长度:1 个词时前置 1 个词时后置翻译这是我们的责任。n. + v. + n.This is our duty/responsibility.我们阅读许多英语书籍。n. + v. + n.句子: n. + v. + n. adj. adv. adj. adv. adv. adv. We r

3、ead many English books.我们锻炼身体。n. + v. + n.We take exercise.学生(们)学习中国传统文化。n. + v. + n.Students learn/study Chinese traditional culture.二十年前,妈妈陪伴我们。 n. + v. + n.Mothers accompanied us twenty years ago.现在我们照顾我们的妈妈。We now take care of our mothers. 名词n. + v. + n.名词1)可数名词:单数 复数2)不可数名词: 看不见的不可数抽象概念不可数没有清晰界

4、限的不可数气体、液体数了没有意义每个人数出来不一样3)不可数与可数的相对转化 口语省略已经数出来了数字+n./ several + n.代词1)格2)指代不明3)双数和多数each, everyone ,the other, anotherthe others, othersboth , allneither, none代词发出动作 承受动作你youyou我Ime他hehimher她sheit它it你们我们他们youwetheyadj.yourmyhisheritsyouusthemn.你的我的他的她的它的yoursminehishersits你们的 your我们的 our他们的 theiry

5、oursourstheirs 你自己 yourself他自己 himself它自己 itself你们自己 yourself他们自己 themselves我自己 myself她自己 herself我们自己 ourselves那 that 那些 those这 this动词这些 these时态=时态时:1.现在时 =02.过去时 04.过去将来时 a (a0)态:1.一般态 (做/总做)2.进行态 (正在做)3.完成态 (做完了)4.完成进行态 (做完了还要继续做)一般进行完成完成进行现在时过去时将来时现在一般时过去一般时将来一般时现在进行时 现在完成时 现在完成进行时过去进行时 过去完成时 过去完

6、成进行时将来进行时 将来完成时 将来完成进行时过去将来时 过去将来一般时 过去将来进 过去将来完 过去将来完成进行时行时 成时被动1.什么是被动?2.怎么变被动? do be done3.英语汉语中被动的区别?汉语中被动大多是表示不好的事,英语没有。一般(do)进行(be+ doing)完成(have+ done)完成进行(have+ been+doing)现在时(不变/-s)过去时(-ed)do/doesdidam/is/are+doingwas/were+have/has+donehad+ donehave/has+been+ doinghad+ been+doingdoing将来时(sh

7、all/will+)shall/will+ doshall/will+ be+doingshall/will+have+ doneshall/will+have+ been+doing过去将来时should/would+ should/would+ should/would+ should/would(should/would+) dobe+ doinghave +done+ have+ been+doing do be+ done 一般进行(be+ doing)完成(have+ done)完成进行(have+ been+doing)(do)现在时(不变/-s)am/is/are+doneam

8、/is/are+being + donehave/has+been + donehave/has+been+ being +done过去时(-ed)Were/was +doneshall/will+ be + shall/will+ be+was/were+being +donehad+ been +doneshall/will+have+ been +donehad+ been+being + doneshall/will+have+ been+being +done将来时(shall/will+)Done being + done过去将来时should/would+ should/woul

9、d+ should/would+ should/would(should/would+) be + donebe + being +donehave + been +done+ have+ been+being + done形容词、副词原级比较级最高级单数介词双数多数双数 多数翻译写作遇见单词不会写(方法)1.上义词(全集) 2.下义词(子集)3.同义词(从句)一个男人正在和一个女人聊天。A man is talking to a women.A man is chatting with a women.n. + v. + n.一个足球运动员正在射门。A football player is

10、shooting.一个守门员正在守门。A football player is protecting the goal.A goalkeeper is protecting the goal.n. + v. + n.n. + v. + n.一、句子的名词化(名词性从句)句子的词化与从句怎样进行名词化?1.王老师有女友是个问题。2.王老师有没有女友是个问题。3.王老师有什么是个问题。翻译的方法第一步,按照简单陈述句进行翻译。无论什么语气,都按照 n. + v. + n.句型进行翻译。1.王老师有女友。Mr Wang has a girlfriend.2.王老师有没有女友。Mr Wang has

11、whether a girlfriend. 3.王老师有什么。Mr Wang has what第二步,提前。(变名词)看句子中是否有“特殊疑问词”,如果有,提前。看句子中是否有“是否”意义的词,如果有,提前。如果都没有,前面加 that1.王老师有女友。that Mr Wang has a girlfriend.2.王老师有没有女友。whether Mr Wang has a girlfriend.3.王老师有什么。what Mr Wang has第三步,将其视为一个名词代入句子进行翻译。1.王老师有女友是个问题。That Mr Wang has a girlfriend is a probl

12、em.2.王老师有没有女友是个问题。Whether Mr Wang has a girlfriend is a problem.3.王老师有什么是个问题。What Mr Wang has is a problem.智商问题?用 It 代替名词1.王老师有女友是个问题。It is a problem that Mr Wang has a girlfriend.2.王老师有没有女友是个问题。It is a problem whether Mr Wang has a girlfriend.3.王老师有什么是个问题。It is a problem what Mr Wang has.联系传统的语法体系主

13、语从句(句子变名词做动作的发出者)宾语从句(句子变名词做动作的承受者)表语从句(句子变名词做 be 动词的承受者)同位语从句(见后面)翻译句子(练)我们照顾我们的家长是我们的责任。n. v. n.1.we take care of our parents2.that we take care of our parentsn. v. n.3.that we take care of our parents is our duty/responsibility.4.It is our responsibility that we take care of our parents.我们保护环境是重要

14、的(事情)。n. v. n.1.we protect environment 2.that we protect environmentn. v. n.3.that we protect environment is important/vital.4.It is vital that we protect environment.二、句子的形容词化(定语从句)1.为什么要形容词化?句子变成形容词2.形容词化有什么用?修饰名词3.怎么样进行形容词化?拆分 翻译 替换 提前 插入你们认识的王老师长得帅。拆分:王老师长得帅。你们认识的王老师。翻译:Mr Wang is smart.You know

15、 Mr Wang.替换:用变成形容词的句子中重复出现的名词复现中心词2.怎么替?复现中心词人物发出动作的名词who/thatwhich/that承受动作的名词who(m)/thatwhich/thatns (当形容词用)whosewhose王老师长得帅。Mr Wang is smart.你们认识的王老师。You know who(m)/that提前:将替换之后的部分整体提前。(whosen.)王老师长得帅。Mr Wang is smart.你们认识的王老师。who(m)/that you know插入:插在被修饰的名词后面。(中心词)1)中心词确定。中心词后,that/which/who(m)

16、都行。Mr Wang who(m)/that you know is smart.2)中心词不确定。不确定中心词 加“,”放在不确定的词的后面,或者句尾。中心词是整个句子加“,”放在整个句子后面。Mr Wang is smart,who(m)you know.that 和 which 的区别?1.记住只用 which 的两条。如果是,选 which2.如果不是,全选 that3.如果选项没有 that,再选 which只用 which 的两条1)中心词不确定2)复现中心词做介词的承受着,并且和介词一起提前翻译我们上课的教室很大1.拆分教室很大。我们在教室上课。2.翻译The classroom

17、 is big.We have classes in the classroom.3.替换We have classes in which/that4.提前which we have classes inthat we have classes inin which we have classesin that we have classes5.插入The classroom which we have classes in is big.The classroom that we have classes in is big.The classroom in which we have cl

18、asses is big.The classroom in that we have classes is that 产生歧义,所以,规定介词和 that 不能一起提前The classroom in which we have classes is big.The classroom where we have classes is big.where= 介词 which 表示地点关系翻译我永远不会忘记我们相遇的那天。I will never forget the day on which we met each other.I will never forget the da

19、y when we met each other.when= 介词 which 表示时间关系我永远不会忘记我们相遇的原子。I will never forget the reason which we met each other for.I will never forget the reason that we met each other for.I will never forget the reason for which we met each other. I will never forget the reason why we met each other.why= 介词 w

20、hich 表示原因关系我永远不会忘记我们相遇的方式。how=介词 which关系代词和关系副词的问题n. v. n.=n. v. n.句子句子 adj.I know what you know. =I know the thing that you know.what = the thing that句子名词化whatwhateverwhowhoeverwherewhereverwhen名词+句子形容词化the thing thatanything thatthe person whoany person whothe place whereany place wherethe time wh

21、enthe reason whythe way howwhyhowhoweverany way how我买使面包变大的东西。我买东西。I buy the thing.东西使面包变大。the thing makes bread bigger.which/that makes bread bigger.I buy the thing,which makes bread bigger.I buy the thing that makes bread bigger.如何在考场写定语从句?套路一第一步,想一个简单句。余罪是一部精彩的电视剧。第二步,上句随便选一个名词,再造一个简单句。张一山主演余罪。余罪

22、在中国很流行。主句:Yu Zui is a fantastic/wonderful TV play.从句:Yu Zui is popular in China.that is popular in China. Yu Zui that is popular in China is a fantastic/wonderful TV play.Zhang Yishan stars in Yu Zui.Zhang Yishan stars in thatthat Zhang Yishan stars inYu Zui that Zhang Yishan stars in is a fantastic

23、/wonderful TV play.套路二(只能用一次)强调句没有强调句任何一个句子都是强调句,强调的部分不同而已。n. v. n.所谓的强调句,就是一个凑字数的写作手法。我是徐磊那是我It is I.我是徐磊I am Xu Lei.那是徐磊It is Xu Lei.我是徐磊I am Xu Lei.that/who am Xu Lei.It is I who/that am Xu Lei.第一步,想一个简单句。n1.v.n2.prep.n3.who/that I amXu Lei who/that I am第二步,在 n1.,n2.或者 prep.n3.中随便选择一个。第三步,选择的东西,前

24、面加 It is,后面加 that剩余部分。It is n1. that v.n2.prep.n3.It is n2. that n1.v.prep.n3.It is prep.n3. that n1.v.n2.Yu Zui is a wonderful TV play.It is Yu Zui that is a wonderful TV play.It is a wonderful TV play that Yu Zui is.三、句子的副词化(状语从句)1.为什么要变副词?2.副词化后有什么用?3.怎么样进行副词化?当你孤单的时候,你会想起谁?1.按照简单句进行翻译You are alo

25、ne.2.加关系词(副词化)when you are alone3.将句子副词化后代入翻译Who will you miss,when you are alone?因为他长得很难看,所以他没有女朋友。he is very uglybecause he is very ugly.he doesnt have girlfriend because he is very ugly.关系词(副词化) 关系类型时间地点关系词when , as , while ,as soon as, before after , since ,untilwhere条件让步原因/目的结果if , unless , so

26、long asthough ,although ,even though ,even ifbecause ,as ,since ,for ,in that ,in order that ,so thatso.that, such.that方式比较as, as if,, than从句题目的解题方法第一步,判断从句类型不看从句,看去掉从句,主语缺什么。将和其后面的内容盖上,看主句缺什么。n. + v. + .n. + v. + n. .+ v. + n.第二步,采取相应方法解题1.如果是状语从句1)译上句,译下句2)判断上下句逻辑上一致相反。相反:转折/让步 unless not

27、 until 祈使句+or before after一致:余下所有关系,挨个代入,选择最通顺的。2.如果是名词性从句翻译,选择最佳含义。关系词whatwhateverhowhoweverwhenwheneverwherewhereverwhowhoeverwhich翻译1)什么 2)多么 3)the thing thatanything that1)如何 2)多么 3)the way howany way how1)什么时候 2)the time thatany time that1)哪里 2)the place whereany place where1)谁 2)the person who

28、any person who哪一个whicheverwhosewhatever = whichever+.谁的3.如果是定语从句(形容词性)特别注意:没有任何方法能够立即区分出同位语从句和定语从句。完整不完整的说法,本身就是错误的。实际解题过程中,同位语从句划归到定语从句中进行分析。 we have classesThe classroomwe have classes is areThe questionyou are doesnt matter.n. + + v. + n. 或者 n. + v. + n. 结构的解题方法(五步插入法)把前面的名词插入空格后面的从句中的任何位置:插入情况直接插入名词 + s 插入空格处名词前价加个介词,整体插入无法插入,且前面的名词等于整个从句的含义从句类型定语从句定语从句定语从句同位语从句关系词that/which/who/whomwhosewhere/when/why/how取决于句子的意思,多为 that无法插入,且前面的名词不等于整个从句的意思

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