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英语同步人教必修一刷题首选卷基础练+能力练521 Word版含答案.docx

1、英语同步人教必修一刷题首选卷基础练+能力练521 Word版含答案Section The Language Points of Reading课时作业(一)对应学生用书P51完形填空David grew up poor. He started working in the 7th grade and by high school he was only going to school half days, _1_ at 11 am to go to work.Lack of money meant lack of educational opportunities, but he had a

2、_2_ to learn. In his spare time he read books that he thought would _3_ him succeed somewhere down the road.He was a hard worker, and rose above(克服) his _4_ of higher education to provide for his family, _5_ factory life had a bad effect on him physically, emotionally and _6_. It was, in his mind, k

3、illing him like a slow poison.In 1995 he bought his first computer and a few months later discovered the Internet. He wanted to be a part of it, and worked 48 or _7_ hours a week in the factory, and worked another 40 or more hours a week _8_ himself computer skills. He worked harder than he _9_ had

4、in his life, surfing the Internet over 100 hours a week.David began _10_ jobs in the Internet and computer fields. He was _11_ many times, but he never gave up. He had a goal and kept after it _12_ he didnt feel like it because _13_ else seemed so hopeless. That kind of drive and perseverance almost

5、 always _14_. David left the factory and took a job in the computing field.This is a true story about _15_, a story about believing in _16_; a story about finding what you love to do and _17_ your dreams.My hope in writing this story is that, if you have a dream, youll be _18_ enough to see it throu

6、gh (进行到底). Its up to you to _19_ it. Remember that even the farthest _20_ always starts with the first step.1A.starting BleavingCarriving Dstudying答案:B根据空格前的“. he was only going to school half days .”可知,戴维只能上半天学,根据空格后的“at 11 am to go to work”可知,他在上午11点离校去工作,故选B项。2A.time BhopeChunger Dchance答案:C由第3空所

7、在句子所述他刻苦学习可知,此处应选C,hunger在此指“渴望”,have a hunger for sth./to do sth. “渴望某物/做某事”,故选C项。3A.let BhaveCsee Dhelp答案:Dhelp sb. (to) do sth. “帮助某人做某事”,此处指他阅读那些他以为会帮助他成功的书,故选D项。4A.lack BchoiceCfavour Ddesire答案:A根据第二段“Lack of money meant lack of educational opportunities .”可知,戴维没有接受高等教育,缺乏高等教育,故选A项。5A.and BsoCb

8、ut Das答案:C由设空处后的关键信息“had a bad effect on him”可知,此处表示转折关系,即但是,工厂生活对他的身心有不好的影响,故选C项。6A.individually BspirituallyCenergetically Devidently答案:B工厂生活对戴维的身体、情感和精神带来不良影响。individually “分别地,各自地”;spiritually “在精神上”;energetically “精力充沛地,积极地”;evidently “明显地”。故选B项。7A.more BfewerCsmaller Dsome答案:A根据后面的“another 40

9、or more”可知,戴维每周在工厂工作48小时或更多,故选A项。8A.showing BteachingCimproving Dacquiring答案:B由第10空所在句子所述他开始在电脑和网络领域求职可知,戴维每周花费至少40小时自学电脑技能。teach oneself “自学”。故选B项。9A.even BneverCever Djust答案:C根据空格后的“surfing the Internet over 100 hours a week”可知,戴维每周上网100多个小时,说明戴维比以前任何时候都要努力,ever表示强调,故选C项。10A.doing BcreatingCapplyi

10、ng for Dtaking up答案:C由第11空所述他刚开始求职并不顺利可知,戴维开始申请计算机方面的工作。do “做”;create “创造”;apply for “申请”;take up “占据,从事”。故选C项。11A.turned off Bput downCheld up Dturned down答案:D由空格后的“but he never gave up”可知,戴维被拒绝了很多次,但他从不放弃。turn off “关闭”;put down “写下,放下,镇压”;hold up “举起,支撑,耽误”;turn down “拒绝,调低”。故选D项。12A.even when Bif

11、 onlyCconsidering that Das if答案:A每当戴维定下一个目标,他就会坚持到底,即使当他不喜欢的时候,他仍然不放弃,故选A项。13A.anywhere BsomewhereCanything Dsomething答案:C因为任何别的方面(anything else)似乎更没有希望,故选C项。14A.pays back Bputs offCgets in Dpays off答案:D根据下句“David left the factory and took a job in the computing field.”可知,戴维的坚持与毅力得到了回报,他找到了一份计算机方面的工

12、作。pay back “偿还,报复”;put off “推迟”;get in “到达,收割,购买”;pay off “偿清,(付清工资后)解雇,取得成功”。故选D项。15A.wealth BdeterminationChardship Dlove答案:B根据上一段“He had a goal and kept after it . That kind of drive and perseverance .”可知,戴维有着坚定的意志力,故选B项。16A.yourself BhimselfCherself Ditself答案:A由第14空所述他具有坚定的毅力,相信自己会在计算机领域找到工作可推知,

13、这是一个关于自信的故事,即相信你自己。故选A项。17A.developing BfollowingCcontinuing Dreaching答案:B一个关于发现自己喜欢做的事情并追逐梦想的故事。develop “发展”;follow “追逐,跟随”;continue “继续”;reach “到达”。故选B项。18A.demanded BexpectedCinspired Dattracted 答案:C如果你有梦想,这个故事会激励你坚持到底。demand “要求”;expect “期盼,预料”;inspire “鼓舞”;attract “吸引”。故选C项。19A.get BmakeCconduc

14、t Dperform答案:BIts up to you to make it. “需要靠你自己去实现梦想”。be up to sb. “取决于某人”;make it “成功做成某事”。故选B项。20A.journey BdistanceClife Dfuture答案:A由设空后的“starts with the first step”可知,应选A,此处意为“千里之行,始于足下,即使是最遥远的路程,也要从迈出第一步开始。”故选A项。阅读理解AGrandma Moses is among the most famous twentiethcentury painters of the United

15、 States, yet she did not start painting until she was in her late seventies. As she once said to herself,“I would never sit back in a rocking chair, waiting for someone to help me.” No one could have had a more productive old age.She was born Anna Mary Robertson on a farm in New York State,one of fi

16、ve boys and five girls. At twelve she left home and was in domestic service until, at twentyseven, she married Thomas Moses, the hired hand of one of her employers. They farmed most of their lives, first in Virginia and then in New York State, at Eagle Bridge. She had ten children, of whom five surv

17、ived; her husband died in 1927.Grandma Moses painted a little as a child and made embroidery (刺绣) pictures as a hobby, but only changed to oils in old age because her hands had become toostiffto sew and she wanted to keep busy and passthetime.Her pictures were first sold at the local drugstore and a

18、t a market and were soon noticed by a businessman who bought everything she painted. Three of the pictures were exhibitedin the Museum of Modern Art, and in 1940 she had her first exhibition in New York. Between the 1930s and her death, she produced some 2,000 pictures: careful and lively portrayals

19、 of the country life she had known for so long, with a wonderful sense of colour and form. “I think really hard till I think of something really pretty, and then I paint it,” she said.1According to the passage,Grandma Moses began to paint because she wanted to_.Amake herself beautifulBkeep activeCea

20、rn more moneyDbecome famous答案:B推理判断题。根据第三段第一句中的“keep busy and pass the time”可知,她作画的初衷是打发时间、保持活跃。故选B项。2Grandma Moses spent most of her life _.Anursing BpaintingCembroidering Dfarming答案:D细节理解题。根据第二段倒数第二句中的“They farmed most of their lives”可知,摩西奶奶与其丈夫一生中的大部分时间都在务农。故选D项。3The underlined word “portrayals”

21、means “_”Adescriptions BexpressionsCexplanations Dimpressions答案:A词义猜测题。由画线词所在句子中的关键信息“pictures”和“of the country life”可知,portrayals是对pictures的解释,即这两千幅画都是对乡村生活生动具体的“描述”。故选A项。4. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?AGrandma Moses: her life and picturesBThe children of Grandma

22、MosesCGrandma Moses: the best painterDGrandma Moses and her exhibition答案:A标题判断题。全文主要介绍了画家摩西奶奶的简要生平以及她的有关作品,故A项能概括文章主题。1stiff adj. 僵硬的2exhibit v. 展览1too . to . 太而不能2pass the time 打发时间B Tony Hawk, who I thought was bigger than life, came in the room and then the interview began. As the worlds greatest

23、 skateboarder, he talked about how his life was not always so miraculous. He mentioned one day he was skating on top of the world, and the next day the sport of skateboarding fell_right_on_its_face. Life for Tony has had its upsanddowns, and what brought him back up was the way he believed in himsel

24、f. One of the most tragic (不幸的) events in Tonys life was that his father passedaway. Although he suffered such pain, he never lostsightof his dream. He put his energy into his dream, which helped him overcome his sadness. One part of Tony that completely impressed me is the way he accepts himself. H

25、is goal is never to do better than others, but to do his best. If he does the best he can, it doesnt matter how anyone else takes him. Thats true and wise. As for me, I play baseball and things arent going so well, but Im trying my hardest, thats life. Its how you approach those bad days that will k

26、eep you on top. Confidence brought Tony to the next level. During our meeting he continually talked about the importance of following your dream. He also said, along with that, one needs to have a strong faith in ones own ability to achieve that dream, no matter what challenges are presented. By the

27、 end, I didnt see the same guy who had walked through the door an hour earlier. Now I view him as more than a worldclass skateboarder. He is also a normal person who has dealt with many of the same problems we all face, but the difference is, he is always able to rise above his problems by having fa

28、ith in his dream.篇章导读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。本文作者通过采访,向读者呈现了著名的滑板运动员霍克积极向上的人生态度。5The underlined part “fell right on its face” in Paragraph 2 means “_” Afailed Bfinished Ccontinued Dhappened答案:A词义猜测题。根据上文霍克说他的生活并不总是充满奇迹以及下文的“Life for Tony has had its ups and downs”可知,滑板界的传奇人物霍克也会遭遇赛场上的失败。 6.The example of the au

29、thors playing baseball is used to show _. Ahe wants to be as successful as Tony Hawk is Bhe doesnt want to play baseball anymore Che accepts Tony Hawks suggestion Dhe shares Tony Hawks view of life答案:D推理判断题。根据第三段中的“impressed me is the way he accepts himself . to do his best . Thats true and wise. As for me . Im trying my hardest, thats life.”可知,作者举他打棒球的例子就是为了说明他认同霍克“接受自己”的人生态度。7In the eyes of the author, what makes Tony Hawk special?

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