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1、旅行到宇宙边缘解说词1,Our world. warm, comfortable, familiar.我们的世界 温暖、舒适 熟悉2,.But when we look up, we wonder:但当我们仰望天空 我们想知道3,Do we occupy a special place in the cosmos?我们是居住在宇宙中一个独特的地方4,Or are we merely a celestial footnote或仅仅是太空的小小一隅?5,Is the universe welcoming or hostile?宇宙是友善的还是充满敌意?6,We could stand here f

2、orever, wondering我们是一直站在这里猜想7,Or we could leave home on the ultimate adventure还是离开故园来一次终极探险8,To discover wonders去发现奇观9,Confront horrors直面恐怖10,Beautiful new worlds美丽的新世界11,Malevolent dark forces邪恶的黑暗势力12,The Beginning of time.时间的起点13,The moment of creation.创世的时刻14,Would we have the courage to see it

3、through?我们是否有坚持到底的勇气15.Or would we run for home?或是逃回家?16,Theres only one way to find out想找到答案只有一个方法17,Our journey through time and space begins with a single step.我们开始一步步时空之旅18,At the edge of space, only 60 miles up.(01:55)离地面60英里(100公里)高度,就是太空边缘.19.just an hours drive from home仅仅一个小时车程20.Down there

4、, life continues.地面上,生活在继续21.The traffic is awful, stocks go on trading车水马龙商业繁忙22.and Star Trek is still showing星际迷航还在播出23.When we return home, if we return home.当我们回到家如果我们还能回家24.will it be the same?一切还会如初吗?25.Will we be the same?我们还是原来的我们吗?26.We have to leave all this behind我们必须抛掉这一切27.To dip out t

5、oes into the vast dark ocean步入前方广阔的黑暗海洋28.On to the Moon.前往月球29.Dozens of astronauts have come this way before us在我们之前,已有数十名宇航员前往月球30.Twelve walked on the moon itself其中12人踏上了月球31.Just a quarter of a million miles from home.月球距离地球只有25万英里(40万公里)32.Three days by spacecraft坐宇宙飞船需要3天33.Barren.贫瘠34.Desola

6、te.荒芜35.Its like a deserted battlefield月球看起来就像一个遗弃的战场36.But oddly familiar.(3:56)但是惊人的熟悉37.So close, weve barely left home那么近,就像我们几乎没有离开家38.Neil Armstrongs first footprints.尼尔阿姆斯特朗的第一个脚印39.Looks like they were made yesterday看起来就像在昨天留下的40.Theres no air to change them.那里没有能够改变脚印的空气41.They could surviv

7、e for millions of years这些足迹会存在数百万年42.Maybe longer than us.或许比人类存在的时间都长43.Our time is limited我们的时间是有限的44.We need to take our own giant leap我们必须自己踏出自己的一大步45.One million miles, 5 million, 20 million miles.1百万英里 5百万英里 2千万英里46.Were far beyond where any human has ever ventured远征前人未曾到达的地方47.Out of the dark

8、ness, a friendly face一个友善的面孔从黑暗中浮现48.The goddess of love, Venus.爱之女神金星49.The morning star.启明星50.The evening star.长庚星51.She can welcome the new day in the east.它可以在东方迎接新的一天.52.say good night in the west还会在西方道晚安53.A sister to our planet.金星是地球的姊妹星.54.shes about the same size and gravity as Earth.大小和引力与

9、地球相仿55.We should be safe here我们在这里应该是安全的56.But the Venus Express space probe is setting off alarms但是金星快车空间探测器却时刻提醒着我们57.Its telling us, these dazzling clouds, theyre made of deadly sulfuric acid告诉我们那些耀眼的云层是由致命的硫酸构成58.The atmosphere is choking with carbon dioxide金星的大气层充斥着二氧化碳59.Never expected this Ve

10、nus is one angry goddess.没想到金星是一个愤怒的女神60.The air is noxious, the pressure unbearable.有毒的空气难以忍受的压力61.And its hot, approaching 900 degrees还有炙热温度接近900度(500C)62.Stick around and wed be corroded suffocated, crushed and baked多呆一会我们会被腐蚀、窒息、压碎和烤焦63.Nothing can survive here.任何东西都无法在这里生存64.Not even this Sovie

11、t robotic probe.即使像前苏联金星号机器人探测器65.Its heavy armors been trashed by the extreme atmosphere.它的厚重装甲已被这极端的大气环境给毁了66.So lovely from Earth, up close, this goddess is hideous从地球看她是多么可爱近观这个女神却是可怕的67.Shes the sister from hell.她是来自地狱的姊妹68.Pockmarked by thousands of volcanoes数千座火山犹如长满了痘疮69.All that carbon diox

12、ide is trapping the Suns heat.大气层中的二氧化碳留住了太阳热量70.Venus is burning up.金星正在燃烧71.Its global warming gone wild这是无节制的全球变暖72.Before it took hold, maybe Venus was beautiful, calm.(7:15) 在它变暖之前或许是美丽而平静的73.more like her sister planet, Earth.很像她的姊妹星地球74.So this could be Earths future也许就它是我们地球的未来75.Where are t

13、he twinkling stars?那些闪烁的星星哪里去了?76.The beautiful spheres gliding through space?美丽的圆球滑进了太空?77.Maybe we shouldnt be out here, maybe we should turn back或许我们不应该来这里我们应该回去78.But theres something about the Sun, something hypnotic, like the Medusa但是太阳有催眠般的魔力象美杜莎(古希腊神话中3位蛇发女怪之一)79.Too terrible to look at, too

14、 powerful to resist可怕的让人无法正视,也无法抗拒她的力量80.Luring us onward on, like a moth to a flame.引诱我们继续前进像飞蛾扑火81.Wait ,theres something else, obscured by the sun等等,这里还有其他东西被太阳炙烤82.It must be Mercury.它一定是水星83.Get too close to the sun, this is what happens.太靠近太阳,就会这样84.Temperatures swing wildly here这里温度剧烈变化85.At

15、night, its minus 275 degrees晚上会到零下275度(-170C)e midday, its 800 plus.正午则超过800度(400C)87.Burnt then frozen.烧焦再被冰冻88.The MESSENGER space probe is telling us something strange.(8:32)信使号空间探测器发现了一些奇怪的现象89.For its size, Mercury has a powerful gravitational pull.相对体积来说,小小的水星具有强大的引力90.Its a huge ball of iron,

16、 covered with a thin veneer of rock它就像一个裹着薄薄岩石层的大铁球91.The core of what was once a much larger planet.这是一颗大行星留下的核心92.So wheres the rest of it?其他部分去哪里了呢?93.Maybe a stray planet slammed into Mercury或许是一个迷路的行星猛地撞进了水星94.blasting away its outer layers in a deadly game of cosmic pinball.在一场致命的宇宙弹球游戏中水星的外层被

17、炸掉了95.Whole worlds on the loose careening wildly across the cosmos.这些游荡的行星在宇宙中疯狂地掠过96.destroying anything in their path.毁掉他们道路上的一切97.And were in the middle of it我们就在其中98.Vulnerable, exposed, small脆弱、裸露而且渺小99.Everything is telling us to turn back.这一且都在告诉我们该回去了100.But who could defy this?但是谁又能抗拒的了101.

18、The Sun in all its mesmerizing splendor散发着迷人光彩的太阳?102.Our light, our lives.我们的光线,我们的生命103.everything we do is controlled by the Sun我们的一切都被太阳控制着104.Depends on it依赖于它105.Its the Greek god Helios driving his chariot across the sky(9:44)它是驾着战车穿越天际的希腊美男子太阳神106.The Egyptian god Ra reborn every day是每天重生的埃及

19、神“拉”(埃及神话里的太阳神)107.The summer solstice sun rising at Stonehenge.以及巨石阵夏至的日出108.For millions of years.数百万年来109.this was as close as it got to staring into the face of God我们对太阳神的景仰止于远观110.Its so far away.由于实在太远 is burned out, we wouldnt know about it for eight minutes如果太阳熄灭了,8分钟后我们才会知道112.Its so

20、Big, you could fit one million Earths inside it太阳大到可以装下100万颗地球113.But who needs number? weve got the real thing谁需要这些数字呢我们看到了它的真面目114.We see it every day, a familiar face in our sky我们每天看到太阳挂在天空的熟悉面孔115.Now, up close, its unrecognizable.现在近观它,又陌生起来116.A turbulent sea of incandescent gas由炙热气体形成的汹涌大海117

21、.The thermometer pushes 10,000 degrees表面温度超过1万度(5000C)118.cant imagine how hot the core is ,could be tens of millions of degrees难以置信的是它的核心温度则可以到数千万度119.Hot enough to transform millions of tons of matter这里热到足以能够120.into energy every second每秒钟把数百万吨物质转化成能量121.More than all the energy ever made by manki

22、nd超过人类有史以来产生的所有能量122.Dwarfing the power of all the nuclear weapons on Earth.地球上所有的核武器对于它都是小巫见大巫123.Back home, we use this energy for light and heat在地球,这些能量是我们利用的光和热124.But up close, theres nothing comforting about the Sun.近距离观看时,却是令人感到不安125.Its electrical and magnetic forces erupt in giant molten ga

23、s loops.太阳的电磁活动迸发出巨大的炙热气体环状物(日珥)126.Some are larger than a dozen Earths有的足有一打地球那么大127.More powerful than 10 million volcanoes.释放的能量超过一千万个火山128.And when they burst through they expose cooler layers below.(12:17)当它喷发的时候就会露出下面温度较低的部分129.making sunspots.形成太阳黑子130.A fraction cooler than their surrounding

24、, sunspots look black.太阳黑子比周围温度低一些 所以看起来是黑的131.But theyre hotter than anything on Earth.但仍比地球任何东西都热132.And massive up to 20 times the size of Earth.太阳黑子同样巨大,超过地球大小的20倍133.But one day, all this will stop但是总有一天,这一切都会结束134.The Suns fuel will be spent.太阳的燃料会耗尽135.And when it dies, the Earth will follow太

25、阳死去,地球也会随之死亡136.This god creates life, destroys it.这个神祗创造了生命,也会摧毁生命137.and demands we keep out distance要求我们保持距离138.This comet strayed too close这个彗星太靠近太阳了139.The Suns heat is boiling it away.它被太阳的热量蒸发140.creating a tail that stretches for millions of miles.产生绵延数百万英里的彗尾141.Its freezing in here.这里冰冷彻骨1

26、42.Theres no doubt where this comets from, the icy wastes of deep space我们清楚彗星来自哪里它来自深太空的冰冻垃圾143.But all this steam and geysers and dust.但你看这些蒸汽、间歇泉和尘埃144.its the Sun again, melting the comets frozen heart.这是太阳正在融化彗星的冰冻核心145.Strange.太奇异了146.A kind of vast, dirty snowball, covered in grimy tar犹如外面包裹着肮

27、脏沥青的巨大脏雪球147.Tiny grains of what looks like organic material.看起来像是有机物的小颗粒148。.preserved on ice, since who knows when.被冷冻保存谁会知道已经保存了多久149。.maybe even the beginning of the solar system.也许和太阳系同龄150。Say a comet like this crashed into the young Earth billions of years ago.如果像这样一颗彗星在数十亿年前撞到年轻的地球151。Maybe

28、it delivered organic material and water也许带来了生命原始物质.152。.the raw ingredients of life.有机物和水153。It may even have sown the seeds of life on Earth.彗星甚至可能在地球上播下生命之种154。.that evolved into you and me后来进化成你和我155。But say it crashed into the Earth now如果彗星现在撞上地球156。Think of the dinosaurs, wiped out by a comet o

29、r asteroid strike想想恐龙吧被彗星或是小行星的撞击彻底灭绝157。Its only a question of time.这只是时间问题158。Eventually, one day, well go the way of the dinosaurs毫无疑问,总有一天我们会步恐龙的后尘159。If life on Earth was wiped out, wed be stuck out here.如果地球上的生命灭绝了我们会被困在这里160。.homeless, adrift in a hostile universe无家可归,漂泊在危险宇宙中161。Wed need to

30、find another home我们需要找一个新家162。Among the millions, billions of planets.在几百万甚至数十亿的行星中163。.there must be one thats not too hot, not too cold, with air, sunlight, water.一定会有一个行星不会很热,也不会很冷有空气、阳光和水164。.where, like Goldilocks, we could comfortably live可以让我们舒适居住,生活165。The red planet红色行星166。Unmistakably Mars.我们都熟知的火星167。For centuries, weve looked to Mars for company.几个世纪以来,我们一直都在寻找火星上的同伴168。.for signs of life寻找生命迹象169。Could there

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