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本文(优质大连市 中考英语 语法填空训练中考英语专项训练含答案解析.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

优质大连市 中考英语 语法填空训练中考英语专项训练含答案解析.docx

1、优质大连市 中考英语 语法填空训练中考英语专项训练含答案解析【优质】大连市 中考英语 语法填空训练中考英语专项训练含答案解析一、英语语法填空汇编1阅读下面短文,按照句子结构和上下午连贯要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中的词语的正确形式填空。 Jason and Andy are twins. They share a lot of things, including room, food and toys. One Saturday, Jason and Andy went out _(play) with a toy car. Both of them wanted to be th

2、e owner of the car, so they shouted at each other. _(They) mother heard the boys arguing. She came out and told them to take turns to play with the toy car, but the twins wouldnt. A few days later, Mother brought _ pet home. Cant we each have our own pet dog? asked the boys. They were _(tire) of sha

3、ring everything. No! The dog must _ (share). Mother said. You will have to feed the dog and make sure it does not get into anything wrong. Several days later, the dog got into mothers room _(secret) and made a mess there. Jason saw the dog playing with mothers clothes. He quickly went to find Andy a

4、nd told him _ the dog had done. Oh, no! Its our duty to clean up the mess! _(cry) Andy. They boys picked up the clothes and put them away rapidly. Just think, Jason, said Andy, what a big mess two _(dog) would made! I agree _ you, laughed Jason, Maybe sharing isnt so bad! 【答案】 to play;Their;a;tired;

5、be shared;secretly;what;cried;dogs;with 【解析】【分析】本文讲述了兄弟两人通过养狗学会了分享。 (1)句意: 一个星期六,杰森和安迪带着一辆玩具车出去玩 。go out to do,固定搭配,出去做某事,故填 to play。 (2)句意:他们的母亲听到男孩们在争吵。mother是名词,其前是形容词性物主代词,they的形容词性物主代词是their,他们的,故填Their。 (3)句意: 几天后,妈妈带了一只宠物回家。dog是可数名词单数,前面应用冠词限定。pet以辅音音素开头,用不定冠词a,故填a。 (4)句意: 他们厌倦了分享一切。be tired

6、of doing sth.,固定搭配,厌烦做某事,故填 tired。 (5)句意: “不!这只狗必须分享。”母亲说。share与dog是被动关系,must是情态动词,故用must be done,故填 be shared。 (6)句意: 几天后,这只狗悄悄地进入母亲的房间,把那里弄得一团糟。副词修饰动词短语got into,secret的副词是secretly,故填 secretly。 (7)句意: 他很快去找安迪,并告诉他狗做了什么。宾语从句中缺少宾语,故用what指代事或物,故填what。 (8)句意: 哦,不!收拾烂摊子是我们的责任!”安迪喊道。描述过去用一般过去时,cry的过去式是cr

7、ied,故填 cried。 (9)句意: 两条狗会弄得多糟啊!dog是可数名词,two修饰可数名词复数,故在dog后直接加s,故填dogs。 (10)句意:“我同意你,”杰森大笑说,“或许分享不是那么坏。”agree with sb.,固定搭配,同意某人,故填with。 【点评】考查语法填空,注意谓语的时态,语态,词性,连词搭配等多种用法。2阅读下面材料,在空白处按要求填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。(每空1个单词) A group of boys gathered around a tree. What a tall tree! they said to each other. It

8、would be exciting to climb to the top! The group of boys then decided to play a game to see who could _(climb) to the top of the tree first. Their _(mother) were sitting not far away, looking on at them as they played. One of the climbers was_(冠词)8-year-old boy named David. He was the_ (short) child

9、 in the group. Nobody thought he would win the competition. Then the game started. All of the boys tried _( they 1 best to climb as high as they could. _(连词)they all made it halfway up the tree before David did, he reached the top of the tree first in the end. His mother was proud to see this. She a

10、sked him, David, how did you manage to reach the top of the tree so _(quick)? It was easy, David said. The other children _( keep) looking down as they climbed. When they realized how high they were, they got scared and were afraid of _(fall) down. I, however, looked only up. When I saw how close I

11、was, I just went higher and higher until I reached the lop. It is true in life that if we just keep going forward_(介词)looking back, we are more likely to reach our goals and achieve success.【答案】 climb;mothers;an;shortest;their;Although/ Though;quickly;kept;falling;without 【解析】【分析】(1)句意:这群男孩于是决定玩一个游戏

12、,看谁能先爬到树顶。climb是动词,爬,could是情态动词其后是动词原形 ,故填 climb 。 (2)句意:他们的母亲坐在不远处,看着他们玩耍。mother是名词,妈妈,此处泛指故用复数,故填 mothers。 (3)句意:其中一个登山者是一个名叫大卫的8岁男孩。boy是名词单数,8以元音音素开头,故用不定冠词an表示泛指,故填an。 (4)句意:他是小组里个子最矮的孩子。没有人想到他会赢得这场比赛。 short是形容词,矮的,根据定冠词the可知是形容词最高级,故填 shortest。 (5)句意:然后比赛开始了。所有的男孩都尽力爬到尽可能高的地方。try ones best to d

13、o,固定搭配,尽某人最大努力做某事,they的形容词性物主代词是their,他们的,故填 their。 (6)句意:虽然他们都比大卫先爬到了树的一半,但最后他还是第一个到达了树顶。根据they all made it halfway up the tree 和 he reached the top of the tree first in the end ,可知此处是让步状语从句的语气,although/ though,尽管,故填 Although/ Though。 (7)句意:大卫,你是怎么这么快就爬到树顶的?副词修饰reach,quick的副词是quickly,迅速地,故填 quickly

14、。 (8)句意:其他孩子在爬山时不断向下看。根据 as they climbed 可知时态是一般过去时,keep的是动词,其过去式是kept,保持,故填 kept。 (9)句意:当他们意识到自己有多高时,就会感到害怕,害怕摔倒。fall是动词,落下,of是介词,其后是动名词falling,故填 falling。 (10)句意:这是真实的生活,如果我们继续向前,而不回头看,我们更有可能达到我们的目标和取得成功。根据 keep going forward 可知是不要回头,without是介词,没有,故填 without。 【点评】考查语言综合运用能力,注意谓语的时态,词性,连词搭配等多种用法。3阅

15、读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 It was early and there werent many people on the road. A girl on a bike passed me _ (quick). She was riding on ice _ suddenly she fell off her bike a few _ (step) in front of me. She was trying hard to get up but fell again. Without thinking, I went over and helped he

16、r stand up. She said Thank you! to me _ a smile and then rode away. The words Thank you warmed me and this made me feel _ (little) nervous about my new school. When I finally got to school, I was led into the classroom and _ (ask) to sit beside a girl. I was so nervous. I knew some of the students w

17、ere looking at me _ I didnt dare to look at _ (they). Soon the first class started. It was English. They used a different textbook from my old school and I didnt have a copy. As I was wondering what to do, a book appeared in front of me. Lets _ (share), the girl next to me said. I looked up. It was

18、the girl I _ (help) that morning. What a surprise!【答案】 quickly;when;steps;with;less;asked;but;them;share;helped 【解析】【分析】本文讲述了作者帮助了一个女孩,后来女孩也机缘巧合的帮助了他。(1)句意: 一个骑自行车的女孩从我身边迅速经过。副词修饰动词passed,quickly是副词,迅速地,故填quickly。(2)句意: 她正骑在冰上,就在那时突然她从我前面几步远的自行车上摔了下来。根据 She was riding和 suddenly she fell off,可知用when引

19、导时间状语从句,表示就在那时,故填when。(3)句意:她正骑在冰上,就在那时突然她从我前面几步远的自行车上摔了下来。a few修饰名词复数,step是名词,步子,故填steps。(4)句意: 她对我微笑着说“谢谢你!”,然后骑车离去。with a smile,固定搭配,含笑,故填with。(5)句意: “谢谢你”这句话温暖了我,这让我对我的新学校感到不那么紧张。此处是比较级表示看到微笑前后的不同心情,little的比较级是less,更少,故填less。(6)句意: 当我最终到达学校时,我被带进教室,并要求坐在一个女孩旁边。 根据 was led into the classroom and可

20、知and前后一致,都是一般过去时的被动语态,故此处省略助动词was,只填过去分词,故填asked。(7)句意: 我知道有些学生看着我,但我不敢看他们。根据students were looking at me和I didnt dare to look at,可知此处表示转折关系,故填but。 (8)句意:我知道有些学生看着我,但我不敢看他们。根据,故填them。(9)句意: 我旁边的女孩说:“我们一起用吧。” let后是动词原形,share,是动词,分享,故填share。(10)句意:是我那天早上帮助的那个女孩。根据It was the girl,可知时态是一般过去时,故填helped。【点评

21、】考查语言综合运用能力,注意谓语的时态,语态,词性,连词搭配等多种用法。4阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 A wealthy old man lived alone in a big house. He was growing _(weak) day by day. Since he was unable to look after _(him), he decided to hire (雇佣) a nurse to take care _him. One day, the old man interviewed two _(nurse)Anthon

22、y and Peter. Anthony was a handsome young man while Peter looked quite ordinary. The old man asked Anthony to make tea for him. After Anthony left, the old man turned to Peter and said, Anthony has _(give) me a very bad account of you. He said you are rude and untrustworthy. Is this correct? Peter t

23、hought for a minute and said, _Anthony has a bad opinion of me, there must be something wrong with me. I should take some time to change these things. The old man was very impressed by Peters words. At the same time, Anthony came back with _cup of tea for the old man. The old man sent Peter to make

24、breakfast for him. He then returned to Anthony and told him. Peter spoke very poorly of you while you were gone. _do you think about this? After hearing this, Anthony shouted _(angry). In the end, Peter _(choose). Peter looked quite common, but he had impressive inner beauty.【答案】 weaker;himself;of;n

25、urses;given;If;a;What;angrily;was chosen 【解析】【分析】本文介绍了一个老人在录用护士时,故意挑起对方的矛盾,通过两人截然不同的反应,从而判断谁适合。 (1)句意: 他一天比一天虚弱。weak是形容词,形容词修饰系动词grow,根据day by day可知是比较级weaker,故填 weaker。 (2)句意: 因为他不能照顾自己 ,他决定雇一个护士来照顾他。look after oneself,照顾自己,主语是he,故反身代词是himself,故填 himself。 (3)句意:因为他不能照顾自己 ,他决定雇一个护士来照顾他。take care of,

26、固定搭配,照顾,故填of 。 (4)句意:一天,老人面试两个护士 Anthony and Peter 。two后是可数名词复习,nurse,是可数名词,故填nurses。 (5)句意: 安东尼对你的评价很差。根据助动词has可知此处是现在完成时,故填过去分词,give的过去分词是given,故填given 。 (6)句意:如果安东尼对我有看法,我一定有什么问题。此处是条件状语从句,故是引导词if,如果,故填If。 (7)句意:同时,安东尼给老人端了杯茶回来。cup是名词单数,以辅音音素开头,故用不定冠词a表示泛指,a cup of,固定搭配,一杯,故填a。 (8)句意:你对此怎么想?此处是特殊

27、疑问句,think后缺少宾语,故用what提问,故填What。 (9)句意:听到这,安东尼生气地大喊。副词修饰动词shouted,angrily,是副词,生气地,故填angrily。 (10)句意:最后,Peter被录用。根据 Peter looked quite common , 可知时态是一般过去时,choose与主语Peter是被动关系,故用一般过去时的被动语态,主语是第三人称单数,故助动词是was,choose的过去分词是chosen,故填 was chosen 。 【点评】考查语法填空,注意调整词性,时态,主谓一致和名词的数等。5阅读下面短文,根据语境、音标或所给单词的提示,在每个空

28、格内填入一个恰当的词,要求所填的词意义准确、形式正确,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。 In recent years, with the development of technology, many popular apps have been produced. These days, an app has _(catch) great attention. It is Douyin, a video sharing app. Douyin _(one)appeared in 2016. Now it is many peoples favorite app, _(especial) the

29、young. With Douyin, users can record videos, edit(编辑)them and share them online. It is very easy and interesting. We can record our videos with our friends with just a tap on the mobile phone _skrin. Whats more, its a great way to spend our free time _browsing (浏览)through those film videos. _, every

30、 coin has two sides. The app also has bad things. Some people spend long hours on the app, which is _to their health. Whats _(bad), users can also find some bad things on the app. Such thing is unsuitable and meaningless. In my opinion, Douyin should monitor videos before they are uploaded(上传), in_d(r) to keep a healthy environment for its users. Douyin is not good for _tinedz. We should not use it too often.【答案】 caught;first;especially;screen;in;However;harmful;worse;order;teenagers. 【解析】【分析】大意:近年来,随着技术的发展,已经产生了许多流行的应用程序,抖音就是其中之一。本文主要介绍了抖音的好处和坏处。 (1)句意:最近,一个应用程序引起了极大的关注。根据时

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