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1、备战高考英语新课标地市名校好题必刷全真模拟卷及答案详解23页绝密启用前备战2021年高考英语新课标地市名校好题必刷全真模拟1月卷第八模拟试题(时间:120分钟 满分:120分)选择题部分第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最佳选项。 A(2020广东金山中学高三月考) I suspect that we socialize more during the spring and summer months. Under the warm sun, yards bloom with col

2、d drinks and conversation, barbecues get fired up, and parties quickly spill outside. Shifting these sweet summer parties to ones that arc also waste-free can be both simple and inexpensive, with just a few small changes to your habits.The first step is to keep invitations virtual. Creating a Facebo

3、ok event or sending a simple email is perfect for inviting guests to your party without generating waste from paper invitations, and if youre looking for something a bit more formal, sites such as Greenvelope and Paperless Post have given the cheesy e-vite a brilliant makeover. Virtual invites also

4、allow you to track RSVPs, communicate with guests, and provide clickable info about your event.To decorate, make use of the candles, flowers and greenery already in your outdoor space rather than stocking upon store-bought flowers, and consider using decorations that can be reused (like a cloth happ

5、y birthday banner, for example) rather than one-time use decorations. Skip the balloons in favour of large tissue paper pom-poms, and offer up any decorations still in decent condition to a free group after the event rather than just tossing them out.The most obvious way to cut down on party waste,

6、of course, is by getting rid of disposable plates, cups and cutlery. I shouldnt have to do much convincing in this department does anyone actually enjoy using those paper plates that fold in half when you pile them high with too much greek salad or drip oil through the bottom? Has anyone in the hist

7、ory of the world ever actually successfully cut anything with one of those completely useless plastic knives? There really isnt much to be gained from using disposables.With these shifts and a few other small adjustments here and there paper straws instead of plastic, a large drink dispenser rather

8、than individual soft drinks or juice boxes youll be set to celebrate all summer long, without suffering the accompanying garbage hangover the next day.1Which is the best title for the passage?AHow to hold a successful garden party. BSummer garden party habits.CHow to hold greener summer parties. DHo

9、w to entertain your guests.2What does the underlined word “cheesy” in the second paragraph mean?Afree. Bformal. Cplain. Dinviting.3What should we do with used decorations in good condition?ADonate them. BSell them.CPut them away. DThrow them away.4Why docs the writer dislike paper plates?ATheyre too

10、 expensive. BTheyre not practical.CTheyre not convincing. DTheyre not popular. B(2019广东佛山一中高三期中) In 1947, the province Bengal of Pakistan was divided into two parts: the western part became India and the eastern part is known as East Bengal which was later known as East Pakistan. At that time there

11、were many economic, social and cultural problems. In 1948, when government announced Urdu as the national language, it caused the protest among the Bengali speaking majority of Pakistan. The protest got out of control and ended with the death of four protestors of the University of Dhaka who were sh

12、ot by the police on 21st February, 1952. The students deaths during the fight for their mother language are now remembered as The International Mother Language Day (IMLD).Each year on Feb 21, UNESCO holds the event to draw attention to the disappearance of the worlds languages: dozens of them are di

13、sappearing each year. What happens when a language dies out? Something huge is lost - not just sounds and marks but the way that people make sense of the world and communicate with each other. And it is through language that we have culture and tradition. Kill a language and all this is killed too.T

14、hrough IMLD, more people are becoming more aware of the destruction of linguistic (语言的) diversity in modern times and trying to stop it. The Myaamia Project is a kind of effort. This is an attempt to revive (复兴) the language spoken by the Miami and Illinois tribes (部落) of the US. Project members wor

15、k to encourage people to study and communicate with this language, which formally died out in the 1960s.This is why we should remember the wise words of Nelson Mandela: “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to a man in his own language, that goes to h

16、is heart.”5What can we know from the first paragraph?ABengal had the biggest population in Pakistan.BThe conflict resulted from linguistic controversy.CThe Bengali were the majority who spoke Urdu.DThe police shot four students to end the protest.6What message does Paragraph 2 mean to convey?ADozens

17、 of languages die out every February.BThe world is known merely through languages.CLanguage helps to preserve and promote culture.DMuch attention has been paid to language protection.7What does the Myaamia Project aim to do?AKeep linguistic diversity. BProtect an American tribe.CRaise money to help

18、the locals. DFocus on native language learning.8Why does the author mention Mandelas words?ATo show his contribution to language protection.BTo stress the difficulty in learning a dying language.CTo reflect the possibility to preserve a local language.DTo emphasize the importance of ones mother tong

19、ue. C(2020江苏金陵中学高三月考) Want to explore new cultures, meet new people and do something worthwhile at the same time? You can do all the three with Global Development Association(GDA). Whatever stage of life youre at, wherever you go and whatever project you do in GDA, youll create positive changes in a

20、 poor and remote community(社区).We work with volunteers of all ages and backgrounds. Most of our volunteers are aged 17-24. Now we need volunteer managers aged 25-75. They are extremely important in the safe and effective running of our programmes. We have such roles as project managers, mountain lea

21、ders, and communication officers.Depending on which role you choose, you could help to increase a communitys access to safe drinking water, or help to protect valuable local cultures. You might also design an adventure challenge to train young volunteers.Not only will you help our young volunteers t

22、o develop personally, youll also learn new skills and increase your cultural awareness. You may have chances to meet new people wholl become your lifelong friends.This summer we have both 4-week and 7-week programmes:CountrySchedule4-week programmes7-week programmesAlgeria5 Jul. 1 Aug.20 Jun. 7 Aug.

23、Egypt24 Jul. 20 Aug.19 Jun. 6 Aug.Kenya20 Jul. 16 Aug.18 Jun. 5 Aug.South Africa2 Aug. 29 Aug.15 Jun. 2 Aug.GDA ensures that volunteers work with community members and local project partners where our help is needed. All our projects aim to promote the development of poor and remote communities.Ther

24、e is no other chance like a GDA programme. Join us as a volunteer manager to develop your own skills while bringing benefits to the communities.Find out more about joining a GDA programme:Website:www.glodeve.orgEmail:humanresourcesglodeve.org9What is the main responsibility of volunteer managers?ATo

25、 seek local partners. BTo take in young volunteers.CTo carry out programmes. DTo foster cultural awareness.10The programme beginning in August will operate in _.AEgypt BAlgeria CKenya DSouth Africa11The shared goal of GDAs projects to _.Aexplore new cultures Bprotect the environmentCgain corporate b

26、enefit Dhelp communities in need D(2020河南南阳中学高三月考) Machines might one day replace human laborers in a number of professions, but surely they wont ever replace human artists. Right?Think again. Not even our artists will be safe from the inevitable machine takeover, if a new development in artificial

27、intelligence(AI) by a team of researchers from Rutgers University and Facebooks AI lab offers a clue of whats to come. They have designed an AI capable of not only producing art, but actually inventing whole new aesthetic(美学的) styles similar to movements like impressionism or abstract expressionism.

28、 The idea, according to researcher Marian Mazzone, was to make art that is “novel, but not too novel”.The model used in this project involves a generator network, which produces the images, and a discriminator network, which “judges” whether its art. Once the generator learns how to produce work tha

29、t the distributor recognizes as art, its given an additional instruction: to produce art that doesnt match any known aesthetic styles.“You want to have something really creative and striking but at the same time not to go too far and make something that isnt aesthetically pleasing,” explained Ahmed

30、Elgammal.The art that was generated by the system was then presented to human judges alongside human-produced art without showing which was which. To the researchers surprise, the machine-made art scored slightly higher overall than the human-produced art.Of course, machines cant yet replace the mea

31、ning conveyed in works by human artists, but this project shows that artist skill sets certainly seem reproducible by machines.What will it take for machines to produce content with meaning? That might be the last AI frontier. Human artists can at least hang their hats in that field for now.“Imagine

32、 having people over for a dinner party and they ask, Who is that by? And you say, Well, its a machine actually. That would be an interesting conversation starter,” said Kevin Walker.12What is implied in the second paragraph?AArtists wont be replaced by AI. BAI can produce new styles of art.CAI is totally at a loss about impressionism. DAI fails to reflect ab

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