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1、古典家具文案古典家具文案 古典家具文案 Customer Service 美式顾客服务 ould you like to be a king or queen? To have people waiting on you hand and foot? Many Americans experience this royal treatment every day. How? By being customers. The American idea of customer service is to make each customer the center of attention. Nee

2、d proof? Just listen to the commercials. Most of them sound like the McDonalds ad: “We do it all for you. Actually, not all stores in America roll out the red carpet for their customers. But wherever you go, good customer service means making customers feel special. 你想当国王或皇后吗?想有人把你服事得服服贴贴的吗?很多美国人每天都

3、享受着皇室般的招待。怎样才能享受到呢?只要是顾客就可以了啊。美式的顾客服务就是使每一个顾客成为关注的焦点。需要证明吗?听听广告就知道了。大部份都很像麦当劳的广告一样:麦当劳都是为你。事实上,并不是所有美国的商店都待顾客如同上宾一般。不过无论你走到哪里,好的顾客服务就是让顾客觉得自己独特无比。 s People going shopping in America can expect to be treated with respect from the very beginning. Most places dont have a furniture street or a computer

4、road which allow you to compare prices easily. Instead, people often use the telephone and let their fingers do the walking through the Yellow Pages. From the first hello, customers receive a courteous response to their questions. This initial contact can help them decide where to shop. 在美国逛街,顾客们可以从

5、一开始就享受到受尊重的感觉。大部份的城市不会有家具街或是计算机路,让你可以轻松地比价一番;取而代之的是用电话,让他们的手指头来代步走过电话簿。从第一声哈开始,顾客们的疑问都接收到最殷勤的回答。这个初步的接触,可以协助他们决定该到哪儿去采买。 When customers get to the store, they are treated as honored guests. Customers dont usually find store clerks sitting around watching TV or playing cards. Instead, the clerks gree

6、t them warmly and offer to help them find what they want. In most stores, the signs that label each department make shopping a breeze. Customers usually dont have to ask how much items cost, since prices are clearly marked. And unless theyre at a flea market or a yard sale, they dont bother trying t

7、o bargain. 当顾客们来到店里的时候,他们会受到贵宾般的款待。他们通常 不会看到店员坐在那儿看电视或是玩扑克牌。相反的,店员会亲切地打招呼,并且协助寻找需要的东西。大部份的商店里,每个商品分类区清楚的标示使逛街成为一项轻松的乐事。由于价钱已清楚地标示,顾客们通常不需要再问价钱。在美国,除非是跳蚤市场或是旧货大拍卖,否则人们不会费事去讨价还价的。 古典家具文案 When customers are ready to check out, they find the nearest and shortest checkout lane. But as Murphys Law would h

8、ave it, whichever lane they get in, all the other lanes will move faster. Good stores open new checkout lanes when the lanes get too long. Some even offer express lanes for customers with 10 items or less. After they pay for their purchases, customers receive a smile and a warm thank you from the cl

9、erk. Many stores even allow customers to take their shopping carts out to the parking lot. That way, they dont have to carry heavy bags out to the car. 当顾客们要结帐的时候,他们会找一个最近、队伍排得最短的收银台去结帐。不过根据莫非定律的说法,不论你排得是哪一列,结果其它列都会前进得比你这一列要快。当结帐队伍太长时,好的商家会再开放新的收银柜台。有些甚至会为购物项目为十项以内的顾客,提供快速收银的服务。当他们付钱之后,店员会给予顾客一个微笑和一

10、句温暖的谢谢。有些商店甚至让他们的顾客将购物推车推到停车场去,这样他们就不必提着重重的袋子到车上去了。 In America, customer service continues long after the sale. Many products come with a money-back guarantee. Expensive items-like cars, computers or stereos-often have a warranty that ensures trouble-free use for a period of a year or more. Advertis

11、ements regularly include the motto Your satisfaction is guaranteed. So if there is a problem with the product, customers can take it back. The customer service representative will often allow them to exchange the item or return it for a full refund. Heres a trivia question: Do you know whats the bus

12、iest time for most customer service representatives? The week after Christmas. 在美国,顾客服务在成交之后仍持续良久,很多货品都是保证可以退款的,像是车子、脑或音音像这样高价位的商品,通常会有保证期限,以保证一年或更久的时间仁褂酶貌品没有任何问题。广告中通常会有保证让你满意的标语。所以产品若是有问题,顾客可以把它送回去,而客舴务人员通常会让他们换商品或是全额退钱。这里有一个小问题:你知道什么时候是大部份顾客服务人员最忙的时候吗?圣诞节过后的那个礼拜。 For many American customers, serv

13、ice is everything. If a person receives poor service from a store, he probably will avoid shopping there in the future. On the other hand, customers often remain loyal to a business that has excellent service even if their prices are high. Customer service in America grows out of the belief that the

14、 customer is always right.quo t; That may not always be true. But, as someone has said, the customer is always the customer. . 对许多美国的顾客而言,服务就是一切,如果有人在某一家店里受到很糟的服务,他以后可能就会 古典家具文案 尽量不再去那家店购物。另外一方面,一家店若提供上乘的服务,就算价钱高一点,顾客们通常会保持对该店的忠诚度。美式的顾客服务源于一个信念:顾客永远是对的。这或许不见得全对,不过顾客永远都是顾客! The delicious food, couple

15、d with the warm hospitality of the host, made the party perfect. 隹肴加上主人温馨的款待于宴会完美无缺。 Evening in Paris was light and balmy. 巴黎的夜晚灯光辉煌,温馨无限。 The fireplace is aculture, is also a kind of art. 壁炉是文化,更是一种艺术。 The ashes of a lost culture. 一种消失了的文化的遗迹 Pensee:elegance ,noble ,simple and vogue . 典雅、华贵、简约、时尚是我

16、们的核心思想。 The Small Parlor with romantic European charm. 典雅精致的小客厅,具有浪漫的欧式风情。 In a courtly manner; elegantly or politely 典雅地,有礼貌地;有王室气派地 Ingeniousand the result is delightful. 设计精巧,看着舒心 你宁愿留在她的腰际,做一朵丝绸开成的花 谁家的沙发上,蜷卧着一只猫咪, 纤肢随意缠绵温软的躯体,她没有用那乖张的黑瞳抛射弧线, 也没有吐露半句甜言蜜语,仅仅是打了个盹, 眼神惺忪,姿势慵懒,却让人怦然心跳。 或许,有人能抗拒冬日的火炉

17、,却无论如何也抗拒不了, 夏日的冰淇淋,她丝丝入扣,一点一滴地侵略了你的心灵, 你却毫不知情,直到燥热来袭,才想起是谁,给了清凉的安慰。 回身寻找,却只发现,一只打盹的猫咪,对人爱搭不理。 不要妄想她会亲亲热热靠近你, 她需要你踮起脚尖走过去,轻轻抚摸她温顺的毛皮。 只有这样,她才会还你微微的甜蜜一笑。 有如此舒心温暖的笑容,你宁愿留在她的腰际, 做一朵丝绸开成的花,装点她的美丽。 盛世文明,从来源自江湖 唯有水岸的浪漫,才能孕育万世千秋的繁花, 于是,王者再次驾临, 于是,万民再次仰望, 于是,又一段千古神话即将展开, 在这欧式城堡的气势下,御江领湖,指引这个城市的居住标向。 绽放,一个阶层

18、的荣耀 基础决定一切,产品决定魅力 The brilliant court life at Versailles. 凡尔赛宫廷中奢华的生活 Living life to the full. 充分享受生活 official residence of an exalted person (as a sovereign). 一个尊贵的人物(如君主)的官邸。 comfortable clothes; comfortable suburban houses ; made himself comfortable in an armchair; 舒适的衣服;舒适的郊区住宅;舒服的坐在扶椅上 舒适 一种可以感

19、动你的生活 即将上演绝版水岸生活,尊贵享受,唯我独享 A poetic romance 诗意的浪 古典家具文案 漫经历 浪漫想象,源于生活品味 东方庄园的葡萄酒,带你品味 千里之外的悠扬。 THE NOBLE _ES _ NOT A LONG _E _ ,THE _MENT OF THE _TY,IN ONE ROOM POUR _ IN THE _G OF NOAN-NOANS. 高贵的气质并非拒千里之外,温和的性情,在一室暖暖的光影里淋漓展现. A great life is the result of simplifying your life. 非凡的人生源于简单的生活。 AVEC,

20、inspired in life though, is a tradition breakthrough. 源于生活而又突破传统 Be open to the newness and significance of each moment. 敞开心扉品味生活中每一份新奇与意趣。 都会豪庭灵秀群山别洞天,丰林万里倩云载 都会魅力见非凡 只缘身在此山水,优游碧海自得意 世纪都会,气象万千,闻暇畅乐咫尺逍遥 显赫气派,现代优雅,遣兴舒怀,随意关心 当您可以选择的时候,生活才是享受 情寻世外欧意地,逍遥千色星月天,且歌往来八方间 写意满足,谱曲生活乐曲 Enjoy lifes process, not

21、 just lifes rewards. 享受生活的进程,不光享受生活的报偿。 Creating relaxing, exquisite and graceful home 创造休闲、精致、优雅的家园 Atmosphere but show the charm that modern Seiko makes sufficiently at elegant exterior back. 大气而优雅的外型背后,充分展示现代精工制造的魅力。 The design issimple but delicate and has both the charm of reservation as Chines

22、e traditional painting has and the beauty of succinctness of modernism. 设计以黑白灰为基调,简洁优雅,既有中国水墨画的含蓄的韵味,又有现代设计的简练纯粹的形式美。 可以触摸的真实,不可以复制的稀有 baskin the love of his family 享受家庭的爱 晨曦中,洋溢温馨情怀 超然景致堪赞欢,登堂尚雅意无限 华南碧桂园 每日的星级享受 french customs furniture,interpret life and the romantic legend 法式风情家具,演绎人生的浪漫与传奇 Sun s

23、hining, greenness and water flowing as well as architecture, spaces and sofas, and talking and lying。all images come together with life so harmoniously that Imagination and Reality have echoed and combined here. 阳光、绿意、水流、建筑,空间、沙发、言谈、仰躺。当错落的影像与生活如此和谐地交汇,“想象与真实”在此一一应合。 The newly all in one design one

24、bedroom apartment, the hallway opens onto the living room with large facing windows, offers a more roomy living area. 一室一厅型寓所。其创新的开放式设计,令餐厅与客厅合而为一,使生活空间倍显宽敞舒适。 I had pictured a week of idyllic bliss with the boys, wrestling on the living room floor, walking around the parks, enjoying the freedom fro

25、m work. 古典家具文案 本来,我憧憬着和孩子们过一周田园般的生活,陪他们在客厅的地板上打闹,去公园散步,好好享受不用工作的自由。 New Living Room Show A Reminiscent Mood 温厚新客厅,以怀旧版现身 It adopts the latest fashionable color style in the world, with simple and stylist design and clear and smooth figure, fully showing the elegance and romance of modern life. 运用国际最新的流行色调,外观设计简约时尚、线条简洁流畅,充分展现了现代生活的优雅与浪漫。 Fashionable and novel indoor design makes you fully experience intimacy and warmth. Livingroom adopts jumping design per fectly dividing life space and creating elegant atmosphere. 室内设计超前而且新颖,让您充分感受亲情与温馨;客厅采用跃式设计,生活空间黄金分割,营造优雅氛围。

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