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1、北京市高中英语Unit5FirstaidPeriod6Readingandwriting教学设计新人Period 6 Reading and WritingTeaching goals教学目标1. Target language目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语kit, slippery, ladder, stove, appliances, unplug, hair dryer, extinguishers, curtains, wires, outletsb. 重点句式Make sure the floor is not slippery.Follow instructions for all

2、electrical appliances carefully.Unplug all appliances, especially irons, after use.When cooking, do not let oil touch flames or other sources of heat.2. Ability goals能力目标Enable the students to write a letter asking their principal to organize a first aid course at the school.3. Learning ability goal

3、s学能目标Help the Ss learn how to write the letter.Teaching important and difficult point教学重难点Let the Ss explain the importance of doing a first aid course in the letter.Teaching methods教学方法Discussion (Group work) and writing (individual).Teaching aids 教具准备A recorder, a projector and a computer. Teachin

4、g procedures and ways教学过程和方式Step Homework checkingAsk the students to show their compositions of first aid. If there are some mistakes, point them out.Step ReadingAsk the Ss to read the title of the text and the headings within it.T: Whats the topic of the text and how is the information organized?S

5、: It is about safety in the home and the information is organized according to particular rooms and also to one cause of accidents fires.Tell the Ss to look at the pictures.T: What do you think these three pictures are telling us?S: To turn saucepan handles towards the back of a stove; Not to use a

6、hairdryer near water; To keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen.T: What do you think the purpose of the pictures is?S: They emphasize some points in the pamphlet.T: Whats the purpose of the pamphlet?S: To tell us how to keep a safe home; how to prevent accidents in the home.Step DiscussionT: What t

7、hings at home can be dangerous? S: electrical equipment poisonselectric fires ladders knives hot water windowsT: How to prevent us from being injured at home? For example in the kitchen.S: In the kitchen:Make sure the floor is not slippery;Always use a ladder to reach high cupboards;Dont stand on ch

8、airs to reach; Keep a window open when we use gas fires; Keep matches out of the reach of children;Dont leave matches anywhere;Always cut away from your body when you use a knife;Unplug all appliances, especially irons, after use;Make sure that electric wires are safe and that children cant touch th

9、em;Dont leave small things on the floor or table which a baby can put in its mouth;.T: What should you do if you are badly burnt? Look at the two pictures.S: Cool the area of skin at once. Wash the area of skin under the cold tap for several minutes. Put a piece of dry clean cloth over the area of t

10、he burn.T: How do you deal with a simple cut?S: Wash the area of the cut, dry it and cover it with a piece of dry clean cloth.Let the students write more adviceGas fires: If you are using one of these, check that a window is open.Water: Make sure that young children can not get close to pools, lakes

11、 and rivers by themselves.Ladders: Dont use on a wet floor. Get someone to hold the ladder for you.Dont reach sideways while standing on a ladder. Get down first and move the ladder.Step Practice writingT: We have learnt a bit about some first aid treatments in this unit. Now we are going to write a

12、 letter to the principal and request that he / she organize a first aid course for us. This is a guided exercise where you have to complete parts of the letter. Next to the letter, you are told what should go in each paragraph. This shows us the structure of a letter that is making a request. Do you

13、 know what such a letter would include?S: The letter should: say we have done a unit on first aid say why the unit was useful explain the importance of doing a first aid course say what we would like the principal to doAsk the Ss to write the letter individually. Circulate and help the Ss with gramm

14、atical structures and written expression.Sample answers:Dear Mr Chen, Our class has been studying a unit on first aid. We have realized first aid is very helpful and very necessary, because it can be used whenever or wherever we are in emergency. Even though the unit has been very interesting and us

15、eful, the ways it provides us are just too limited to certain situation. We can not protect us in any other dangerous situations. So we want to learn more about first aid. We would like to request that you could offer us a first aid course a week. We think that a first aid course at the school can a

16、lso teach us more about different kinds of first aid. In future we can stay calm and prepare for an emergency. If we know how to respond, we can save lives. Yours sincerely, Shirley Dear Mr Wang, Our class has been studying a unit on first aid. It tells us some basic knowledge of first aid. Therefor

17、e, when something emergent happens, we will not be at a loss. Even though the unit has been very interesting and useful, it only contains some safety measures at home. The information is limited. We are eager to know more about first aid from other aspects. We would like to request that our school c

18、an provide us a first aid course. We think a first aid course at the school is quite important and necessary. In this way, we can learn how to protect ourselves and help others in the future. Yours sincerely, Ashley附 件1. Animal bites Domestic pets cause most animal bites. Dogs are more likely to bit

19、e than cats. Cat bites, however, are more likely to cause infection. If an animal bites you or your child, follow these guidelines: For minor wounds. If the bite barely breaks the skin, treat it as a minor wound. Wash the wound thoroughly with soap and water. Apply an antibiotic cream to prevent inf

20、ection and cover the bite with a clean bandage. For deep wounds. If the bite creates a deep puncture of the skin or the skin is badly torn and bleeding, apply pressure to stop the bleeding and see your doctor. For infection. If you notice signs of infection such as swelling, redness, increased pain

21、or oozing, see your doctor immediately. For suspected rabies. If you suspect the bite was caused by an animal that might carry rabies any bite from a wild or domestic animal of unknown immunization status see your doctor immediately.2. Snakebites Most snakes arent poisonous. A few exceptions include

22、 the rattlesnake, coral snake, water moccasin and copperhead. Most poisonous snakes have slit-like eyes. Their heads are triangular, with a depression or pit midway between the eyes and nostrils. Other characteristics unique to certain poisonous snakes: Rattlesnakes make a rattling sound by shaking

23、the rings at the end of their tails. Water moccasins have a white, cottony lining in their mouths. Coral snakes have red, yellow and black rings along the length of their bodies. To reduce your risk of snakebites, avoid picking up or playing with any snake unless youre properly trained. Most snakes

24、usually avoid people if possible and bite only when threatened or surprised.If youre bitten by a snake: Remain calm. Dont try to capture the snake. Immobilize the bitten arm or leg and try to stay as quiet as possible. Remove jewelry, as swelling tends to progress rapidly. Dont cut the wound or atte

25、mpt to remove the venom. Dont use a tourniquet or apply ice. Seek medical attention as soon as possible, especially if the bitten area changes color, begins to swell or is painful. 3. Choking In adults, choking is often the result of inadequately chewed food becoming lodged in the throat or windpipe

26、. Solid foods such as meat are frequently the cause. These factors increase the risk of choking: Talking while simultaneously chewing a piece of meat. Drinking alcohol while eating. Wearing dentures. Because dentures exert less chewing pressure than natural teeth and they interfere with the way food

27、 feels in the mouth, they make it more difficult to thoroughly chew food. Young children tend to put into their mouths almost anything that fits, so choking can occur unassociated with a meal.Panic accompanies choking. The choking victims face often assumes an expression of fear or terror. At first

28、the victim may turn purple, the eyes may bulge, and he or she may wheeze or gasp. If the person can cough freely, has normal skin color and can speak, he or she is not choking. If the cough is more like a gasp and the person is turning blue, he or she is probably choking. If in doubt, ask the chokin

29、g person if he or she can talk. If the person can speak, then the windpipe is not completely blocked and oxygen is reaching the lungs. If choking is occurring, begin to perform the Heimlich maneuver. To perform the Heimlich maneuver on someone else: Stand behind the choking person and wrap your arms

30、 around his or her waist. Bend the person slightly forward. Make a fist with one hand and place it slightly above the persons navel. Grasp your fist with the other hand and press hard into the abdomen with a quick, upward thrust. Repeat this procedure until the object is expelled from the airway. To

31、 perform the Heimlich maneuver on yourself: Position your own fist slightly above your navel. Grasp your fist with your other hand and bend over a hard surface a countertop or chair will do. Shove your fist inward and upward. Clearing the airway of a pregnant woman or obese person: Position your han

32、ds a little bit higher than with a normal Heimlich maneuver, at the base of the breastbone, just above the joining of the lowest ribs. Proceed as with the Heimlich maneuver, pressing hard into the chest, with a quick thrust. Repeat until the food or other blockage is dislodged or the person becomes unconscious. Clearing the airway of an unconscious pe

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