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1、学会在新的语境中运用新学的语言知识。与同桌、小组成员积极合作、交际。 情感态度: 关注世界饥饿问题,敬仰袁隆平,培养合作意识,让学生做个快乐的英语语言学习者。 文化意识:了解中国杂交水稻的发展和世界的饥饿问题。 1. To know the world starvation.2. To learn about Yuan Longping and his great achievements.3. To discuss how to solve the problemstarvation.4. To improve reading, listening, speaking and writing

2、 skills.教学重点和难点:合理理解文章,正确表达观点和建议。1. To read the passage and do some comprehending.2. To do role-play and discuss how to solve the problemstarvation.教学策略: Student-centered reading, listening, speaking and mini-writing. pair work, group work discussion and role play教学媒体设计: A projector and a screen课堂练习

3、与课外作业设计: 穿插于教学设计中教学过程: Learning procedures:I、Warming up: duty singing. 设计意图:练习英语歌曲,练习听力。激发学生的热情,为本节课做准备。II. Pre-reading1) Free talk. What are they doing? Do you like eating rice like this girl?Look at the pictures below. What problem do they show?If you had the chance to help them, what would you do

4、?通过PPT文本、课本教学媒体形式,让学生插图从视觉上了解农村和农业劳动和世界饥饿。提问采取自觉主动的方式,表达自己的观点和建议。锻炼学生的语言表达能力和听力。为后面课堂做铺垫,预设了讨论话题。2) Guess: Who is he? 1. He is the most famous“farmer” in China. 2. The value of his name is worth 100,000, 000,000 yuan. 3. He first grows what is called super hybrid rice in the world. He is called the

5、Father of Super Hybrid Rice. Answer: 引出本课重要人物袁隆平,通过猜的过程简单了解袁隆平。3) What does “pioneer” mean? What may be the writing style of this passage?A. A travel journal.B. A biography (人物传记).分析文章体裁,常见的阅读考试题。III、While-readingTask 1 Fast reading Read the passage quickly, and try to find out the main idea of each

6、 paragraph. Match the main ideas with the right paragraphs.Para1 A. Dr Yuans dreams.Para2 B. Dr Yuans personality.(个性,人品) Para3 C. Dr Yuans biography. (个人简介)Para4 D. Dr Yuans appearance and his achievements. 概括段意,学会抓文章段落的主题。个别检查答案锻炼学生的表达能力。Task 2 Careful reading Read the passage carefully and try to

7、 finish the following tasks. 细节理解文章。每个环节给足够的时间去阅读理解。个别整体检查相结合,锻炼学生的表达能力。Para. 1 1. Why does Yuan Longping consider himself a farmer? 2. What makes him look like a farmer? He looks more like a _ than a _. Translate this sentence. 3. What are his achievements? 1)He grows _ _ _, which makes it possible

8、 to produce _ _ _ _ _in the same field. 2)He became _ in the world to grow rice that has a _ output. 设计意图:以回答问题和填空的形式理解第一段,整体和个别检查相结合,兼顾不同程度的学生,及时鼓励。Para. 2 Put the following sentences in right order. A. He was born. B. He graduated from Southwest Agriculture college. C. Chinese farmers produced fif

9、ty-six million tons of rice. D. He became the first agricultural pioneer. E. He searched for a way to increase rice outputs without expanding the area of F. He helps rid the world of hunger by circulating his knowledge in less developed countries.Proper order: 给足够的时间去排序,查找详细信息,整体检查核对答案。Para. 3 1.Whi

10、ch of the following description about Dr. Yuans personality is not true? A. He is satisfied with his life because he is now rich and famous. B. He cares little about money and fame(名声). C. He is generous and unselfish. D. He is energetic and active. Hobbies:1. 2. 3. 4. 用书写的方式完成,练习书写。查找详细信息,个别检查核对答案,

11、练习口语。适时鼓励。Para. 41. Whats the topic sentence?译文:学会找段落的主题句,考试的常见题,查找详细信息,个别检查核对答案。2. Dr. Yuans dreams His first dream His second dream (rice plants) As tall as To his rice so that it can be grown( each ear) As big as an ear of around . ( each grain) As huge as a 学会语句中的关键词,查找详细信息,个别检查核对答案。IV、Further-r

12、eading Task1 Listen to the tape carefully and read after it, then do the comprehending.播放录音,练习学生的听力和跟读模仿能力,再次理解文章。True (T) or False (F):1. Dr Yuan would rather relax than work. ( ) 2. Dr Yuan enjoys a simpler life than most rich and famous people. ( ) Choose the best answer.1. Yuan Longping works th

13、e land because _. A. he is a farmer B. he is interested in farming C. he wants to do his research by farming D. he has a slim and strong body 2. It can be inferred from the text that _. A. Yuan knew the importance of rice import B. Yuan is interested in playing the violin C. Yuan is proud of his ach

14、ievements D. Yuans rice are grown in many countries 录音后的深层理解,练习学生的判断、归纳、表达能力,再次理解文章。Task 2 Appreciate wonderful sentences: 1. Yuan Longping grows what is called super hybrid rice. 本句中what引导的名词性从句,充当grows的 ,what在从句中做 。 我们生活在所谓的信息时代。 We live in the Information Age. 2. Using his hybrid rice, farmers ar

15、e producing harvest twice as large as before. Using his hybrid rice是现在分词短语做 。 twice as large as before是以前的 。 Translation: 。分析欣赏文中好句,兼顾本单元语法,练习学生的口语和理解,正确表达,为写作打好基础,积累好词句。 V、Post Reading: Task 1 Summary and retellingYuan Longping is a great man, for he has _ for human race for a long time. He has a _

16、 face, and he thinks he is a _ as well as a scientist. In 1973, he became a pioneer to grow rice that has a high _. _ (use) his special rice, farmers can produce harvest twice as large _ before without _ the area of the fields. Dr Yuan is now _ his knowledge in many countries. _ his research, Chines

17、e have _ themselves of hunger . In addition, he is _ with his life. He _ keep time for listening to violin musics, swimming, _ mah-jong and reading. 再次理解文章,概括文意,整体理解,兼顾高考语法填空题型。要求小组讨论答案,个别指定核对答案,随后朗读短文,尝试复述,锻炼学生的读和说的能力,合作意识。 Task 2 Words competition: quiz (抢答) What kind of person is Dr. Yuan?Please

18、use as many words as possible.(Knowledgeable、hard-working、ambitious、energetic、helpful、selfless、responsible、modest and simple、warmhearted、generous、indifferent to fame and wealth) 给学生自己表现的机会。抢答说出不同的形容词,给出一些写作用的词汇,积累词汇,锻炼学生的思维和记忆。Task 3 Role play: Work in groups Watch a video. Suppose you were a report

19、er, interview Dr. Yuan after the award celebration.Display the interview.给学生提供语言情境,合作讨论,真正地展现自己的风采,挑选两组上台表演。练习使用文中的语句和表达能力。 Task 4 Discussion:Discuss in groups and make a dialogue. If you had the chance to solve starvation, what would you do ?Model sentences:good use ofcontrol the population. develo

20、p the technology to stop the pollutioninvent new kind of food etc. 给学生提供语言情境,小组合作讨论,练习表达、解决问题的能力。找一名主持人收集信息。Summary:1、Do something to help end hunger in the world!2、The only way to solve the food shortage problem is to increase the yield of the grain crop per land area through the advancement of sci

21、ence and technology. 给学生提供语言情境,适当地进行思想教育。Mini-wrting:Write down some sentences about what they have discussed.给学生提供语言情境,练习写简单的句子,正确表达,练习书写,同桌合作,欣赏两个同学的句子,鼓励为主。What have we learned in this class?就本节课的内容作以总结,对自己的表现作以总结。锻炼学生的总结概括能力。Homework:1. Preview the language points in the text.2. Write a short article to introduce Yuan longping and share your article 为下一课时做准备,让学生课下认真练习短文写作。

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