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611The One With The Apothecary Table.docx

1、611The One With The Apothecary TableThe One With The Apothecary TableTeleplay by: Brian BoyleStory by: Zachary RosenblattTranscribed by: Eric Aasen611 一张桌子 瑞秋从陶器坊买了家具,但因为菲比对此店深恶痛绝,瑞秋只得撒谎说是从跳蚤市场买的。罗斯也到陶器坊买了一模一样的桌子,瑞秋的谎言眼看要被戳穿。乔伊、Janine和莫妮卡、钱德一起玩; Janine不喜欢和他们相处,这种情绪愈演愈烈,最终Janine和乔伊分手,Janine搬离。6.11 Th

2、e One With The Apothecary TableRachel buys furniture from Pottery Barn, but tells Phoebe she got it at a flea market, because Phoebe hates Pottery Barn. The deception is complicated by the fact that Ross buys an identical table from Pottery Barn. Joey and Janine spend time with Monica and Chandler;

3、Janine doesnt like hanging out with them, and hard feelings grow and grow until Joey and Janine break up and Janine moves out. Scene: Monica and Chandlers, everyone is there as Joey enters happily.Joey: Hey!Ross: Hey!Joey: Listen, do you guys think I have a chance with Janine?Monica: Honey, we have

4、been through this before!be through this v.谈过这个Rachel: Yeah. Dont do this to yourself.Phoebe: Shes made it pretty clear, it is not going to happen.Joey: Well all right then, I guess I shouldnt get too excited about the fact (excitedly) that I just kissed her!Monica: You serious?!Chandler: Thats grea

5、t!Monica: Really?!Phoebe: Yeah well, well see.Ross: You kissed her.Joey: Oh we kissed it up real nice.Ross:So you ended up with Janine. Well, congratulations, you won fair and square.Rachel: Yeah, it was real neck and neck there for a while.Neck and neck 是指比赛进行得很激烈,竞争双方并驾齐驱 不分上下。 Neck and neck 这个说法原

6、先是来自比赛,如赛跑、赛马等。就拿赛马来说吧,有的时候两匹马齐头并进,很难分辨出那匹马在前头,那一匹在后头。在有的情况下,一匹马由于它的脖子比另一匹马先到终点而获胜,还有的时候甚至由于它的头,或它的鼻子先到而成了冠军。但是,neck and neck 现在也经常用在别的竞争方面eg:Right now, only a week from the election, the republicans and the democrats are running neck to neck and none of the experts can predict which party will winC

7、handler: So you kissed her, so what happened after that?Joey: I came over here to tell you guys.Chandler: So shes just waiting over there for ya?(Joey nods yes, but suddenly realizes what he did and runs out of the apartment and back to his place.)Opening CreditsScene: Central Perk, Joey and Janine

8、are pretty much making out at one of the tables as Monica and Rachel look on from the couch.Janine: I gotta go.Joey: Okay. (They kiss.)Janine: Im gonna be really late for dance class!Joey: Okay. (They kiss.)Janine: Okay, now Im really late. (Gets up.)Joey: Okay, Im all right, okay, but hey, could yo

9、u just leave your lips? (She kisses him on the cheek and starts to leave.)Janine: (to Monica and Rachel) Bye.Monica: Bye. (Janine exits.)Joey: Have you kissed her yet? Its awesome! I could do it forever! Yknow what? She-she kisses better than my mom cooks!Monica: I am so glad you said cooks.Rachel:

10、I know.Joey: Look, its like imagine your best kiss ever. Right? Okay, now multiply that by, like, 10. Wait a second, you dated Ross.And you date Chandler. Okay, multiply it by, like, 50.Chandler: (entering) Oh hey Rachel, sweetheart? You have got to tell the post office that you have moved. Okay? We

11、 are still getting all your bills and stuff. (Hands her all of her bills and stuff.)Rachel: Oh-oh, Pottery Barn! (Grabs the aforementioned catalog and holds the rest back out to Chandler.) You can throw the rest away.aforementioned adj.上述的 前述的/Pottery Barn:瑞秋在“陶瓷大谷仓(Pottery Barn)”看到了一款很漂亮的桌子,但菲比则说她讨

12、厌“陶瓷大谷仓”,因为里面充满了大批生产的家具,不像手工家具那样有意思。“陶瓷大谷仓”是纽约一家著名的家居专卖店,以情调家居产品著名/ Pottery Barn is an American-based chain of home furnishing stores with stores in the United States and Canada. It is a wholly owned subsidiary(n.子公司) of Williams-Sonoma, Inc. which acquired it in 1986. The company began in 1949 as a

13、 single store in Lower Manhattan. Pottery Barn added two age-specific stores, Pottery Barn Teen and Pottery Barn Kids, each with distinct products geared towards the appropriate demographic(adj.人口统计学的 按照年龄的). Pottery Barn Kids exclusively features childrens furniture and accessories. Pottery Barn st

14、ores are divided into three main areas to include; Design Studio, Grand Lobby and Table Top. Design Studios focus is on furniture sales and accounts for the majority of the companys business. Pottery Barn Teen (PBTeen) serves the tastes of preteens(n.不满13岁的儿童) through the college years, since their

15、tastes are much different than those of the young adult to middle-aged era.Chandler: Im not your garbage man. Im your mailman.Rachel: Monica look! Look-look-look! Here is that table that I ordered. (Shows her the picture.)Monica: You got it from Pottery Barn?!Rachel: Yeah! Its an apothecary table. D

16、oes anyone even know what an apothecary is?apothecary n. 药剂师 药材商apothecary table n.药剂师桌Chandler: A pharmacist. (Rachel mocks him.)pharmacist n.配药者 药剂师Monica: Rach, Phoebe hates Pottery Barn.Joey: I hate Pottery Barn too. They kicked me out of there just because I sat on a bed!Chandler: You took off

17、your pants and climbed under the sheets!Joey: (indignant) I was tired!Rachel: Phoebe hates Pottery Barn?!Monica: Yeah, she hates all mass produced stuff. She thinks her furniture should have a history, a story behind it.mass produced adj.大规模生产的 大量生产的Rachel: Well this has story behind it! I mean they

18、 had to ship it all the way from the White Plains store.White Plains:这是纽约附近的白原市(White Plains),距纽约大约25公里。瑞秋骗菲比说,她从“陶瓷大谷仓”买的桌子是从“白原”这个地方买来的,菲比就说:“白原,多么神奇的地方”/White Plains is a city in south-central Westchester County, New York, about 4 miles (6 km) east of the Hudson River and 2.5 miles (4 km) northwe

19、st of Long Island Sound(n.海峡). It is bordered to the north by the town of North Castle, to the north and east by the town/village of Harrison, to the south by the town/village of Scarsdale and to the west by the town of Greenburgh. As of the 2000 census, the city had a total population of 53,077, bu

20、t a 2002 census estimate put the citys population at over 55,000 and subsequent residential development has raised this figure even higher. White Plains is one of the edge cities that have developed outside of New York City. The daytime weekday population is estimated at over 200,000.Monica: Its got

21、ta be one of a kind. Yknow like umm, yknow uh, whats that God awful ceramic fruit bowl she has on her counter?ceramic adj.陶器的fruit bowl n. 水果钵Joey: Hey! I made that for her!Chandler: You made pottery?Joey: Yeah! I made it out of this fruit bowl I found in the garbage.Monica: Im tellingIf you put tha

22、t in her apartment youll never hear the end of it.never hear the end of it真是没完没了了Rachel: Okay fine! Ill-Ill just tell her its an antique apothecary table, she doesnt have to know where it came from. Oh! Look at this little drawers! Oh look-look it says that it holds 300 CDs.Chandler: Ahh, just like

23、the apothecary tables of yoreyore n.往昔 昔时Rachel: Your what?Chandler: What? Rachel: What? Enjoy the catalog, sweetheart.Scene: The Hallway between the apartments, Joey, Janine, Chandler, and Monica are returning from a double date. Chandler is telling a joke.double date两对男女同时参加的社交约会Chandler: so then

24、the farmer says, Thats not a cow and youre not milking it. (Everyone laughs.) milk vt. 挤(奶)Monica: I am so glad you guys got together, Chandler and I are always looking for a couple to go out with and now we have one!Chandler: Look at us, were a couple of couples!Janine: I had so much fun tonight, a

25、nd what a great restaurant.Monica: Yeah.Joey: And Chandler I cant believe I let you pay for this one. (They hug and he whispers in his ear.) Thanks again man.Monica: So do you guys gonna come over tomorrow? Ill make that pasta thing I was telling you about.pastaJanine: Oh that would be great!Joey: O

26、h, but hey look, at least let us bring the wine.Monica: Joey, you dont have to!Joey: Nope-op! I insist! (He hugs Chandler again and whispers to him.) You get the wine right?Chandler: Yeah all right. (They part.) Okay, good night guys.Joey: See ya tomorrow!Monica: Tomorrow!Janine: Cant wait! (They ea

27、ch go into their respective apartments.)Cut to Joey and Janines.Janine: How are we gonna get out of that one?Joey: What?Janine: I cant handle two nights in a row with them.Joey: What-whats wrong with Monica and Chandler?Janine: I dont know, theyre just a little blah!blah n.废话 瞎说adj.无聊的 乏味的Joey: Blah

28、?!Janine: Well yknow, hes blah, shes justshes very loud for such a small person.for adv.就而言Joey: Uh, theyre like my best friends. Are you saying we cant hang out with them?Cause that would kinda be a problem.Janine: No! Of course we can still hang out with them. Just yknow, not two nights in a row.

29、Okay?Joey: I guess好吧.Janine: Thank you. (They kiss.)Joey: If you want, Ill sell my friends and use the money to buy you presents.Scene: Phoebe and Rachels, Rachel is placing CDs into her antique apothecary table as Phoebe returns home.Phoebe: Hey!Rachel: Hey!Phoebe: (sees the table) Ooh, what a grea

30、t table! Where-where did you get it?Rachel: Guess!Phoebe: Umm, a flea market?flea n.跳蚤 低廉的旅馆flea market n.跳骚市场(旧货和廉价商品市场)Rachel: Ha! See, I knew, I knew youd get it on the first guess. Isnt it cool! Its an apothecary table.Phoebe: Wow! Oh you can just imagine that this is where (Shes opening and clo

31、sing the drawers) they kept all the stuff to make their potions.potion n.一服 一剂Rachel: Ohh, yes.Phoebe: Yknow? Ooh, you can almost smell the opium.opium n.鸦片Rachel: Almost.Phoebe: How much was it?Rachel: It was only 500 bucks.Phoebe: 500 bucks at a flea market?!Rachel: Oh, okay see I thought, I thought you meant how much was it when it was new, yknow like back then.Phoebe: Oh no.Rachel: Yeah no, I mean it was at a flea market, so it was yknow, it was like a dollar.Phoebe: A dollar?Rachel: And fifty. So it was like one and fifty dollars.Phoebe: Ohh, okay, they gave you the old time pricing.

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