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1、年高等教育自学考试外国文学史笔记2010年高等教育自学考试外国文学史笔记In 2010higher education examination for the self-taught foreign literature history notes文学状况Literature in一 日本文学Japanese Literature日本近代文学形成的标志和奠基之作:The mark of the formation of modern Japanese literature and foundation of:坪内逍遥的文学理论著作:小说神髓、主人公内海文三是日本文学的第一个“多余人”形象。Ts

2、ubouchi shoyo work of Literary Theory: the novel God marrow, the protagonist Naikai Fumi is the Japanese literature and the first images of redundancies.日本批判现实主义文学的奠基作是二叶亭四迷的长篇小说:浮云Japanese critical realism literature foundation as two Pavilion four fans of the novel: cloud日本浪漫主义文学:Japanese romantic

3、 literature:森鸥外的短篇小说舞姬被认为是日本浪漫主义文学的开创之作。森鸥外同时也是知名的评论家,他和坪内逍遥并为日本“评论界的双杰”。Mori Ogais short story e is thought to be Japanese romantic literature created for. Mori Ogai is also well-known critic, he and Tsubouchishoyo and Japanese critical double.浪漫主义文学的先驱者和理论倡导者:诗人北村透谷,他主张个性解放、反对写实主义。Romantic literat

4、ure and theory advocates: Pioneer poet of emperor, he advocated the liberation of personality, opposed to realism.日本唯美主义文学:Japanese Aestheticism literature:代表作家:永井荷风和谷崎润一郎Writers: Yongjinghefeng and saki run a Lang术语解释Explanation of terms白桦派:The white birch school:1 白桦派由一些近代日本作家创办的同名刊物白桦而得名。1white b

5、irch school founded by some modern Japanese writers of the same name publication Birch.2白桦派作家追求个性解放、提倡人道主义精神,强调人的尊严和意志。主要代表作家是志贺直哉。2birch writers pursuit of the liberation of personality, to promote the humanitarian spirit, emphasizing human dignity and the will. The major writers is Shika Naoya.新思潮

6、派:New ideas of pie:1新思潮派以近代日本作家芥川龙之介等人创办的新思潮杂志而得名。1new trends of modern Japanese writers such as Akutagawa Ryunosuke and sent to the founder of the new trends magazine named.2芥川龙之介是该派的代表作家,罗生门是他早期代表作。2 Akutagawa Ryunosuke is the representative writer, Rashomon was his early masterpiece.日本自然主义文学:Japa

7、nese Naturalism literature:(1)自然主义文学是20世纪初出现在日本近代文学史上一个占有重要地位的文学流派,它的产生对日本近代文学有一定影响。(1) naturalist literature at the beginning of twentieth Century appeared in modern Japanese history of literature the last occupied an important position in the literary genre, which has certain influence on Modern J

8、apanese literature.(2)从岛村抱月的理论著作被囚禁的文艺和岛崎藤村的长篇小说破戒问世之后,日本文学史上便出现了自然主义文学运动的高潮。(2) from Shimamura Zukis theoretical works of literature and art imprisoned and Toson Shimazakis novel breaking after coming out, the history of Japanese literature appeared the climax of naturalist literature movement.(3)日

9、本自然主义文学的特点:(3) the characteristics of Japanese Naturalism literature:1在理论上主张“破理显实”,不带任何功利目的地按照事物原样子去描写“真实”。1in theory breaking science significant real, without any utilitarian purposes in accordance with the original way to describe the real thing.2在实践上主张遵循绝对客观主义的创作方法。即要求作家冷静地、客观地、不带任何倾向地去描写事物。2 in

10、 the practice that follow the absolute objectivism creation method. That requires the writer calmly, objectively, without any tendency to describe things.3在方式上要作家自我忏悔和自我暴露。即作家不仅要写自己,而且要写自己作为动物的“性本能”和“性冲动”要对个人丑恶的私生活进行忏悔。3in a manner to the writers self confession and self exposure. The writer not onl

11、y to write their own, but also to write their own animal as instinct and impulse to personal ugly privacy confession.岛崎藤村是从浪漫主义转向自然主义的作家,也是自然主义文学奠基人。自然主义奠基作是破戒:主人公濑川丑松是一名小学教员,出身被称为“秽多”的日本贱民阶级。Toson Shimazaki is from Romanticism to naturalistic writer, is also the founder of literary naturalism. Natu

12、ralism is bad foundation : the heroine Segawa Matsu is a primary school teacher, was known as the dirty scheduled castes in japan.具有更典型的自然主义特色作品是他的自传性质的小说:新生。With more typical features of naturalism works is his autobiographical novel: new.田山花袋是日本自然主义文学先驱之一:长篇小说棉被Tianshanhuadai is one of the pioneer

13、s of Japanese Naturalism Literature: novel quilt二 印度文学The two India literature印度是个多民族的国家,近代印度文学中,孟加拉语文学和印地语文学成就最高,具有代表性。India is a multi-ethnic country, the modern India literature, Bengali literature and Hindi literary achievements of the highest, representative.般。钱。查特吉是孟加拉语近代文学的创始人之一:毒树第一次提出了寡妇改嫁问

14、题。Like. Money. Chatterjee was one of the founders of modern Bengali Literature: poisonous tree presented the first widow remarried problem.萨。钱。查特吉士印度语近代文学的创始人之一:斯里甘特是一部自传体小说,共4卷。Sa. Money. This is one of the founders of modern literature - India: Sri Gunter is an autobiographical novel,4 vols.夏目漱石 (

15、近代日本)Natsume Soseki ( Japan )夏目漱石原名夏目金之助。Natsume Soseki Natsume Kimnosuke.主要作品:Major works:1905年:第一部长篇小说我是猫(代表作),是日本近代文学史上一部风格独特的作品。主人公中学教员苦沙弥是日本文学史上第二个“多余人”形象。1905: first novel I am a cat ( representative ), is the history of modern Japanese literature is a unique style of the works. Hero high scho

16、ol teacher from novices are the history of Japanese literature second superfluous man.作品还塑造了迷亭、寒月、东风等一系列小资产阶级知识分子的形象。The works also created fan Pavilion, air, wind and a series of petty bourgeoisie intellectuals image.1906年:中篇小说哥儿1906: the novella Sport1908年:“前三部曲”(爱情三部曲):三四郎、其后、门1908: the trilogy (

17、 love Trilogy ): three or four, followed by Lang, door1911年:“后三部曲”:过了春分时节(又译春分过后)、行人(又译使者)、心(是夏目漱石晚年创作的代表)1911: trilogy: after the vernal equinox (also translated as after the vernal equinox ), pedestrian (also translated as messenger ), ( heart is one of Natsume Sosekis later creation representativ

18、e )明暗(又译明与暗)是作者未完之作:被誉为日本近代心理小说的典范。 Light and shade (also translated as light and dark ) is the author of unfinished: known as the Japanese modern psychological novel paradigm.理解后简答题Understanding short answer questions简析我是猫中苦沙弥的形象及其典型意义。Brief analysis of cat bitter monk image and typical significanc

19、e.苦沙弥是近代日本作家夏目漱石的在其代表作我是猫中塑造的一个,日本小资产阶级知识分子的典型形象。Bitter novices are modern Japanese writer Natsume Soseki in his representative work, I am a cat in the shape of a Japan, the typical image of petty bourgeoisie intellectuals.1苦沙弥为人正直、善良、蔑视权贵,甘居清贫。他对现实不满,厌恶资本家,尤其敢于蔑视资本家的走狗。Honest, kind, monk1bitter sco

20、rn dignitaries, Gan poor. He is dissatisfied with the reality, aversion to capitalists, especially dared to defy the capitalist stooge.2苦沙弥的弱点表现在他为人心胸狭窄,目光短浅,消极混世,得过且过,精神十分空虚,夸夸其谈,不学无术,庸俗无聊。2bitter monk weakness in his small-minded people, short-sighted, negative nevertheless, muddle along, spiritua

21、l emptiness, indulge in verbiage, have neither learning nor skill, vulgar and boring.典型意义:Typical meaning:1苦沙弥的懦弱、无能正是日本近代社会的产物。一方面,他们接受了比较新式的教育。另一方面,刚刚起步的近代教育还无力全面、健康地培养他们。1bitter monk weakness, impotence is the product of the modern society of japan. On one hand, they received a more modern educat

22、ion。 on the other hand, just at the beginning of the modern education is to cultivate their comprehensive, healthy.2他们即真砭时弊,不满现状,又缺乏高度的社会责任感,无力把握时代的潮流,同时丧失了人生目标,是一群无所适从的弱者。2they really and malpractice, dissatisfaction with the status quo, and the lack of a high degree of social responsibility, unabl

23、e to grasp the trend of the times, at the same time lost the goal of life, is a bunch of not know what course to take the weak.简析我是猫的艺术特色。Brief analysis of cat artistic characteristics.夏目漱石的代表作我是猫,有着高超的艺术特色:Natsume Sosekis masterpiece cat, has a superb artistic characteristics:1作品没有曲折的故事情节,缺乏整体的结构、框

24、架。1 piece without complicated plots, the lack of overall structure, frame.2通篇以猫的见闻和感受为主线,以苦沙弥及周围人物的活动为中心,表达起来都比较灵活、自由。2there is a cats knowledge and experience as the main line, with a bitter novices and surrounding character of the activities as the center, are more flexible, freedom of expression.

25、3小说中出色的幽默和讽刺艺术即继承了日本古典文学中讽刺传统,又吸引了英国18世纪文学中的幽默讽刺手法。插科逗趣,荒诞奇妙,猫态猫语等。The 3 novels in good humor and satire art inherited the classical Japanese literature in the satirical tradition, also attracted the British eighteenth Century the humor in the literature of satire. Interpolation absurd funny, strang

26、e, cat cat.4语言即平白、通俗,有生活气息。4language is simple, popular, there is breath of life.简析我是猫中猫的典型意义。Brief analysis of cat cat in the typical significance.夏目漱石的代表作我是猫中的猫有其典型意义:Natsume Sosekis masterpiece cat in the cat has the typical significance:1小说以猫为叙述者,就可以见人之所未见,言人之所不能言,随心所欲地表达作者对客观事物的认识和态度。1novels by

27、 the cat as the narrator, can see the unseen words, people are not words, free to express the author s understanding of objective things and attitudes.2猫是作品中有着特别重用意义的独立形象,即有动物的特性,又被赋予了人的感情,是作者的代言人。2 cats were the works with special reuse significance independent image, namely animal characteristics,

28、 endowed with human emotions, is the spokesman.3这只猫也同人一样,在丑恶的现实社会中产生了苦恼和悲观情绪,最后因偷喝主人的啤酒,昏迷中掉进水缸淹死了。3the cat and others, the ugly reality of society have had a troubled and pessimism, finally because of drinking his beer, fell into the water drowned in a coma.第三节 泰戈尔 (近代印度)Third Tagore ( Modern India

29、 )他于1931年获诺贝尔文学奖,成为获得此项荣誉的第一位东方作家。印度人把他奉为“诗祖”,世界许多国家的人们尊他为“诗圣”和“诗哲”。In 1931 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature, be obtained this honor the first Oriental writers. The Indians to make him as poem progenitor, many countries of the worlds people respect him as a poet and poetry and philosoph

30、y.在哲学思想上,泰戈尔想从旧的印度教神学中摆脱出来,建立一种新型的宗教原则。他在自己的创作中着力宣传“泛神论”。In philosophy, Tagore wants to come from the old Hindu theology freed, the establishment of a new religious principles. He is in his creation to the propaganda pantheism.泛神论的特点:Pantheism characteristics:1泰戈尔所信仰的神存在于万物之中,人与万物都是神的表现。1 Tagore God

31、 in everything, and everything is God s performance.2泰戈尔宣传“泛神论”的反对,表明对印度教派纷争及种姓制度严格的不满,有其合理的唯物主义因素。2 Tagore propaganda pantheism against India, suggests that the sectarian strife and the caste system strictly dissatisfaction, its reasonable factor of materialism.3一味追求与神的融合与和谐,又流露出一种超自然的情绪,步人到纯精神的方舟之内,势必导致人们脱离现实去追求神秘朦胧的臆想。因此“泛神论”思想又含有唯心主义色调。3pursuit of God and the integration and harmony, and reveals a kind of supernatural

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