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外研版初三英语下册Module 7教案.docx

1、外研版初三英语下册Module 7教案外研版初三英语下册Module 7教案澶栫爺鐗堝垵涓変笅鍐孧odule 7鏁欐 MODULE 7 TEACHING PLAN Module 7 Eating together 涓銆?棰樻潗鍐呭 鏈 鍧椾互椋熺墿鍜岄椋熶範鎯 负璇濋 銆傚湪21涓栫邯鐨勪粖澶紝瓒婃潵瓒婂 鐨勪汉璧板嚭鍥介棬锛屽悓鏃惰秺鏉秺澶氱殑澶栧浗鏈嬪弸鏉埌涓 浗鏃呮父銆佸 涔犲拰宸綔銆傚洜姝簡瑙鏂圭殑鐢 绀间华涓嶄粎鏄 璇 暀瀛殑浠诲姟涔嬩竴锛屼篃鏄 椂浠彁鍑虹殑瑕佹眰銆傛湰妯潡閫氳繃鍑嗗 鑱氫細椋熺墿鐨勫 璇濆拰浠嬬粛瑗块 鐢 涔犳儻鐨勮 鏂囷紝甯 姪瀛敓浜嗚瑗挎柟鐨勯椋熸枃鍖栧拰鐢

2、涔犱織锛屽悓鏃跺彲浠姞娣卞悓瀛滑瀵逛腑鍥介椋熸枃鍖栫殑璁瘑涓庣悊瑙傜 涓鍗曞厓浠庤皥璁鸿 甯栧紑濮嬶紝寮曞叆鏈 鐨勮瘽棰樸備笅闈殑瀵硅瘽浠嵆灏嗕妇鍔炵殑姣曚笟鐢熸櫄浼氫负璇濋 璋堣 涓嶅悓鍥藉 鐨勪紶缁熼 鐗傚 璇濅腑绐佸嚭浜嗘湰妯潡鐨勮 娉?- 琚 姩璇 侊紝瀛敓浠 彲浠湪瀛範瀵硅瘽鐨勮繃绋嬩腑澶嶄範琚 姩璇 佺殑鐢硶鍜岀粨鏋勩傜 浜屽崟鍏冪殑璇炬枃璁茬殑鏄 鏂圭殑鐢 涔犱織锛屽唴瀹规秹鍙婄敤椁愭椂闂淬侀 鍏枫侀 鐗暟閲忓拰濡備綍缁撴潫绛夋柟闈 傜 涓夊崟鍏冪殑浠诲姟鏄 涔犮佸珐鍥鸿 鍔 鎬佺敤娉曘佸 涔犳 娴嬮噸瑕佽瘝姹囧苟瀹屾垚妯潡浠诲姟銆?鏁欏 鐩 爣 1锛?璇 鐭瘑锛?璇 煶 鑳芥牴

3、鎹 剰缇 纭 湕璇昏 鍙?璇嶆眹 finger, basket, bread, fork, knife, lemonade, pancake, serve, spoon, hold, hot, roll, Roman, saying, cheers, plate, explanation, cross, generally, over, blind, sense, taste, owner, bee, officer, course 璇 硶 澶嶄範琚 姩璇 併?鍔熻兘 璋堣 椋熺墿鍜岄椋熶範鎯 ?璇濋 浠 鐗拰楗 涔犳儻涓鸿瘽棰樸?2锛?璇 鎶鑳斤細 鍚?鑳藉惉鎳傛湁鍏抽椋熶範鎯 柟闈殑瀵硅瘽

4、锛涜繍鐢 绗旇 鐨勬柟娉曟帉鎻粏鑺備俊鎭 ?璇?鑳藉 璋堣 鑱氫細璁垝銆?璇?鑳借 鎳傛湁鍏充粙缁嶉 鐗拰楗 涔犳儻鐨勬枃绔狅紱鏍规嵁鐩稿叧淇伅棰勬祴涓嬫枃锛涜兘璇勪环鏂囩珷鍜屾牴鎹 枃涓 俊鎭 帹鏂 枃绔犵殑娣卞眰鍚 箟銆?鍐?鑳藉 妯豢璇炬枃鍐欎竴绡囧叧浜庝腑鍥介 鐗拰楗 涔犳儻鐨勭煭鏂囥?婕旂涓庤杈?灞曠鍜屼粙缁嶄腑鍥界殑楗 鏂囧寲銆?3) 瀛範绛栫暐锛?瀛範涓瀹氱搴舰鎴愯嚜涓诲 涔狅紝鏈夋晥浜檯銆佷俊鎭 鐞嗐佽嫳璇 濈淮鑳藉姏銆?鑷 绛栫暐 鍦枃娈典腑鍔犳繁鐞嗚琚 姩璇 佺殑鎰忎箟銆佺粨鏋勫拰鐢硶銆?鍚堜綔瀛範绛栫暐 浜祦鍋悍楗 鐨勭獚闂拰缁忛獙銆?4) 鏂囧寲鎰忚瘑锛?涓 瀵规瘮 浜

5、嗚瑗挎柟鐨勯椋熶範鎯 紝鍔犳繁瀵逛腑鍥介椋熸枃鍖栧拰涔犱織鐨勮 璇嗐?5) 鎯呮劅鎬佸害锛?浜嗚涓嶅悓鍥藉 鐨勯椋熸枃鍖栵紝淇濇寔涓 浗楗 鏂囧寲涓 壇濂界殑涔犳儻锛屽 涔犺鏂归椋熶範淇椾腑濂界殑鏂归潰銆?6) 浠诲姟锛氫粙缁嶈嚜宸辩殑椁愰缁忓巻銆?鏁欏 閲嶇偣鍜岄毦鐐癸細 閲嶇偣锛?锛庢帉鎻粙缁嶉 鐗拰楗 涔犳儻鐨勫熀鏈 瘝姹囷紝鑳藉 鍙欒堪鑷 繁鐨勯 楗 粡鍘嗭紝璇绘噦鍚 湁琚 姩璇 佺殑鍙瓙銆?闅剧偣锛氭 纭 粙缁嶈嚜宸辩殑椁愰缁忓巻銆?鏁欏 鏂规硶 鍩轰簬璇剧鏀归潻鐨勭悊蹇靛強鈥滅 浜岃 瑷涔犲緱璁衡?鍩瑰吇瀹炵幇浜虹殑鍙 寔缁 彂灞曞拰浜虹殑涓讳綋绮剧 鐨勮嚜鎴戝畬鍠勫拰鍙戝睍鎵蹇呴

6、渶鐨勮兘鍔涘拰绱犺川锛岃繍鐢换鍔瀷鏁欏 閫斿緞锛屽洿缁曟牳蹇冧换鍔紝璁惧畾灏忎换鍔紝寮灞曞拰璋愭剦鎮殑璇惧爞娲诲姩锛屽己璋冨叴瓒 涓鐨勫師鍒?鍒濇 璁捐 鈥淧鈥昑鈥昉鈥濊嚜涓诲 涔犵珛浣撴寮忥細pre-task鈥晅ask-cycle鈥昿ost-task銆?浜屻?鏁欐潗澶勭悊 鏍稿績浠诲姟锛氳兘澶熻繍鐢墍瀛彞鍨嬬粨鏋勪粙缁嶉 鐗拰楗 涔犳儻銆備笁涓 幆鑺傚 涓嬶細 pre-task锛氬 鐢熻仈绯荤敓娲诲疄闄咃紝婵娲昏儗鏅 煡璇嗐?task-cycle锛氶氳繃鏁翠釜妯潡鐨勫惉璇磋 鍐欑殑璁 粌锛屽己鍖栧 椋熺墿鍜岄椋熶範鎯 殑琛揪鑳藉姏锛屼负瀹屾垚浠诲姟鍋氬閾哄灚銆?post-task锛氳揪鎴愪换

7、鍔紝灞曠鎴愭灉锛屽弽棣堝 涔犳儏鍐点?涓夈?鏁欐潗瀹夋帓 鏍规嵁瀛敓瀛範鑻辫 鐨勭壒鐐瑰拰瑙勫緥锛屾垜浠 妸鏈 鍧楀垝鍒嗕负4璇炬椂锛?Period 1: Listening and Vocabulary & Pronunciation and Speaking Period 2 Vocabulary and Reading Period 3. Language in use Period 4. Writing& Around the world &Module Task 娉 細鏁欏 鏃跺簲鏍规嵁瀛敓鐨勫 涔犳按骞炽佺敓娲诲疄闄呮按骞炽佹帴鍙楃搴強璇惧爞鍑虹幇鐨勪复鏃剁姸鍐佃繘琛岃繍鐢佽皟鏁村

8、強绛涢夈?銆庢暀瀛 璁?Title: Module 7 Eating together Period 1: Listening and Vocabulary and Pronunciation and Speaking Teaching Content: Listening and Vocabulary and Pronunciation and Speaking Teaching Aims and Demands: 1. Language Knowledge Key vocabulary and phrases: finger, basket, bread, fork, knife, lem

9、onade, pancake, serve, spoon, hold, hot, roll Key structure: And everyone has been told to prepare a traditional dish from our own countries. It鈥檚 made with chicken or pork and vegetables. (闅剧偣) 2. Listening skill: To understand the conversation involving the use of passive voice. (閲嶇偣) 3. Speaking

10、skill: To ask and give information about one鈥檚 diet or diet habit. Learning strategies: Bottom 锟紺up approach and listening to the tape and do some exercises. Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (Tape recorder, video, OHP, handout) Teaching Procedures: Part I: Revision Task: Recall what we have learned in Mod

11、ule 6. Directions: Step One: Label the pictures with the phrases. (1) Read through the phrases in the box and have the Ss. Repeat them after you. (2) Ask them to label them in the pictures on the screen. (3) Make some sentences with the phrases. Ask students to speak out as many as they can. Step tw

12、o: Talk about food and diet habit. Part II: Lead in: Task 1: Introduce to them the new words . Directions: Step One: Read through the new words and phrases and have the Ss. repeat them after you chorally and individually. Step Two: Ask the students to talk about the pictures on the screen. Step Thre

13、e: Collect some descriptions in a whole- class setting. Step Four: Pair the Ss to discuss what else they know about food. Step Five: Collect any other information they can provide from them and list them on the board. Task 2: Introduce to them about food and diet habit. Directions: Step One. The tea

14、cher can show them the video abut food and diet habit. Step Two: Free talk about food and diet habit. Part III: Listening Task1: Step Three: Look at the party invitation and answer the questions in Activity 1 on page 56. Directions: Step One: Ask the students to do this individually, then check with

15、 a partner. Step Two: Call back the answers from the whole class, having one student ask a question and another answer. Answers: 1. A party for students who are completing their secondary school education that year. 2. Something which belongs to the place where you live or where you鈥檙e from. 3. Food

16、 which you can eat with your hands- you don鈥檛 need knives and forks or chopsticks. 4. Listen to music and dance. Task2: Activity 2on page 57. Listen and answer the questions. Directions: Step one: Read through the words in the box with the whole class, and have them repeat them chorally and individu

17、ally if you feel it is necessary. Step Two: Ask the students to read the questions to themselves. Step Three: play the recording once while they just listen and focus. Step Four: play it again for them to answer; they can then check with a partner. Step Five: play it once more for them to complete,

18、check and correct. Step Six: call back the answers from the whole class, having one student ask a question and another answer. Answers: 1. In a basket. 2. Food and drink for the family and for the party. 3. Pancakes or pizza. 4. Grapes, bread and wine. 5. Lemonade and pizza (ham, tomatoes, cheese to

19、 make the pizza). Task3: Listen and read Directions: Play the recording while the students follow the conversation in their books. Task4: activity 4 on page57. Directions: Step One: Ask the students to do this individually, then check with a partner. Step Two: Call back the answers from the whole cl

20、ass. You may want to complete a table on the board as they give the answers. Answers: Dish Made with Betty hamburgers (meat) cheese, bread roll Lingling Suanla tang Chicken or pork and vegetables Tony pizza Cheese, tomato, ham Daming jiaozi (we don鈥檛 know, but probably meat or eggs, vegetables, flou

21、r) Task 5: Activity 5 on page 57. Directions: Step One: Ask the students to do this individually, then check with a partner. Step Two: Call back the answers in a whole- class setting. Answers: 1. I think he feels pleased and proud. 2. At home. 3. Because their school asks the students, not their rel

22、atives, to prepare the food. 4. Because you can eat it everywhere in England. 5. Because it is an Italian dish which wasn鈥檛 introduced into Britain then. Part IV: Language points 1. What food and drink is for the family? 鍙腑鐨刦ood and drink鐪嬫垚涓涓 暣浣擄紝鎵浠皳璇 姩璇嶇敤鍗曟暟銆傚啀濡傦細a knife and fork; a horse and cart

23、 绛?2. I suppose it can be heated up in the school kitchen 鈥?heat up 鎰忔濇槸鈥滃姞鐑 濄傚啀姣斿 锛?Freda heated up a pie for me. 3. And everyone has been told to prepare a traditional dish from our own countries. 鍦繖鍙瘽涓 紝dish 鐨勬剰鎬濇槸鈥滅児鍒跺鐨勮彍鑲达紱涓閬撹彍锛涢 鍝佲濄備緥濡傦細 When I was in Italy, I had a wonderful pasta dish. do /

24、wash the dishes 琛鈥滄竻娲楅 鍏凤紙鍖呮嫭鐩樺瓙銆佹澂瀛愩佺 绛夛級鈥濄備緥濡傦細I鈥檒l just do the dishes before we go. 4. Oh, soup鈥檚 no good. 杩欓噷no good 琛鈥滄病锛堟垨娌粈涔堛佹病澶氬锛夌敤澶勶紙鎴栧澶勶級鈥濄備緥濡傦細 The movie is no good, I think. There鈥檚 too much fighting. It鈥檚 no good worrying about that now. no good鐢硶灏忕粨锛?A锛巒o good doing sth. It鈥檚 no good t

25、alking to him鈥昲e never listens. B. no good for sth. These glasses are no good for wine. C. no good to sb. A car is no good to me, since I can鈥檛 drive. Pronunciation and Speaking Task1: Listen and repeat. Directions: Step One: Ask the students to read through the exact to themselves. Step Two: Play t

26、he recording while they listen and follow. Step Three: Play it again, pausing at the breaks for the students to repeat it chorally and individually. Step Four: Ask the students to get into pairs to practise saying the passage, helping each other with pronunciation. Step Five: Circulate and monitor t

27、heir production. Task 2: Work in pairs. Say the sentences aloud. Make sure you pause after each sense group. Directions: Step One: Ask the students to stay in their pairs. Step Two: They should take it in turns to read the passage; the listener should help the speaker to get the pauses right. Step T

28、hree: Circulate and monitor their production. Step Four: Play the recording while the students listen and follow. Step Five: Play it again, pausing for them to repeat chorally and individually. Task 3: Activity 8. Work in pairs. Make plans for a party. Step One: Ask the students to get into pairs to

29、 make their plans. Step Two: Ask the students to make notes under the three headings. Task 4: Activity 9. Work with another pair. Talk about your parties, and say what plans have been made. Step One: Read through the examples with the whole class. Step Two: Ask the pairs to work with another pair an

30、d tell each other their plans. Part V: A test Listen to the tape and translate some of the sentences into Chinese. Homework: Act out the short dialogue as fluently as possible. Period 2 Vocabulary and Reading Teaching Content: Vocabulary and Reading Teaching Aims and Demands: 1. Language knowledge:

31、New words: Roman, saying, cheers, plate, explanation, cross, generally, over Key structure: Dinner is served around 7 pm or even later. The fork is held in your left hand and the knife in your right, and food is held with the fork and cut with the knife. (闅剧偣) 2. Reading skill: 鈶燭o have a general id

32、ea of what the reading passage mainly talks about. 鈶?To train reading strategies including taking notes and scanning. (閲嶇偣) Learning strategies: Interactive approach. Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (Tape recorder, video, OHP, handout) Teaching Procedures: Part I: Revision Help students to revise what is learnt in Period one of this module. Show them some pictures about the new words in last period. Have the Ss. spell them chorally and individually. Part II : Preparation Task: Learn the new words. Directions: Labe

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