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1、高中必修5单词英英解释及例句词汇accent n.the way someone pronounces the words of a language, showing which country or which part of a country they come from 口音Eg. Hehasa strongAmericanaccent.Hespeakswith aslight southernaccent.obvious adj. easy to notice or understand显然的,明显的;Eg. The obvious way of reducing pollutio

2、n is to use cars less.It was obvious that Gina was lying.underground n. an underground railway/road system in a city地铁Eg. As a tourist, you will need an underground in London.adj. under the surface of the ground. 地下的Eg. There is an underground cave in this village.flashlight n. a small electric ligh

3、t that you can carry in your hand手电筒Eg. Americans use a flashlight, while for the British, it is a torch.IrememberedIstillhad myflashlight.queue v. to form or join a line of people or vehicles waiting to do something or go somewhere排队Eg. I will queue up for an hour for the ticket.n. a line of people

4、 waiting to enter a building, buy something etc, or a line of vehicles waiting to move队,行列Eg. If we have book a table earlier, we wouldnt be standing here in a pare v. to consider two or more things or people, in order to show how they are similar or different 比较Eg. Michaels new house is like a huge

5、 palace, compared with this old one .How doesyourbikecomparewithmine?variety n. several different sorts of same thing 种类Eg. Ms. Feely has put in 15 tomato plants, and five rows of a variety of vegetables.This tool can be used in a variety of ways.differ v. to be different from something in some way不

6、同;有区别Eg. The two systems differ in many respects.People differ from one another in their ability to handle stress.settler n. a person who goes to live in a new country or region 移民,定居者Eg. The old manhelpedthesettlersbuild sheltersforthewinter.Iwasaguide, an originalsettler. remark n. something that

7、you say when you express an opinion or say what you have noticed言论;意见,评论Eg. Helaterapologizedforwhathe saidwasan “inappropriate”remark. v. to say something, especially about something you have just noticed评论;谈到,Eg. It wouldberudetoremarkuponherappearance.satellite n. a machine that has been sent int

8、o space and goes around the Earth, moon etc, used for radio, television, and other electronic communication 卫星Eg. Thesatellitewill bethrownintospace.The interview came live by satellite from Hollywood.switch n. a piece of equipment that starts or stops the flow of electricity to a machine, light etc

9、 when you push it开关Eg. Since the 1980s, with satellite TV and the internet, it has been possible to listen to British and American English at the flick of a switch.v. to change from doing or using one thing to doing or using another转换,转变Eg. Please switchfromonemoduletoanotheredition n. the copies of

10、 a book, newspaper etc that are produced and printed at the same time版次,期Eg. The dictionary now is in its eighth edition.The article appears in the evening edition of that newspaper.add v. to put sth together with sth else so as to increase the size, number, amount, etc.增加Eg. If the mixture seems dr

11、y, add water.Add 7 and 5 to make 12. present n. something you give someone on a special occasion or to thank them for something礼物,赠品Eg. Im looking for a present for Mark. adj. existing or happening now现在的,当前的being in a particular place 出席的Eg. HeisatpresentinShanghai.Hiswordsmovedeveryonepresent. v.

12、to give a speech in which you offer an idea, plan etc to be considered or accepted提出观点、计划等;陈述Eg. Our manager is due to present the report at the end of the month. attempt n. an act of trying to do sth, especially sth difficult, often with no success.努力,尝试Eg. I passed my driving test at the first att

13、empt.v. to make an effort or try to do sth, especially sth difficult努力,试图Eg. I will attempt to answer all your questions.simplify v. to make something easier or less complicated 简化Eg. The law needs to be simplified.His first book suggested simplifying the spelling of English book. look v. to turn yo

14、ur eyes towards something, so that you can see it看,瞧,望Eg. Gina covered her eyes, afraid to look. n. the appearance that someone or something has外观,外表Eg. Mr Flynn had a tired, ill look in his eyes. standard n. the level that is considered to be acceptable, or the level that someone or something has a

15、chieved水平;水准;标准Eg. Thispieceofwork doesnot comeuptoyourusualstandard. adj. accepted as normal or usual标准的Eg. The format is fairly standard.reference n. the act of looking at something for information 参考,查阅Eg. The book will become a standardwork of reference. Therouteisbestseenbyreferencetothemap. ac

16、countant n. someone whose job is to keep and check financial accounts, calculate taxes, etc会计Eg. Do youwantmetoinviteyouraccountantto thismeeting? Theaccountantdisputesthefiguresyougavehim. barber n. a man whose job is to cut mens hair and sometimes toshavethem理发师Eg. Wehavethe samebarber,butnot much

17、elsein common.Pleaseholdstill,orthebarbermightcutyourear.biochemist n. someone who studies or works in biochemistry生物化学家Eg. Hegave up hisjobas abiochemistto becomeahistorian,writer,publisher. Ivepickedhimbecausehes abiochemist. volunteern.someone who does a job willingly without being paid志愿者Eg. Mos

18、t of the relief work was done by volunteers. v. to offer to do something without expecting any reward, often something that other people do not want to do自愿做某事;自告奋勇Eg. Ivolunteeredmyservicesas a driver. offer v. to say that you are willing to do sth for sb or give sth to sb提供,(主动)提出Eg. Can I offer y

19、ousomething to drink? They offered him a very good job, but he turned it down. n. a statement saying that you are willing to do something for someone or give them something提议;提供Eg. I cant turn down the offer of a free trip to Milan! signal n. a sound or movement that you make to give sb information,

20、 instructions, a warning, etc.信号Eg. When she got up from the table, it was obviously the signal for us to leave. v. to make a sound or action to give sb a massage, an order, etc.发信号; 示意Eg. Mary signaled wildly at them, but they didnt notice. respect n. a feeling of admiring for sb/sth because of the

21、ir qualities or achievement尊敬;敬重Eg. I have the greatest respect for Janes work. v. to admire someone because they have high standards and good qualities such as fairness and honesty尊敬,敬佩,敬重v. not to break a rule or law遵守Eg. She respected him for his honesty. The President is expected to respect the

22、law. bend n. a curved part of something, especially a road or river 弯道Eg. The car came round the bend at a terrifying speed. v. to lean or to make sth. lean, in particular direction(使)倾侧;俯身;Eg. He bent over the desk her desk writing a v. to be in charge of something or control it指导,指挥E

23、g. Thoughgovernmentshould notseek to direct the chemistry, it should create the conditions for it. The choir was directed by Sir David Willcocks. adj. done without any other people, actions, etc in between直接的Eg. Im not indirect contactwith them. vertical adj. pointing up in a line that forms an angl

24、e of 90 with a flat surface垂直的Eg. The northern side of the mountain is almost vertical. Theverticalliftis20feet. freeze v. to becomes hard and solid because the temperature is very cold(使)结冰,(使)冻结Eg. If you were to fall in, you would freeze in less than two minutes.I think Ill freeze that extra meat

25、. earn v. to receive money for the work that you do挣(钱)Eg. He earns nearly 20,000 a year. You dontearnmuchmoneybeing a nurse. permanent adj. lasting for a long time or for all the time in the future长久的;永久的Eg. He gave up a permanent job in order to freelance. The accident has not done any permanent d

26、amage.salary n. money that you receive as payment from the organization you work for, usually paid to you every month(通常按月发的薪金,工资Eg. She gave upthe jobbecausethesalarywas too low. Hispromotionmeansaraise insalary. staff n. the people who work for an organization全体职员,员工Eg. The entire staff has done a

27、n outstanding job this year. They employ a total of 150 staff. sign v. to write your nameon a document to show that you wrote it, agree with it, 签 (名),在上签字Eg. You havent signed the letter.n.a piece of paper, metal, or wood with words or a picture that gives people information,warnings, or instructio

28、ns标记,指示牌,标牌Eg. Dont ignore the fogwarning signs. agent n. a person or company that represents another person or company, especially in business代理人,代理商;经纪人Eg. Wereacting as agentsfor Mr Watson. Our agent in Rio deals with all our Brazilian business. apply v. to make a formal request申请Eg. We need toap

29、ply forplanningpermissionto build a garage. She applied for a job with the local newspaper. post n. a job, especially an important one in a large organization工作,职位Eg. Iapplied for the postand was asked to attend an interview. v. to send a letter, package etc by post邮寄,寄出信件、包裹等Eg. Shes just gone topo

30、staletter. chef n. a skilled cook, especially the main cook in a hotel or restaurant厨师;主厨,厨师长Eg. Only onechef, SunGuoliang,actuallylikedit. Hewasfor many yearsarealchef. model n. a copy of sth模型n. someone whose job is to show clothes and be photographed wearing them模特n. someone or something that is

31、considered an excellent example 典范Eg. They showed us a model of the building. She is a top fashion model.It served as a model for other cities. shot n. the scene in a film that is produced by having the camera 镜头n. an act of firing a gun开枪Eg. In the opening shot, we see Travoltas feet walking down the sidewalk. She was killed by a single shot to the head. grateful adj. feeling that you want to thank someon

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