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1、学年外研版六年级英语第一学期导学案全册六 年级 英语 学科导学案课 题Module1 Unit1 IIts more than twenty thousand kilometers long. 课 型新授课课 时1教学目标知识与技能1、大多数同学能够听、说、读、写单词和短语more than,thousand,kilometer,something,million。2、大多数同学能够听懂并运用句型:These postcards are great!Its a picture of the Great Wall.Tell me more about.Its.谈论某个地方或某个事物的情况。3、能

2、够运用所学的语言知识与同伴进行交流。过程与方法在读说过程中掌握中西文化差异。情感态度价值观培养学生热爱祖国,热爱生活,关心他人的能力。教材分析教学重点听、说、读、写单词和短语more than,thousand,kilometer,something,million。学习句型:These postcards are great!Its a picture of the Great Wall.Tell me more about.Its.教学难点1、运用句型:These postcards are great!Its a picture of the Great Wall.Tell me mor

3、e about.Its.谈论某个地方或某个事物的情况。2、Thousand,million的用法。学 具PPT课件、图片、照片教 学 过 程环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动效果反思导入新课Step1: Warm-up1. Free talk.从学生感兴趣的话题入手,激发学生的学习积极性,拉近师生距离。让学生快速进入学习状态。2. Lets chant.PPT课件出示长城的照片,吸引学生讨论,进而展开课文内容。Step2: Preview1、Is the Great Wall beautiful?2、How long is the Great Wall?3、How big is New York

4、?4、How big is Beijing?Step3:Presentation1、新课导入。教师取出学生的旅游的照片,提问学生,例如:Do you know this place ? Can you tell me something about it ?Can you tell me more about it ?2 、单词和句型教学。(1)The usage of “thousand” and “million”(2)These postcards are great!Its a picture of the Great Wall.(3)Tell me more about.Its.(4

5、)am/is/are3、课文教学。将本课的图片挂在黑板上,播放录音或动画。 听录音,然后回答问题。(1)Where is Daming?(2)Whom is he talking with?(3)What are they talking about?(4)They can see the Great Wall in the postcard.录音内容:Daming is in New York.He is talking with his cousin Simon.They are talking about a postcard.They can see the Great Wall in

6、 the postcard.自主学习1、读一读下列单词和短语,并写出它们的中文意思。more than,thousand,kilometer,something,million2、你会读下列句子吗?A:These postcards are great!B:Yes,they are.A:Tell me more about the Great Wall.How long is it?B:Its more than twenty thousand kilometers long.3、查一查,找一找。请查找有关长城、北京和纽约的相关资料。小组合作小组内角色表演对话。两人一小组表演对话,注意语调优美

7、。小组交流:Where did you go on your holiday?What did you do on your holiday?Did you have anything interesting?展示反馈根据表演的对话,了解学生的掌握程度。释难解疑对话练习。拓展训练1.根据句意和首字母补全单词。(1)This p is great.(2)Beijing has got about twenty m people.(3)Tell me m about the animals.2.写出以下句子:这些明信片太棒了! 这是一张长城的照片。 告诉我有关长城的更多信息。 它真的好长! 北京有

8、多大? 作业设计 Homework1.完成练习册作业。2.背诵新单词和新课文。3.在一张纸上画一副自己喜欢的建筑物,在背面写上他的长度或高度,年龄。板书设计Module1 Unit1 Its more than twenty thousand kilometers long1、New words: more than超过 something某事物 thousand千 million百万 kilometer千米,公里2、New sentence: These postcards are great.Tell me about.Its.Its more than. 六 年级 英语 学科导学案课 题

9、Module1 Unit1 IIts more than twenty thousand kilometers long. 课 型新授课课 时2教学目标知识与技能4、大多数同学能够继续学习和巩固单词和短语:more than,thousand,kilometer,something,million。5、大多数同学能够听懂并运用句型:These postcards are great!Its a picture of the Great Wall.Tell me more about.Its.谈论某个地方或某个事物的情况。6、能够运用所学的语言知识与同伴进行交流。过程与方法在读说过程中掌握中西文

10、化差异。情感态度价值观培养学生热爱祖国,热爱生活,关心他人的能力。教材分析教学重点1、听、说、读、写单词和短语more than,thousand,kilometer,something,million。2、学习句型:These postcards are great!Its a picture of the Great Wall.Tell me more about.Its.教学难点1、运用句型:These postcards are great!Its a picture of the Great Wall.Tell me more about.Its.谈论某个地方或某个事物的情况。2、继

11、续学习Thousand,million的用法。学 具PPT课件、单词卡片、课文教学挂图、录音机和磁带教 学 过 程环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动效果反思导入新课Step1: Warm-upFree talk.从学生感兴趣的话题入手,激发学生的学习积极性,拉近师生距离。让学生快速进入学习状态。Step2: Preview5、Where is New York?6、Can you tell me something about the US/America?Step3:Presentation单词和句型教学。(5)The usage of “thousand” and “million”(6)T

12、hese postcards are great!Its a picture of the Great Wall.(7)Tell me more about.Its. 自主学习1、根据中文意思,写出英语单词。更多的,千,公里,百万,某事物答案:more than,thousand,kilometer,million,something2、你会读下列句子吗?A:These postcards are great!B:Yes,they are.A:Tell me more about the Great Wall.How long is it?B:Its more than twenty thou

13、sand kilometers long.3、查一查,找一找。请在世界地图上找到北京和纽约。小组合作学生分成四人一小组利用所学知识组成对话。展示反馈根据表演的对话,了解学生的掌握程度。释难解疑对话练习。拓展训练跟读对话填空。A:These postcards are great!B:Yes,they are.A:Tell me about the Great Wall.How long is it? B:Its more than twenty thousand kilometers long.(1)These postcards are ( )!(2)The Great Wall is ve

14、ry ( ).答案:(1)great (2)long作业设计 Homework1.完成练习册作业。2.用所学句型Tell me about.跟朋友交流。板书设计Module1 Unit1 Its more than twenty thousand kilometers long3、New words: more than超过 something某事物 thousand千 million百万 kilometer千米,公里4、New sentence: These postcards are great.Tell me about.Its.Its more than. 六 年级 英语 学科导学案课

15、 题Module1 Unit2 Its in the west. 课 型新授课课 时1教学目标知识与技能7、大多数同学能够听、说、读、写单词和短语right,map,in the east/west/north/south of。8、大多数同学能够听懂并运用句型Where is.?Its in the.(east/west/north/south)of.讲述某个地方的地理位置和相关的基本信息。9、能够运用所学的语言知识与同伴进行交流。过程与方法在读说过程中掌握中西文化差异。情感态度价值观培养学生热爱祖国,热爱生活,关心他人的能力。教材分析教学重点1、听、说、读、写单词和短语right,map,

16、in the east/west/north/south。2、学习句型:Where is.?Its here,in the.(east/west/north/south)。教学难点1、运用句型:Where is.?Its here,in the.(east/west/north/south)。讲述某地的地理位置和相关的基本信息。2、in the east/west/north/south的用法。学 具PPT课件、录音机和磁带、单词卡片、课文教学挂图教 学 过 程环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动效果反思导入新课从学生感兴趣的话题入手,激发学生的学习积极性,拉近师生距离。让学生快速进入学习状态。老

17、师根据地图提问:7、Where is Beijing?8、Where is Lasa?9、Where is Sanya?10、Where is the West Lake?自主学习4、读一读下列单词和短语,并写出它们的中文意思。right,map,more than,the West Lake,in the east5、你会读下列句子吗?A:Where is the West Lake?B:Its in the east of China.A:Its very beautiful.B:Yes,it is.6、查一查,找一找。请查找有关西湖和旧金山的相关资料,了解中国地图和美国地图。小组合作小组

18、讨论利用所学知识编写对话。展示反馈根据表演的对话,了解学生的掌握程度。释难解疑对话练习。拓展训练用英语回答。1、Where is the West Lake?2、Where is San Francisco?作业设计 Homework1、背诵课文。背诵课后单词。并用所学句型编3个小对话。板书设计Module1 Unit1 Its more than twenty thousand kilometers long5、New words: Map地图 right正确的 east东 north北 south南 west西6、New sentence: Its in the east of China

19、.A:Where is.?B:Its in the. Of.Boston is in the north and Houston is in the south. 六 年级 英语 学科导学案课 题Module1 Unit2 Its in the west. 课 型新授课课 时2教学目标知识与技能10、大多数同学能够继续学习和巩固单词和短语:right,map,in the east/west/north/south of。11、大多数同学能够听懂并运用句型:Where is.?Its in the.(east/west/north/south)of.讲述某个地方的地理位置和相关的基本信息。12

20、、能把握句子的节奏和重音。能够运用所学的语言知识与同伴进行交流。过程与方法在读说过程中掌握中西文化差异。情感态度价值观培养学生热爱祖国,热爱生活,关心他人的能力。教材分析教学重点1、听、说、读、写单词和短语right,map,in the east/west/north/south of。2、学习句型:Where is.?Its in the.(east/west/north/south)of.教学难点1、运用句型:Where is.?Its in the.(east/west/north/south)of.讲述某个地方的地理位置和相关的基本信息。2、in the east/west/nort

21、h/south of的用法。3、句子的节奏和重音。学 具PPT课件、单词卡片、课文教学挂图、录音机和磁带教 学 过 程环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动效果反思导入新课跟读下列句子,注意句子的节奏和重音。并回答后面的问题。Tell me more about the Great Wall.How long is it?Its more about twenty thousand kilometers long.Beijing has got about twenty million people.(1)How long is the Great Wall?(2)How big is Beijin

22、g?答案:(1) Its more than twenty thousand kilometers long.(2) It has got about twenty million people.自主学习1、根据中文意思,写出英语单词。地图,正确的,在南面,西湖,在北部答案:map,right,in the south,the West Lake,in the north2、你会读下列句子吗?Tell me more about the Great Wall.How long is it?Its more about twenty thousand kilometers long.Beijin

23、g has got about twenty million people.3、查一查,找一找。请在中国地图和美国地图上查找和了解中国和美国的一些有名的城市。小组合作学生分成四人一小组利用所学知识组成对话。展示反馈根据表演的对话,了解学生的掌握程度。释难解疑对话练习。拓展训练用英语回答。(1)Where is Shanghai?(2)Is Shanghai big?答案:(1)Its in the east of China. (2)Yes,it is.作业设计 Homework1.完成练习册作业。2.用所学句型介绍一个城市。板书设计Module1 Unit2 Its in the west.

24、New words:map地图 right正确的 east东 north北 south南 west西7、New sentence: Its in the east of China.A:Where is.?B:Its in the.of. 六 年级 英语 学科导学案课 题Module1课 型复习课课 时1教学目标知识与技能Please remember1、Wordsthe Great Wall,beautiful,postcard,more than,thousand,kilometer,million,something2、SentencesThese postcards are great

25、!Its a picture of the Great Wall.Tell me more about the Great Wall.Its more about twenty thousand kilometers long.How big is Beijing?Beijing has got about twenty million people.过程与方法在读说过程中掌握中西文化差异。情感态度价值观培养学生热爱祖国,热爱生活,关心他人的能力。教材分析教学重点1、听、说、认、读单词和短语the Great Wall,beautiful,postcard,more than,thousand

26、,kilometer,million,something。2、在对话中准确运用句型:Tell me./Can you tell me.?/Its more than.来向别人提出相关要求并准确回答。教学难点1、正确使用千以上的数词和正确的单位来描述物体;2、正确使用形容词和数词。学 具PPT课件、录音机和磁带、单词卡片、课文教学挂图教 学 过 程环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动效果反思导入新课词汇预览1、beautiful 形容词:美丽的反义词:ugly近义词:pretty,niceMy motherland is very beautiful.我的祖国非常美丽。2、Postcard 名词:明

27、信片I want to send a postcard.我想去寄一张明信片。3、More副词:更多;此外;更大程度地短语:more than 比更多It has got more than eight million people.它大约有八百万人。4、Thousand 名词:一千短语:thousands of 数千There are thousands of people in this city.这个城市里有许许多多的人。5、Kilometer 名词:公里6、Million 名词:百万7、something代词:某事情,某东西Tell me something bout China.给我讲

28、讲有关中国的事情。 自主学习重点语句解读。These postcards are great!这些明信片真棒!Its a picture of the Great Wall.这是一张关于长城的图片。Tell me more about the Great Wall.给我多讲讲长城吧。Its more about twenty thousand kilometers long.它有两万多公里长。How big is Beijing?北京有多大Beijing has got about twenty million people.北京大约有两千万人。7、读一读下列单词和短语,并写出它们的中文意思。the Great Wall,beautiful,postcard,more than,thousand,kilometer,million,something8、你会读下列句子吗?These postcards are great!Its a picture of the Great Wall.Tell me more about the Great Wall.Its more about twenty thousand kilometers long.How big is Beijing?Beijing has

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