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1、英语四六级考试译文笔记 第29篇英语作文写作及翻译老师笔记(四六级考试)1.今天的能源公司极为在乎形象,他们会不余遗力地避免关于破坏环境的不利报道。Energy companies today are extremelyimage-conscious(1.在乎形象) andgo out of their way to(2.不余遗力地)avoidbad publicity(3.不利报道)over environmental damage.1- image-conscious词典释义:imagem.dnounESSENTIALcountableoruncountablethe way that s

2、omething or someone is thought of by other people(他人心中的)形象,印象;声誉The aim is to improve thepublicimageof the police.目的在于改善员警的公众形象。The company has made strenuous attempts to improve itsimage in recent years.公司近年来作出了极大的努力来改善自身形象。Hes terriblyimage-conscious(= tries to dress and behave in a way that other

3、 people will admire).他非常在意自己的形象。外刊例句:An increasing number ofimage-consciousproperties have begun connecting the dots between unbylined write-ups that appear on such popular travel sites as TripAdvisor or Yelp, and your personal information, such as your loyalty program preferences.()越来越多在意形象的酒店开始把诸如

4、TripAdvisor和Yelp等著名旅游网站的匿名评论与顾客的个人信息(比如对于忠诚计划的喜好)联系在一起。2- go out of ones way to do词典释义:go out of ones wayphrasal:to take special pains:act with or as if with a deliberate purpose外刊例句:There are also a collection of viruses thatgo out of their way tolook like ransomware such as Cryptolocker, but which

5、 wont hand back the data if victims pay.()同样有大量病毒软件竭尽所能表现得像Cryptolocker那样的勒索软件,不过它们却就算收到了受害者的钱也不会退回数据资料。替换表达:go to great lengths to do / spare no effort to do/ do their utmost to do3- bad publicity词典释义:publicity1.N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词宣传;报道Publicityis information or actions that are intended to attract the

6、 publics attention to someone or something.Much advancepublicitywas given to the talks.对于这次会谈有很多前期报道。.governmentpublicity campaigns.政府宣传活动It was all apublicitystunt.这完全是个宣传噱头。2.N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词(媒体或公众的)关注When the news media and the public show a lot of interest in something, you can say that it is rec

7、eivingpublicity.The case has generated enormouspublicityin Brazil.这个案件已经在巴西引起了极大的关注。.the renewedpublicity over the Casey affair.对凯西事件的再次关注外刊例句:Yet if your starting point is obscurity, evenbad publicitymay be helpful, argues Alan Sorensen, an economics professor at Stanford Universitys Graduate Schoo

8、l of Business.()斯坦福桥商学院的经济学教授阿兰索仁森认为,你的起点若默默无闻,那么就算是不利报道也可能带来好处。替换表达:adverse/negative/unfavorable publicity, negative press coverage学生错误表达:(1) Harmful reports 点评:harmful reports是指“有害的报道”,用在这里意思不准确,可以改为bad publicityQ:请问:bad publicity后面的over是publicity的常用搭配吗?也就是说good/bad publicity over sth.A:是的,publici

9、ty over something是一个常见搭配,例如柯林斯词典例句:.the renewed publicity over the Casey affair. 对凯西事件的再次关注2.投资道路基础设施会是改善交通流量的一个好方法,而发展化石燃料的替代品对提升空气质量有很大帮助。Investing in road infrastructure would be a good method ofimproving traffic flow(1.改善交通流量), and development ofalternatives(2.的替代品)to fossil fuels wouldgo a long

10、 way towards(3.对很有帮助)improving air quality.1- improve traffic flow词典释义:improvempru:vverbintransitiveortransitiveESSENTIALto (cause something to) get better改进;改善He did a lot toimproveconditions for factory workers.他为改善工厂工人的工作条件做了许多工作。I thought the best way toimprovemy French was to live in France.我认为

11、提高我的法语水准的最好办法是到法国生活。Her health hasimproveddramatically since she started on this new diet.自从开始这种新的饮食,她的健康状况大为改善。flowUKflUSflonounMOVEMENT动作ADVANCEDcountable usually singularthe movement of something in one direction流动,向某方向的移动theflowofa river河水的流动theflowoftraffic车流theflowof blood血液的流动外刊例句:Wireless co

12、mmunication technology that allows cars to talk to each other couldimprove traffic flow, increase the number of cars that a highway can accommodate and reduce fuel consumption.()能使司机间相互交流的信息交流技术可改善交通流量,让更多司机在高速公路上互相礼让,减少汽油消耗。学生错误表达:(1) Improve the traffic flow点评:traffic flow是不可数名词,且这里是泛指,前面不能加定冠词the

13、2- alternatives to sthalternative to A是“代替A的另一方式”,而alternative of A是“A这种替代方式(替代谁需要看上文)”。词典释义:alternative UKlt:.n.tvUS:lt:.n.tvnouncountableIMPROVERsomething that is different from something else, especially from what is usual, and offering the possibility of choice(尤指不同于平常事物的)可供选择的事物;可供选择的解决办法analte

14、rnativetocoffee咖啡代用品There must be analternativetopeople sleeping on the streets.一定要想办法解决街头露宿者的问题。Im afraid I haveno alternativebut toask you to leave (= that is what I have to do).恐怕我别无选择,只有让你离开。外刊例句:What, then, are thealternatives toausterity? Well, first up would be an integration that would help

15、break the diabolical loop now gutting the periphery.()那么,什么是经济紧缩计划的替代品呢?好吧,首推经济整合方案,它有助于破解这个正损害边缘人群利益的恶心循环。替换表达:substitute3- go a long way towards词典释义:go a long way towards doing somethingphraseif something goes a long way towards doing something, it helps someone to achieve somethingThe money raise

16、d will go a long way towards paying for Freddies medical treatment.例句:The Burmese governments main aims remained the lifting of western sanctions and confirmation of its chairmanship of the Association of South-East Asian Nations (Asean) in 2014 which wouldgo a long way towards normalising the count

17、rys international position.()缅甸政府的首要目标仍是让西方世界撤销对其制裁,以及巩固其于2014东盟的领袖地位。这些方案将有利于缅甸使其世界地位恢复正常。替换表达:be of great help / serve sth wellQ:看了词典,例句里 flow前都要加冠词?A:traffic flow是不可数名词,如果traffic flow是泛指,则前面不需要加冠词,例如:improve traffic flow;如果traffic flow是特指,则前面要加冠词,例如:improve the traffic flow of this cityQ:alternat

18、ive是二者择一的,那如果是三者或三者以上的替代品或者供选择应该用哪个词呢?A:可以用substitute,此外,alternative并不一定是二者选一,可以参考下面的说明:Some traditionalists hold thatalternative should be used only in situations where the number of choices involved is exactly two, because of the words historical relation to Latinalter, “the other of two.” H.W. Fo

19、wler, among others, has considered this restriction a fetish.The Usage Panel is evenly divided on the issue, with 49 percent accepting the sentenceOf the three alternatives, the first is the least distasteful. Alternative is also sometimes used to refer to a variant or substitute in cases where ther

20、e is no element of choice involved, as inWe will do our best to secure alternative employment for employees displaced by the closing of the factory. This sentence is unacceptable to 60 percent of the Usage Panel. Alternative should not be confused with alternate. Correct usage requires The class wil

21、l meet on alternate (not alternative ) Tuesdays.有些持传统观点的人认为alternative 只能严格地用在二者择一的情况下, 因为这个词来源于拉丁语alter ,意思是“二者中的另外一个”。 包括H.W.福勒的其他人认为这种限制是一种迷信。用法专题小组中持这两种意见的人各占一半,49的人都接受这句话在三个选项中,第一个是最不让人讨厌的。Alternative如果没有供选择的成分存在,其有时也指一个变体或替换的事物, 如我们将尽全力保证因工厂倒闭而离开岗位的雇员以某种方式就业。 语言用法专题小组中60的人不接受这句话。Alternative 不能

22、和 alternate混淆。 正确的用法要求:全班每隔 (不是 alternative ) 星期二见一次面。3.燃料价格更低所带来的经济效益巨大。更低的燃料价格产生的连锁反应几乎可以让所有东西更加便宜。因此,阻止新的石油和天然气储备的开发是不现实的。Theeconomic benefits(1.经济效益)of cheaper fuel are enormous. Theknock-on effect(2.连锁反应)of lower fuel prices makes almost everything cheaper. Therefore, preventing new exploration

23、 of oil and gas reserves isimpractical(3.不现实的).1-the economic benefits词典释义:economicUKi:.knm.k/UKek.-US-n:.mkadjectiveCOUNTRYS ECONOMY国家经济ESSENTIALbefore nounrelating to trade, industry and money经济的;经济上的The country has been in a very pooreconomicstate ever since the decline of its two major industrie

24、s.自从这个国家的两大主要产业衰退后,其经济一直萎靡不振。The governmentseconomicpolicieshave led us into the worst recession for years.政府的经济政策使我们遭遇了多年来最为严重的经济衰退。 benefitben.ftnouncountableoruncountableIMPROVERa helpful or good effect, or something intended to help利益,好处;优势The discovery of oil brought manybenefitsto the town.石油的

25、发现给该镇带来很多利益。One of the manybenefitsofforeign travel is learning how to cope with the unexpected.学会如何应付突发事件是海外旅游的众多益处之一。Hes hadthe benefitofan expensive education and yet he continues to work as a waiter.他接受过昂贵的教育,但却继续当一名侍者。I didntget/derive (much) benefitfrom school.我从没在学校里学到(多少)东西。With thebenefitof

26、 hindsight(= Helped by the knowledge since learned) it is easy for us to see where we went wrong.透过事后反省,我们比较容易认清自己所犯的错误。slightlyformalShe drinks a lot less now,to the benefitofher health as a whole.她现在酒喝得很少了,身体健康状况整体上也有所改善。外刊例句:Theeconomic benefitsof offshoring have been immense. For workers in low-

27、cost countries it has meant jobs and rapidly rising standards of living. Rich-world workers have been able to leave the drudge work to someone else.()海外建厂能带来巨大经济利益。这对于低收入国家的工人来说,意味着更多工作岗位和生活待遇提高,而对于富裕国家的工人来说,则是可以让他们把苦力活让给别人做。替换表达:financial benefits学生错误表达:(1) Benefits of finance点评:表达不准确,benefits of f

28、inance是指“金融的好处”,这里应该改为financial benefits(2) economical benefit点评:用词不当,economical是指“经济的,节约的”,例如:Whats the most economical way of heating this building? 给这栋大楼供应暖气,怎样做才是最经济的方法?这里应该改为economic benefits(3) economic/ financial profits点评:economic/ financial profits是指金钱形式的利润,而economic benefits是指“经济效益(范围比利润要广)”,这里用economic benefits更加合适。2-the knock-on effect of sth词典释义:knock-on effectUKnk.n.fektUSn:k.:n-mainly UKnouncountable usually singularWhen an event or situation has a knock-on effect, it causes other events or situations but not directly连锁反应If one or two tra

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