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2、实题,采用对号入座的方式即可解答。对于间接事实题,考查的内容往往在文中有所隐含,或者选项部分把某处换了个表达方式以此来增加难度。这种题是多数,要特别重视。平时要注意同一个意思的多种表达。为了提高读者的实战水平,下面进行分类讲解,让读者明白各类题的提问规律,提高解题速度和准确度。一针对时间、地点提问针对时间、地点提问的常用句式:1. When did the accident happen?2. How long did the fight last?3. How often do the partners meet?4. What time did the plane take off?5.

3、Where did the hero first come across the heroine?例1:(2011陕西B) When was the second child of Irene Curie and Frederic Joliot born?A. In 1932. B. In 1927. C. In 1897. D. In 1926.原文:They soon fell in love and were married in 1926. Their daughter Helene was born in 1927 and their son Pierre five years la

4、ter.答案:A 解析:根据“Their daughter Helene was born in 1927 and their son Pierre five years later”可知选A。例2:(2011天津C) According to the passage, where would the project be more easily carried out?A. In large communities with little sense of unity. B. In large cities where libraries are far from home.C. In me

5、dium-sized cities with a diverse population.D. In large towns where agreement can be quickly reached.原文:The only problem arose in New York, where local readers could not decide on one book to represent the huge and diverse population. This may show that the idea works best in medium-sized cities or

6、large towns, where a greater sense of unity (一致)can be achieved. Or it may show that New Yorkers rather missed the point, putting all their energy.答案:D解析:根据“This may show that the idea works best in medium-sized cities or large towns, where a greater sense of unity(一致)can be achieved”可知D项正确。二针对原因提问针

7、对原因提问的常用句式:1. Why does the author mention ?2. What is the reason /the cause for ?3. The harbour survived the storm owing to _. 4. The girl refused to ask for help because she thought . 5. The ecological disaster in Nauru resulted from _.6. According to , it is difficult for schools to offer the ment

8、oring due to _.例:(2012全国新课标B)Why is it difficult to find a wild bees nest?A. Its small in size. B. Its hidden in trees.C. Its covered with wax.D. Its hard to recognize.原文:Often, these nests are high up in trees, and it is difficult to find them.答案:B 解析:根据“these nests are high up in trees, and it is

9、difficult to find them”可知选B。三 针对条件提问针对条件提问的常用句式:1. If the price is reasonable, the shopper will .2. The son could drive the car on condition that .3. The conference will be put off unless .例:(2010湖南A)If it has been over 12 hours since you missed a dose, you should . A. change the amount of your next

10、 dose B. eat more when taking your next doseC. have a dose as soon as you rememberD. take the next dose at your regular time原文:HOW TO TAKE LIPITOR DO:Take Lipitor as prescribed by your doctorTry to eat heart-healthy foods while you take LipitorTake Lipitor at any time of day, with or without foodIf

11、you miss a dose(一剂),take it as soon as you remember.But if it has been more than 12 hourssince you missed a dose,wait. Take the next dose at your regular time.答案:D解析:根据最后一句可知,如果错过了12小时,就等到下一次固定的时间服药。四 针对目的提问针对目的提问时,有的是针对文中某个细节或某段的;有的是针对全文的写作目的的,此类也属于主旨题和推断题,在后面对应的专题中都会涉及。此种题型的常用提问句式:1. What is aimed

12、 at?2. is intended/meant/designed for .3. What does the writer intend to tell us?4. What might be the authors purpose in writing the text?5. The program aims to _. 6. For what purpose did Peter call Tracy?7. The writer mentions in order to .8. The writers purpose for writing this article is to .例:(2

13、012山东A)What might be the authors purpose in writing the text? A. To seek help for Naurus problems.B. To give a warning to other countries.C. To show the importance of money.D. To tell a heartbreaking story of a war.原文:The Pacific island nation of Nauru used to be a beautiful place. Now it is an ecol

14、ogical disaster area. Naurus heartbreaking story could have one good consequence other countries might learn from its mistakes.答案:B解析:根据最后一句可知写此文是为了警示其它国家。五针对方式提问涉及方式的提问,如果是关于写作方法的就属于主旨题,这里主要探讨细节题。针对方式提问的常用句式:1. In what way is the library “pedestrian-friendly”?2. How does Mr. Cool manage to travel t

15、he Information Highway so fast?3. The author develops the second paragraph mainly by .4. The main way of handling waste in a green manner in Edinburgh is _.5. The honey guide is special in the way _.6. The method the writer uses to develop Paragraph 4 is _.例:(2012全国新课标D)The author explains the law o

16、f overlearning by _.A. presenting research findingsB. setting down general rulesC. making a comparisonD. using examples原文:One explanation is the law of overlearning, which can be stated as follows: Once we have learned something, additional learning trials (尝试) increase the length of time we will re

17、member it.In childhood we usually continue to practice such skills as swimming, bicycle riding, and playing baseball long after we have learned them. We continue to listen to and remind ourselves of words such as “Twinkle, twinkle, little star” and childhood tales such as Cinderella and Goldilocks.

18、We not only learn but overlearn.The multiplication tables (乘法口诀表) are an exception to the general rule that we forget rather quickly the things that we learn in school, because they are another of the things we overlearn in childhood.答案:D 解析:根据“In childhood we usually continue to practice such skill

19、s as swimming, bicycle riding, and playing baseball long after we have learned them”可知作者是通过举例说明的方法来解释这个原理的。故D正确。六针对人物、事物提问针对人物、事物提问的常用句式:1. What did the tourists miss in the national park?2. What is the function of the new invention?3. Who helped the victim in the end? 4. For whom did the director b

20、uy the gift?例1: (2011全国卷 E)Who should you get in touch with if you hope to work in a radio station?A. Producer Vacancies, Kiss l00B. Mrs Oglivie,Palmlace LimitedC. The Enterprise Shopping CentreD. Wealden District Council原文:Wanted, Someone for a KissWere looking for producers to join US on the sound

21、 of London Kiss 100 FM. Youll work on the Stations music programmes. Music production experience in radio is necessary, along with rich knowledge of modern dance music. Please apply(申请) in writing to Producer Vacancies, Kiss 100.答案:A 解析:根据最后一句可知选A。例2:(2011湖北A)What lesson has the author learnt from h

22、is experience? A. Learning from parents is necessary. B. Jumping to a conclusion is dangerous.C. Telling the truth may not always be the best solution.D. Selecting pleasant words may not be the perfect policy.原文:As it turned out, it wasnt cancer. But I did learn that when someone is stressed and wor

23、ried about their loved one theyre sometimes selective in what they hear and as a doctor its important to be mindful of this. In being truthful, Id made the situation worse.答案:C 解析:根据“But I did learn that when someone is stressed and worried about their loved one theyre sometimes selective in what they hear and as a doctor its important to be mindful of this. In being truthful, Id made the situation worse.”可知,由于实话实说,“我”把情况弄得更糟,与C项吻合。

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