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1、六年级上册英语集体备课教案六年级英语(上)第二单元集体备课教学设计主备老师:黄凤敏 参与成员:林变舅 林雯钒Unit 1 Unit 2 Looking for a Hospital.总课时 8课时一、教学分析:本单元是以Looking for a Hospital为主题来开展教学,要求学生掌握8个短语和怎样询问地点,并能根据别人的询问做出方向指示。二、教学目标: 1.学生能听说读写短语和句型。2.学生能有运用所句型询问某地方的地点,同时能给别人建议。3.学生能理解并能表演出来Story .4. 能正确读:的发音并对其有良好的语音感知。5 .学生能听懂、读懂短文,同时能综合运用本单元所学的单词和

2、句子。三、单元重难点:1.能听说读写单词。2.能询问去某地方的地点:Excuse me.Where is ?并能用所学的单词来回答 。3.能根据地点说出方向:Go straight.Its across from等。4.能综合运用本单元所学的单词和句型。四、单元课时安排:(共4课时) 1.Vocabulary and Target1课时2、Story and Practice 1, 21课时3、Sounds and words ,Activity 1课时4、Reading and writing . 1课时5、Review . 1课时五、课前准备 PPT, disc, pictures wor

3、d cards . 图片,多媒体 六年级英语(上)第二单元集体备课教案(1)主备老师: 黄凤敏 参与成员:林变舅 林雯钒 课题Unit2 Looking for a Hospital (第一课时)二次备课教学内容 课本P19页 的单词和句子。Excuse me.Where is the hospital?Go straight.Its across from/next to 教学目标知识与技能: 1、能正确听说读Vocabulary 中的8个短语。2、Be able to read and use the sentence of Target . 过程与方法: 听录音跟读、游戏和小组合作交流。

4、情感态度与价值观: 让学生学会询问病情。教材分析重点a. To learn the vocabularies.Can say out the sentences of Target.。难点Students will be able to ask and give directions.准备PPT ,disc ,word cards , 图片,多媒体教学过程 Step1: Greetings.Step2: Leading inT: Im happy today. Because I got a new skirt at the shopping mall yesterday. Where is

5、the shopping mall? Lets go and have a look.Step3: Presentation and Practice a.Teacher shows pictures and have students review these words : bank movie theater shopping mall hospital b.Show a picture of PPT right,left and turn right, turn left and go straight, across from of meaning.c.Write down the

6、words: right, left,turn right, turn left, go straight. d. Do some action and say: This is right,this is left,this is go straight. e,play games:The teacher says the new words ,students do directions actions.f.Use the same step and show pictures for these words:street cornerTraffic light bus stop g.Pl

7、ay games and show a picture of PPT to practice directions words. h.Make the simple dialogue in groups.A: Excuse me.Where is_?B: Go straight .Its across from /next to _Step4: Consolidation Show some pictures and talk about them. eg: A: Excuse me. Wheres the hospital?B: Go straight .Its across from th

8、e park.Step5: SummaryT: Im happy. Because we learnt more knowledge. What about you?Step5: Homeworka. Talk about the directions using the target sentences.Copy the words.板书设计 Unit 2 Looking for a HospitalTurn left turn right go straight across fromStreet corner traffic right bus stop A:Wheres the . B

9、:Turn left/Turn right.教学反思课题Unit2 Looking for a Hospital (第二课时)二次备课教学内容Story and Practice 1,2 教学目标知识与技能: 1.Can read the story and answer the questions.2.To develop the Ss abilities of speaking and listening.3.To .过程与方法: 听录音跟读、游戏和小组合作交流。情感态度与价值观: Train the Ss ability of good co-operation教材分析重点1.To re

10、cite the story.2.Can act out the story.难点Students will be able to give directions with the story.准备PPT ,disc .word cards . 图片,多媒体教学过程 Step1: Greetings.Step2: Leading inT: Look at the pictures ,Gogo, Jenny and Tony are looking for the hospital. How can they find it? Can they find it finally? Lets go

11、and have a look.Step3: Presentation and Practice a. Listen to the CD without book together. b. Follow the CD with some questions. (1)Where are they looking for? Where is the hospital? (2)Do they find the hospital?What does GOgo find?.c.Write down the words: turn right,turn left,go straight. d. Follo

12、w the CD twice together. e, Read the story together .then read the story in groups. f. Pay more attention the phrase .street corner go straightTraffic light bus stop cross the street g. Play games and show a picture of PPT to practice directions words. h. Read the story in groups a few minutes and a

13、sk some students to act out the story.i. Read the story together, then teacher speaks Chinese and students speak English together.Step4: Consolidation Do Practice 1.Practice 2. eg: A: Excuse me.Wheres the Candy shop?B: Go straight .Its across from the park.Step5: Summary 板书设计 Unit 2 Looking for a Ho

14、spitalTurn left turn right go straight across fromStreet corner traffic right bus stop 1.Where are they looking for? 2.Do they find the hospital?. 教学反思课题Unit2 Looking for a Hospital(第三课时)二次备课教学内容 Sounds and Words ,Activity Song 教学目标知识与技能:1.能听、说、认读corner,horse,short,morning,sport,forty等词汇.2.过程与方法: 游戏

15、和小组合作交流。情感态度与价值观: 能正确读: 的发音并对其有良好的语音感知.教材分析重点语音:和单词难点语音:以及相关单词的发音准备PPT ,disc ,word cards , 图片,多媒体教学过程Step1: Warming up1, Greeting.2, Chant activity.Step2: Presentation and Practice1, Lead in: I like sport, Lets ride on the horses. or:, ask Ss to look at my mo2, lead the students to read the sound or

16、:, then ask them to try to read the words by themselves3, listen to the tape and have Ss point to each word at the same time, read the words one by one4, After enough practice, point to the pictures and have Ss say the wordsStep3: lets listen and read.1, look at the picture, have the students to rea

17、d the dialogue in groups, and let them and repeat students pay more attention the sounds and words .Then act out the dialogue in groups. 2, listen and repeat the dialogue about sounds and words together.板书设计 Unit2 Looking for a Hospitalcorner horse short morning sport fortyor:教学反思课题Unit2 Looking for

18、 a hospital (第四课时)二次备课教学内容Reading and Writing . 教学目标知识与技能: 1.能听说读写单词:block2.能听说英语名:Bob,Donna3.理解godown与gostraightrightleftrightwrong过程与方法: 带着问题去阅读短文,小组交流,学会阅读方法。情感态度与价值观: 1.能听懂和说出新的单词和句型;2.理解并流利朗读短文;3.能就短文的内容回答问题。教材分析重点对阅读材料的整体理解并运用本单元词汇和句型进行描述难点1.能听懂和说出新的单词和句型;2.理解并流利朗读短文;3.能就短文的内容回答问题。准备PPT ,disc

19、,word cards , 图片,多媒体教学过程Step1.Warming up.Beforereading、DotheactionWaveyourright/lefthandTurnright/leftGostraight、FreetalkWhatstheweatherlike?Whatsyourfavoritecolor/season?TodayisSeptember18th.(right?)解释right=yes我现在在教室,想去该怎么走?、Newlesson本周六是我的好朋友Lisasbirthday.我想给她寄一张贺卡,请问我该到哪寄?(postoffice)我现在在大田车站,我想知


21、yandanswerthequestions1.Isthepostofficeonthemap?2.WhohelpsBob?3.Doyouthinktheycanfindthepostoffice?4.Whataretheirproblems?Postreading、Readitslowlyingroupoffourthenfinish.Thatwillgiveyoutheinformation.Please“”or“X”.()1.Thepostofficeisonthemap.()2.Donnaknowswheresthepostoffice.()3.Thefirstrightmeansyes.Thelastrightmeansyes,too.()4.Theycantfindthepostoffice.、点拨文化差异西方人问路都说:“Excuseme或Pardonme”.得到别人的帮助后,马上表示感谢。生活中,每个人都会遇到这或那的困难,请大家一定要伸出自己的手,互帮互助,并且学会感恩。板书设计Unit 2 Looking for a hospital gostraightgodownright/leftright=yes/wrong=nogostraightandturnleft.crossthestreetandturnrightatthenextcorner. 教学反思

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