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Unit6 At the zoo B Lets lean Lets singWord文档下载推荐.docx

1、 “deer”中的字母组合“eer”与耳朵“ear” 的发音相同。(男女、一排一排之间操练deer的发音)操练并检查读音的掌握情况:(师领读、师出图片生读、师说单词生出图片)(二)新授 tall and short我们学习了一些形容词来描述事物的特征.Do you remember? long、 short、 big、small Look at the picture. (出示比头发长短的课件)T Whos this woman? She is Miss Fan.Whos that boy? He is Yang Longxiang. Look at my hair. Look at his

2、hair. Where is the difference? Your hair is long. His hair is short. long-short Look at this picture.Whats this?Its a ball. Look at this ball. Look at that ball. Where is the difference?This ball is big . That ball is small. OK! Look! (出示长颈鹿与梅花鹿比高矮的课件)Look at the giraffe. Look at the deer .Where is

3、the difference? The giraffe is tall. The deer is short. tall-short “short” 在此处是“矮”的意思,他还有一种解释是什么? 短的。找一生对比.Im tall. He is short. My hair is long. His hair is short.:师带领同学们操练The giraffe is tall. The deer is short.的句型。T:Lets compare. 同桌之间比较一下高矮,同桌一组一组说Im short . Im tall. T: 师总结:在复习其他动物的基础上,我们又认识两个新动物:

4、giraffe 、deer。在复习big-small、long-short 的基础上我们又学了新的一组反义词:tall-short.(出示课件领读)。Lets make a chant.Lets look.(出示儿歌课件) (一句一句教读、加动作来读、对读、接读)(三)新授Lets sing. Many animals come to the zoo. Where are they? Lets sing.(放课件,学生跟唱 )不断换动物词再跟唱。elcome to the zoo.(出示游动物园的注意事项)三、巩固练习四、Homework. 把我们今天学习的两种动物放到我们的动物小搜集中,并把

5、你知道的所有动物跟爸爸妈妈说一遍。专题四:低年级第二课时(PEP 三下)Unit 6 At the Zoo Part B Lets talk临沂第一实验小学卢英苗一、教学目标:1. 能力目标:让学生围绕“at the zoo”这个主题进行“谈论动物”的活动,让学生了解到更多动物的名称并能对动物的主要特征(高矮、大小、习性等)进行简单的描述。培养学生听、说、认读和对话交际的能力,及培养学生小组合作学习的能力。2. 知识目标:(1)能听懂、会说一些含有简单形容词的句子,并能在实际情景中用相关形容词来描述动物的特征。e.g. The giraffe is tall . The deer is sho

6、rt.It is (so). It has (a long tail).(2)学习了解常用表达法:Yeah. You are right .You see.3. 德育目标:培养学生爱护动物、保护动物的意识。并了解Dont feed the animals in the zoo.二、教学重点,难点:抓住动物特征,用含有简单形容词的句子来进行描述。三、教学用具:自制的各种小动物图片及4个盘子、一颗大树的图片、四张装饰成动物园的吹塑纸板、(动物园名称:Happy zoo, Luckyzoo, Funny zoo, Sunny zoo. )图钉、动物园门、录音机、Amy and her dads pi

7、cture四、学情分析本节课是在学生学完B Lets learn的基础上学习的一节对话课,教学对象是小学三年级学生。学生已经学过一些简单、常见的动物单词,如dog、cat、monkey等。另外学生已学习了一些形容词,如:big, small, long, funny 等。五、教学过程:Step 1.Warm-up课件1:封面的背景及音乐Little and big.1. Lets sing a song. Boys and gils. Before class lets sing a song. Please watch the screen. Clap your hands.课件2:歌曲视频

8、 :PEP三下U6 B Lets sing2. Free talk (教师手指屏幕画面)Boys and girls. Do you like animals?Ss: Yes. What animals do you like best? Can you tell me?S1: I like _. What about you?S2: I like _. What animal do you like?S3: I like I have many pictures of animals here.(教师将盛动物的四个盘子分给各小组)In this class, if you can answe

9、r my question. You can get one of them from the plate. Lets see which group can get the most animals. OK?(设计思路:以歌曲They Are in the Zoo.开始,把学生带入本节课的主题: At the zoo. 然后沿着歌曲的思路,在free talk中与学生谈论自己喜欢的动物,调动学生思维,引入对动物名称的复习,学生通过brainstorm活动,绕有兴趣的在不知不觉中进入所涉及到的话题。并借助话题把学生分成四个小组,引入本节课的评价机制。)3. Brainstorm复习形容词。 W

10、e all like abimals. Now, lets go to the zoo and see the animals. Please watch carefully. Look. The_is _. Look at the _. Its _.课件3:动物园的门打开,六种动物图片: giraffe, deer, elephant, mouse, snake, monkey依次出示在屏幕上。 Now, lets chant. 课件4:lets chant. 句子+动物图片。lets chant.Tall, tall, tall! The giraffe is tall.Short, sh

11、ort, short! The deer is short.Big, big, big! The pig is big.Small, small, small! The mouse is small.Long, long, long! The snake is long.Funny, funny, funny, The monkey is funny.这些动物所选择的都是特征明显的动物,目的是为形容词复习做好铺垫。通过形体语言,帮助学生复习、理解、巩固形容词,)Step 2. Presentation(一)导入呈现1 rabbit and monkey的对比教学引出long, short的复习

12、。a. 兔子(教具兔子贴在黑板上面) The animals are lovely. I have another animal. Look, whats this? rabbit. T: Look at the rabbit. Its pink. Whats it like? It has a -. (师用手摸兔子尾巴) It has a short tail.(板书: short)T: Yeah. Youre right. It has a short tail. You can get a picture of animal from the plate. (教师用Youre right

13、来表扬,并且告诉学生拿奖品:小动物)b. 猴子(教具猴子贴在黑板上面) Look, what monkey. Look at the monkey. What colour is it? Whats it like? (师用手摸猴子尾巴) Its orange? It has a long tail.(板书: long ) Yeah. Youre right. It has a long tail. You can get a picture of animal from the plate.c. 对比(教师手指板书对比) Boys and girls. Look at the blackbo

14、ard. You see. The rabbit has a short tail .The monkey has a long tail.d. Ask the students to repeat the sentences. (1-2学生重复读句子) Who can say? You see. The rabbit has a short tail .The monkey has a long tail.通过rabbit 和monkey的对比,引出long .short 的复习,并引出You see .同时渗透Youre right.)2pig and squirrel的对比教学引出big

15、, small的复习.a. 小猪(师将教具小猪贴在黑板上,用手指外形) Look at the pig.Ss & Its big. (板书: Its big. ) Yes. Its so big. You can get a picture of animal.b. 松鼠(教具松鼠贴在黑板上) Squirrel. Look at the squirrel. Whats it like? (师用手指小猪和松鼠,对比) Its so small.(板书: small ) Youre right. The squirrel is small. You can get a picture of ani

16、mal.c.(教师手指板书对比) You see. The pig is big. The squirrel is small. (也可以此处板书: big ,small) You see. The pig is big.The squirrel is small.通过pig 与squirrel 的对比教学,引出big和 small的复习。同时进一步渗透:You see . You这一部分的设计,看起来是在复习long 、short 、big 、small这四个形容词,但是它有一个新旧知识点的衔接,那就是人称代词it转换成了具体的名词。本节课中有一个教学重点The giraffe is tal

17、l. The deer is short.其实,这一环节就是重点部分教学的一个铺垫。通过新课导入这一环节,板书句型:Its (so)-.)(二)、创设情景,呈现并教学课文。1. 听录音,回答问题,初步了解课文内容。 Today, Amy and her dad(拿两人图片贴在黑板上) are in the zoo(贴动物园门,画上栅栏。) They are watching the animals. Open your books and turn to P 63. Lets watch the video and think about the question.What animal ar

18、e they talking about?课件5:问题,视频,回答。Answer the question.What animals are they talking about? (他们在谈论什么动物)后出示答案: giraffe 和deer图。 Giraffe/ Deer.设计思路:创设情景,画上栅栏,贴上动物园的门和人物Amy and her dad的图片。通过老师的一句话就把地点、人物、事情交待清楚了,并且借助图片,孩子一目了然,紧接着提出问题:Which animals are they talking about?让孩子带着问题听录音,为课文的理解做好铺垫。2. 呈现Picture

19、 1的对话,教读giraffe and tall. 随着学生的回答,把giraffe 和deer图片贴在黑板上。 Look at the giraffe. (板书Look at the giraffe并领读,将音节分开来读,强调f的发音,加手势帮生理解重读音节。 教师指板书:Look at the giraffe. Its so tall. 领读前面板书的单词:small(强调字母组合all的读音),(紧接着板书:tall) Your group. Please show us your giraffe. You can say: Look at the giraffe.Ss(各组): Loo

20、k at the giraffe. Ss(其他组):Its so tall.对于giraffe这个单词,它的正确读音仍是本节课的难点。在教学时,先把它的音节分开来教,然后借助手势让学生把握重读音节,从而进一步掌握它的正确读音,然后分组展示giraffe , 自然操练Picture 1 的内容,其他小组运用Its so tall.来评价,四个小组依次进行,让每一位孩子都开口,扩大训练面。3. 教读:deer 呈现Picture 2的对话 Look at the deer. (教师指黑板书上的deer图片) (板书: deer) Its short. eer is pronounced as ea

21、r Who can read the word? Deer. Your group. Show me your deer.Look at the deer. s so short.4. 展现Picture3的对话(指giraffe and deer.通过身高对比,引出Picture3的对话) You see. The giraffe is tall .The deer is short. (领读) Who can come here and say the sentences?(生上台指着描述,引出Picture4,教师用Youre right. 或Perfect. Good. Yeah. Y

22、es. 及时表扬)5. Picture 4 教学(师生对比,生生对比身高) Please wait a minute. You see. Im tall. Youre short. Ask: Am I right? You can say : Youre tall. Im short.(师生对比时,师可蹲下让生说:Ire short.)在对话教学中,所涉及到的本单元的单词仍采用“以旧带新”的教学方法。如:通过small和tall总结字母组合all的发音,对比ear和eer的发音,这样可以使学生尽快掌握拼读规则,从而掌握正确的学习方法。课文导入时,巧妙设计问题,这个问题是理解课文的关键,解决问题

23、的过程其实也是对话呈现的过程。由giraffe引出第一幅图画,老师手指图画说:Look at the giraffe. Its so tall.通过小组展示,体现语言的交流,信息的传达。由deer 引出第二幅图画的内容。giraffe 和 deer教完之后,黑板上的图画很清晰,对比也很鲜明,这时,老师手指板书对比两个动物,自然展示第三幅图画的内容:You see. The giraffe is tall. The deer is short. 在第三幅图画的练习中,让学生上前面指着板书来说,即降低了学生表达的难度,同时引出第四幅图画:师生身高的比较,师生站在一起,老师说:Im tall. Yo

24、ure short.引导学生说:Im short. Youre tall.如果说得正确,师生同时用 Youre right.来表扬。将对话教学设计在一定的语境中,使学生发自内心的理解新知识,丰富并拓展已经形成的知识体系。Step3 Practice1Listen and repeat. Please look at your book. Read after the tape.2Practise in pairs. Please read in pairs.3Act out the dialogue.(借助板书,可降低难度) Who can come here and act out the

25、dilogue.说明:板书如下图:(这是以前讲课的板书,本节课内容有所变动,所以小动物有所更换)学生通过听录音,分角色读对话,表演对话等形式进一步理解对话内容,并借助板书降低对话表演的难度。Step4 Consolidation and extension1总结板书,教师描述动物园 Boys and girls, look at the zoo. We can say :Look at the_.longIt is so)shortThe giraffe/_ isbigsmalltall及时总结、归纳、使知识系统化、条理化,并借助板书介绍动物园,同时为后面学生描述动物园做好示范。2. 总结各组

26、的表现,布置动物园。 Boys and girls, you have got some pictures of animal in this class. Put them in your zoo. Like this.(教师拿纸板示范,然后将纸板发到各组。 Happy zoo, Lucky zoo, Funny zoo and Sunny zoo How many animals have you got? Please count. One, two, three,- One, two, three,- (各小组组长汇报所得动物数量) 教师随机表扬。既是本节课的一个课堂教学的评价,也为后面语言的输出

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