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1、新书7BUnit2Neighbours教案总 课 题Unit 2 Neighbours总课时7课 题Comic strip & welcome to the unit第 1 课时三维教学目标知识目标Enable the students to master some new words: neighbour will visit like wow waiter neighbourhoodIm going to visit our new neighbour.能力目标1. Get the Ss to known jobs and names of working places.2. Talk a

2、bout the neighbourhood you live in in English.3. Talk about the activities and life in your neighbourhood in English.情感目标Like the neighbourhood they live.教学重点Have a discussion in class and talk about the jobs they known.教学难点1. To talk about the neighbourhood they live.2. To discuss the neighbourhood

3、 they like.课前预习1. Preview the new words and phrases. 2.Talk about the jobs and names of working places.教学过程教学环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动备课札记Step1 Revision.Step2Presentation Step3ListeningStep4Comic stripStep5DiscussionStep6Homework1. Show a diary to the students and fill in the blanks with the places.2. Ask th

4、e students some questions about their home.Where do you live?What kind of home do you have?Whats around your home?Is your home near a park/a school/a restaurant/a supermarket?Is there a shop/a factory/a cinema/a museum/a hospital near your home?1. Show some pictures about different jobs. Say: We hav

5、e a lot of neighbours. They have different jobs. Look at the picture. Where do they work? Please match them with the places.2. Work in pairs to talk about their neighbours. Sample conversation T: Whos your neighbour? S: is my neighbour.T: Whats your neighbour?/What does your neighbour do? S: He/Shes

6、 .T: Where do he/she work? S: He/She works in .1. Listen to the tape and answer questions. Wheres Simons flat? How many buildings are there in his neighbourhood? How many floors do the buildings have? What does Simon have around his neighbourhood? What does Simon think of his neigbourhood?2. Listen

7、again, Ss read after the tape recorder, then act it out. Say: Work in pairs and make up your own conversation about your neighbourhood.1. Listen to the tape and find out the answer. Say: Look at Hobo. He is in a hurry. Wheres Hobo going?2. Read the tape recorder, and then act it out.1.Say: Do you th

8、ink Eddies new neighbours welcome him? Why or why not? If you have a neighbour like Eddie, do you welcome him?2. Work in groups of four and discuss the following question: What can you do for your neighbours?1.Learn new words and phrases by heart.2.Recite Part B on P19.3.Preview Reading.The Ss revis

9、e the places Ask some questionsDo some work and known jobs and names of working placesFree talk The Ss listen and answer questionsRead the conversation Discussion激发学生投入课堂。注意模仿语音语调,要求声情并茂教学反思总 课 题Unit 2 Neighbours总课时7课 题Reading (1)第 2 课时三维教学目标知识目标To learn the new words and phrases in this conversatio

10、n 能力目标To understand Amy and Simons conversation 情感目标To know we are lucky to live in such a nice big family教学重点To understand and retell the conversation 教学难点How to talk about the neighbours freely课前预习To learn the new words and phrases in this conversation 教学过程教学环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动备课札记Step1 Lead-inStep2P

11、re-reading Step3While-reading Step4Post-reading Step5homeworkHave a talk with students about the neighbourhoods around school.A brief survey about the neighbourhoods students are from. Amy is talking with Simon to know more about his neighbourhoodLets watch the video and do part B1To conclude what t

12、he neighbours do on the blackboard (students do it )Read it and finish PartB2 and check1.ExB3 on books.2. Discuss in groups of three.Would you like to help your neighbours? What can you do for your neighbours? 1. Write down what you can do for your neighbours .2. In daily life, help your neighbours

13、with their problems, even (甚至)help more people in need!( Enjoy a video about helping )The SS free talk about the neighbourhoods Do PartB1Read and do PartB2Give Ss several minutes to skim the text and check their answers.Discuss the two questionsPractise in pairsTo cultivate Ss ability in getting the

14、 main ideas of the text.教学反思总 课 题Unit 2 Neighbours总课时7课 题Reading (2)第 3 课时教学目标知识目标Better understand the new words and phrases.能力目标Use these new words and phrases to make a dialogue情感目标To love the life at community centre and help each other.教学重点Students can make a dialogue 教学难点How to talk about the

15、neighbours freely.课前预习Preview the new words and phrases教学过程教学环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动备课札记Step1 RevisionStep2Learn more Step3PracticeStep4Practice(Game)Step5HomeworkAsk questions and answer1.What do volunteers do at the community centre.? 2.When do they meet? 3.What are they going to do this weekend? 4.Annie

16、s bicycle is broken. How will she get help? 5.Aboyhasproblemswithhishomework.Howwillhegethelp?6.Whatdovolunteersdotohelptheoldpeople? 7.WhatdoesAmythinkofSimontohavesuchaneighbourhood? Learn some important languages:1.They help us with all kinds of sb. with sb. with e

17、ach other 2.Theres something wrong with my computer .Thereisnotanythingwrongwithmycomputer.Thereisnothingwrongwithmycomputer.3.asksbtodosth要求、请求某人做某事4.Somecollegestudentsarereadytohelpbe/getreadytodosth. 准备做某事 bereadyto(do) 装备好; 乐意做5.Its lucky for sb to do sth做某事(对某人来说)幸运 Listen to the tape and read

18、 the Reading together,Then boys play the role of Simon,girls play the role of Amy to read again.Do a role-play.Practise this conversation with your partner.Try to act out the conversation.翻译下面的句子1.他们在那儿见面并分享他们不同的技能。They_theirdifferentskills.2.他们帮助我们解决各种各样的问题。Theyhelpus_problems.3.我的电脑出问题了。Theres_myc

19、omputer4.我表妹Annie的自行车坏了,因此她打算请人修它。My cousin Annies bicycle ,so shes going It5.我们很幸运住在一个像那样的街区。Weare_aneighbourhoodlikethat.6.这儿的人们就像一个大家庭。Peoplehere_abigfamily.Answer the questions and revise the Reading.Learn the languagesPlay a role to read the passage.Pairwork.巩固对课文的理解。教学反思总 课 题Unit 2 Neighbours总

20、课时7课 题Grammar第 4课时教学目标知识目标To recognize and use will, shall and be going to to talk about future能力目标To know the usage of the simple future tense 情感目标Get the students to be ready to talk about the future life.教学重点To recognize and use will, shall and be going to to talk about future教学难点To learn to use

21、the simple future tense课前预习Preview the new words and phrases.教学过程教学环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动备课札记Step1Revision Step2PresentationStep3 PracticeStep4PresentationStep4PracticeStep5Homework1. Ask some questions about the Simons community Centre.1)Where does Simon live?2)What do you think of the community centre i

22、n his neighbourhood?3)Do you think Simon lucky to live in such a neighbourhood?Why?2.Here are some people who live in Simons neighbourhood.They have some problems.How can they get help from the community centre.1) Mr Greens computer doesnt work well.2)Lily s bicycle is broken.3)Little Tom has proble

23、ms with his homework.4)Grandma Chen is sick these days.Help Ss answer these questions from the text. 1.创设情景_What will you do if you have problems with your homework?_I will/shall .2.What do we use will or shall to talk about?We used will or shall to talk about things that will happen and plans that

24、were making now.This is an example of the simple future tense.3.If someone has problems with his or her homework,he or she will ask the teacher for help.He or she wont copy the others answersWhatll you do?Will you ask your teacher for help?Will your parents help you?(Help the Ss answer them like”Yes

25、, I will/shall.No, I will/shall not.Yes,they will.No,they will not.”)4.Read Part3 carefully and find out the rules.1.Do PartA.2.Read the conversation about Mr Lin and Simons.1.创设情景Do you think the community centre are helpful?I think they are.The community centre in my neighbourhood is going to have

26、 a“helping hands” meeting the after tomorrow.Im going to teach children English songs.My son is going to dance for the old people.2.What do we use be going to to talk about?(We use be going to to talk about something we decide to do and things that will probably happen.)3.Ask the Ss some questions.1

27、)Are you going to join the “helping hands”meeting in your neighbourhood?2)What are you going to do?3)What are your parents going to do?4.Do PartB and find out the rules.1. Do some consolidation exercises.2. Let Ss sum up the usage of Will/shall/be going toAnswer the questionsPractise asking each oth

28、erListen and speakLearn the useage of “will/shall”.Do PartA.and read the conversationListen and Learn the useage of “be going to”.Answer the questions.教学反思总 课 题Unit 2 Neighbours总课时7课 题Integrated skills第5课时教学目标知识目标To know more about different jobs能力目标Ss can get the information from the tape. 情感目标To l

29、earn to talk about your future jobs教学重点To improve the ability of listening, reading and writing教学难点To learn to talk about future jobs课前预习Preview the new words and phrases.教学过程教学环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动备课札记Step1RevisionStep2Lead-inStep3 PresentationStep4ListeningStep5Speak up Step6Conversation Step7SummaryStep8Homework:Play a game. Give the students some riddles to guess the name of t

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