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大英 课后翻译及练习问题详解.docx

1、大英 课后翻译及练习问题详解Unit1课文翻译本文是苹果计算机公司和皮克斯动画工作室的首席执行官史蒂夫乔布斯于2005年6月12日在斯坦福大学毕业典礼上的演讲稿。1 今天,我很荣幸能来到这所世界顶尖大学参加你们的毕业典礼。我大学没有毕业。说实话,现在是我最接近大学毕业的时刻。我在里德学院读了6个月就退学了,但是作为旁听生又在那里待了18个月左右,然后才真正离开学校。那么我为什么要退学呢?2 这要从我还没有出生的时候说起。我的生母是个年轻未婚的研究生,因此她决定把我送给别人收养。她觉得我必须由有大学学历的人收养。于是,她安排好了一切,只要我一出生,就把我交给一位律师和他的妻子收养。但是我出生之后

2、,他们在最后一刻决定他们还是想要一个女孩。当时我父母还在候补名单上,一天半夜他们接到一个电话,问他们:“有个新生儿,是意外怀上的,是个男孩,你们要吗?”他们回答:“当然要。”但是,我的生母随后发现我母亲大学没有毕业,我父亲甚至连高中也没毕业,因此拒绝在最后几份领养文件上签字。直到几个月后,我父母承诺将来一定让我上大学,她才同意了。这就是我生命的开始。3 17年后,我确实上了大学。但是出于无知,我选了一所几乎与斯坦福一样昂贵的学校,因此,工薪阶层的父母把所有积蓄都花在了我的学费上。6个月过去了,我看不到其中的价值所在。我不知道我的人生定位,也不知道大学将如何帮我找到答案,而我正在这里耗尽父母一生

3、的积蓄。所以我决定退学,并相信一切都会顺利。这在当时看来非常可怕,但现在回头看看,那是我做过的最棒的决定之一。从退学的那一刻起,我就不用再上那些不感兴趣的必修课,而开始去学那些看上去更有意思的课程。但一切也不全是这么美妙。我没有自己的宿舍,只有在朋友的房间里打地铺;我拣可乐瓶子,把退来的5美分押金攒起来去买吃的;而到了每个周日晚上,我都会步行7英里,穿过城镇去克利须那觉悟会的庙宇饱餐一顿。我喜欢这样。我依照好奇心和直觉做事,大多事后证明是非常值得的。让我给你们举个例子:当时里德学院开设可能在全国是最好的书法课程。园里的每一张海报、每一个抽屉的每张标签上都有漂亮的书法。4 因为我已经辍学,不用参

4、加正规的课程,所以我决定去上这门课,学习书法。我了解了衬线和无衬线字体,学会了如何在不同的字母组合间改变间距,知道了如何让大字体显得很漂亮。这种科学所无法捕捉的、美妙的、充满历史感的微妙艺术,让我心醉神迷。5 这一切在我的生活中是否实用,我不抱希望。直到10年后,当我们在设计第一台麦金托什电脑时,我想起了这些东西。于是,我们把所有这些都设计进了Mac机。这是第一类拥有漂亮字体排版的电脑。如果我没有在大学旁听那门课程,Mac就不会有多种字体以及间距分配合理的字型,很可能现在的微软PC也不会有这些字型你们要知道,Windows也只是抄袭Mac,并非独创。如果我从未退学,我就绝不会旁听那门书法课,而

5、个人电脑可能也不会有现在这样美妙的字体排版。在大学的时候,我当然不可能把这些点点滴滴都串起来展望未来。但在十年后再回首,一切都变得非常、非常清晰。6 同样,你们现在也无法预见这类琐碎的经历之间能有什么联系,只有在回首往事时才能发现。你们要相信,这些片断会在未来以某种方式连接起来。你们必须相信一些东西勇气、命运、人生、因缘等等。这个方法从未让我失望,也正是它改变了我的整个人生。Questions on the text1. What did Steve Jobs do after he dropped out of Reed College? He stayed around as a drop

6、-in for another 18 months or so before he really quit.2. What can we learn from Steve Jobs narration about his biological mother? His biological mother was a young college graduate student when she gave birth to Steve Jobs as a single woman. She put up Steve Jobs for adoption, and felt strongly that

7、 her son should be adopted by college graduates and sent to college in the future.3. What kind of people were Steve Jobsadoptive parents? His parents were a working-class couple without a college degree. His mother never graduated from college and his father never graduated from high school. However

8、, they did send their adopted son to college as they had promised, and this cost them nearly all their savings.4. Why did Steve Jobs drop out of Reed College? Because he had no idea what he wanted to do with his life and no idea how college was going to help him figure it out. Besides, the college w

9、as so expensive that all of his parents savings were being spent on his tuition. 5. What did Steve Jobs think about his decision of dropping out? Why? He thought it was one of the best decisions he had ever made as he looked back on his past. After he dropped out, he didnt have to take the required

10、classes and he had the opportunity to take classes that interested him. Much of what he learned in this way proved priceless later on.6. Why did Steve Jobs say his life as a drop-in in the college was not allromantic? Because he was living a shabby life during the 18 months: he didnt have a dorm roo

11、m, so he slept on the floor in friends rooms; he returned coke bottles for the five-cent deposits to buy food with; he would walk the 7 miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple.7. What did Steve Jobs learn in the calligraphy class? He learned about

12、serif and sanserif typefaces, about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, about what makes great typography great. 8. What do you think the graduating students can learn from Steve Jobs life experience? They might learn to trust in somethingtheir gut, destiny, life, karm

13、a, whatever. They might also learn to have the confidence to follow their heart even when off the beaten path.4B1. At first she threatened to dismiss us all, but later she relented. 2. If you cant have children of your own, why not consider adoption?3. She sensed something wrong by intuition. 4. She

14、 went to Cambridge on a scholarship but dropped out a year later. 5. I fail to see what women find so fascinating about him.6. We would be delighted as well as honored if you could come and join us.7. We must work out a plan for cutting down the expenses.8. We may have a slim hope of making a bridge

15、 between them in the next two or three weeks.9. The Smiths adopted the orphan as their own son.10. I am going to quit my job and take a long vacation.7A 1. I dropped out of Reed College after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before I really quit. 我在

16、里德学院读了6个月就退学了,但是作为旁听生又在那里待了18个月左右,然后才真正离开学校。2. My biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption. 我的生母是个年轻未婚的研究生,因此她决定把我送给别人收养。3. It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made. 这在当时看来非常可怕,但现在回头

17、看看,那是我做过的最棒的决定之一。4. And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on. 我依照好奇心和直觉做事,大多事后证明是非常值得的。5. None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life. 这一切在我的生活中是否实用,我不抱希望。7B. 1.Every time I saw the straw hat (每当我看到那顶草帽), it

18、 reminded me of the tour I had made years before. 2. This is the most wonderful time that I have ever had (我度过的最美好的时光). 3. Im honored to attend the closing ceremony of the conference (我很荣幸能参加大会闭幕式) and give you a speech. 4. Bill Clinton has helped to get the two American journalists released and he

19、seems to have a hope of making peace (有希望调解) between North Korea and the US. 5. One friend of mine has decided to quit his/her well-paid but demanding position (辞去那份工资高但要求也高的工作) recently.SummarySteve Jobs was adopted several months after birth since his biological mother was a young, unwed college g

20、raduate student. As his parents had promised, Jobs did go to college 17 years later. However, he found the college was much too expensive and he couldnt see the value of attending it, so he dropped out six months later. Then he dropped in on a calligraphy class which he found fascinating. He learned

21、 serif and sanserif typefaces and many other things, of which he found an application 10 years laterthey were all designed into the first Macintosh computer. It made all the difference in Jobs life. If he had never dropped out, he would have never dropped in on the calligraphy class, and personal co

22、mputers might not have had the wonderful typography that they do. Therefore, one has to trust in somethinghis/her gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever, and this approach will give one the confidence to follow whatever he/she trusts in.Unit 3 课文翻译1 我总是有点敬畏斯蒂菲娜罗斯姑奶。事实上,小时候我们就毫不掩饰对她的害怕。她没有与家人住在一起,不愿生活在我

23、们成长的那个舒适但却吵闹的家庭里,而是住在自己的小屋里,独自生活这使我们对她更是敬畏有加。2 她长得小巧玲珑,却让人十分尊敬。她总是一身黑衣,而深色衣服和客厅的阴暗处融为一体,使她更显娇小。虽然她动作缓慢,声音柔美,但是她一走进来,你就会感受到她身上某种活力、刚强和坚不可摧的东西。3 随着年龄的增长,我惊异地发现自己打心眼里喜欢上了冷漠的老姑奶。但是,直到现在我也说不清,是什么驱使我带着乔治去见姑奶,并告诉她我们订婚的事,而之前我从没向任何人透露过这个消息。然而,使我大为惊讶的是,她对此非常高兴。4 “英国人!”她大声说道,“好极了,好极了。”她转向乔治:“你呢,你打算在南非安家吗?不打算回英

24、国了?”5 听说乔治已经在我们农场附近买下一个农场,并打算定居南非,她似乎松了一口气。于是,她变得很有兴致,和乔治不停地聊了起来。6 从那以后,我常常悄悄地来到玉米地边的那座小屋。当姑奶听到我们决定两年后再结婚时,一度有点失望,但一听说我父母都赞同这桩婚事,她好像就放心了。7 然而,她还是常常对我们的恋爱表现出担忧,常常问一些奇怪的问题,似乎担心我们的恋爱会被什么毁掉。但我没有料到的是,我一提起乔治想在我们结婚前回趟英国,然后很快就回来,姑奶竟然会如此冲动。“他绝不能这样做。”她喊道,“艾娜,你不能让他走,答应我你一定会阻止他。”说着,她浑身颤抖,我尽力安慰她,但姑奶脸色苍白,疲惫憔悴,于是,

25、我不得不说服她回房休息一下,并保证第二天会再来看她。8 我第二天去的时候,发现她坐在门廊上,看上去那么孤独,那么无助。因此,我平生第一次感到纳闷,为什么竟然没有人愿意娶她,并照顾她,一直爱她。9 她欲言又止,仿佛不知从何说起。10 然后,她似乎理清了自己的思绪。“你肯定在纳闷,”她说,“为什么我一想到乔治要离开你回英国会如此不安。我是个老太婆,或许有一些傻乎乎的老想法,但等你听完我的爱情故事之后,你再想想结婚前让你的未婚夫只身离开是否明智。”11 “我第一次遇见理查德威斯顿时,还是个年轻姑娘。他是个英国人,当时在和我们邻近的凡伦斯堡家的农庄上寄宿,离我们有四、五英里的路。”12 “我们一见钟情

26、,然而直到我18岁生日那天晚上,我们才相互袒露心声。当时,所有的朋友和亲戚都来参加我的生日聚会。那天晚上,我们在谷仓里铺上宽大的旧地毯,在上面翩翩起舞。理查德和凡伦斯堡家的人一起来了。我和理查德壮起胆子尽量多次共舞,但其实也没有多少次,因为我父亲讨厌外国佬。”13 “那是我一生中最快乐的生日,因为在跳舞间歇,理查德把我带到户外,在清凉的月色下,在点点繁星下,他告诉我他爱我,请求我嫁给他。我当然同意了。我太高兴了,根本没去想我父母会怎么说或别的什么。直到有一天,理查德没有按约来到他安排的约会地点。14 “因此,当父亲问我是否愿意和他一起驾车去德里方丹时,我高兴极了。但是,在我们来到农庄,坐在屋前

27、门廊上喝咖啡时,却听说理查德已经突然离开,回英国去了。因为他父亲去世了,而他是继承人,必须回去管理遗产。15 “后来的事情我已经记不清了,只知道太阳似乎已经失去了光辉,田野不再美丽、了无生机,如严冬般凄凉、大旱般荒芜。那天下午晚些时候,扬蒂霍顿托特的牧童走到我面前,并交给我一封信,说是位英国绅士留给我的。这是我收到过的唯一一封情书,它将我的忧伤和悲痛转化为一种平静,而这种平静是我当时所能感受到的最接近幸福的心绪了。我知道理查德仍然爱着我,而且在某种意义上,只要我拿着这封信,我就觉得我们永远不会真正分开,哪怕他在英国,而我不得不留在农场。至今我还保存着这封信,尽管我已年迈体衰,但它仍会给我希望和

28、勇气。”16 “斯蒂菲娜姑奶,那封信一定写得很美吧!”我说道。17 老太太仿佛从久远的爱之梦幻中回到了现实。“也许吧,”她说,犹豫了片刻,“也许吧,亲爱的,你想看看那封信吗?”18 “是的,斯蒂菲娜姑奶。”我轻声说道。19 她倏地站起来,像个小姑娘那样急切、轻快地跑进了屋子。出来时,她递给我一封信,由于年代久远,那封信已经褪色发黄,信封的边缘已经磨损破烂,仿佛被摩挲过好多次。可当我要打开它时,才发现这封信根本未被拆启过。20 “打开吧,打开吧。”斯蒂菲娜姑奶说道,她的声音在颤抖。21 我揭开封印,读了起来。22 这不是一封真正意义上的情书,而是好几页内容详尽的指示,上面写着“我最心爱的菲娜”应

29、如何避开她父亲的监视,并在晚上悄悄溜到浅滩,扬蒂会在那里准备好一匹马等她,她可以骑着这匹马去史密斯多普,到了那里再去找“我忠实的朋友亨利威尔逊”,他会给她一笔钱并且安排她追随她的恋人去开普敦,从那里再去英国。“到了英国,亲爱的,我们就可以马上结婚了。但是,亲爱的,如果你不能确定是否能在一个陌生的地方和我共同生活,那就不要迈出这关键的一步。因为我太爱你了,不希望你有一丁点的不快乐。如果你没来,而我也没收到你的消息,我就会知道远离你深爱的亲人和家乡,你会永远不快乐。但如果你觉得你能信守对我的承诺,只是过于胆怯和谨守规矩而不敢独自前往英国,就写信给我,我将设法回来迎接我的新娘。”23 我没有再读下去

30、。24 “可是菲娜姑奶!”我语无伦次地说道,“为什么为什么?”25 老太太盯着我,脸色通红,眼睛发亮,充满着期待,浑身因急切的渴盼而发抖。“大声念,亲爱的。”她说,“每一个字我都想听。当时没有我可以信赖的人我年轻时,人们不喜欢外国佬我找不到人给我念。”26 “但是,姑奶,难道您一直不知道他写了些什么吗?”27 老太太垂下了眼睛,像个无心做错事的孩子,显出一副局促不安、无地自容的样子。28 “不知道,亲爱的。”她嗫嚅道,“你知道,我是不识字的。”Questions on the text1. What was the narrators impression of her great-aunt?

31、She was a tiny little woman to inspire so much veneration, and was always dressed in black and lived alone. There was something vital and strong and somehow indestructible in her.2. What was her great-aunts attitude toward narrators engagement to George?She was delighted with the narrators engagemen

32、t to George, especially after she heard that George intended to settle in South Africa.3. How did her great-aunt react when she heard that George intended to pay a lightning visit to England before getting married?Immediately she burst out in anxiety and asked the narrator to prevent George from going to England.4. Why did her great-aunt tell the narrator her own love story?She told the narrator her own love story in order to make the latter understand her

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