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1、上海交通大学口腔医学院教案 1上海交通大学口腔医学院教案 课程名称 口腔专业英语 第 1 次课 2009年10月16日 教师姓名 Sherry 职称 副教授 教研室 专业英语 教学时数 2 授课题目 Dental anatomy and histology 教学对象 06级口腔 7 年制学生 授课地点 口腔医学院教学大楼101 教学方式 理论课 Key points in this lesson,the difficulties and strategies This lesson aims to provide the dental students with the basic infor

2、mation required to ensure an understanding of the gross and developmental tooth anatomy and histology as they relate to dental practice. Key points 1. Name for individual tooth 2. Terms to describe the structure of a tooth 3. Surface and ridges of a tooth 4. Tissues of each part of a tooth Difficult

3、 points 1. Terms to describe the anatomy and histology of a tooth Strategies Interpretation of the key terms in tooth anatomy and histology by figures and illustrations. Questions 1. What are the names of the teeth in each quarter of dentition? 2. What are the surfaces and ridges of a tooth? 3. What

4、 are the soft and hard tissues consisting of a tooth? 本课的重点、难点及对策 重点 牙齿的命名,结构和组织学组成。 难点 牙齿结构的解剖和组织学术语。 对策 通过图解帮助理解课文内容。 设疑提问 1. 口腔中每个区域有哪些牙齿? 2. 每个牙齿有哪些面? 3. 牙齿的软硬组织结构分别有哪些? 本次课应用的教材、教具和参考书 Textbook: Specialized English on Stomatology (教材:口腔专业外语 英语,上海交通大学口腔医学院口腔专业外语教研组 编) Teaching aids: Multimedia a

5、nd slide projector (教具:多媒体和幻灯投影仪) Reference books: Oral Anatomy, Histology and Embryology. Mosby, 4th edition, 2009.(参考书:口腔解剖组织胚胎学 第4版,2009 ) 2 Road Map of Lecture: Dental anatomy and histology - Total 80 minutes A brief introduction to this English class (10 minutes) Dental anatomy (30 minutes) 1.

6、Name for individual tooth 2. Terms to describe the structure of a tooth. 3. Surface and ridges of a tooth Dental histology (30 minutes) Tissues of each part of a tooth Practice and self test (10 minutes) 主要教学内容及时间分配 牙体解剖和组织学 共80分钟 本课程的介绍 (10 分钟) 课文讲解:牙体解剖 (30 分钟) 1. 牙齿的命名 2. 牙齿结构的描述 3. 牙齿各个面和嵴的描述 课文

7、讲解:牙体组织学 (30 分钟) 牙体每个部分的组织学 练习和自测(10 分钟) 本次课小结要点 Terms commonly used to describe tooth structure and surrounding tissues. 描述牙齿组织结构的术语 Word list: crown: (1) the portion of a tooth above the gum line;(2) dental restoration covering all or most of the natural tooth root: tooth structure that connects t

8、he tooth to the jaw root canal: the interior space of the tooth root canal therapy (RCT): process of removing pulp of a tooth and filling it with an inert material apex: the tip of the root of a tooth enamel: hard tissue covering the portion of tooth above the gum line cementum: hard tissue that cov

9、ers the roots of teeth dentin: inner layer of tooth structure, immediately under the surface enamel pulp: the nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue inside a tooth pulp chamber: the center or innermost portion of the tooth containing the pulp maxilla: the upper jaw mandible: the lower jaw denti

10、tion: the arrangement of natural or artificial teeth in the mouth deciduous teeth/primary teeth: commonly called “baby teeth /milk teeth”, the first 3set of (usually) twenty teeth permanent teeth:(usually) thirty-two adult teeth in a complete dentition anterior teeth: the six upper or six lower fron

11、t teeth, in contrast to posterior teeth incisors: four upper and four lower front teeth, excluding the cuspids (canine teeth) bicuspid or premolar: transitional teeth behind the cuspids molars: three back teeth in each dental quadrant used for grinding food alveolar bone: the jaw bone that anchors t

12、he roots of teeth bifurcation (trifurcation): juncture of two (three) roots in posterior teeth occlusion: closure; relationship of the upper and lower teeth upon closure interproximal: surfaces of adjoining teeth 本次课复习思考题 Questions 1. Give the name (term) of each individual tooth. 2. Describe the in

13、ner structure of a tooth. 3. Describe the tooth structure at a cellular level. 问题 1. 牙齿的命名。 2. 描述牙齿的内部结构。 3. 在细胞水平描述牙齿的组成。 4 下次课预习要点 Preview Lesson 3 The etiology of malocclusion 预习要点 第3 课 错合病因: 课文及单词 5上海交通大学口腔医学院教案 课程名称 口腔专业英语 第 1 次课 2009年10月16日 教师姓名 Sherry 职称 副教授 教研室 专业英语 教学时数 2 授课题目 The etiology

14、of malocclusion 教学对象 06级口腔 7 年制学生 授课地点 口腔医学院教学大楼101 教学方式 理论课 Key points in this lesson,the difficulties and strategies This text is extracted from the latest edition of a formal textbook: “Contemporary Orthodontics” published in 1999 by William Profit of University of North Carolina. The textbook, w

15、hich is regarded as “World Orthodontic Text Book”, has been used in almost all the dental schools in U.S. and Canada. This lesson will show the students how to read a formal textbook. Key points 1. The possible factors leading to malocclusion. 2. How environmental and inherited factors relates to th

16、e etiologic process of malocclusion? Difficult points How to summarize different points of views, make a discussion and draw a conclusion. Strategies Illustrating the most commonly environmental and inherited factors to malocclusion by case presentation. Questions 1. How could inherited and environm

17、ental factors contribute to malocclusion? 2. The known etiologic factors to malocclusion. 本课的重点、难点及对策 重点 错合畸形的常见病因,环境因素和遗传因素的不同和主要临床表现 难点 怎样总结不同的观点、讨论和得出结论。 对策 通过图解和病例展示帮助理解环境因素和遗传因素对错合形成的影响。 设疑提问 1. 已知的错合畸形的病因有哪些? 2. 对错合畸形的病因,不同时期的学者各有哪些观点? 3. 现代学者是怎样理解错合病因的环境因素和遗传因素的? 6 本次课应用的教材、教具和参考书 Textbook: S

18、pecialized English on Stomatology(教材:口腔专业外语 英语,上海交通大学口腔医学院口腔专业外语教研组 编) Teaching aids: Multimedia and slide projector (教具:多媒体和幻灯投影仪) Reference books: Contemporary orthodontics. 2007, 4th edition, Mosby, St. Louis. (参考书:当代口腔正畸学,第4 版) Road Map of Lecture: The Etiologic Possibilities of Malocclusion - T

19、otal 80 minutes A brief review of last lesson (5) Text explanation, Word extension and Language point (30) 1. Key Words: contemporaries(同时代的人, 当代的); degenerate ( 退化的, 退化); heredity (遗传, 遗传性); mouth breathing ( 口呼吸); tongue thrusting ( 吐舌习惯); craniofacial (颅面的) 2. Listening to the recording and read

20、the text 3. Text explanation 4. Questions and Answers Supplementary multimedia to further clarify the known factors to malocclusion (15) Orthodontic case presentation to illustrate some common causes lead to malocclusion and the treatment modalities (15). Practice to write a discussion on a given to

21、pic (15). 主要教学内容及时间分配 错合病因 共80 分钟 上节课的复习 (5 分钟) 课文讲解 (30 分钟) 1. 术语解释 2. 听录音,朗读课文 3. 课文讲解 4. 提问和答疑 补充多媒体内容进一步解释错合的常见病因(15 分钟) 正畸病例展示错合的病因和治疗方法(15分钟) 就某一话题练习用英语写一段讨论 (15分钟) 7本次课小结要点 Summary 1. The known factors to malocclusion. 2. How people thought differently during the last century on the contribut

22、ions of inherited and environmental factors to malocclusion? 小结要点 1. 错合畸形已知的病因有哪些? 2. 对错合畸形的病因,上世纪不同时期的学者对环境因素和遗传因素的观点是什么? 本次课复习思考题 Questions 1. Illustrate some examples for both inherited and acquired factors to malocclusion. 2. What is the modern concept on the contribution of inherited and enviro

23、nmental factors to malocclusion? 问题 1. 分别举例错合畸形病因的遗传因素和环境因素。 2. 现代学者是如何看待错合病因中的遗传因素和环境因素的? 下次课预习要点 Preview Lesson 4 Orthodontics 100 years 预习要点 第4 课 正畸百年: 课文及单词 8上海交通大学口腔医学院教案 课程名称 口腔专业英语 第 2 次课 2009年10月23日 教师姓名 唐国华 职称 副教授 教研室 专业英语 教学时数 2 授课题目 Orthodontics 100 years 教学对象 06级口腔7 年制学生 授课地点 口腔医学院教学大楼10

24、1 教学方式 理论课 Key points in this lesson,the difficulties and strategies It is an essay of high inspiration, which all the doctors of orthodontic profession should read. The Orthodontics has taken its way for 100 years. To know the past, present and future of this profession, this lesson is a must. It i

25、s taken from American Journal of Orthodontics Dentofacial Orthopedics 2000;117:551-552. Key points What kind of challenges we have today in the field of orthodontics? Difficult points How to write a discussion in English. Strategies Illustrate some of the unsolved problems in orthodontics by case pr

26、esentation, and then arrange a panel discussion. Questions What do you think is the most important problem to be solved during orthodontic practice? 本课的重点、难点及对策 重点 口腔正畸学目前尚面临的问题有哪些? 难点 怎样用英语做讨论 对策 通过病例展示口腔正畸治疗面临的某些问题,然后组织小组讨论。 设疑提问 你认为哪个是正畸治疗最需要解决的问题? 本次课应用的教材、教具和参考书 Textbook: Specialized English on

27、 Stomatology(教材:口腔专业外语 英语,上海交通大学口腔医学院口腔专业外语教研组 编) Teaching aids: Multimedia and slide projector (教具:多媒体和幻灯投影仪) Reference books: Contemporary orthodontics. 2007, 4th edition, Mosby, St. Louis. (参考书:当代口腔正畸学,第4 版) 9 Road Map of Lecture: Orthodontics 100 years - Total 80 minutes A brief review of last l

28、esson (10) Text explanation, Word extension and Language point (35) 1. Listening to the recording and read the text 2. Language point: simple sentence and complex sentence 3. Text explanation 4. Questions and Answers Case presentation to illustrate some unsolved problem in orthodontic practice, and

29、then arrange a discussion (20). Practice to write simple sentences into complex sentence (15). 主要教学内容及时间分配 正畸百年 共80 分钟 上节课的复习 (10 分钟) 课文讲解 (35 分钟) 1. 听录音,朗读课文 2. 语法:简单句和复合句 3. 课文讲解 4. 提问和答疑 病例展示口腔正畸治疗面临的某些问题,然后组织小组讨论(20分钟) 练习简单句和复合句的转换 (15 分钟) 本次课小结要点 Summary The challenges we have today in the field of orthodontics. 小结要点 口腔正畸学目前面临的问题

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