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1、图解式英语佳句写作345第三章 Chapter 3Combining Independent Clauses Using the Semicolon(用分号号连接独立子句)预备知识我们在前面学过用逗号和并列连词去连接独立子句以构成复句的方法。我们需要逐步系统地了解独立子句、简单句、并列连词和复句的关系。 我们还可以用分号(;)连接独立子句以构成复句。但分号并不是逗号的替换词。所以使用分号时切记不要同时使用带逗号的并列连词,还要切记分号后的名词不要用句首的大写字母。分号前后两个独立子句之间必须是语义联系非常紧密的,否则只能各自采用句号。注意下列例句中的粗体黑字的语义联系:1)The anacon

2、da is the worlds largest snake; it can grow to thirty feet or more in length. (前后分句的相关理念都是谈论水蟒蛇的长度。)2)The nurse measured (the patients) blood pressure; she also took a blood sample. (前后分句的相关理念都是谈论护士处理血液。)3)The submarine dove to a depth (of three hundred fathoms); it hovered silently at that depth (f

3、or two hours.) (前后分句的相关理念都是谈论潜艇在水中升降的深度。)以下各句分号用法不当,前后两句风马牛不相及,应该分别改正为句号:1)The bear rummaged through the camp food supply;(.)some people believe in angels.Improper Use2)Japan consists of four large islands; (.) solar panels can generate electricity. (no relating idea)Improper Use3)Sundials are pract

4、ical and decorative; (.) snorkeling is a popular vacation pastime. (no relating idea)分号可以丰富写作形式,但切记莫要滥用。练习一 用分号合并句子下面十个句子都是描述医疗手术的。因为它们都是处理同一个主题,我们就可以用分号合并其中一些语义有紧密联系的句子。对语义相对独立的句子便单独使用句号。The surgical team prepared the operating room for the procedure.The surgeon dressed in a green surgical gown.She

5、 wore a protective cap covering her hair.Bachs Toccata and Fugue in D Minor was piped into the operating room during the operation.It helped to maintain a relaxed atmosphere during the delicate procedure.The operation was a success.The patient experienced a quick recovery.He was back at work in less

6、 than two weeks.His insurance paid for the operation.His family was happy to have him healthy again.练习二 用分号合并句子给下列各句增添一个分号和一个独立子句,从而形成一个复句。注意增添的子句必须与原句具有恰当的紧密的语义联系例如: 原有单句:The manager trained the crew each Friday添补后形成的复合句:The manager trained the crew each Friday; the training was important.1. The ba

7、kery held a sale once a week2. The passenger passed through the metal detector3. The books were arranged neatly on the shelves4. Simone waxed the china cabinet5. A strange noise came from the attic6. A flock of geese flew over the field7. Ari seemed perplexed by the math problem8. The driver applied

8、 the cars emergency brake9. Seinfeld was a popular television comedy for many years10. The bells in the town hall steeple chimed every evening练习三 用分号造出复句下面有十个话题,给每一个话题造出一个含有分号的复句。A favorite pet A thoughtful giftAn exciting event An enjoyable hobby/pastimeA memorable person A disturbing dreamA meanin

9、gful place A rewarding jobA fantastic meal A fantastic vacation/trip1.练习四 用分号重新编写复句利用分号将下面含有九句话的段落缩减为含有七句话的段落。To potential owners, any pet with the label “exotic” signals poor health and enormous veterinarian bills. However, a cockatiel is a good choice as the family pet. Cockatie

10、ls, while exotic looking, are rather hearty and can live fifteen years or more. Most cockatiels are gray with white patches on their wings. They also have colorful crests that point straight toward the sky. A Pearl Lutino is a more exotic looking cockatiel. Its feathers are mostly yellow and white,

11、with gray stripes running down long, elegant tail feathers. Big, perfectly round tufts that look like fuzzy peaches grow over the cockatiels ears. Cockatiels are fairly small, usually measuring only twelve to fourteen inches and weighing only two to four ounces.练习五 用分号重新编写复句利用分号将下面含有十句话的段落缩减为含有八句话的段

12、落。In general, cockatiels are friendly and sociable. They love to ride around on the shoulder of their owners, as if they were being chauffeured. An occasional nip on the ear is their way of showing the chauffeur appreciation for the ride. Cockatiels like to be included in all family gatherings. The

13、most loving and affectionate cockatiels are those that are hand fed as chicks. In addition to being affectionate, cockatiels are intelligent and amusing. They are capable of whistling tunes and learning to perform a variety of tricks. Mimicry and playful interaction are further behaviors that make t

14、hese birds fascinating. Like most birds, cockatiels love to have their heads scratched behind their long crest feathers. If a family chooses a cockatiel as its pet, the rewards will be well worth the effort to train and care for the bird.章节任务自我评估(Chapter Self-Assessment Test)在下列叙述中,用T或 F判断其内容的真实性You

15、 cannot connect simple sentences or independent clauses with a semicolon.When using a semicolon, be certain the two sentences or two independent clauses have a related idea.You can use a BOYFANS with a semicolon.The word following the semicolon is always capitalized第四章 Chapter 4Combining Independent

16、 Clauses Using the Adverbial Conjunction (用副词性关联词连接独立子句)预备知识前面已经学过利用逗号、并列连词以及分号合并独立子句和简单句成为复句。这样,我们可以多样化地有节奏感地表达相关的思维。现在我们可以学习用副词性关联词达到同样的目的。因为连词是虚词,在句中不能充当任何句子成分。而副词是实词,是可以充当句子成分的,我们便可以认定:副词性关联词在句中充当了插入语。重视对副词性关联词的运用,有助于将相关的思维在句中联系得更强劲有力。常见的副词性关联词:副词性关联词 含义 副词性关联词 含义 accordingly since, so however b

17、y contrast, in spite ofadditionally in addition incidentally by the wayalso in addition indeed in fact, undoubtedly anyway nevertheless, likewise in the same way, similarlywhateverbesides also, meanwhile the time between eventsin addition certainly inescapable, moreover in addition, more, plussure c

18、onsequently as a result of nevertheless but, despite, in spite of, still finally at the end next after, afterward, sincefurthermore in addition nonetheless however, neverthelesshence for this reason, now at present, immediatelyfrom now otherwise under other thereafter from then oncircumstancessimila

19、rly as, as if, like therefore as a result, on account ofstill as before, thus as a result, in this waynow, yet then at that time, undoubtedly certainly,next in time indeed, truly注意,有一些副词性关联词具有相似的语义,可以相互替用。但要注意在副词性关联词之前加分号,其后加逗号。例如The team practiced in the morning; furthermore, they practiced again i

20、n the evening.Aunt Louisa stopped at the bakery; meanwhile, her niece waited in the car.练习一 运用副词性关联词增添副词性插入语做关联词,能将成对的语义相关的独立子句之间的关系,表现得更紧密。但标点符号要正确。每一组副词插入语只能使用一次。例如: Sheila hit the ball; however, she was thrown out at first base.1. The CAT scan discovered a tumor it turned out to be benign.2. Wres

21、tling at the high school or college level is physically demanding staying in shape is a necessity.3. Jackie did not like writing essays she worked hard and received an “A” in the class.4. The dentist warned my children to floss after every meal cavities and gum disease would surely develop over the

22、next few years.5. The vacationers didnt like the tour guides itinerary they rented a car, bought a guide book, and went their own way.6. The crew chief made out the weekly shift schedule she hired three evening workers.7. The assistant unloaded the cases of soda his boss settled the account with the

23、 cafs owner.练习二 用副词性关联词造出复句增添副词性插入语做关联词,能将下列成对的语义相关的独立子句之间的关系,表现得更紧密。但标点符号要正确。每一组副词插入语只能使用一次。例如: The painter chose yellow; however, the homeowner wanted beige.1. One detective was questioning witnesses her partner called the coroner.2. The mountain trail was curving the hikers decided to proceed.3.

24、The NASCAR circuit is popular in the South sales of souvenirs there is very strong.4. The actress won a Golden Globe Award she won an Oscar.5. The moose charged the campers the bear went after the food.6. The concert lasted over five hours because of encores the band left the stage for food.7. The n

25、ewlyweds could not decide on where to go for a honeymoon they bought a living room set instead.练习三 运用副词性关联词仔细阅读下列五个独立子句。在其后的空格处,利用副词性关联词增补恰当的相关的第二个独立子句。但要注意前后句意关系密切,全句的标点符号使用正确,而且每一个副词插入语只能使用一次。例如: The falling leaves covered the ground. The falling leaves covered the ground.; consequently, the golfe

26、rs had a difficult time . 1. The volunteer dug the irrigation ditch for the village2. A puppy is cute and cuddly3. Speedboats are fast and exciting4. My boyfriend does not enjoy the ballet5. Purchasing a computer is important练习四 用副词性关联词造出复句仔细阅读下列五个独立子句。在其后的空格处,利用副词性关联词增补恰当的相关的第二个独立子句。但要注意前后句意关系密切,全句

27、的标点符号使用正确,而且每一个副词插入语只能使用一次。例如: The cherry blossoms fell to the ground .The cherry blossoms fell to the ground; certainly, their beauty was going to fade quickly.1. The cat chased the ball of yarn2. The astronaut floated into the bay of the shuttle3. The harvest moon rose over the field4. Some buildi

28、ngs are taller than fire engine ladders can reach5. Teaching your children to read is essential练习五 用副词性关联词造句子造出五个句子,每句含有相关的两个独立子句。各自使用不同的副词性关联词。每一个副词插入语不宜使用两次。练习六 整理用副词性关联词合并的句子利用副词性关联词将下列段落中的12个句子缩短为只含9个句子。每个复句在连词前要使用分号,其后使用逗号。要选择最能体现前后子句紧密关系的副词性关联词。During my high school career, I made a

29、point of becoming involved. I was in many different activities, from volunteer clubs to sports. I believe that this really helped me. I made friends with classmates whom I might never have gotten to know if it werent for the volleyball team or Kiwanis club. I learned to work with others. I also am v

30、ery proud of what I achieved through my activities. I learned valuable life lessons, such as forming friendships, the importance of teamwork, and pride in a job well done. Many students go into high school as shy, timid mice. They graduate as big, roaring bears. Participating in extracurricular activities helps this process take place. It gives students self-confidence which, in turn, helps them throughout their entire lives. The activities students participate in, and the knowledge they acquire, will stay with them forever._

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