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1、八年级英语教学设计G8M9U2 教学设计西华初中 谷箐一 学习目标 1. 语法:能够运用不定式作主语、定语、状语以及不定式的否定形式。2. 词汇:research southwest mainly live on reason less and less situation symbol turtle cause feed 3. 技能:能够读懂有关濒危动物现状的文章,明白文章的主旨大意;强化理解文章段落大意和文章结构的技能。能够模仿课文的写作形式,简单叙述濒危动物的情况。二 情感态度:增强保护环境和进行环保宣传的责任感。三 学习策略:学会将谈论的话题继续下去,进行较深入的谈论。四 重难点:动词

2、不定式的运用。五 教学内容分析:本单元向学生介绍一些濒危动物的现状,特别是大熊猫的现状及保护措施.这是一个既有意义,又能引起学生兴趣的话题,是对学生进行环保教育的良好素材.从语言角度来说,学生可以通过听、说、读、写的材料,学习谈论动物及动物保护的表达方式。本模块的语法内容主要是动词不定式作主语、定语、状语及不定式的否定形式。在教学中,教师可以将重点放在内容上,而不是语法上。通过对濒危动物话题的探讨,培养学生正确使用动词不定式的能力。教学过程1.Warming up Teachers activity: Ask: What do you know about pandas?Students ac

3、tivity: Read the four headlines ,guess the order of the paragraphs before they read the text. Do Activity 22、In putTeachers activity :1.: Ask the ss to read the passage and get the main idea of this passage and say the reasons.2、Get the ss to read again underline the sentences with infinitive in the

4、 text by themselves , then discuss the meaning of the sentences ,the key words Of the sentences in groups .Students activity:1、Read the passage as fast as possible, get the main idea of this passage and say the reasons.2.Read again underline the sentences with infinitive in the text by themselves ,

5、then discuss the meaning of the sentences ,the key words Of the sentences in groups . Students do Activity 3.Teacher write the key words to help them .3.PracticeTeachers activity:1. Get the ss to read it again and answer the questions: Activity 4: Answer the questions 2:Get the ss to read the passag

6、es loudly,and then complete Activity Students activity:1:Read it again and answer the questions: Activity 4: Answer the questions 2.Read the text aloud and complete Activity 54.Out putTeachers activity:et the ss retell the story Students activity: Retell the story.5.Feedbacka. Exercises about infini

7、tivebFinish Activity 6c.见达标题6、Summing-up (归纳总结、解疑)师生必要的讲解和解疑7、Homework : Writing a leaflet to call people to protect the animals in danger.(do it in groups)1.Animals in danger. 2.Why are they in danger?3. What is the problem? 4.The cause of the problem5. What can we do to save the animals.当堂检测题:一根据汉

8、语提示或首字母完成单词。1. The area of bamboo is becoming smaller for many different r_.2. Pandas m_ live on bamboo.3. Its important for us to look a_ pandas in China.4. Pandas live in the f_ and mountains of South-west China.5. Our g _is working hard to save pandas .二用所给词的正确形式填空。6. The _(surprise)old man was _

9、(surprise) at the thing.7. The girls all played _(happy) in the zoo.8. The panda is one of the _(animal)I like best.9. The boy was so _(excite) that he cried out .10. There are two pandas _(live) in the zoo of our city .答案: 一、 reasons after forests government 二、surprising surprised happily animals e

10、xcited livingG8 M9 U2 单元检测一、 单项选择1.Miss Zhang told us _storyA. a interesting interesting interested interest2.-_do you like doing ?-Because they are very clever.A.What B.Why C. where D.Who3.The great Wall is a good place _in autumn visit B visit C visiting D visits 4.What _anima

11、ls do you like ?A.other B. others C. other D.other5.We should use _oral Chinese _.A.everyday ,every day B.every day everyday C.everyday everyday D.every day every day6.Your brother _ any help.A.need not B.needs not C.needs not to D.doesnt need7.Id like to see pandas_.A.the first B.first first D

12、.on first 8.Excuse me ,Could you _the station?A.tell me the way to me the way to C.tell me how to get to D.A,Band C.9.With our help the pandas in China will have enough food _.A. to eat B. eating C. eatting D. eat .10.Look!The girl are busy _English over there.A. practice speaking B. practici

13、ng speaking C. practicing speak D. practice speak.二、完形填空 Tina is six years old. One day, her mother said, “Tina, your 31 is going to come and stay with us next week.” Tinas grandma arrived by 32 , and Tina and her mother went to the airport(机场) and 33 her. Tinas grandma brought 34 some presents(礼品),

14、 and took her to the cinema.A few days later Tinas mother said, “Your grandma is going 35 home tomorrow.” Tina was 36 because she loved her grandma very much.Tina and her mother went to the 37 again. Her grandma went to the plane and Tina began to 38 . She said to her 39 , “Why does Granny live in t

15、he sky(天空) and not on the 40 like everyone else?” ( )31. A. aunt B. father C. grandma ( )32. A. car B. plane C. train ( )33A. met B. looked at C. visited ( )34A. him B. her C. us ( )35A. on B. in C. back ( )36A. happy B. sad C. good ( )37A. cinema B. airport C. zoo ( )38A. sing B. dance C. cry ( )39

16、A. brother B. mother C. sister ( )40A. sun B. sky C. ground 三、阅读理解。 One afternoon last summer , Mr White went to a fishermen to buy fish for his supper, beacause a friend of his came to have supper with him that evening. It was hot , most of the fish were not so good but the fishernan said ,Sir ,all

17、 the fish are good .Buy one ? Mr White held one fish up to his head and smelled it.Why do you smell that fish ?Do you think it was bad?Said the fisherman. No, I didnt smell it . Then what did you do with your face so close to the fish? asked the fishernan. I didnt smell the fish .I only talked to it

18、,said Mr White. Talked to it ?said the fisherman .Why?What did the fish say to you? It said it didnt know the last news,because it wasn in the river for more than a week.( ) 1.Mr White went to buy a fish_A.and give it to his friendB.and wanted to know the lasted news from it C.and gave it to his par

19、entsD.and wanted to eat it with his friend at supper time( )2.-Why did Mr White smell the fish?A.he was not sure the fish was bad or notB.he wanted to cook and eat C.he wanted to have a talk with the fish D.he wanted to cook it in the shop ( )3.What did you think of the fish?A.It was not good and no

20、t just out of the water B.It was in the river for more than one week.C.It was bad after Mr White went into the shop.D.It was a good fish and somthing was wrong with Mr Whits nose.( )4.Did Mr White really speak to the fish?A.Yes,he did B.No,he didnt C.Yes,he didnt D.No,he did.( )5.Which of the follow

21、ing is true?A.Mr White bought the fish at last B.Mr White didnt buy the fish at last C.The fisherman thought Mr White really talked to the fishD.The fisherman gave the fish to Mr White .四。任务型阅读。 Many people go to shool for education .They learn languages, history,politics,maths and so on .Others go

22、to learn a skill so that they can make a living . Shool education is very important and useful.Yet no one can learn everything from shool .A teacher cant teach his students everything .The teachers job is to show students how to learn.The teacher teach them how to read and how to think.So the studen

23、ts themselves shall learn much more outside shool.根据短文内容,填上正确的单词或句子。1.As a student ,we go to shool for _2.Jim wants to find a job ,at fitst ,hed better go to shool_3.If we want to know the development of our country, we must learn _well.4.In class,the ride of a teacher is_5.The student who _is the b

24、est student.五、用动词的适当形式填空。1、Would you like _(find) out more about animals in danger.2.The WWF works to protect all animals in _ (dangerous)3.You must practice _ (say) the English words and check that you remember the meanings.4.Its important _(build) a nature reserve .5.People must stop _(kill) the panda.六、书面表达利用本单元所学到的知识,写一份倡议书:谈谈作为中学生应该如何保护我们身边的每一种动物?答案:一BBAAA DBDAB二、CBABC BBCBC三、D A A B B 四、education to learn a skill history, to show students how to learn shall learn much more outside shool.五、 to find , danger, saying , to build, killing

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